
## 善思成语句子,58句,中英文对照

1. 沉思熟虑:To think over a matter carefully and thoroughly.

2. 细思极恐:Thinking carefully about something makes it even more terrifying.

3. 冥思苦想:To ponder deeply and intensely.

4. 绞尽脑汁:To rack one's brains.

5. 煞费苦心:To put a lot of effort and thought into something.

6. 左右逢源:To be able to cope with any situation.

7. 举一反三:To learn from one example and apply it to other situations.

8. 触类旁通:To grasp the principle of something and apply it to similar cases.

9. 融会贯通:To understand and apply different ideas and theories together.

10. 推陈出新:To discard the old and introduce the new.

11. 另辟蹊径:To find a new and different approach.

12. 独树一帜:To stand out from the crowd.

13. 标新立异:To be original and unconventional.

14. 异想天开:To have fanciful and impractical ideas.

15. 奇思妙想:To have original and ingenious ideas.

16. 心悦诚服:To be completely convinced and satisfied.

17. 茅塞顿开:To suddenly understand something clearly.

18.豁然开朗:To suddenly feel enlightened and relieved.

19. 醍醐灌顶:To have an enlightening experience.

20. 恍然大悟:To suddenly realize something.

21. 醍醐灌顶:To have an enlightening experience.

22. 灵光乍现:To have a sudden flash of inspiration.

23. 妙手偶得:To achieve something unexpectedly by chance.

24. 突发奇想:To have a sudden, unusual idea.

25. 异想天开:To have fanciful and impractical ideas.

26. 巧妙构思:To have an ingenious and clever idea.

27. 匠心独运:To have unique skills and craftsmanship.

28. 妙笔生花:To write with exceptional skill and elegance.

29. 出神入化:To reach the highest level of skill and mastery.

30. 鬼斧神工:To be incredibly skillful and intricate.

31. 独具匠心:To be uniquely creative and skillful.

32. 别出心裁:To be original and creative.

33. 巧夺天工:To be so skillfully crafted that it seems impossible for humans to create it.

34. 叹为观止:To be so impressed that one is speechless.

35. 目瞪口呆:To be speechless with astonishment.

36. 惊叹不已:To be filled with wonder and amazement.

37. 拍案叫绝:To clap one's hands in applause and admiration.

38. 叹服不已:To be completely impressed and admire something.

39. 佩服至极:To be filled with admiration and respect.

40. 心服口服:To be completely convinced and willing to accept something.

41. 刮目相看:To look at someone with new respect.

42. 另眼相看:To treat someone with special consideration.

43. 刮目相待:To treat someone with more respect than before.

44. 另眼相待:To treat someone with special consideration.

45. 另辟蹊径:To find a new and different approach.

46. 另起炉灶:To start something new and independent.

47. 别具一格:To be unique and different.

48. 独树一帜:To stand out from the crowd.

49. 标新立异:To be original and unconventional.

50. 与众不同:To be different from others.

51. 独具匠心:To be uniquely creative and skillful.

52. 独一无二:To be one of a kind.

53. 与众不同:To be different from others.

54. 别具匠心:To be uniquely creative and skillful.

55. 特立独行:To be independent and unconventional.

56. 标新立异:To be original and unconventional.

57. 独出机杼:To have original and ingenious ideas.

58. 独步天下:To be the best in the world.

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