
## 人要识趣的句子 (60句)**1. 识趣的人,懂得适可而止,不会一味索取。**

A discerning person knows when to stop, and won't always ask for more.

**2. 识趣的人,会观察别人的情绪,懂得进退。**

A discerning person observes other people's emotions and knows when to advance or retreat.

**3. 识趣的人,会换位思考,理解别人的难处。**

A discerning person puts themselves in other people's shoes and understands their difficulties.

**4. 识趣的人,不会强求别人,懂得尊重别人的选择。**

A discerning person doesn't force others and respects their choices.

**5. 识趣的人,懂得感恩,不会把别人的付出视为理所当然。**

A discerning person is grateful and doesn't take other people's contributions for granted.

**6. 识趣的人,会主动承担责任,不会把责任推卸给别人。**

A discerning person takes initiative and responsibility, not shirking their duties.

**7. 识趣的人,会为别人着想,不会只顾自己。**

A discerning person considers others and doesn't just think of themselves.

**8. 识趣的人,懂得控制自己的情绪,不会轻易发怒。**

A discerning person knows how to control their emotions and doesn't get angry easily.

**9. 识趣的人,会保持低调,不会刻意炫耀自己。**

A discerning person maintains a low profile and doesn't flaunt themselves.

**10. 识趣的人,懂得适时沉默,不会喋喋不休。**

A discerning person knows when to be silent and doesn't chatter endlessly.

**11. 识趣的人,会尊重别人的隐私,不会随意打探。**

A discerning person respects other people's privacy and doesn't pry into their affairs.

**12. 识趣的人,会保持距离,不会过于亲近。**

A discerning person keeps their distance and doesn't become overly close.

**13. 识趣的人,会适时道歉,不会固执己见。**

A discerning person apologizes when appropriate and doesn't stubbornly stick to their own opinions.

**14. 识趣的人,会懂得拒绝,不会一味答应。**

A discerning person knows how to refuse and doesn't blindly agree to everything.

**15. 识趣的人,会懂得适时离开,不会强求停留。**

A discerning person knows when to leave and doesn't insist on staying.

**16. 识趣的人,会顾及场合,不会言行失度。**

A discerning person considers the occasion and doesn't act inappropriately.

**17. 识趣的人,会保持克制,不会过分贪婪。**

A discerning person exercises restraint and isn't excessively greedy.

**18. 识趣的人,会懂得珍惜,不会轻易放弃。**

A discerning person values things and doesn't give up easily.

**19. 识趣的人,会懂得包容,不会斤斤计较。**

A discerning person is tolerant and doesn't dwell on minor details.

**20. 识趣的人,会懂得谦虚,不会自以为是。**

A discerning person is humble and doesn't think they are superior.

**21. 识趣的人,会懂得反省,不会一错再错。**

A discerning person reflects on their mistakes and doesn't repeat them.

**22. 识趣的人,会懂得学习,不会固步自封。**

A discerning person is willing to learn and doesn't become complacent.

**23. 识趣的人,会懂得感恩,不会忘恩负义。**

A discerning person is grateful and doesn't betray those who have helped them.

**24. 识趣的人,会懂得真诚,不会虚情假意。**

A discerning person is sincere and doesn't pretend.

**25. 识趣的人,会懂得宽容,不会心胸狭隘。**

A discerning person is forgiving and doesn't have a narrow mind.

**26. 识趣的人,会懂得低调,不会张扬炫耀。**

A discerning person is understated and doesn't boast or show off.

**27. 识趣的人,会懂得适时沉默,不会喋喋不休。**

A discerning person knows when to be quiet and doesn't chatter endlessly.

**28. 识趣的人,会懂得尊重,不会强加于人。**

A discerning person is respectful and doesn't impose on others.

**29. 识趣的人,会懂得理解,不会轻易指责。**

A discerning person is understanding and doesn't criticize easily.

**30. 识趣的人,会懂得换位思考,不会只顾自己。**

A discerning person puts themselves in other people's shoes and doesn't just think of themselves.

**31. 识趣的人,会懂得适时退让,不会一味争强好胜。**

A discerning person knows when to yield and doesn't always strive to win.

**32. 识趣的人,会懂得帮助别人,不会袖手旁观。**

A discerning person helps others and doesn't stand by passively.

**33. 识趣的人,会懂得珍惜时间,不会虚度光阴。**

A discerning person values time and doesn't waste it.

**34. 识趣的人,会懂得珍惜感情,不会轻易伤害别人。**

A discerning person cherishes relationships and doesn't hurt others easily.

**35. 识趣的人,会懂得自律,不会放纵自己。**

A discerning person is disciplined and doesn't indulge themselves.

**36. 识趣的人,会懂得珍惜拥有,不会贪得无厌。**

A discerning person appreciates what they have and isn't insatiable.

**37. 识趣的人,会懂得适时放手,不会强求拥有。**

A discerning person knows when to let go and doesn't force themselves to possess something.

**38. 识趣的人,会懂得宽恕,不会记仇心恨。**

A discerning person is forgiving and doesn't hold grudges.

**39. 识趣的人,会懂得谦逊,不会自命不凡。**

A discerning person is modest and doesn't think they are extraordinary.

**40. 识趣的人,会懂得聆听,不会自说自话。**

A discerning person listens attentively and doesn't just talk about themselves.

**41. 识趣的人,会懂得尊重差异,不会强求一致。**

A discerning person respects differences and doesn't force everyone to be the same.

**42. 识趣的人,会懂得珍惜机会,不会错失良机。**

A discerning person values opportunities and doesn't miss out on them.

**43. 识趣的人,会懂得反省错误,不会一错再错。**

A discerning person reflects on their mistakes and doesn't repeat them.

**44. 识趣的人,会懂得适时改变,不会固执己见。**

A discerning person is willing to change when necessary and doesn't stubbornly hold onto their opinions.

**45. 识趣的人,会懂得适时沉默,不会无端挑衅。**

A discerning person knows when to be quiet and doesn't provoke others without reason.

**46. 识趣的人,会懂得尊重规则,不会肆意妄为。**

A discerning person respects rules and doesn't act recklessly.

**47. 识趣的人,会懂得适时妥协,不会一味坚持。**

A discerning person knows when to compromise and doesn't always insist on their way.

**48. 识趣的人,会懂得照顾他人感受,不会无视别人。**

A discerning person considers other people's feelings and doesn't ignore them.

**49. 识趣的人,会懂得珍惜缘分,不会轻易放弃。**

A discerning person values connections and doesn't give up on them easily.

**50. 识趣的人,会懂得感恩生命,不会抱怨生活。**

A discerning person is grateful for life and doesn't complain about their situation.

**51. 识趣的人,会懂得宽容待人,不会斤斤计较。**

A discerning person is forgiving and doesn't dwell on minor details.

**52. 识趣的人,会懂得谦虚学习,不会自以为是。**

A discerning person is humble and eager to learn, not thinking they are superior.

**53. 识趣的人,会懂得适时表达,不会藏着掖着。**

A discerning person knows when to express themselves and doesn't hide their feelings.

**54. 识趣的人,会懂得适时拒绝,不会一味答应。**

A discerning person knows when to refuse and doesn't blindly agree to everything.

**55. 识趣的人,会懂得适时赞美,不会一味批评。**

A discerning person knows when to compliment and doesn't always criticize.

**56. 识趣的人,会懂得适时示弱,不会一味逞强。**

A discerning person knows when to appear vulnerable and doesn't always try to be strong.

**57. 识趣的人,会懂得适时沉默,不会喋喋不休。**

A discerning person knows when to be quiet and doesn't chatter endlessly.

**58. 识趣的人,会懂得适时离开,不会强求停留。**

A discerning person knows when to leave and doesn't insist on staying.

**59. 识趣的人,会懂得适时反省,不会一错再错。**

A discerning person reflects on their mistakes and doesn't repeat them.

**60. 识趣的人,会懂得适时感恩,不会忘恩负义。**

A discerning person is grateful and doesn't betray those who have helped them.

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