
## 传销搞笑文案句子 (62句)**1. 听说你最近在做传销?别闹了,我朋友圈里已经有你十个朋友了,还缺你一个?**

I heard you're doing MLM lately? Don't be ridiculous, I already have ten of your friends on my WeChat, do we really need you?

**2. 传销公司:我们这里不是传销,我们卖的是梦想!我:请问梦想能当饭吃吗?**

MLM company: We're not a pyramid scheme, we sell dreams! Me: Can I eat dreams?

**3. 听说传销公司待遇很好,有包吃包住还有旅游?请问是包吃包住然后被骗去旅游吗?**

I heard MLM companies offer great benefits, including free food, lodging, and travel? So, is it free food and lodging, and then you get tricked into going on a trip?

**4. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现财务自由!我:请问实现财务自由的方式是借钱给我吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can achieve financial freedom! Me: Do you mean achieving financial freedom by lending me money?

**5. 传销公司:我们的产品都是高科技,效果惊人!我:请问高科技产品能治百病吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all high-tech and have amazing effects! Me: Can these high-tech products cure all diseases?

**6. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能成为人生赢家!我:请问人生赢家会每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can become a winner in life! Me: Do winners in life call me every day to sell products?

**7. 传销公司:我们这里有最专业的培训,教你如何成功!我:请问成功的标准是每天拉人头吗?**

MLM company: We offer the most professional training to teach you how to succeed! Me: Is the standard of success pulling people into the system every day?

**8. 传销公司:我们的产品都是独家代理,市场前景广阔!我:请问独家代理的意思是除了我以外没人买吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all exclusive agents with vast market potential! Me: Does exclusive agency mean no one else buys it except me?

**9. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能改变命运!我:请问改变命运的方式是让我欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can change your destiny! Me: Does changing destiny mean making me go into huge debt?

**10. 传销公司:我们公司氛围很好,就像一家人!我:请问一家人会骗钱吗?**

MLM company: We have a great company atmosphere, like a family! Me: Do families scam people?

**11. 传销公司:我们的产品都是纯天然无添加,绝对安全!我:请问纯天然无添加能治病吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all natural and additive-free, absolutely safe! Me: Can natural, additive-free products cure diseases?

**12. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能赚大钱!我:请问赚大钱的方式是让别人也欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can make big money! Me: Does making big money mean making others go into huge debt?

**13. 传销公司:我们的产品都是限量版,错过就没有了!我:请问限量版是指只卖给亲朋好友吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all limited editions, once they're gone, they're gone! Me: Does limited edition mean they're only sold to friends and family?

**14. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能成为人生赢家!我:请问人生赢家会每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can become a winner in life! Me: Do winners in life call me every day to sell products?

**15. 传销公司:我们这里有最专业的培训,教你如何成功!我:请问成功的标准是每天拉人头吗?**

MLM company: We offer the most professional training to teach you how to succeed! Me: Is the standard of success pulling people into the system every day?

**16. 传销公司:我们的产品都是独家代理,市场前景广阔!我:请问独家代理的意思是除了我以外没人买吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all exclusive agents with vast market potential! Me: Does exclusive agency mean no one else buys it except me?

**17. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能改变命运!我:请问改变命运的方式是让我欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can change your destiny! Me: Does changing destiny mean making me go into huge debt?

**18. 传销公司:我们公司氛围很好,就像一家人!我:请问一家人会骗钱吗?**

MLM company: We have a great company atmosphere, like a family! Me: Do families scam people?

**19. 传销公司:我们的产品都是纯天然无添加,绝对安全!我:请问纯天然无添加能治病吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all natural and additive-free, absolutely safe! Me: Can natural, additive-free products cure diseases?

**20. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能赚大钱!我:请问赚大钱的方式是让别人也欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can make big money! Me: Does making big money mean making others go into huge debt?

**21. 传销公司:我们的产品都是限量版,错过就没有了!我:请问限量版是指只卖给亲朋好友吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all limited editions, once they're gone, they're gone! Me: Does limited edition mean they're only sold to friends and family?

**22. 传销公司:我们的产品都是全球首创,独一无二!我:请问独一无二的意思是除了我们公司以外没人卖吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all world-first, unique! Me: Does unique mean no one else sells it except our company?

**23. 传销公司:我们的产品都是经过科学验证,效果显著!我:请问科学验证是指你自己说吗?**

MLM company: Our products have been scientifically verified, with remarkable effects! Me: Does scientific verification mean you're just saying it yourself?

**24. 传销公司:我们的产品都是物超所值,性价比超高!我:请问物超所值的意思是价格虚高吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all value for money, with super high cost-effectiveness! Me: Does value for money mean the price is inflated?

**25. 传销公司:我们的产品都是来自国外,品质保证!我:请问来自国外就是品质保证吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all from abroad, quality guaranteed! Me: Does being from abroad mean quality guaranteed?

**26. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现人生梦想!我:请问人生梦想是欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can achieve your life's dreams! Me: Is your life's dream to go into huge debt?

**27. 传销公司:我们的产品都是环保无污染,绿色健康!我:请问环保无污染能治病吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all environmentally friendly and pollution-free, green and healthy! Me: Can environmentally friendly and pollution-free products cure diseases?

**28. 传销公司:我们的产品都是最新科技,效果神奇!我:请问最新科技是骗人的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all the latest technology, with magical effects! Me: Is the latest technology a scam?

**29. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能成为领导者!我:请问领导者是每天拉人头吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can become a leader! Me: Do leaders pull people into the system every day?

**30. 传销公司:我们的产品都是口碑相传,效果杠杠的!我:请问口碑相传是你们自己说的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all passed down by word of mouth, with amazing effects! Me: Is word of mouth just you guys saying it?

**31. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现财富自由!我:请问财富自由是每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can achieve financial freedom! Me: Is financial freedom calling me every day to sell products?

**32. 传销公司:我们的产品都是良心产品,绝对不会骗你!我:请问良心产品是免费的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all conscience products, absolutely won't cheat you! Me: Are conscience products free?

**33. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现自我价值!我:请问自我价值是每天给别人打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can realize your self-worth! Me: Is self-worth calling others every day to sell products?

**34. 传销公司:我们的产品都是独家配方,效果神奇!我:请问独家配方是骗人的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all exclusive formulas, with magical effects! Me: Is the exclusive formula a scam?

**35. 传销公司:我们的产品都是来自大自然的馈赠,健康安全!我:请问大自然的馈赠是免费的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all gifts from nature, healthy and safe! Me: Are gifts from nature free?

**36. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能拥有无限可能!我:请问无限可能就是每天给别人打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can have unlimited possibilities! Me: Is unlimited possibilities calling others every day to sell products?

**37. 传销公司:我们的产品都是经过国家认证,质量保证!我:请问国家认证是免费的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all nationally certified, quality guaranteed! Me: Is national certification free?

**38. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能成为人生赢家!我:请问人生赢家会每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can become a winner in life! Me: Do winners in life call me every day to sell products?

**39. 传销公司:我们的产品都是最新科技,效果显著!我:请问最新科技是骗人的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all the latest technology, with remarkable effects! Me: Is the latest technology a scam?

**40. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现财务自由!我:请问财务自由是每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can achieve financial freedom! Me: Is financial freedom calling me every day to sell products?

**41. 传销公司:我们的产品都是独家代理,市场前景广阔!我:请问独家代理的意思是除了我以外没人买吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all exclusive agents with vast market potential! Me: Does exclusive agency mean no one else buys it except me?

**42. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能改变命运!我:请问改变命运的方式是让我欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can change your destiny! Me: Does changing destiny mean making me go into huge debt?

**43. 传销公司:我们的产品都是纯天然无添加,绝对安全!我:请问纯天然无添加能治病吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all natural and additive-free, absolutely safe! Me: Can natural, additive-free products cure diseases?

**44. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能赚大钱!我:请问赚大钱的方式是让别人也欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can make big money! Me: Does making big money mean making others go into huge debt?

**45. 传销公司:我们的产品都是限量版,错过就没有了!我:请问限量版是指只卖给亲朋好友吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all limited editions, once they're gone, they're gone! Me: Does limited edition mean they're only sold to friends and family?

**46. 传销公司:我们的产品都是全球首创,独一无二!我:请问独一无二的意思是除了我们公司以外没人卖吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all world-first, unique! Me: Does unique mean no one else sells it except our company?

**47. 传销公司:我们的产品都是经过科学验证,效果显著!我:请问科学验证是指你自己说吗?**

MLM company: Our products have been scientifically verified, with remarkable effects! Me: Does scientific verification mean you're just saying it yourself?

**48. 传销公司:我们的产品都是物超所值,性价比超高!我:请问物超所值的意思是价格虚高吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all value for money, with super high cost-effectiveness! Me: Does value for money mean the price is inflated?

**49. 传销公司:我们的产品都是来自国外,品质保证!我:请问来自国外就是品质保证吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all from abroad, quality guaranteed! Me: Does being from abroad mean quality guaranteed?

**50. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现人生梦想!我:请问人生梦想是欠下巨额债务吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can achieve your life's dreams! Me: Is your life's dream to go into huge debt?

**51. 传销公司:我们的产品都是环保无污染,绿色健康!我:请问环保无污染能治病吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all environmentally friendly and pollution-free, green and healthy! Me: Can environmentally friendly and pollution-free products cure diseases?

**52. 传销公司:我们的产品都是最新科技,效果神奇!我:请问最新科技是骗人的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all the latest technology, with magical effects! Me: Is the latest technology a scam?

**53. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能成为领导者!我:请问领导者是每天拉人头吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can become a leader! Me: Do leaders pull people into the system every day?

**54. 传销公司:我们的产品都是口碑相传,效果杠杠的!我:请问口碑相传是你们自己说的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all passed down by word of mouth, with amazing effects! Me: Is word of mouth just you guys saying it?

**55. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现财富自由!我:请问财富自由是每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can achieve financial freedom! Me: Is financial freedom calling me every day to sell products?

**56. 传销公司:我们的产品都是良心产品,绝对不会骗你!我:请问良心产品是免费的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all conscience products, absolutely won't cheat you! Me: Are conscience products free?

**57. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能实现自我价值!我:请问自我价值是每天给别人打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can realize your self-worth! Me: Is self-worth calling others every day to sell products?

**58. 传销公司:我们的产品都是独家配方,效果神奇!我:请问独家配方是骗人的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all exclusive formulas, with magical effects! Me: Is the exclusive formula a scam?

**59. 传销公司:我们的产品都是来自大自然的馈赠,健康安全!我:请问大自然的馈赠是免费的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all gifts from nature, healthy and safe! Me: Are gifts from nature free?

**60. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能拥有无限可能!我:请问无限可能就是每天给别人打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can have unlimited possibilities! Me: Is unlimited possibilities calling others every day to sell products?

**61. 传销公司:我们的产品都是经过国家认证,质量保证!我:请问国家认证是免费的吗?**

MLM company: Our products are all nationally certified, quality guaranteed! Me: Is national certification free?

**62. 传销公司:加入我们,你就能成为人生赢家!我:请问人生赢家会每天给我打电话推销产品吗?**

MLM company: Join us, and you can become a winner in life! Me: Do winners in life call me every day to sell products?

以上就是关于传销搞笑文案句子62句(传销搞笑文案句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
