
## 伤在你身痛在我心 73句**中文:**1. 你的伤,我的痛,心心相印。2. 看着你受伤,我的心也跟着疼。3. 你的一丝疼痛,都让我无法忍受。4. 你的伤口,我的眼泪,无法割舍。5. 你受的伤,是我永远的痛。6. 你的一点伤,我的心就碎了一块。7. 我愿用我的全部,去换取你的安好。8. 你的疼痛,是我无法承受的重量。9. 你的幸福,是我唯一的追求。10. 你的微笑,是我最大的慰藉。11. 你的眼泪,是我最大的痛楚。12. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。13. 你的伤,我的心,永不分离。14. 你的痛,我的泪,化作爱意。15. 你的安好,是我最大的心愿。16. 你的快乐,是我唯一的追求。17. 你的幸福,是我最大的期盼。18. 你的健康,是我最深的祈愿。19. 你的平安,是我最大的心愿。20. 你的喜怒哀乐,都牵动着我的心。21. 你的一举一动,都深深印在我的脑海里。22. 你的一切,都是我的爱。23. 我愿为你承受所有的苦难。24. 你的伤痛,让我无时无刻不在牵挂。25. 我会永远守护着你,不让你再受伤害。26. 我爱你,胜过爱我自己。27. 你的伤,是我心中永远的痛。28. 你的快乐,就是我的幸福。29. 你的幸福,就是我的期盼。30. 你的平安,就是我的心愿。31. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。32. 你的痛,我的泪,无法止住。33. 你的一点伤,我的心就碎了一块。34. 我愿用我的生命,去换取你的健康。35. 你的一丝疼痛,都让我感到无比心疼。36. 你的伤,我的心,永远相连。37. 我无法想象,失去你的痛苦。38. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。39. 你的微笑,是我的动力。40. 你的健康,是我的希望。41. 你的快乐,是我的追求。42. 你的幸福,是我的目标。43. 你的安好,是我的心愿。44. 你的一切,都是我的爱。45. 你的伤,我的痛,无法言喻。46. 我会永远爱你,直到永远。47. 你的痛苦,就是我的痛苦。48. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。49. 你的快乐,是我的快乐。50. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。51. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。52. 你的安好,是我的心愿。53. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。54. 你的快乐,是我的追求。55. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。56. 你的幸福,是我的心愿。57. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。58. 你的安好,是我的心愿。59. 你的快乐,是我的追求。60. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。61. 你的幸福,是我的心愿。62. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。63. 你的安好,是我的心愿。64. 你的快乐,是我的追求。65. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。66. 你的幸福,是我的心愿。67. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。68. 你的安好,是我的心愿。69. 你的快乐,是我的追求。70. 你的一切,都是我的牵挂。71. 你的幸福,是我的心愿。72. 你的一点伤,我的心就无法平静。73. 你的安好,是我的心愿。**英文:**

1. Your hurt, my pain, connected by heart.

2. Watching you get hurt, my heart aches too.

3. Even a tiny bit of your pain is unbearable to me.

4. Your wound, my tears, inseparable.

5. The hurt you bear is my eternal pain.

6. For every little injury you have, my heart breaks a piece.

7. I would give everything I have to see you well.

8. Your pain is a weight I cannot bear.

9. Your happiness is my only pursuit.

10. Your smile is my greatest comfort.

11. Your tears are my greatest pain.

12. Everything about you is my concern.

13. Your hurt, my heart, never separated.

14. Your pain, my tears, transformed into love.

15. Your well-being is my greatest wish.

16. Your joy is my only pursuit.

17. Your happiness is my greatest hope.

18. Your health is my deepest prayer.

19. Your safety is my greatest wish.

20. Your joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness all stir my heart.

21. Every move you make is deeply etched in my mind.

22. Everything about you is my love.

23. I am willing to bear all the suffering for you.

24. Your pain makes me worry about you all the time.

25. I will always protect you, never let you get hurt again.

26. I love you more than I love myself.

27. Your hurt is an eternal pain in my heart.

28. Your happiness is my happiness.

29. Your happiness is what I hope for.

30. Your safety is my wish.

31. Everything about you is my concern.

32. Your pain, my tears, cannot be stopped.

33. For every little injury you have, my heart breaks a piece.

34. I would give my life to see you healthy.

35. Even a tiny bit of your pain makes me feel incredibly distressed.

36. Your hurt, my heart, forever connected.

37. I can't imagine the pain of losing you.

38. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

39. Your smile is my motivation.

40. Your health is my hope.

41. Your happiness is my pursuit.

42. Your happiness is my goal.

43. Your well-being is my wish.

44. Everything about you is my love.

45. Your hurt, my pain, indescribable.

46. I will always love you, forever and ever.

47. Your pain is my pain.

48. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

49. Your happiness is my happiness.

50. Everything about you is my concern.

51. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

52. Your well-being is my wish.

53. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

54. Your happiness is my pursuit.

55. Everything about you is my concern.

56. Your happiness is my wish.

57. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

58. Your well-being is my wish.

59. Your happiness is my pursuit.

60. Everything about you is my concern.

61. Your happiness is my wish.

62. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

63. Your well-being is my wish.

64. Your happiness is my pursuit.

65. Everything about you is my concern.

66. Your happiness is my wish.

67. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

68. Your well-being is my wish.

69. Your happiness is my pursuit.

70. Everything about you is my concern.

71. Your happiness is my wish.

72. Even a little bit of your injury makes my heart uneasy.

73. Your well-being is my wish.

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