
## 人生就该劳逸结合 87句**中文**1. 人生苦短,及时行乐,劳逸结合,才能活得更精彩。2. 努力工作,认真生活,劳逸结合,才能身心健康。3. 不断努力,不断休息,劳逸结合,才能走得更远。4. 工作是为了更好的生活,生活是为了更好的工作,劳逸结合,才能相辅相成。5. 压力太大,容易生病,劳逸结合,才能保持健康。6. 身体是革命的本钱,劳逸结合,才能精力充沛。7. 一味地埋头苦干,只会事倍功半,劳逸结合,才能事半功倍。8. 懂得休息,才能更好地工作,劳逸结合,才能提升效率。9. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方,劳逸结合,才能体验美好。10. 只有懂得休息,才能更好地前进,劳逸结合,才能突破自我。11. 适当的休息,可以提高工作效率,劳逸结合,才能事半功倍。12. 人生需要平衡,劳逸结合,才能活得更轻松。13. 忙碌了一天,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持最佳状态。14. 工作再重要,也要记得照顾好自己,劳逸结合,才能活出精彩。15. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有健康的身体和快乐的心情。16. 生活中要有张有弛,劳逸结合,才能保持积极向上。17. 压力太大,容易产生负面情绪,劳逸结合,才能保持乐观心态。18. 劳逸结合,才能更好地应对各种挑战。19. 适当的休息,可以减轻压力,劳逸结合,才能保持身心健康。20. 生活需要仪式感,劳逸结合,才能让生活更美好。21. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能取得更大的成功。22. 只有在劳逸结合中,才能找到人生的真谛。23. 人生不能只顾着工作,也要懂得享受生活,劳逸结合,才能活出真我。24. 劳逸结合,才能更好地体会人生的乐趣。25. 工作再忙碌,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持良好的精神状态。26. 劳逸结合,才能更好地发挥自己的潜力。27. 只有懂得休息,才能更好地发挥自己的能力,劳逸结合,才能取得更大的成就。28. 忙碌的生活,需要适时的休息,劳逸结合,才能保持活力。29. 适当的休息,可以提高工作效率,劳逸结合,才能事半功倍。30. 工作和生活,需要保持平衡,劳逸结合,才能拥有幸福的人生。31. 生活需要张弛有度,劳逸结合,才能更加精彩。32. 劳逸结合,才能更好地平衡工作和生活。33. 工作再重要,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持健康的身体。34. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有充实的人生。35. 适当的休息,可以帮助我们更好地思考,劳逸结合,才能取得更大的进步。36. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受人生。37. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有快乐的心情。38. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有美好的未来。39. 生活需要目标,更需要休息,劳逸结合,才能活得更精彩。40. 只有劳逸结合,才能更好地实现自己的梦想。41. 劳逸结合,才能更好地应对各种压力。42. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有健康的身体和快乐的心情。43. 适当的休息,可以提高工作效率,劳逸结合,才能取得更大的成就。44. 劳逸结合,才能更好地平衡工作和生活。45. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的人生。46. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更充实的人生。47. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受生活的乐趣。48. 工作再重要,也要记得照顾好自己,劳逸结合,才能活得更健康。49. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更健康的身体。50. 劳逸结合,才能更好地平衡工作和家庭。51. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更幸福的人生。52. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的人生。53. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受人生的意义。54. 工作再忙碌,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持良好的精神状态。55. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更快乐的心情。56. 劳逸结合,才能更好地应对各种挑战。57. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更充实的生活。58. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的未来。59. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受生活的乐趣。60. 工作再重要,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持健康的身体。61. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更快乐的人生。62. 劳逸结合,才能更好地平衡工作和生活。63. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更幸福的人生。64. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的人生。65. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受人生的意义。66. 工作再忙碌,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持良好的精神状态。67. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更快乐的心情。68. 劳逸结合,才能更好地应对各种挑战。69. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更充实的生活。70. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的未来。71. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受生活的乐趣。72. 工作再重要,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持健康的身体。73. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更快乐的人生。74. 劳逸结合,才能更好地平衡工作和生活。75. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更幸福的人生。76. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的人生。77. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受人生的意义。78. 工作再忙碌,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持良好的精神状态。79. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更快乐的心情。80. 劳逸结合,才能更好地应对各种挑战。81. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更充实的生活。82. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更美好的未来。83. 劳逸结合,才能更好地享受生活的乐趣。84. 工作再重要,也要记得休息,劳逸结合,才能保持健康的身体。85. 只有劳逸结合,才能拥有更快乐的人生。86. 劳逸结合,才能更好地平衡工作和生活。87. 不断努力,不断放松,劳逸结合,才能拥有更幸福的人生。**英文**

1. Life is short, enjoy it while you can. Work-life balance is the key to a more fulfilling life.

2. Work hard, live well, and find a balance to stay healthy in mind and body.

3. Keep striving, keep resting, and find a balance to go further.

4. Work is for a better life, life is for better work. Work-life balance is essential for them to complement each other.

5. Too much pressure can lead to illness, find a balance to stay healthy.

6. A healthy body is the foundation of revolution, find a balance to stay energetic.

7. Blindly working hard will only get half the results, find a balance to get twice the results with half the effort.

8. Knowing how to rest can lead to better work. Find a balance to increase efficiency.

9. Life is not just about the mundane, there are poems and faraway places. Find a balance to experience the beauty of life.

10. Only by knowing how to rest can you progress better. Find a balance to break through yourself.

11. Proper rest can increase work efficiency. Find a balance to get twice the results with half the effort.

12. Life needs balance, find a balance to live a more relaxed life.

13. Remember to rest after a busy day, find a balance to stay in top condition.

14. No matter how important work is, remember to take care of yourself. Find a balance to live a fulfilling life.

15. Only with work-life balance can you have a healthy body and a happy mood.

16. Life needs to be flexible, find a balance to stay positive.

17. Too much pressure can lead to negative emotions. Find a balance to maintain an optimistic attitude.

18. Work-life balance can better deal with various challenges.

19. Proper rest can reduce stress. Find a balance to maintain both physical and mental health.

20. Life needs a sense of ritual, find a balance to make life more beautiful.

21. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to achieve greater success.

22. Only in work-life balance can you find the true meaning of life.

23. Life cannot just be about work, you need to know how to enjoy life. Find a balance to live your true self.

24. Work-life balance can better experience the fun of life.

25. No matter how busy work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to maintain a good mental state.

26. Work-life balance can better unleash your potential.

27. Only by knowing how to rest can you better exert your abilities. Find a balance to achieve greater achievements.

28. Busy life needs timely rest. Find a balance to stay energetic.

29. Proper rest can increase work efficiency. Find a balance to get twice the results with half the effort.

30. Work and life need to be balanced. Find a balance to have a happy life.

31. Life needs to be flexible. Find a balance to make it more exciting.

32. Work-life balance can better balance work and life.

33. No matter how important work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to stay healthy.

34. Only with work-life balance can you have a fulfilling life.

35. Proper rest can help us think better. Find a balance to make greater progress.

36. Work-life balance can better enjoy life.

37. Only with work-life balance can you have a happy mood.

38. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a bright future.

39. Life needs goals, but also needs rest. Find a balance to live a more fulfilling life.

40. Only with work-life balance can you better realize your dreams.

41. Work-life balance can better deal with various pressures.

42. Only with work-life balance can you have a healthy body and a happy mood.

43. Proper rest can increase work efficiency. Find a balance to achieve greater achievements.

44. Work-life balance can better balance work and life.

45. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a better life.

46. Only with work-life balance can you have a more fulfilling life.

47. Work-life balance can better enjoy the fun of life.

48. No matter how important work is, remember to take care of yourself. Find a balance to live a healthier life.

49. Only with work-life balance can you have a healthier body.

50. Work-life balance can better balance work and family.

51. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a happier life.

52. Only with work-life balance can you have a better life.

53. Work-life balance can better enjoy the meaning of life.

54. No matter how busy work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to maintain a good mental state.

55. Only with work-life balance can you have a happier mood.

56. Work-life balance can better deal with various challenges.

57. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a more fulfilling life.

58. Only with work-life balance can you have a brighter future.

59. Work-life balance can better enjoy the fun of life.

60. No matter how important work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to stay healthy.

61. Only with work-life balance can you have a happier life.

62. Work-life balance can better balance work and life.

63. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a happier life.

64. Only with work-life balance can you have a better life.

65. Work-life balance can better enjoy the meaning of life.

66. No matter how busy work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to maintain a good mental state.

67. Only with work-life balance can you have a happier mood.

68. Work-life balance can better deal with various challenges.

69. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a more fulfilling life.

70. Only with work-life balance can you have a brighter future.

71. Work-life balance can better enjoy the fun of life.

72. No matter how important work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to stay healthy.

73. Only with work-life balance can you have a happier life.

74. Work-life balance can better balance work and life.

75. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a happier life.

76. Only with work-life balance can you have a better life.

77. Work-life balance can better enjoy the meaning of life.

78. No matter how busy work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to maintain a good mental state.

79. Only with work-life balance can you have a happier mood.

80. Work-life balance can better deal with various challenges.

81. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a more fulfilling life.

82. Only with work-life balance can you have a brighter future.

83. Work-life balance can better enjoy the fun of life.

84. No matter how important work is, remember to rest. Find a balance to stay healthy.

85. Only with work-life balance can you have a happier life.

86. Work-life balance can better balance work and life.

87. Keep striving, keep relaxing, find a balance to have a happier life.

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