
## 伤心情话大全短句子 (85句)

1. 你走了,留下我一个人,回忆着曾经的美好,却只剩下满心的伤痛。

2. 爱情就像一场梦,醒来后,只剩下一片空虚。

3. 我以为我会一直陪着你,可你却选择了离开。

4. 我以为你爱我,原来只是我的一厢情愿。

5. 你是我生命中最美的风景,却也是最痛的回忆。

6. 我爱你,胜过爱我自己,却换不来你的真心。

7. 你离开的那一刻,我的世界仿佛坍塌了。

8. 你的笑容,是我曾经最美的向往,如今却成了我的伤。

9. 我努力的想要忘记你,却发现,你早已刻在我的心上。

10. 我以为我们能走到最后,却原来只是我的一厢情愿。

11. 我宁愿你从没出现过,也不愿承受如此刻骨铭心的痛。

12. 我以为我们会一直走下去,却原来你只是路过我的生命。

13. 爱情就像一场赌博,我输了,输得彻底。

14. 我以为我们之间的爱情坚不可摧,却原来只是一场虚幻。

15. 我爱你,却不能拥有你,这是我最大的悲哀。

16. 我以为你懂我的心,却原来你一直都漠不关心。

17. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,却原来你只是我的过客。

18. 你走了,带走了我的快乐,留下了无尽的悲伤。

19. 我宁愿一个人孤独终老,也不愿再爱上别人。

20. 你是我的梦,却也是我的痛。

21. 你离开后,我才知道,我有多爱你。

22. 我以为我们能像童话故事一样,却原来现实总是残酷的。

23. 我以为我可以忘掉你,却发现,你已成为我生命的全部。

24. 你是我生命中的唯一,却也是我的致命伤。

25. 我以为我们可以携手一生,却原来你只是过客。

26. 我以为我们可以永远幸福,却原来只是我的幻想。

27. 我爱你,却只能默默地守护着你。

28. 你走了,带走了我的爱,留下了我一个人独自悲伤。

29. 我以为你会永远在我身边,却原来你只是过客。

30. 你是我生命中的阳光,却也是我生命中的毒药。

31. 我以为你懂我,却原来你一直在误解我。

32. 我以为我们可以一起走过漫漫人生,却原来你只是我的过客。

33. 我以为我们可以永远幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个插曲。

34. 我爱你,却只能眼睁睁地看着你离开。

35. 你走了,带走了我的心,留下了我一个人空虚寂寞。

36. 我以为我可以忘记你,却发现,你已成为我的习惯。

37. 你是我生命中的唯一,却也是我生命中的遗憾。

38. 我以为我可以拥有你,却原来你只是我的幻想。

39. 我爱你,却不能在一起,这是我最大的痛。

40. 你走了,带走了我的所有,留下了我一个人孤独无助。

41. 我以为我会一直幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的过客。

42. 你是我生命中的阳光,却也是我生命中的阴影。

43. 我以为我可以永远拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

44. 我爱你,却只能默默地承受着这份爱。

45. 你走了,带走了我的快乐,留下了我一个人独自悲伤。

46. 我以为我会永远幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

47. 你是我生命中的唯一,却也是我生命中的遗憾。

48. 我以为我可以拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

49. 我爱你,却不能在一起,这是我最大的痛。

50. 你走了,带走了我的所有,留下了我一个人孤独无助。

51. 我以为我会一直幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

52. 你是我生命中的阳光,却也是我生命中的阴影。

53. 我以为我可以永远拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

54. 我爱你,却只能默默地承受着这份爱。

55. 你走了,带走了我的快乐,留下了我一个人独自悲伤。

56. 我以为我会永远幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

57. 你是我生命中的唯一,却也是我生命中的遗憾。

58. 我以为我可以拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

59. 我爱你,却不能在一起,这是我最大的痛。

60. 你走了,带走了我的所有,留下了我一个人孤独无助。

61. 我以为我会一直幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

62. 你是我生命中的阳光,却也是我生命中的阴影。

63. 我以为我可以永远拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

64. 我爱你,却只能默默地承受着这份爱。

65. 你走了,带走了我的快乐,留下了我一个人独自悲伤。

66. 我以为我会永远幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

67. 你是我生命中的唯一,却也是我生命中的遗憾。

68. 我以为我可以拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

69. 我爱你,却不能在一起,这是我最大的痛。

70. 你走了,带走了我的所有,留下了我一个人孤独无助。

71. 我以为我会一直幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

72. 你是我生命中的阳光,却也是我生命中的阴影。

73. 我以为我可以永远拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

74. 我爱你,却只能默默地承受着这份爱。

75. 你走了,带走了我的快乐,留下了我一个人独自悲伤。

76. 我以为我会永远幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

77. 你是我生命中的唯一,却也是我生命中的遗憾。

78. 我以为我可以拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

79. 我爱你,却不能在一起,这是我最大的痛。

80. 你走了,带走了我的所有,留下了我一个人孤独无助。

81. 我以为我会一直幸福,却原来你只是我生命中的一个过客。

82. 你是我生命中的阳光,却也是我生命中的阴影。

83. 我以为我可以永远拥有你,却原来你只是我生命中的一个梦。

84. 我爱你,却只能默默地承受着这份爱。

85. 你走了,带走了我的快乐,留下了我一个人独自悲伤。

## 英文翻译

1. You left, leaving me alone, reminiscing about our happy past, but only with heartache.

2. Love is like a dream, when you wake up, there is only emptiness left.

3. I thought I would be with you forever, but you chose to leave.

4. I thought you loved me, but it was just my wishful thinking.

5. You were the most beautiful scenery in my life, but also the most painful memory.

6. I love you more than myself, but I can't get your true heart.

7. The moment you left, my world seemed to collapse.

8. Your smile was once my greatest desire, but now it's my wound.

9. I try to forget you, but I find that you are already engraved in my heart.

10. I thought we could go to the end, but it turns out it was just my wishful thinking.

11. I would rather you never appeared than to endure such a heart-wrenching pain.

12. I thought we would walk together forever, but you were just passing through my life.

13. Love is like a gamble, I lost, I lost completely.

14. I thought the love between us was unbreakable, but it turned out to be an illusion.

15. I love you, but I can't have you, this is my greatest sorrow.

16. I thought you understood my heart, but you have always been indifferent.

17. I thought we could stay together forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

18. You left, you took away my happiness, leaving me with endless sadness.

19. I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than fall in love with someone else.

20. You are my dream, but also my pain.

21. After you left, I realized how much I loved you.

22. I thought we could be like a fairy tale, but reality is always cruel.

23. I thought I could forget you, but I found that you have become my whole life.

24. You are the only one in my life, but also my fatal wound.

25. I thought we could be together for a lifetime, but you were just a passerby.

26. I thought we could be happy forever, but it turns out it was just my fantasy.

27. I love you, but I can only silently protect you.

28. You left, you took away my love, leaving me alone and sad.

29. I thought you would always be by my side, but you were just a passerby.

30. You are the sunshine in my life, but also the poison in my life.

31. I thought you understood me, but you have been misunderstanding me all along.

32. I thought we could walk through life together, but you were just a passerby in my life.

33. I thought we could be happy forever, but you were just an episode in my life.

34. I love you, but I can only watch you leave.

35. You left, you took away my heart, leaving me empty and lonely.

36. I thought I could forget you, but I found that you have become my habit.

37. You are the only one in my life, but also my regret.

38. I thought I could have you, but you were just my fantasy.

39. I love you, but we can't be together, this is my greatest pain.

40. You left, you took away everything I had, leaving me alone and helpless.

41. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

42. You are the sunshine in my life, but also the shadow in my life.

43. I thought I could have you forever, but you were just a dream in my life.

44. I love you, but I can only silently bear this love.

45. You left, you took away my happiness, leaving me alone and sad.

46. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

47. You are the only one in my life, but also my regret.

48. I thought I could have you, but you were just a dream in my life.

49. I love you, but we can't be together, this is my greatest pain.

50. You left, you took away everything I had, leaving me alone and helpless.

51. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

52. You are the sunshine in my life, but also the shadow in my life.

53. I thought I could have you forever, but you were just a dream in my life.

54. I love you, but I can only silently bear this love.

55. You left, you took away my happiness, leaving me alone and sad.

56. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

57. You are the only one in my life, but also my regret.

58. I thought I could have you, but you were just a dream in my life.

59. I love you, but we can't be together, this is my greatest pain.

60. You left, you took away everything I had, leaving me alone and helpless.

61. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

62. You are the sunshine in my life, but also the shadow in my life.

63. I thought I could have you forever, but you were just a dream in my life.

64. I love you, but I can only silently bear this love.

65. You left, you took away my happiness, leaving me alone and sad.

66. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

67. You are the only one in my life, but also my regret.

68. I thought I could have you, but you were just a dream in my life.

69. I love you, but we can't be together, this is my greatest pain.

70. You left, you took away everything I had, leaving me alone and helpless.

71. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

72. You are the sunshine in my life, but also the shadow in my life.

73. I thought I could have you forever, but you were just a dream in my life.

74. I love you, but I can only silently bear this love.

75. You left, you took away my happiness, leaving me alone and sad.

76. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

77. You are the only one in my life, but also my regret.

78. I thought I could have you, but you were just a dream in my life.

79. I love you, but we can't be together, this is my greatest pain.

80. You left, you took away everything I had, leaving me alone and helpless.

81. I thought I would be happy forever, but you were just a passerby in my life.

82. You are the sunshine in my life, but also the shadow in my life.

83. I thought I could have you forever, but you were just a dream in my life.

84. I love you, but I can only silently bear this love.

85. You left, you took away my happiness, leaving me alone and sad.

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