
## 人红是非多 对应的句子(74句)

1. 树大招风,人红是非多。

2. 枪打出头鸟,人红是非多。

3. 名人是非多,红人烦恼多。

4. 红得发紫,是非随之。

5. 人怕出名猪怕壮,名声越大烦恼越多。

6. 站得越高,摔得越疼,红得越快,黑得越快。

7. 爬得越高,风越大,红得越快,议论越多。

8. 人怕出名,树怕成荫,红人难免被议论。

9. 站在聚光灯下,就难免被放大镜审视,红人难免被放大镜审视。

10. 越是耀眼,越是招人嫉妒,越是成功,越是被人挑刺。

11. 人红是非多,就像蜜罐里长苍蝇。

12. 红得越快,过气越快,是非也越多。

13. 红了,就有声音,但声音不一定都是赞美。

14. 人红是非多,就像阳光下总有阴影。

15. 越是出名,越是受关注,越是受关注,越是容易被误解。

16. 人红是非多,红人难免被人放大。

17. 人红是非多,但不要被是非所困扰。

18. 人红是非多,但不要因此而放弃追求。

19. 人红是非多,但不要因此而失去初心。

20. 人红是非多,但要学会辨别是非。

21. 人红是非多,但要保持一颗平常心。

22. 人红是非多,但要坚守自己的信念。

23. 人红是非多,但要懂得包容与理解。

24. 人红是非多,但要学会自我调节。

25. 人红是非多,但要保持积极乐观的态度。

26. 站在聚光灯下,就难免被议论,站在风口浪尖,就难免被指责。

27. 人红是非多,但要学会淡然处之。

28. 人红是非多,但要学会从是非中学习。

29. 人红是非多,但要学会用行动来证明自己。

30. 人红是非多,但要记住,成功者往往是被误解最多的人。

31. 人红是非多,但不要让是非影响你的生活。

32. 人红是非多,但不要让是非左右你的情绪。

33. 人红是非多,但要学会用智慧来应对。

34. 人红是非多,但要相信时间会证明一切。

35. 人红是非多,但要明白,是非只是过眼云烟。

36. 人红是非多,但要坚信,真理越辩越明。

37. 人红是非多,但要记住,沉默是金。

38. 人红是非多,但要学会用行动来反击是非。

39. 人红是非多,但要相信,金子总会发光的。

40. 人红是非多,但要记住,谣言止于智者。

41. 人红是非多,但要学会用宽容之心对待一切。

42. 人红是非多,但要明白,人生如戏,戏如人生。

43. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被表象所迷惑。

44. 人红是非多,但要相信,真金不怕火炼。

45. 人红是非多,但要学会用智慧来化解是非。

46. 人红是非多,但要相信,清者自清。

47. 人红是非多,但要学会用时间来证明自己。

48. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被流言蜚语所左右。

49. 人红是非多,但要相信,最终会被世人认可。

50. 人红是非多,但要学会用平常心对待一切。

51. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被名利所迷惑。

52. 人红是非多,但要相信,真理永远不会被掩盖。

53. 人红是非多,但要学会用行动来回击是非。

54. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被是非所困扰。

55. 人红是非多,但要相信,时间会证明一切。

56. 人红是非多,但要学会用智慧来应对一切。

57. 人红是非多,但要明白,是非只是一时的。

58. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被是非所左右。

59. 人红是非多,但要相信,最终会被世人认可。

60. 人红是非多,但要学会用平常心对待一切。

61. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被名利所迷惑。

62. 人红是非多,但要相信,真理永远不会被掩盖。

63. 人红是非多,但要学会用行动来回击是非。

64. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被是非所困扰。

65. 人红是非多,但要相信,时间会证明一切。

66. 人红是非多,但要学会用智慧来应对一切。

67. 人红是非多,但要明白,是非只是一时的。

68. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被是非所左右。

69. 人红是非多,但要相信,最终会被世人认可。

70. 人红是非多,但要学会用平常心对待一切。

71. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被名利所迷惑。

72. 人红是非多,但要相信,真理永远不会被掩盖。

73. 人红是非多,但要学会用行动来回击是非。

74. 人红是非多,但要记住,不要被是非所困扰。

## 英文翻译

1. The bigger the tree, the more wind it attracts; the more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them.

2. A prominent bird gets shot first; the more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them.

3. Famous people have lots of gossip, popular people have many troubles.

4. If someone becomes extremely popular, gossip will follow.

5. People fear fame as pigs fear getting fat, the more fame one has, the more troubles they face.

6. The higher you stand, the harder the fall; the faster you become popular, the faster you become unpopular.

7. The higher you climb, the stronger the wind; the faster you become popular, the more discussions about you.

8. People fear fame, trees fear becoming shady, popular people inevitably will be discussed.

9. Under the spotlight, you inevitably will be scrutinized, popular people are inevitably under the scrutiny of a magnifying glass.

10. The more dazzling you are, the more envy you attract; the more successful you are, the more people pick on you.

11. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, just like flies buzzing around a honey pot.

12. The faster you become popular, the faster you become unpopular; the more gossip surrounds you.

13. If you become popular, there will be voices, but the voices are not always praise.

14. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, just like there are always shadows in the sunlight.

15. The more famous you are, the more attention you get; the more attention you get, the easier it is to be misunderstood.

16. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, popular people are inevitably magnified by others.

17. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but don't be bothered by the gossip.

18. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but don't give up your pursuit because of the gossip.

19. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but don't lose your original intention because of the gossip.

20. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to distinguish right from wrong.

21. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but maintain a calm mind.

22. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but stick to your beliefs.

23. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to be tolerant and understanding.

24. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to adjust yourself.

25. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but maintain a positive and optimistic attitude.

26. Standing under the spotlight, you inevitably will be discussed; standing at the edge of the wind, you inevitably will be criticized.

27. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to be indifferent.

28. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn from the gossip.

29. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to prove yourself through actions.

30. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember that successful people are often the most misunderstood.

31. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but don't let the gossip affect your life.

32. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but don't let the gossip influence your emotions.

33. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to deal with it wisely.

34. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that time will prove everything.

35. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but understand that gossip is just fleeting.

36. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember that truth will be clearer through debate.

37. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember that silence is golden.

38. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use actions to fight against gossip.

39. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that gold will always shine.

40. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember that rumors stop with wise people.

41. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to treat everything with a tolerant heart.

42. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but understand that life is like a play, and the play is like life.

43. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be misled by appearances.

44. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that true gold is not afraid of fire.

45. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use wisdom to resolve gossip.

46. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that the clear will be self-evident.

47. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use time to prove yourself.

48. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be influenced by rumors.

49. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that you will eventually be recognized by the world.

50. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to treat everything with a calm mind.

51. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be tempted by fame and fortune.

52. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that truth will never be covered up.

53. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use actions to fight against gossip.

54. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be bothered by the gossip.

55. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that time will prove everything.

56. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use wisdom to deal with everything.

57. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but understand that gossip is just temporary.

58. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be influenced by gossip.

59. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that you will eventually be recognized by the world.

60. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to treat everything with a calm mind.

61. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be tempted by fame and fortune.

62. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that truth will never be covered up.

63. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use actions to fight against gossip.

64. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be bothered by the gossip.

65. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that time will prove everything.

66. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use wisdom to deal with everything.

67. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but understand that gossip is just temporary.

68. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be influenced by gossip.

69. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that you will eventually be recognized by the world.

70. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to treat everything with a calm mind.

71. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be tempted by fame and fortune.

72. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but believe that truth will never be covered up.

73. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but learn to use actions to fight against gossip.

74. The more popular someone is, the more gossip surrounds them, but remember not to be bothered by the gossip.

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