
## 人每天出行句子,55句,带英文翻译

1. 我每天搭乘地铁上班。 / I take the subway to work every day.

2. 我通常骑自行车去超市购物。 / I usually ride my bike to the supermarket.

3. 我喜欢步行去公园散步。 / I enjoy walking to the park for a stroll.

4. 我有时会开车去朋友家。 / I sometimes drive to my friend's place.

5. 我每天早上都会去健身房锻炼。 / I go to the gym to work out every morning.

6. 我经常去图书馆借书。 / I often go to the library to borrow books.

7. 我每周都会去一次菜市场买菜。 / I go to the farmers market to buy groceries once a week.

8. 我有时会去咖啡店喝咖啡。 / I sometimes go to the coffee shop for a coffee.

9. 我偶尔会去电影院看电影。 / I occasionally go to the cinema to watch a movie.

10. 我喜欢去旅行,探索新地方。 / I love to travel and explore new places.

11. 我每天都会和家人一起吃晚饭。 / I have dinner with my family every day.

12. 我会去朋友家聚会。 / I will go to my friend's place for a gathering.

13. 我会去参加音乐会或演出。 / I will go to a concert or a show.

14. 我会去博物馆参观展览。 / I will go to the museum to visit an exhibition.

15. 我会去参加朋友的婚礼。 / I will go to my friend's wedding.

16. 我会去参加亲人的葬礼。 / I will go to a funeral for a relative.

17. 我会去医院看望生病的朋友。 / I will go to the hospital to visit a sick friend.

18. 我会去学校参加孩子的家长会。 / I will go to school to attend a parent-teacher meeting for my child.

19. 我会去银行办理业务。 / I will go to the bank to do some business.

20. 我会去邮局寄包裹。 / I will go to the post office to mail a package.

21. 我会去超市买东西。 / I will go to the supermarket to buy groceries.

22. 我会去餐厅吃饭。 / I will go to a restaurant to eat.

23. 我会去理发店剪头发。 / I will go to the barbershop to get a haircut.

24. 我会去干洗店取衣服。 / I will go to the dry cleaners to pick up my clothes.

25. 我会去商店买衣服。 / I will go to a store to buy clothes.

26. 我会去书店买书。 / I will go to a bookstore to buy books.

27. 我会去咖啡店买咖啡。 / I will go to a coffee shop to buy coffee.

28. 我会去酒吧喝酒。 / I will go to a bar to have a drink.

29. 我会去俱乐部跳舞。 / I will go to a club to dance.

30. 我会去公园散步。 / I will go to the park for a walk.

31. 我会去海边游泳。 / I will go to the beach to swim.

32. 我会去山里徒步旅行。 / I will go hiking in the mountains.

33. 我会去森林里露营。 / I will go camping in the forest.

34. 我会去动物园看动物。 / I will go to the zoo to see animals.

35. 我会去游乐场玩。 / I will go to the amusement park to play.

36. 我会去水上乐园玩滑梯。 / I will go to a water park to go down the slides.

37. 我会去电影院看电影。 / I will go to the cinema to watch a movie.

38. 我会去剧院看戏剧。 / I will go to the theater to watch a play.

39. 我会去演唱会听音乐。 / I will go to a concert to listen to music.

40. 我会去美术馆看展览。 / I will go to an art museum to see an exhibition.

41. 我会去博物馆参观历史文物。 / I will go to a museum to see historical artifacts.

42. 我会去图书馆借书。 / I will go to the library to borrow books.

43. 我会去书店买书。 / I will go to a bookstore to buy books.

44. 我会去咖啡店喝咖啡。 / I will go to a coffee shop to drink coffee.

45. 我会去餐厅吃饭。 / I will go to a restaurant to eat.

46. 我会去酒吧喝酒。 / I will go to a bar to drink.

47. 我会去俱乐部跳舞。 / I will go to a club to dance.

48. 我会去健身房锻炼。 / I will go to the gym to exercise.

49. 我会去公园散步。 / I will go to the park for a walk.

50. 我会去海边游泳。 / I will go to the beach to swim.

51. 我会去山里徒步旅行。 / I will go hiking in the mountains.

52. 我会去森林里露营。 / I will go camping in the forest.

53. 我会去动物园看动物。 / I will go to the zoo to see animals.

54. 我会去游乐场玩。 / I will go to the amusement park to play.

55. 我会去水上乐园玩滑梯。 / I will go to a water park to go down the slides.

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