
## 黄骅方言句子与英文翻译

**1. 哎呦,你咋恁疼呢?**

Oh my, why are you in so much pain?

**2. 给我拿个碗儿来。**

Bring me a bowl.

**3. 你吃饱了吗?**

Are you full?

**4. 他可真能说,嘴跟抹了蜜似的。**

He is such a talker, his mouth is like it's coated with honey.

**5. 这孩子真皮实,啥也不怕。**

This child is really tough, he's not afraid of anything.

**6. 这天气真热,让人受不了。**

This weather is so hot, it's unbearable.

**7. 你咋还在这儿愣着呢?快去干活儿!**

Why are you still standing here? Go do some work!

**8. 他老爱吹牛皮,一点儿也不实在。**

He loves to brag, he's not genuine at all.

**9. 这事得赶紧办,可不能拖着。**

This matter needs to be handled immediately, don't delay.

**10. 你给我等着,我回头再收拾你!**

You wait for me, I'll deal with you later!

**11. 这孩子可真懂事,从小就爱学习。**

This child is really sensible, he loves to learn since he was young.

**12. 这菜做的真好吃,你手艺真好。**

This dish is really delicious, you're a great cook.

**13. 我得赶快回家,我妈还等着我呢。**

I have to hurry home, my mother is waiting for me.

**14. 你去哪儿?**

Where are you going?

**15. 我去买点儿东西。**

I'm going to buy some things.

**16. 我昨天晚上没睡好。**

I didn't sleep well last night.

**17. 你今天感觉怎么样?**

How are you feeling today?

**18. 我感觉挺好的。**

I feel good.

**19. 你这儿有手机充电器吗?**

Do you have a phone charger here?

**20. 你想吃点儿啥?**

What do you want to eat?

**21. 我随便吃点儿就行。**

I'll just eat anything.

**22. 你这儿有地图吗?**

Do you have a map here?

**23. 这事儿你别管,我来处理。**

Don't worry about this, I'll handle it.

**24. 你看我说的对不对?**

Do you think I'm right?

**25. 咱们去喝点儿啤酒吧。**

Let's go have some beer.

**26. 你今天怎么这么高兴啊?**

Why are you so happy today?

**27. 我今天心情好,所以高兴。**

I'm in a good mood today, so I'm happy.

**28. 这事真气人,我真想骂他一顿。**

This is so frustrating, I really want to scold him.

**29. 你得注意点儿,别乱说话。**

Be careful, don't talk nonsense.

**30. 你这儿有卫生间吗?**

Do you have a bathroom here?

**31. 他真不地道,老是占便宜。**

He's so unfair, he always takes advantage of others.

**32. 这事得靠自己努力,不能指望别人。**

You have to rely on yourself to work hard, don't expect others to help.

**33. 你真厉害,这都能做出来!**

You're amazing, you can actually do this!

**34. 你这儿有WIFI吗?**

Do you have WIFI here?

**35. 这孩子真可爱,我真想抱抱他。**

This child is so cute, I really want to hug him.

**36. 你能帮我个忙吗?**

Can you help me with something?

**37. 你这儿有纸巾吗?**

Do you have tissues here?

**38. 我今天没带钱,你帮我付一下吧。**

I didn't bring any money today, can you pay for me?

**39. 你给我找个地方住一下吧。**

Find me a place to stay for the night.

**40. 这事真难办,我真不知道怎么办才好。**

This is so difficult, I don't know what to do.

**41. 你真会说话,真会哄人开心。**

You're such a good talker, you know how to make people happy.

**42. 你真聪明,这道题你都会做!**

You're so smart, you can solve this problem!

**43. 你今天穿的真好看!**

You look so good today!

**44. 你真孝顺,你真爱你的父母。**

You're so filial, you really love your parents.

**45. 你真友善,你总是乐于助人。**

You're so kind, you're always willing to help others.

**46. 你这儿有烟吗?**

Do you have cigarettes here?

**47. 你这儿有酒吗?**

Do you have alcohol here?

**48. 这事别跟别人说,这是秘密。**

Don't tell anyone about this, it's a secret.

**49. 你这儿有笔吗?**

Do you have a pen here?

**50. 你这儿有纸吗?**

Do you have paper here?

**51. 你这儿有水吗?**

Do you have water here?

**52. 你这儿有电吗?**

Do you have electricity here?

**53. 你这儿有网吗?**

Do you have internet here?

**54. 你这儿有空调吗?**

Do you have air conditioning here?

**55. 你这儿有电视吗?**

Do you have a television here?

**56. 你这儿有冰箱吗?**

Do you have a refrigerator here?

**57. 你这儿有洗衣机吗?**

Do you have a washing machine here?

**58. 你这儿有厨房吗?**

Do you have a kitchen here?

**59. 你这儿有床吗?**

Do you have a bed here?

**60. 你这儿有椅子吗?**

Do you have a chair here?

**61. 你这儿有桌子吗?**

Do you have a table here?

**62. 你这儿有沙发吗?**

Do you have a sofa here?

**63. 你这儿有镜子吗?**

Do you have a mirror here?

**64. 你这儿有灯吗?**

Do you have a light here?

**65. 你这儿有窗吗?**

Do you have a window here?

**66. 你这儿有门吗?**

Do you have a door here?

**67. 你这儿有锁吗?**

Do you have a lock here?

**68. 你这儿有钥匙吗?**

Do you have a key here?

**69. 你这儿有手机吗?**

Do you have a phone here?

**70. 你这儿有电脑吗?**

Do you have a computer here?

**71. 你这儿有书吗?**

Do you have books here?

**72. 你这儿有杂志吗?**

Do you have magazines here?

**73. 你这儿有报纸吗?**

Do you have newspapers here?

**74. 你这儿有地图吗?**

Do you have a map here?

**75. 你这儿有指南针吗?**

Do you have a compass here?

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