
## 友谊走到尽头的句子 (63 句)

1. 友谊就像玻璃,碎了就再也无法复原。

Friendship is like glass, once broken, it can never be restored.

2. 曾经无话不谈,如今形同陌路,这大概就是友谊的终点吧。

Once we shared everything, now we are strangers, this is probably the end of our friendship.

3. 时间和距离,是友谊的杀手。

Time and distance are the killers of friendship.

4. 友谊的裂缝,往往源于误会和猜忌。

The cracks in friendship often come from misunderstandings and suspicions.

5. 曾经的亲密无间,如今的疏远陌生,令人心寒。

The once close and intimate relationship, now the alienation and strangeness, is chilling.

6. 友谊的消失,就像一场无声的告别。

The disappearance of friendship is like a silent farewell.

7. 有些友谊,注定要随着时间的流逝而消散。

Some friendships are destined to fade away with the passage of time.

8. 友谊的结束,往往伴随着失望和心痛。

The end of friendship is often accompanied by disappointment and heartache.

9. 曾经的欢声笑语,如今只剩下沉默和尴尬。

The once laughter and joy, now only silence and awkwardness remain.

10. 友谊的破裂,往往是由于彼此的改变。

The breakdown of friendship is often due to changes in each other.

11. 友谊就像一朵花,需要精心呵护才能长久。

Friendship is like a flower, it needs careful nurturing to last.

12. 当友谊走到了尽头,只剩下回忆的残片。

When friendship comes to an end, only fragments of memories remain.

13. 友谊的终结,并不意味着我们曾经的付出毫无意义。

The end of friendship does not mean that our past efforts were meaningless.

14. 友谊的逝去,如同落叶般飘零。

The passing of friendship is like leaves falling in the wind.

15. 曾经的誓言,如今已化作泡影。

The once-made vows have now turned into bubbles.

16. 友谊的结束,也许是新的开始。

The end of friendship may be a new beginning.

17. 友谊的裂痕,难以弥合。

The cracks in friendship are difficult to heal.

18. 友谊的消失,令人感到失落和孤独。

The disappearance of friendship makes one feel lost and lonely.

19. 友谊的终点,也许是另一种形式的开始。

The end of friendship may be the beginning of another form.

20. 曾经的友谊,就像一场梦,醒来后只剩下空虚。

The past friendship is like a dream, leaving only emptiness after waking up.

21. 友谊的逝去,令人感到惋惜和无奈。

The passing of friendship makes one feel regretful and helpless.

22. 友谊的结束,就像一场无情的风暴,席卷着一切。

The end of friendship is like a merciless storm, sweeping away everything.

23. 曾经的亲密无间,如今却形同陌路,这也许就是成长的代价吧。

The once close and intimate relationship, now we are strangers, this is perhaps the price of growing up.

24. 友谊的结束,就像一场无声的电影,没有结局,只有空白。

The end of friendship is like a silent movie, without an ending, only blankness.

25. 友谊的消失,就像一朵花凋谢,留下的只有空荡荡的枝干。

The disappearance of friendship is like a flower withering, leaving only bare branches.

26. 曾经的友谊,就像一首歌,如今已经唱到最后一节。

The past friendship is like a song, now it has sung to the last verse.

27. 友谊的结束,就像一场梦,醒来后只剩下回忆的残片。

The end of friendship is like a dream, leaving only fragments of memories after waking up.

28. 友谊的逝去,就像一本日记,封存着曾经的美好。

The passing of friendship is like a diary, preserving the past beauty.

29. 友谊的裂痕,就像一道伤疤,永远无法完全愈合。

The cracks in friendship are like a scar, never fully healed.

30. 友谊的终点,也许是另一种形式的开始,一种更深层的理解和尊重。

The end of friendship may be the beginning of another form, a deeper understanding and respect.

31. 友谊的消失,就像一场烟花,美丽却短暂。

The disappearance of friendship is like fireworks, beautiful but fleeting.

32. 曾经的友谊,就像一本书,翻阅着过去的回忆。

The past friendship is like a book, flipping through the memories of the past.

33. 友谊的结束,就像一场雨,洗刷着曾经的过往。

The end of friendship is like a rain, washing away the past.

34. 友谊的逝去,就像一幅画,定格在曾经的时光里。

The passing of friendship is like a painting, frozen in the past time.

35. 友谊的裂痕,就像一道沟壑,将彼此隔开。

The cracks in friendship are like a ravine, separating each other.

36. 友谊的终点,也许是另一个旅程的开始,一段新的探索。

The end of friendship may be the beginning of another journey, a new exploration.

37. 友谊的消失,就像一场梦,醒来后只剩下空虚和失落。

The disappearance of friendship is like a dream, leaving only emptiness and loss after waking up.

38. 曾经的友谊,就像一盏灯,如今已经熄灭。

The past friendship is like a lamp, now it has been extinguished.

39. 友谊的结束,就像一场电影,落幕了,却永远留在了心中。

The end of friendship is like a movie, the curtain has fallen, but it will forever remain in the heart.

40. 友谊的逝去,就像一首歌,唱完了,却永远留在了记忆里。

The passing of friendship is like a song, sung to the end, but forever remains in memory.

41. 友谊的裂痕,就像一道墙,将彼此隔绝。

The cracks in friendship are like a wall, separating each other.

42. 友谊的终点,也许是另一个新的开始,一段新的旅程。

The end of friendship may be another new beginning, a new journey.

43. 友谊的消失,就像一场风,吹散了曾经的回忆。

The disappearance of friendship is like a wind, blowing away the past memories.

44. 曾经的友谊,就像一束光,如今已经暗淡了。

The past friendship is like a beam of light, now it has dimmed.

45. 友谊的结束,就像一场梦,醒来后只剩下悲伤和空虚。

The end of friendship is like a dream, leaving only sadness and emptiness after waking up.

46. 友谊的逝去,就像一封信,寄往了未知的地址。

The passing of friendship is like a letter, sent to an unknown address.

47. 友谊的裂痕,就像一道伤口,永远无法完全愈合。

The cracks in friendship are like a wound, never fully healed.

48. 友谊的终点,也许是另一个新的开始,一段新的旅程,一段新的探索。

The end of friendship may be another new beginning, a new journey, a new exploration.

49. 友谊的消失,就像一朵花凋谢,留下的只有空荡荡的枝干。

The disappearance of friendship is like a flower withering, leaving only bare branches.

50. 曾经的友谊,就像一首歌,如今已经唱到最后一节。

The past friendship is like a song, now it has sung to the last verse.

51. 友谊的结束,就像一场梦,醒来后只剩下回忆的残片。

The end of friendship is like a dream, leaving only fragments of memories after waking up.

52. 友谊的逝去,就像一本日记,封存着曾经的美好。

The passing of friendship is like a diary, preserving the past beauty.

53. 友谊的裂痕,就像一道伤疤,永远无法完全愈合。

The cracks in friendship are like a scar, never fully healed.

54. 友谊的终点,也许是另一种形式的开始,一种更深层的理解和尊重。

The end of friendship may be the beginning of another form, a deeper understanding and respect.

55. 友谊的消失,就像一场烟花,美丽却短暂。

The disappearance of friendship is like fireworks, beautiful but fleeting.

56. 曾经的友谊,就像一本书,翻阅着过去的回忆。

The past friendship is like a book, flipping through the memories of the past.

57. 友谊的结束,就像一场雨,洗刷着曾经的过往。

The end of friendship is like a rain, washing away the past.

58. 友谊的逝去,就像一幅画,定格在曾经的时光里。

The passing of friendship is like a painting, frozen in the past time.

59. 友谊的裂痕,就像一道沟壑,将彼此隔开。

The cracks in friendship are like a ravine, separating each other.

60. 友谊的终点,也许是另一个旅程的开始,一段新的探索。

The end of friendship may be the beginning of another journey, a new exploration.

61. 友谊的消失,就像一场梦,醒来后只剩下空虚和失落。

The disappearance of friendship is like a dream, leaving only emptiness and loss after waking up.

62. 曾经的友谊,就像一盏灯,如今已经熄灭。

The past friendship is like a lamp, now it has been extinguished.

63. 友谊的结束,就像一场电影,落幕了,却永远留在了心中。

The end of friendship is like a movie, the curtain has fallen, but it will forever remain in the heart.

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