
## 双手颤抖句子,84句

**1. 手指微微颤抖,她努力地握紧笔,却怎么也写不出一个字。**

Her fingers trembled slightly, and she struggled to grip the pen, but she couldn't write a single word.

**2. 他双手颤抖着,握着那封信,眼神里充满了绝望。**

His hands trembled as he held the letter, his eyes filled with despair.

**3. 恐惧像潮水般涌来,她的双手开始不受控制地颤抖。**

Fear washed over her, and her hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

**4. 听到这个消息,他的双手立刻颤抖起来,脸也变得苍白。**

Upon hearing the news, his hands trembled instantly, and his face turned pale.

**5. 他握着酒杯的手颤抖得厉害,酒水洒了一地。**

His hand holding the wine glass trembled violently, spilling wine all over the floor.

**6. 兴奋和紧张交织在一起,她的双手不断颤抖着。**

Excitement and nervousness intertwined, her hands trembled constantly.

**7. 医生的话语像一道闪电击中了他的内心,双手也跟着颤抖起来。**

The doctor's words struck him like lightning, and his hands trembled.

**8. 寒风凛冽,她双手颤抖着,紧紧地抱着怀中的孩子。**

The cold wind was biting, and she held her child tightly in her arms, her hands trembling.

**9. 他的双手颤抖着,试图拨通那个号码,却怎么也按不下去。**

His hands trembled as he tried to dial the number, but he couldn't press the buttons.

**10. 他强忍着泪水,双手颤抖地抚摸着老人的脸庞。**

He held back his tears, his hands trembling as he stroked the old man's face.

**11. 他双手颤抖着,将那枚戒指递给她,眼神中充满了爱意。**

His hands trembled as he handed her the ring, his eyes filled with love.

**12. 她双手颤抖着,打开了那封信,里面是一张她从未见过的照片。**

Her hands trembled as she opened the letter, which contained a photograph she had never seen before.

**13. 他的双手颤抖着,试图抓住那根悬崖边的藤蔓,但最终还是滑落了。**

His hands trembled as he tried to grab the vine at the edge of the cliff, but he slipped.

**14. 他双手颤抖着,将那块沾满血迹的布条递给了警察。**

His hands trembled as he handed the blood-stained cloth to the police.

**15. 他双手颤抖着,将那张写满了愿望的纸条放进了许愿池。**

His hands trembled as he placed the piece of paper filled with wishes into the wishing well.

**16. 他双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的钥匙插入锁孔,打开了房门。**

His hands trembled as he inserted the heavy key into the keyhole and opened the door.

**17. 他双手颤抖着,将那本珍爱的书籍翻开,却发现已经破损不堪。**

His hands trembled as he opened the cherished book, only to find it was badly damaged.

**18. 她双手颤抖着,将那张奖状高高举起,脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。**

Her hands trembled as she held the certificate high, a happy smile on her face.

**19. 他双手颤抖着,将那把冰冷的枪指向了天空,泪水从脸上流了下来。**

His hands trembled as he pointed the cold gun towards the sky, tears streaming down his face.

**20. 他双手颤抖着,将那块沉重的石头搬开,露出了被掩埋的宝藏。**

His hands trembled as he moved the heavy stone, revealing the buried treasure.

**21. 她双手颤抖着,将那件破旧的衣服紧紧地抱在怀中,回忆着过往的岁月。**

Her hands trembled as she held the old garment tightly in her arms, reminiscing about the past years.

**22. 他双手颤抖着,将那瓶珍藏多年的红酒打开,酒香弥漫在整个房间。**

His hands trembled as he opened the bottle of red wine he had treasured for years, the aroma filling the room.

**23. 她双手颤抖着,将那张照片仔细地擦拭着,眼神中充满了思念。**

Her hands trembled as she carefully wiped the photograph, her eyes filled with longing.

**24. 他双手颤抖着,将那把锋利的刀高高举起,准备迎接最后的决战。**

His hands trembled as he raised the sharp knife high, ready for the final battle.

**25. 他双手颤抖着,将那根脆弱的藤蔓紧紧地抓住,试图攀爬上高高的树枝。**

His hands trembled as he gripped the fragile vine tightly, trying to climb the tall tree branch.

**26. 她双手颤抖着,将那封充满爱意的信件写完,却不知该如何寄出。**

Her hands trembled as she finished writing the love letter, but she didn't know how to send it.

**27. 他双手颤抖着,将那只受伤的小鸟轻轻地放在掌心,试图帮助它恢复健康。**

His hands trembled as he gently placed the injured bird in his palm, trying to help it recover.

**28. 她双手颤抖着,将那块冰冷的石头紧紧地握住,脑海中浮现出那段悲惨的经历。**

Her hands trembled as she held the cold stone tightly, memories of the tragic experience flashing through her mind.

**29. 他双手颤抖着,将那把破旧的吉他轻轻地抱在怀中,试图弹奏出心中的旋律。**

His hands trembled as he held the worn guitar gently in his arms, trying to play the melody in his heart.

**30. 她双手颤抖着,将那张破损的画卷小心地展开,试图还原它昔日的辉煌。**

Her hands trembled as she carefully unrolled the damaged scroll, trying to restore its former glory.

**31. 他双手颤抖着,将那本厚重的书籍翻开,试图找到答案,却发现自己迷失了方向。**

His hands trembled as he opened the thick book, trying to find the answer, but he realized he was lost.

**32. 她双手颤抖着,将那支燃烧的蜡烛轻轻地吹灭,房间里顿时陷入一片黑暗。**

Her hands trembled as she gently blew out the burning candle, plunging the room into darkness.

**33. 他双手颤抖着,将那张充满思念的卡片收了起来,心中涌起一股悲伤。**

His hands trembled as he put away the card filled with longing, a wave of sadness washing over him.

**34. 她双手颤抖着,将那块被岁月侵蚀的玉佩紧紧地握住,心中充满了回忆。**

Her hands trembled as she held the jade pendant, eroded by time, tightly in her hand, her heart filled with memories.

**35. 他双手颤抖着,将那把锈迹斑斑的钥匙插入锁孔,打开了尘封已久的房间。**

His hands trembled as he inserted the rusty key into the keyhole, opening the dusty room.

**36. 她双手颤抖着,将那件珍藏多年的首饰盒打开,却发现里面的珠宝已经消失不见。**

Her hands trembled as she opened the jewelry box she had treasured for years, only to find that the jewels were gone.

**37. 他双手颤抖着,将那支染血的匕首高高举起,准备向敌人发起最后的攻击。**

His hands trembled as he raised the bloodstained dagger high, ready to launch a final attack on the enemy.

**38. 她双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的铁门推开,发现自己来到了一个陌生的地方。**

Her hands trembled as she pushed open the heavy iron gate, finding herself in an unfamiliar place.

**39. 他双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的皮箱紧紧地抱在怀中,仿佛里面藏着整个世界。**

His hands trembled as he held the old leather suitcase tightly in his arms, as if it contained the whole world.

**40. 她双手颤抖着,将那张泛黄的信纸打开,上面写着一段令人心碎的告白。**

Her hands trembled as she opened the yellowed sheet of paper, which contained a heartbreaking confession.

**41. 他双手颤抖着,将那只受伤的小猫轻轻地抱在怀中,试图安慰它。**

His hands trembled as he gently held the injured kitten in his arms, trying to comfort it.

**42. 她双手颤抖着,将那杯苦涩的药水一饮而尽,却无法掩盖心中的绝望。**

Her hands trembled as she gulped down the bitter medicine, but she couldn't hide the despair in her heart.

**43. 他双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的玩具车放进垃圾桶,眼中充满了回忆。**

His hands trembled as he put the old toy car into the trash can, his eyes filled with memories.

**44. 她双手颤抖着,将那张充满回忆的照片放在相框里,试图留住逝去的时光。**

Her hands trembled as she placed the photo filled with memories in the frame, trying to hold on to the past.

**45. 他双手颤抖着,将那把锋利的斧头高高举起,准备砍伐那棵参天大树。**

His hands trembled as he raised the sharp ax high, ready to cut down the towering tree.

**46. 她双手颤抖着,将那张发黄的旧地图打开,试图寻找通往梦想的路途。**

Her hands trembled as she opened the yellowed old map, trying to find the path to her dreams.

**47. 他双手颤抖着,将那只沉重的箱子从货架上搬下来,脸上露出了疲惫的笑容。**

His hands trembled as he carried the heavy box off the shelf, a tired smile on his face.

**48. 她双手颤抖着,将那把精美的雕刻刀握住,试图在木头上刻出心中的图案。**

Her hands trembled as she held the exquisite carving knife, trying to carve the pattern in her heart onto the wood.

**49. 他双手颤抖着,将那张充满祝福的贺卡递给了朋友,眼神中充满了真诚。**

His hands trembled as he handed his friend the card filled with blessings, his eyes filled with sincerity.

**50. 她双手颤抖着,将那条鲜艳的丝带系在礼物盒上,脸上充满了喜悦。**

Her hands trembled as she tied the bright ribbon around the gift box, her face filled with joy.

**51. 他双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的吉他放在地上,脑海中回荡着熟悉的旋律。**

His hands trembled as he placed the heavy guitar on the ground, the familiar melody echoing in his mind.

**52. 她双手颤抖着,将那本充满智慧的书籍翻开,试图从中汲取知识和力量。**

Her hands trembled as she opened the book filled with wisdom, trying to gain knowledge and strength from it.

**53. 他双手颤抖着,将那块沾满泥土的石头扔进河里,试图洗去心中的不安。**

His hands trembled as he threw the mud-covered stone into the river, trying to wash away his anxiety.

**54. 她双手颤抖着,将那只精致的瓷器杯子握在手中,生怕它会突然破碎。**

Her hands trembled as she held the delicate porcelain cup, afraid that it would suddenly shatter.

**55. 他双手颤抖着,将那把锋利的剪刀举起来,试图剪断那根缠绕在心头的绳索。**

His hands trembled as he raised the sharp scissors, trying to cut the rope that was tied around his heart.

**56. 她双手颤抖着,将那张泛黄的结婚照放在桌上,回忆着那段美好的时光。**

Her hands trembled as she placed the yellowed wedding photo on the table, reminiscing about the good times.

**57. 他双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的锤子举起来,准备敲击那块坚硬的石头。**

His hands trembled as he raised the heavy hammer, ready to strike the hard stone.

**58. 她双手颤抖着,将那把精致的化妆刷握在手中,试图遮掩脸上泛起的红晕。**

Her hands trembled as she held the delicate makeup brush, trying to hide the blush on her face.

**59. 他双手颤抖着,将那把古老的钥匙插入锁孔,打开了通往秘密的房间。**

His hands trembled as he inserted the ancient key into the keyhole, opening the door to the secret room.

**60. 她双手颤抖着,将那只洁白的手帕放在鼻子上,试图止住不断涌出的泪水。**

Her hands trembled as she placed the white handkerchief on her nose, trying to stop the tears that kept flowing.

**61. 他双手颤抖着,将那只沉重的行李箱从车上搬下来,脸上露出了疲惫的表情。**

His hands trembled as he carried the heavy suitcase off the car, a tired expression on his face.

**62. 她双手颤抖着,将那把锋利的刀子握住,试图割断那条困住她的绳索。**

Her hands trembled as she held the sharp knife, trying to cut the rope that was trapping her.

**63. 他双手颤抖着,将那张沾满泪水的信纸递给了她的父亲,眼神中充满了悲伤。**

His hands trembled as he handed his father the letter soaked with tears, his eyes filled with sadness.

**64. 她双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的毛绒玩具紧紧地抱在怀中,仿佛回到了童年。**

Her hands trembled as she held the old stuffed animal tightly in her arms, as if she had returned to childhood.

**65. 他双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的斧头高高举起,准备砍伐那棵遮挡阳光的树木。**

His hands trembled as he raised the heavy ax high, ready to cut down the tree that blocked the sunlight.

**66. 她双手颤抖着,将那张充满回忆的照片放进相册里,试图记录下每一个美好的瞬间。**

Her hands trembled as she put the photo filled with memories into the photo album, trying to record every beautiful moment.

**67. 他双手颤抖着,将那把精致的木梳握在手中,试图梳理乱糟糟的头发。**

His hands trembled as he held the exquisite wooden comb, trying to comb his messy hair.

**68. 她双手颤抖着,将那把古老的钥匙插入锁孔,打开了通往过去的门。**

Her hands trembled as she inserted the ancient key into the keyhole, opening the door to the past.

**69. 他双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的笔记本翻开,里面记录着他所有的心酸和苦痛。**

His hands trembled as he opened the old notebook, which recorded all his heartbreak and suffering.

**70. 她双手颤抖着,将那张泛黄的书页轻轻地抚摸着,脑海中浮现出昔日的场景。**

Her hands trembled as she gently stroked the yellowed page, scenes from the past flashing through her mind.

**71. 他双手颤抖着,将那把锋利的匕首举起来,准备结束这一切。**

His hands trembled as he raised the sharp knife, ready to end it all.

**72. 她双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的皮箱紧紧地抱在怀中,里面藏着她所有的秘密。**

Her hands trembled as she held the old leather suitcase tightly in her arms, which contained all her secrets.

**73. 他双手颤抖着,将那张写满祝福的卡片递给了她的母亲,脸上充满了感激。**

His hands trembled as he handed his mother the card filled with blessings, his face filled with gratitude.

**74. 她双手颤抖着,将那把精美的雕刻刀握住,试图在木头上刻出自己的梦想。**

Her hands trembled as she held the exquisite carving knife, trying to carve her dreams onto the wood.

**75. 他双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的锤子举起来,准备敲击那块象征着希望的钟。**

His hands trembled as he raised the heavy hammer, ready to strike the bell that symbolized hope.

**76. 她双手颤抖着,将那把精致的化妆刷握在手中,试图遮掩脸上泛起的泪痕。**

Her hands trembled as she held the delicate makeup brush, trying to hide the tears on her face.

**77. 他双手颤抖着,将那把古老的钥匙插入锁孔,打开了通往未来的大门。**

His hands trembled as he inserted the ancient key into the keyhole, opening the door to the future.

**78. 她双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的笔记本翻开,里面记录着她所有的梦想和希望。**

Her hands trembled as she opened the old notebook, which recorded all her dreams and hopes.

**79. 他双手颤抖着,将那张泛黄的书页轻轻地抚摸着,脑海中浮现出未来的景象。**

His hands trembled as he gently stroked the yellowed page, visions of the future flashing through his mind.

**80. 她双手颤抖着,将那把锋利的刀子握住,准备开始新的生活。**

Her hands trembled as she held the sharp knife, ready to start a new life.

**81. 他双手颤抖着,将那只破旧的皮箱紧紧地抱在怀中,里面装满了他的所有回忆。**

His hands trembled as he held the old leather suitcase tightly in his arms, which was filled with all his memories.

**82. 她双手颤抖着,将那张写满祝福的卡片递给了她的爱人,眼神中充满了爱意。**

Her hands trembled as she handed her lover the card filled with blessings, her eyes filled with love.

**83. 他双手颤抖着,将那把精美的雕刻刀握住,试图在木头上刻出他们的未来。**

His hands trembled as he held the exquisite carving knife, trying to carve their future onto the wood.

**84. 她双手颤抖着,将那把沉重的锤子举起来,准备敲响那声象征着爱情的钟。**

Her hands trembled as she raised the heavy hammer, ready to strike the bell that symbolized love.

以上就是关于双手颤抖句子84句(双手颤抖句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
