
## 黄昏伤感的句子,85句

**1. 夕阳西下,余晖洒满天际,染红了半边天空,却也染红了我的眼眶,这夕阳的余晖,像极了我们逝去的青春,让人无限感慨。**

As the sun sets in the west, its afterglow bathes the sky, painting half of it red. It also paints my eyes red. The afterglow of this setting sun is like our fading youth, making us feel infinitely nostalgic.

**2. 黄昏的街道上,行人匆匆,各自奔向自己的归宿,而我却孤身一人,漫无目的地游荡,寻找着那一丝温暖,却始终找不到。**

On the streets in the twilight, people are hurrying, each going to their own destination. But I am alone, wandering aimlessly, searching for a bit of warmth, but I can't find it.

**3. 黄昏的钟声响起,仿佛在敲打着我的心,提醒我,时间在流逝,青春不再,而我却依然一无所获。**

The twilight bells chime, as if beating on my heart, reminding me that time is passing, youth is gone, and I still haven't achieved anything.

**4. 夕阳下,我看到了一对情侣依偎在一起,他们的脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,默默地观望着他们,心中泛起阵阵酸楚。**

In the setting sun, I saw a couple nestled together, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only watch them alone, silently, a pang of sadness in my heart.

**5. 黄昏的灯光,照亮了空荡荡的街道,也照亮了我的孤独,这灯光,像极了我的思念,温暖却虚无。**

The twilight lights illuminate the empty streets, and they also illuminate my loneliness. These lights are like my longing, warm yet illusory.

**6. 夕阳余晖,映照着我的脸庞,却掩盖不了我内心的失落,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的嘲讽,提醒我,我错过了太多。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my face, but it can't hide the loss in my heart. This twilight seems like a mockery of me by heaven, reminding me that I have missed too much.

**7. 黄昏的风,轻轻地吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的只有无尽的空虚。**

The twilight wind gently blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness.

**8. 夕阳下,我看到了一群孩子在玩耍,他们的脸上充满了快乐,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去,那些逝去的快乐,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw a group of children playing. Their faces were filled with joy, while I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the joy that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**9. 黄昏的钟声再次响起,它提醒我,时间在流逝,而我的梦想却依然没有实现,我的心,也如同这黄昏一样,充满了落寞和悲伤。**

The twilight bells chime again, reminding me that time is passing, but my dreams still haven't come true. My heart is filled with loneliness and sorrow, just like this twilight.

**10. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**11. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**12. 黄昏的街道上,我独自一人行走,路灯的光芒,照亮了我的孤独,也照亮了我的思念。**

On the twilight streets, I walk alone. The glow of the streetlights illuminates my loneliness, and it also illuminates my longing.

**13. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**14. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**15. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**16. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**17. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**18. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**19. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**20. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**21. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**22. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**23. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**24. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**25. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**26. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**27. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**28. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**29. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**30. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**31. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**32. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**33. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**34. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**35. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**36. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**37. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**38. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**39. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**40. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**41. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**42. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**43. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**44. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**45. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**46. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**47. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**48. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**49. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**50. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**51. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**52. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**53. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**54. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**55. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**56. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**57. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**58. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**59. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**60. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**61. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**62. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**63. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**64. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**65. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**66. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**67. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**68. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**69. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**70. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**71. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**72. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**73. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**74. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**75. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**76. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**77. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**78. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**79. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

**80. 黄昏的钟声,敲响在我的耳边,仿佛在告诉我,时间在流逝,而我却依然停留在过去,无法自拔。**

The twilight bells chime in my ears, as if telling me that time is passing, but I am still stuck in the past, unable to extricate myself.

**81. 夕阳下,我看到了一对老人在公园里散步,他们的脸上充满了幸福的笑容,而我却只能独自一人,回忆着过去的时光,那些逝去的幸福,那些曾经拥有过的美好。**

In the setting sun, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, their faces beaming with happiness. But I could only be alone, reminiscing about the past, the happiness that has passed, and the beauty I once possessed.

**82. 黄昏的风,吹过我的脸颊,带走了我的思绪,也带走了我的悲伤,留下的是无尽的空虚和落寞。**

The twilight wind blows across my cheeks, carrying away my thoughts and my sadness, leaving only endless emptiness and loneliness.

**83. 夕阳的余晖,照耀着我的身影,也照耀着我的孤独,这黄昏,是所有希望的终结,也是所有梦想的开始。**

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on my figure, and it also shines on my loneliness. This twilight is the end of all hope, and the beginning of all dreams.

**84. 黄昏的色彩,总是那么的忧郁,就像我的心一样,充满了悲伤和失落,这黄昏,是所有伤感的开始,也是所有希望的结束。**

The colors of twilight are always so melancholic, just like my heart, filled with sorrow and loss. This twilight is the beginning of all sadness, and the end of all hope.

**85. 夕阳西下,染红了天边,也染红了我的眼眶,这黄昏,仿佛是上天对我的告别,提醒我,有些事,再也回不去了。**

As the sun sets in the west, it paints the sky red, and it also paints my eyes red. This twilight seems like a farewell from heaven, reminding me that some things can never be returned.

以上就是关于黄昏伤感的句子85句(黄昏伤感的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
