
## 黄铜判决句子 (74 句)

**1.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的枷锁,无情地将罪人束缚。

The judgment of brass, like the shackles of fate, mercilessly binds the sinner.

**2.** 黄铜的判决,冰冷无情,将希望化为灰烬。

The judgment of brass is cold and merciless, turning hope into ashes.

**3.** 黄铜的判决,如同暴风雨中的航船,在绝望的汪洋中颠簸。

The judgment of brass is like a ship in a storm, tossed about in the ocean of despair.

**4.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑夜中的鬼影,让人不寒而栗。

The judgment of brass is like a ghost in the night, chilling the soul.

**5.** 黄铜的判决,如同沙漠中的幻影,让人望而却步。

The judgment of brass is like a mirage in the desert, leaving one fearful to approach.

**6.** 黄铜的判决,如同地狱的深渊,让人永世沉沦。

The judgment of brass is like the abyss of hell, condemning one to eternal damnation.

**7.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的召唤,让人无法抗拒。

The judgment of brass is like the call of death, irresistible.

**8.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的沙漏,将生命一点点流逝。

The judgment of brass is like an hourglass of time, slowly draining away life.

**9.** 黄铜的判决,如同沉默的杀手,悄无声息地夺走生命。

The judgment of brass is like a silent killer, taking life without a sound.

**10.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的审判官,将罪人送往地狱。

The judgment of brass is like a merciless judge, sentencing the guilty to hell.

**11.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的嘲弄,让人绝望和痛苦。

The judgment of brass is like the mockery of fate, leaving one in despair and pain.

**12.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的深渊,让人迷失方向。

The judgment of brass is like a dark abyss, causing one to lose their way.

**13.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的噩梦,让人无法逃脱。

The judgment of brass is like an endless nightmare, from which one cannot escape.

**14.** 黄铜的判决,如同冰冷的利刃,深深刺痛人心。

The judgment of brass is like a cold blade, piercing deeply into the heart.

**15.** 黄铜的判决,如同沉重的负担,压得人喘不过气来。

The judgment of brass is like a heavy burden, making it hard to breathe.

**16.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的暴君,将罪人踩在脚下。

The judgment of brass is like a merciless tyrant, trampling the sinner underfoot.

**17.** 黄铜的判决,如同无法言说的痛苦,让人痛不欲生。

The judgment of brass is like unspeakable pain, causing one to suffer beyond endurance.

**18.** 黄铜的判决,如同冰冷的牢笼,将罪人困于其中。

The judgment of brass is like a cold cage, trapping the sinner within.

**19.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的折磨,让人生不如死。

The judgment of brass is like relentless torture, making life unbearable.

**20.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的深渊,让人坠入绝望的深渊。

The judgment of brass is like an endless abyss, plunging one into the depths of despair.

**21.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的囚徒,让人被时间无情地吞噬。

The judgment of brass is like a prisoner of time, being devoured mercilessly by time.

**22.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的安排,让人无法反抗。

The judgment of brass is like the arrangement of fate, making resistance futile.

**23.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的宣判,让人心灰意冷。

The judgment of brass is like a death sentence, leaving one heartbroken and hopeless.

**24.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的诅咒,让人一生背负沉重的枷锁。

The judgment of brass is like a curse from fate, burdening one with heavy shackles throughout life.

**25.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的嘲笑,将罪人的尊严践踏在地。

The judgment of brass is like merciless mockery, trampling the sinner's dignity into the dust.

**26.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的深渊,让人陷入无边的恐惧。

The judgment of brass is like a dark abyss, plunging one into boundless fear.

**27.** 黄铜的判决,如同冰冷的现实,将梦想击碎成粉末。

The judgment of brass is like a cold reality, shattering dreams into dust.

**28.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的宣告,让人感受到生命的脆弱和无常。

The judgment of brass is like a declaration of death, making one feel the fragility and impermanence of life.

**29.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的捉弄,让人在绝望中挣扎。

The judgment of brass is like the trickery of fate, causing one to struggle in despair.

**30.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的审判,让人在痛苦中煎熬。

The judgment of brass is like a relentless trial, tormenting one with pain.

**31.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的牢笼,让人失去自由和希望。

The judgment of brass is like a dark cage, stripping one of freedom and hope.

**32.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的风暴,将一切美好的事物摧毁。

The judgment of brass is like a merciless storm, destroying everything beautiful.

**33.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的魔咒,让人永远被困在过去。

The judgment of brass is like a spell of time, forever trapping one in the past.

**34.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的脚步,让人无法逃避。

The judgment of brass is like the steps of death, from which one cannot escape.

**35.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的深渊,让人永远沉沦。

The judgment of brass is like an endless abyss, condemning one to eternal damnation.

**36.** 黄铜的判决,如同沉默的杀手,悄无声息地夺走生命。

The judgment of brass is like a silent killer, taking life without a sound.

**37.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的命运,让人在绝望中挣扎。

The judgment of brass is like merciless fate, making one struggle in despair.

**38.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的折磨,让人生不如死。

The judgment of brass is like endless torment, making life unbearable.

**39.** 黄铜的判决,如同冰冷的现实,将梦想击碎成粉末。

The judgment of brass is like a cold reality, shattering dreams into dust.

**40.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的囚徒,让人被时间无情地吞噬。

The judgment of brass is like a prisoner of time, being devoured mercilessly by time.

**41.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的牢笼,让人失去自由和希望。

The judgment of brass is like a dark cage, stripping one of freedom and hope.

**42.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的宣告,让人感受到生命的脆弱和无常。

The judgment of brass is like a declaration of death, making one feel the fragility and impermanence of life.

**43.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的诅咒,让人一生背负沉重的枷锁。

The judgment of brass is like a curse from fate, burdening one with heavy shackles throughout life.

**44.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的嘲笑,将罪人的尊严践踏在地。

The judgment of brass is like merciless mockery, trampling the sinner's dignity into the dust.

**45.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的深渊,让人陷入无边的恐惧。

The judgment of brass is like a dark abyss, plunging one into boundless fear.

**46.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的暴君,将罪人踩在脚下。

The judgment of brass is like a merciless tyrant, trampling the sinner underfoot.

**47.** 黄铜的判决,如同无法言说的痛苦,让人痛不欲生。

The judgment of brass is like unspeakable pain, causing one to suffer beyond endurance.

**48.** 黄铜的判决,如同冰冷的利刃,深深刺痛人心。

The judgment of brass is like a cold blade, piercing deeply into the heart.

**49.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的噩梦,让人无法逃脱。

The judgment of brass is like an endless nightmare, from which one cannot escape.

**50.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的深渊,让人迷失方向。

The judgment of brass is like a dark abyss, causing one to lose their way.

**51.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的嘲弄,让人绝望和痛苦。

The judgment of brass is like the mockery of fate, leaving one in despair and pain.

**52.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的审判官,将罪人送往地狱。

The judgment of brass is like a merciless judge, sentencing the guilty to hell.

**53.** 黄铜的判决,如同沉默的杀手,悄无声息地夺走生命。

The judgment of brass is like a silent killer, taking life without a sound.

**54.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的沙漏,将生命一点点流逝。

The judgment of brass is like an hourglass of time, slowly draining away life.

**55.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的召唤,让人无法抗拒。

The judgment of brass is like the call of death, irresistible.

**56.** 黄铜的判决,如同地狱的深渊,让人永世沉沦。

The judgment of brass is like the abyss of hell, condemning one to eternal damnation.

**57.** 黄铜的判决,如同沙漠中的幻影,让人望而却步。

The judgment of brass is like a mirage in the desert, leaving one fearful to approach.

**58.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑夜中的鬼影,让人不寒而栗。

The judgment of brass is like a ghost in the night, chilling the soul.

**59.** 黄铜的判决,如同暴风雨中的航船,在绝望的汪洋中颠簸。

The judgment of brass is like a ship in a storm, tossed about in the ocean of despair.

**60.** 黄铜的判决,冰冷无情,将希望化为灰烬。

The judgment of brass is cold and merciless, turning hope into ashes.

**61.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的枷锁,无情地将罪人束缚。

The judgment of brass, like the shackles of fate, mercilessly binds the sinner.

**62.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的魔咒,让人永远被困在过去。

The judgment of brass is like a spell of time, forever trapping one in the past.

**63.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的深渊,让人永远沉沦。

The judgment of brass is like an endless abyss, condemning one to eternal damnation.

**64.** 黄铜的判决,如同沉默的杀手,悄无声息地夺走生命。

The judgment of brass is like a silent killer, taking life without a sound.

**65.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的命运,让人在绝望中挣扎。

The judgment of brass is like merciless fate, making one struggle in despair.

**66.** 黄铜的判决,如同无尽的折磨,让人生不如死。

The judgment of brass is like endless torment, making life unbearable.

**67.** 黄铜的判决,如同冰冷的现实,将梦想击碎成粉末。

The judgment of brass is like a cold reality, shattering dreams into dust.

**68.** 黄铜的判决,如同时间的囚徒,让人被时间无情地吞噬。

The judgment of brass is like a prisoner of time, being devoured mercilessly by time.

**69.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的牢笼,让人失去自由和希望。

The judgment of brass is like a dark cage, stripping one of freedom and hope.

**70.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的宣告,让人感受到生命的脆弱和无常。

The judgment of brass is like a declaration of death, making one feel the fragility and impermanence of life.

**71.** 黄铜的判决,如同命运的诅咒,让人一生背负沉重的枷锁。

The judgment of brass is like a curse from fate, burdening one with heavy shackles throughout life.

**72.** 黄铜的判决,如同无情的嘲笑,将罪人的尊严践踏在地。

The judgment of brass is like merciless mockery, trampling the sinner's dignity into the dust.

**73.** 黄铜的判决,如同黑暗的深渊,让人陷入无边的恐惧。

The judgment of brass is like a dark abyss, plunging one into boundless fear.

**74.** 黄铜的判决,如同死亡的脚步,让人无法逃避。

The judgment of brass is like the steps of death, from which one cannot escape.

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