
## 黄鹤楼登楼所见的句子 (73句)

1. **故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。** (A friend leaves from Yellow Crane Tower, traveling down to Yangzhou in the misty month of March.)
2. **孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。** (The lone sail disappears into the azure sky, only the Yangtze River flows towards the horizon.)
3. **晴川历历汉阳树,芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。** (The trees of Hanyang are distinct on the sunny shore, while green grass grows lush on Parrot Island.)
4. **日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁。** (As dusk approaches, where is my hometown? The misty waves on the river fill me with sorrow.)
5. **昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。** (The old man has left on the Yellow Crane, leaving only the Yellow Crane Tower behind.)
6. **黄鹤一去不复返,白云千载空悠悠。** (The Yellow Crane has gone and will never return, while the white clouds drift aimlessly for thousands of years.)
7. **晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。** (A crane soars through the clear sky, inspiring poetic emotions that reach the heavens.)
8. **登高望远心胸阔,俯瞰江山壮丽秀。** (Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive, as I gaze upon the magnificent and beautiful landscapes.)
9. **江水浩荡波涛涌,山峰巍峨耸入云。** (The Yangtze River is vast and its waves surge, while majestic mountains rise to the heavens.)
10. **楼台雄伟气势壮,雕梁画栋美如画。** (The tower is grand and imposing, its carved beams and painted columns are as beautiful as a painting.)
11. **登临远眺心旷神怡,凭栏观景心潮澎湃。** (Standing on high and gazing afar, my mind feels relaxed and joyful, while leaning on the railing and looking at the scenery, my heart feels surging with emotion.)
12. **城郭楼阁尽收眼底,万千景象美不胜收。** (The city walls, towers, and pavilions are all within sight, the countless sights are too beautiful to behold.)
13. **楼阁依山傍水而建,景色秀丽令人陶醉。** (The tower is built against the mountain and by the water, the scenery is beautiful and intoxicating.)
14. **黄鹤楼上思故乡,望断天涯路漫漫。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I think of my hometown, looking towards the horizon, the road ahead seems endless.)
15. **江山如画卷,诗情满胸怀。** (The rivers and mountains are like a painting, my heart is filled with poetry.)
16. **江流不息,岁月如梭。** (The river flows continuously, time flies by like a shuttle.)
17. **登楼远眺,心胸开阔,眼界开朗。** (Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive, and my vision becomes broader.)
18. **江山壮丽,美不胜收,令人叹为观止。** (The rivers and mountains are magnificent and beautiful beyond compare, they leave one speechless.)
19. **登高望远,心旷神怡,心境平和。** (Standing high and looking far, my mind feels relaxed and joyful, and my heart is peaceful.)
20. **江山秀丽,景色宜人,令人流连忘返。** (The rivers and mountains are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant, making one linger and forget to return.)
21. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒情怀,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
22. **楼高望远,眼界开阔,心胸坦荡。** (Standing on the high tower and looking far, my vision becomes broader and my heart feels open and honest.)
23. **登高望远,心胸开阔,视野开阔。** (Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive and my field of vision becomes wider.)
24. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
25. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
26. **登楼远眺,俯瞰江山,心胸开阔,视野开阔。** (Standing high and looking far, I gaze down upon the rivers and mountains, my heart feels expansive and my field of vision becomes wider.)
27. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
28. **江水浩荡,波澜壮阔,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yangtze River is vast and its waves are majestic, leaving one feeling awe.)
29. **登高望远,心胸开阔,视野开朗,心境平和。** (Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive, my vision becomes broader, and my mind is peaceful.)
30. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,气势恢宏,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.)
31. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
32. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
33. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
34. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
35. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
36. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
37. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
38. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
39. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
40. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
41. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,气势恢宏,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.)
42. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
43. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
44. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
45. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
46. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
47. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
48. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,气势恢宏,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.)
49. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
50. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
51. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
52. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
53. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,气势恢宏,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.)
54. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
55. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
56. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
57. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
58. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
59. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
60. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
61. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
62. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,气势恢宏,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.)
63. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
64. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
65. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
66. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
67. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,寄相思。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.)
68. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
69. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,气势恢宏,令人心生敬畏。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.)
70. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)
71. **黄鹤楼高耸入云,雄伟壮观,令人叹服。** (The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.)
72. **登黄鹤楼,览胜景,抒怀情,感悟人生。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.)
73. **黄鹤楼上望江山,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。** (Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.)

## 英文翻译 (With HTML `

` tags)

1. A friend leaves from Yellow Crane Tower, traveling down to Yangzhou in the misty month of March.

2. The lone sail disappears into the azure sky, only the Yangtze River flows towards the horizon.

3. The trees of Hanyang are distinct on the sunny shore, while green grass grows lush on Parrot Island.

4. As dusk approaches, where is my hometown? The misty waves on the river fill me with sorrow.

5. The old man has left on the Yellow Crane, leaving only the Yellow Crane Tower behind.

6. The Yellow Crane has gone and will never return, while the white clouds drift aimlessly for thousands of years.

7. A crane soars through the clear sky, inspiring poetic emotions that reach the heavens.

8. Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive, as I gaze upon the magnificent and beautiful landscapes.

9. The Yangtze River is vast and its waves surge, while majestic mountains rise to the heavens.

10. The tower is grand and imposing, its carved beams and painted columns are as beautiful as a painting.

11. Standing on high and gazing afar, my mind feels relaxed and joyful, while leaning on the railing and looking at the scenery, my heart feels surging with emotion.

12. The city walls, towers, and pavilions are all within sight, the countless sights are too beautiful to behold.

13. The tower is built against the mountain and by the water, the scenery is beautiful and intoxicating.

14. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I think of my hometown, looking towards the horizon, the road ahead seems endless.

15. The rivers and mountains are like a painting, my heart is filled with poetry.

16. The river flows continuously, time flies by like a shuttle.

17. Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive, and my vision becomes broader.

18. The rivers and mountains are magnificent and beautiful beyond compare, they leave one speechless.

19. Standing high and looking far, my mind feels relaxed and joyful, and my heart is peaceful.

20. The rivers and mountains are beautiful and the scenery is pleasant, making one linger and forget to return.

21. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

22. Standing on the high tower and looking far, my vision becomes broader and my heart feels open and honest.

23. Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive and my field of vision becomes wider.

24. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

25. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

26. Standing high and looking far, I gaze down upon the rivers and mountains, my heart feels expansive and my field of vision becomes wider.

27. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

28. The Yangtze River is vast and its waves are majestic, leaving one feeling awe.

29. Standing high and looking far, my heart feels expansive, my vision becomes broader, and my mind is peaceful.

30. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.

31. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

32. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

33. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

34. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

35. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

36. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

37. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

38. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

39. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

40. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

41. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.

42. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

43. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

44. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

45. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

46. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

47. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

48. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.

49. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

50. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

51. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

52. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

53. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.

54. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

55. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

56. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

57. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

58. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

59. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

60. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

61. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

62. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.

63. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

64. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

65. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

66. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

67. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and send my longing for loved ones.

68. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

69. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and imposing, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one feeling awe.

70. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

71. The Yellow Crane Tower stands tall and majestic, reaching for the clouds, it leaves one in awe.

72. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower, I admire the beautiful scenery, express my emotions, and contemplate life.

73. Standing on the Yellow Crane Tower and gazing at the rivers and mountains, my heart surges with emotion and I feel countless emotions.

以上就是关于黄鹤楼登楼所见的句子73句(黄鹤楼登楼所见的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
