
## 黄旭华语录 (85 句)

1. **“我选择了一条艰苦的路,但这条路通向祖国的强盛,通向人民的幸福。”**

“I chose a difficult path, but this path leads to the prosperity of my country and the happiness of my people.”

2. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要为了国家,为了人民,为了民族的利益!”**

“We build submarines for the sake of our country, our people, and the interests of our nation!”

3. **“我们这一代人,经历了战争的残酷,更深知和平的珍贵,所以我们要把祖国的国防建设搞好!”**

“Our generation has experienced the brutality of war and knows the value of peace even more deeply. Therefore, we must build up the national defense of our country!”

4. **“潜艇就像一个钢铁巨人,在深海里航行,它需要强大的心脏,需要坚固的骨架,还需要灵活的肢体。”**

“A submarine is like a steel giant sailing in the deep sea. It needs a powerful heart, a strong skeleton, and flexible limbs.”

5. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要挑战极限,战胜困难,不断突破!”**

“We build submarines to challenge limits, overcome difficulties, and continuously break through!”

6. **“做潜艇人,就要有‘拼命三郎’的精神,把所有的精力都投入到工作中去。”**

“To be a submarine person, you must have the spirit of a 'desperate三郎', putting all your energy into your work.”

7. **“潜艇就像一个巨大的‘黑匣子’,里面充满了秘密,我们要把这些秘密都解开!”**

“A submarine is like a giant 'black box' full of secrets. We must unravel all these secrets!”

8. **“潜艇的建造是一个复杂的系统工程,需要各个部门通力合作,才能取得成功。”**

“Submarine construction is a complex system project that requires the collaboration of all departments to succeed.”

9. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让祖国在深海里拥有‘利剑’,让敌人闻风丧胆!”**

“We build submarines to give our country a 'sharp sword' in the deep sea, so that our enemies will be terrified.”

10. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个不断探索、不断创新的过程,需要我们始终保持着学习的精神。”**

“The research and development of submarines is a continuous process of exploration and innovation. We need to maintain a spirit of learning at all times.”

11. **“我们这一代人,是幸运的,因为我们赶上了国家发展的大好时机,也有幸为祖国的国防建设贡献了自己的力量。”**

“Our generation is fortunate to have caught up with the great opportunity of national development, and we are fortunate to have contributed our own strength to the national defense of our country.”

12. **“我们要把潜艇建造得更加先进、更加强大,为祖国的海洋安全提供可靠的保障。”**

“We must build submarines that are more advanced and more powerful to provide reliable protection for the maritime security of our country.”

13. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要为人民创造幸福的生活,为国家贡献力量!”**

“We build submarines to create a happy life for the people and contribute to the country!”

14. **“做潜艇人,就要有责任感,要对国家、对人民、对自己负责!”**

“To be a submarine person, you must have a sense of responsibility. You must be responsible to the country, to the people, and to yourself!”

15. **“潜艇的建造,是一个充满挑战的旅程,我们要敢于面对困难,勇于开拓创新!”**

“The construction of submarines is a journey full of challenges. We must dare to face difficulties and be brave in pioneering innovation!”

16. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要为中国人民撑起一片安全的蓝天!”**

“We build submarines to create a safe blue sky for the Chinese people!”

17. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个集科技、智慧、汗水于一体的伟大工程。”**

“The research and development of submarines is a great project that combines science and technology, wisdom, and sweat.”

18. **“我们要不断学习,不断进步,才能不断取得新的突破!”**

“We must continue to learn, continue to progress, in order to achieve new breakthroughs!”

19. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国的声音响彻世界!”**

“We build submarines so that China's voice can resonate throughout the world!”

20. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要奉献、需要牺牲的工程,我们要以饱满的热情投入到工作中去。”**

“The construction of submarines is a project that requires dedication and sacrifice. We must devote ourselves to our work with enthusiasm.”

21. **“我们要把潜艇打造成祖国的海上长城!”**

“We must build submarines into the Great Wall of China at sea!”

22. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满希望的旅程,我们充满信心,一定能取得成功!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hope. We are confident that we will succeed!”

23. **“我们要不断提高自身素质,才能更好地为祖国的国防建设服务。”**

“We must continuously improve our own qualities in order to better serve the national defense of our country.”

24. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的力量!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful force on the ocean!”

25. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要耐心、需要细心的工程,我们要以精益求精的精神对待每一项工作。”**

“The construction of submarines is a project that requires patience and meticulousness. We must treat every job with a spirit of excellence.”

26. **“我们要始终保持着清醒的头脑,克服一切困难,取得最终的胜利!”**

“We must always maintain a clear mind, overcome all difficulties, and achieve ultimate victory!”

27. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要为祖国的和平发展保驾护航!”**

“We build submarines to escort the peaceful development of our country!”

28. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个需要团结、需要协作的工程,我们要共同努力,才能取得成功。”**

“The research and development of submarines is a project that requires unity and cooperation. We must work together to succeed.”

29. **“我们要以昂扬的斗志,以坚定的信念,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with high morale and firm belief!”

30. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上利器,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into sharp weapons at sea, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

31. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断探索、不断创新的过程,我们要不断学习,不断进步。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous exploration and innovation. We must continue to learn and make progress.”

32. **“我们要以科学的态度,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with a scientific attitude and a rigorous style.”

33. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国成为海洋强国!”**

“We build submarines to make China a maritime power!”

34. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship and challenges. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

35. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism and a spirit of dedication!”

36. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上卫士,为祖国的海洋安全保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into guardians of the sea, to escort the maritime security of our country!”

37. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要团结、需要协作、需要奉献的工程,我们要齐心协力,才能取得成功。”**

“The construction of submarines is a project that requires unity, cooperation, and dedication. We must work together to succeed.”

38. **“我们要以坚定的信念,以不懈的努力,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with firm belief and unremitting efforts!”

39. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

40. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

41. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

42. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

43. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

44. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

45. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

46. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

47. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

48. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

49. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

50. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

51. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

52. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

53. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

54. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

55. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

56. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

57. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

58. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

59. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

60. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

61. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

62. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

63. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

64. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

65. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

66. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

67. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

68. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

69. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

70. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

71. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

72. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

73. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

74. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

75. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

76. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

77. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

78. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

79. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

80. **“我们要以爱国主义精神,以奉献精神,以科学精神,为祖国的国防建设贡献自己的力量!”**

“We must contribute our strength to the national defense of our country with patriotism, a spirit of dedication, and a scientific spirit!”

81. **“我们要把潜艇打造成海上力量,为祖国的海洋权益保驾护航!”**

“We must build submarines into a maritime force, to escort the maritime rights and interests of our country!”

82. **“潜艇的建造,是一个需要不断学习、不断进步、不断创新的过程,我们要始终保持着学习的热情。”**

“The construction of submarines is a process of continuous learning, progress, and innovation. We must always maintain a passion for learning.”

83. **“我们要以科学的思维,以严谨的作风,做好每一项工作。”**

“We must do every job with scientific thinking and a rigorous style.”

84. **“我们搞潜艇,就是要让中国在海洋上拥有强大的声音!”**

“We build submarines so that China can have a powerful voice on the ocean!”

85. **“潜艇的研制和建造,是一个充满艰辛、充满挑战、充满希望的旅程,我们要坚持不懈,勇攀高峰!”**

“The research and development of submarines is a journey full of hardship, challenge, and hope. We must persevere and climb to the peak!”

以上就是关于黄旭华的句子85句(黄旭华的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
