
## 寂寞才想起我的句子 (97句)


1. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的好。
2. 只有在最孤独的时候,才会想起我的存在。
3. 当你一个人在深夜里,才想起我是你唯一的依靠。
4. 你总是在寂寞的时候才想起我,可我呢,却一直都在。
5. 寂寞袭来的时候,才想起我的陪伴是多么珍贵。
6. 你或许只是在寂寞的时候想起我,但我却一直都在默默关注你。
7. 寂寞的夜晚,才想起我的温暖。
8. 只有当你感到孤独的时候,才会想起我。
9. 你总是把我的好,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
10. 寂寞像一只无形的爪子,把你紧紧抓住,让你想起我。
11. 你在寂寞中想起我,我却在思念中等你。
12. 寂寞的时候,才想起我曾给过你的快乐。
13. 当你一个人孤单地走在路上,才想起我曾陪你走过。
14. 你总是把我的关怀,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
15. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的怀抱是多么温暖。
16. 当你感到无助的时候,才想起我是你的唯一依靠。
17. 你总是把我的好,留到需要的时候才想起。
18. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的温柔。
19. 当你一个人在黑暗中摸索,才想起我曾给你带来光明。
20. 你在寂寞中想起我,就像沙漠中的人想起绿洲。
21. 寂寞的时候,才想起我对你的承诺。
22. 你总是在寂寞的时候才想起我,可我却一直都在等你。
23. 寂寞的夜,才想起我的声音。
24. 只有当你感到迷茫的时候,才会想起我的指引。
25. 你总是把我的爱,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
26. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最亲密的朋友。
27. 当你一个人在雨中淋湿,才想起我曾为你撑过伞。
28. 你总是把我的陪伴,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
29. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的笑容是多么灿烂。
30. 当你感到悲伤的时候,才想起我的肩膀是多么可靠。
31. 你总是把我的鼓励,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
32. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最坚强的后盾。
33. 当你一个人在角落里哭泣,才想起我曾为你擦干眼泪。
34. 你总是把我的关心,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
35. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的存在是多么重要。
36. 当你感到疲惫的时候,才想起我的怀抱是多么舒适。
37. 你总是把我的爱意,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
38. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的陪伴是多么温暖。
39. 当你一个人在风中瑟瑟发抖,才想起我曾为你遮挡风雨。
40. 你总是把我的温柔,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
41. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的话语是多么动听。
42. 当你一个人在夜里失眠,才想起我曾为你唱过歌。
43. 你总是把我的真心,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
44. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最真挚的朋友。
45. 当你一个人在人生的岔路口徘徊,才想起我曾给你指明方向。
46. 你总是把我的鼓励,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
47. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的存在是多么珍贵。
48. 当你一个人在人生的低谷挣扎,才想起我曾给你力量。
49. 你总是把我的陪伴,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
50. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最值得信赖的人。
51. 当你一个人在孤独中沉沦,才想起我曾给你希望。
52. 你总是把我的爱,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
53. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的存在是多么重要。
54. 当你一个人在人生的旅途中迷路,才想起我曾给你指引。
55. 你总是把我的真心,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
56. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最坚定的支持者。
57. 当你一个人在人生的海洋中航行,才想起我曾给你指明方向。
58. 你总是把我的爱意,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
59. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最温暖的港湾。
60. 当你一个人在人生的舞台上表演,才想起我曾为你鼓掌。
61. 你总是把我的支持,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
62. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最忠诚的伙伴。
63. 当你一个人在人生的道路上跌倒,才想起我曾扶你起来。
64. 你总是把我的关怀,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
65. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最值得珍惜的人。
66. 当你一个人在人生的迷宫里寻找出口,才想起我曾给你指引。
67. 你总是把我的爱,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
68. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的存在是多么重要。
69. 当你一个人在人生的旅程中孤独前行,才想起我曾给你温暖。
70. 你总是把我的陪伴,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
71. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最亲密的朋友。
72. 当你一个人在人生的舞台上演出,才想起我曾为你加油。
73. 你总是把我的鼓励,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
74. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最坚强的后盾。
75. 当你一个人在人生的旅途中疲惫不堪,才想起我曾给你休息。
76. 你总是把我的关心,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
77. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最值得信赖的人。
78. 当你一个人在人生的道路上迷失方向,才想起我曾给你指引。
79. 你总是把我的爱,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
80. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的存在是多么重要。
81. 当你一个人在人生的海洋中漂泊,才想起我曾给你希望。
82. 你总是把我的陪伴,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
83. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最亲密的朋友。
84. 当你一个人在人生的舞台上表演,才想起我曾为你鼓掌。
85. 你总是把我的支持,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
86. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最忠诚的伙伴。
87. 当你一个人在人生的道路上跌倒,才想起我曾扶你起来。
88. 你总是把我的关怀,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
89. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最值得珍惜的人。
90. 当你一个人在人生的迷宫里寻找出口,才想起我曾给你指引。
91. 你总是把我的爱,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
92. 寂寞的时候,才想起我的存在是多么重要。
93. 当你一个人在人生的旅程中孤独前行,才想起我曾给你温暖。
94. 你总是把我的陪伴,留到寂寞的时候才想起。
95. 寂寞的时候,才想起我是你最亲密的朋友。
96. 当你一个人在人生的舞台上演出,才想起我曾为你加油。
97. 你总是把我的鼓励,留到寂寞的时候才想起。


1. Only when you are lonely do you remember how good I am.

2. Only when you are most alone will you remember my existence.

3. When you are alone in the middle of the night, you will remember that I am your only support.

4. You only think of me when you are lonely, but I have always been there.

5. When loneliness strikes, you will remember how precious my company is.

6. You may only think of me when you are lonely, but I have always been watching you quietly.

7. Only in the lonely night do you remember my warmth.

8. You only think of me when you feel lonely.

9. You always save my good side for when you are lonely.

10. Loneliness is like an invisible claw that grabs you tightly, making you think of me.

11. You think of me in your loneliness, and I wait for you in my thoughts.

12. When you are lonely, you remember the happiness I once gave you.

13. When you walk alone on the road, you will remember that I once accompanied you.

14. You always save my care for when you are lonely.

15. When you are lonely, you will remember how warm my embrace is.

16. When you feel helpless, you will remember that I am your only support.

17. You always save my goodness for when you need it.

18. When you are lonely, you will remember my gentleness.

19. When you are groping in the dark alone, you will remember that I once brought you light.

20. You think of me in your loneliness, like a person in the desert thinking of an oasis.

21. When you are lonely, you will remember my promises to you.

22. You only think of me when you are lonely, but I have always been waiting for you.

23. Only in the lonely night do you remember my voice.

24. You only think of my guidance when you feel lost.

25. You always save my love for when you are lonely.

26. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your closest friend.

27. When you are alone and drenched in the rain, you will remember that I once held an umbrella for you.

28. You always save my companionship for when you are lonely.

29. When you are lonely, you will remember how bright my smile is.

30. When you are sad, you will remember how reliable my shoulder is.

31. You always save my encouragement for when you are lonely.

32. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your strongest backing.

33. When you are alone crying in a corner, you will remember that I once wiped your tears.

34. You always save my concern for when you are lonely.

35. When you are lonely, you will remember how important my existence is.

36. When you feel tired, you will remember how comfortable my embrace is.

37. You always save my affection for when you are lonely.

38. When you are lonely, you will remember how warm my company is.

39. When you are shivering alone in the wind, you will remember that I once shielded you from the wind and rain.

40. You always save my gentleness for when you are lonely.

41. When you are lonely, you will remember how beautiful my words are.

42. When you are alone and sleepless at night, you will remember that I once sang for you.

43. You always save my sincerity for when you are lonely.

44. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your truest friend.

45. When you are alone wandering at a crossroads in life, you will remember that I once pointed you in the right direction.

46. You always save my encouragement for when you are lonely.

47. When you are lonely, you will remember how precious my existence is.

48. When you are struggling alone in the low valley of life, you will remember that I once gave you strength.

49. You always save my companionship for when you are lonely.

50. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am the person you can trust the most.

51. When you are alone and drowning in loneliness, you will remember that I once gave you hope.

52. You always save my love for when you are lonely.

53. When you are lonely, you will remember how important my existence is.

54. When you are alone and lost in your journey through life, you will remember that I once guided you.

55. You always save my sincerity for when you are lonely.

56. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your most steadfast supporter.

57. When you are alone sailing on the ocean of life, you will remember that I once showed you the way.

58. You always save my affection for when you are lonely.

59. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your warmest harbor.

60. When you are alone performing on the stage of life, you will remember that I once applauded for you.

61. You always save my support for when you are lonely.

62. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your most loyal companion.

63. When you fall alone on the path of life, you will remember that I once helped you up.

64. You always save my care for when you are lonely.

65. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am the person you should cherish the most.

66. When you are alone searching for an exit in the maze of life, you will remember that I once guided you.

67. You always save my love for when you are lonely.

68. When you are lonely, you will remember how important my existence is.

69. When you are alone and lonely on your journey through life, you will remember that I once brought you warmth.

70. You always save my companionship for when you are lonely.

71. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your closest friend.

72. When you are alone performing on the stage of life, you will remember that I once cheered for you.

73. You always save my encouragement for when you are lonely.

74. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your strongest backing.

75. When you are alone and exhausted on your journey through life, you will remember that I once gave you a rest.

76. You always save my concern for when you are lonely.

77. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am the person you can trust the most.

78. When you are alone and lost on the path of life, you will remember that I once guided you.

79. You always save my love for when you are lonely.

80. When you are lonely, you will remember how important my existence is.

81. When you are alone adrift on the ocean of life, you will remember that I once gave you hope.

82. You always save my companionship for when you are lonely.

83. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your closest friend.

84. When you are alone performing on the stage of life, you will remember that I once applauded for you.

85. You always save my support for when you are lonely.

86. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your most loyal companion.

87. When you fall alone on the path of life, you will remember that I once helped you up.

88. You always save my care for when you are lonely.

89. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am the person you should cherish the most.

90. When you are alone searching for an exit in the maze of life, you will remember that I once guided you.

91. You always save my love for when you are lonely.

92. When you are lonely, you will remember how important my existence is.

93. When you are alone and lonely on your journey through life, you will remember that I once brought you warmth.

94. You always save my companionship for when you are lonely.

95. When you are lonely, you will remember that I am your closest friend.

96. When you are alone performing on the stage of life, you will remember that I once cheered for you.

97. You always save my encouragement for when you are lonely.

以上就是关于寂寞才想起我的句子97句(寂寞才想起我的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
