
## 茅山大师句子 (64句)

**Part 1:**

1. 人有善恶,鬼亦有情。 (Humans have good and evil, ghosts also have feelings.)

Humans have good and evil, ghosts also have feelings.

2. 邪不胜正,天理昭昭。 (Evil cannot prevail over righteousness, the laws of heaven are clear.)

Evil cannot prevail over righteousness, the laws of heaven are clear.

3. 茅山道法,护佑苍生。 (茅山 Taoist practices protect all living beings.)

茅山 Taoist practices protect all living beings.

4. 一身正气,何惧妖邪。 (With righteous energy, what is there to fear from evil spirits?)

With righteous energy, what is there to fear from evil spirits?

5. 斩妖除魔,维护人间正道。 (To slay demons and eliminate monsters, to uphold the righteous path of the world.)

To slay demons and eliminate monsters, to uphold the righteous path of the world.

6. 阴阳相济,生生不息。 (Yin and Yang complement each other, creating a cycle of life.)

Yin and Yang complement each other, creating a cycle of life.

7. 天命不可违,顺其自然。 (The will of heaven cannot be defied, let nature take its course.)

The will of heaven cannot be defied, let nature take its course.

8. 修行问道,心存善念。 (Cultivating the Tao and seeking the Way, with a heart full of kindness.)

Cultivating the Tao and seeking the Way, with a heart full of kindness.

9. 积德行善,福报无边。 (Accumulating good deeds and practicing benevolence, the blessings are boundless.)

Accumulating good deeds and practicing benevolence, the blessings are boundless.

10. 功德无量,功德圆满。 (Infinite merit, complete merit.)

Infinite merit, complete merit.

**Part 2:**

11. 正道光明,邪道黑暗。 (The righteous path is bright, the evil path is dark.)

The righteous path is bright, the evil path is dark.

12. 慈悲为怀,度化众生。 (With compassion in one's heart, to guide and transform all beings.)

With compassion in one's heart, to guide and transform all beings.

13. 功法精进,道心坚定。 (Improving one's cultivation practices, strengthening one's Taoist heart.)

Improving one's cultivation practices, strengthening one's Taoist heart.

14. 勤修苦练,方能成道。 (Only through diligent practice and hard work can one achieve the Tao.)

Only through diligent practice and hard work can one achieve the Tao.

15. 天机不可泄露,不可妄言。 (Heaven's secrets cannot be revealed, do not speak recklessly.)

Heaven's secrets cannot be revealed, do not speak recklessly.

16. 命运掌握在自己手中,莫怨天尤人。 (Fate is in your own hands, do not blame heaven or others.)

Fate is in your own hands, do not blame heaven or others.

17. 戒贪戒嗔戒痴,方能超脱。 (To give up greed, anger, and ignorance, only then can one transcend.)

To give up greed, anger, and ignorance, only then can one transcend.

18. 知己知彼,百战不殆。 (Knowing oneself and the enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without defeat.)

Knowing oneself and the enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without defeat.

19. 化解恩怨,以德报怨。 (Resolve grudges, repay evil with virtue.)

Resolve grudges, repay evil with virtue.

20. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 (Do not do evil even if it is small, do not neglect good even if it is small.)

Do not do evil even if it is small, do not neglect good even if it is small.

**Part 3:**

21. 功法精妙,玄妙无穷。 (The cultivation techniques are exquisite and profound.)

The cultivation techniques are exquisite and profound.

22. 术法高深,变化无穷。 (The magical techniques are deep and ever-changing.)

The magical techniques are deep and ever-changing.

23. 法器威力无穷,镇压妖邪。 (The magical artifacts are powerful and subdue evil spirits.)

The magical artifacts are powerful and subdue evil spirits.

24. 符箓神威,驱散妖魔。 (The talisman is divine and disperses demons.)

The talisman is divine and disperses demons.

25. 口诀秘法,不可轻易示人。 (The secret mantras and techniques cannot be revealed easily.)

The secret mantras and techniques cannot be revealed easily.

26. 道法自然,顺应天道。 (Taoist practices are in accordance with nature, following the way of heaven.)

Taoist practices are in accordance with nature, following the way of heaven.

27. 阴阳五行,相生相克。 (Yin and Yang, the five elements, generate and restrain each other.)

Yin and Yang, the five elements, generate and restrain each other.

28. 天地万物,皆有灵性。 (Everything in heaven and earth has a spirit.)

Everything in heaven and earth has a spirit.

29. 敬畏天地,敬畏生命。 (Respect heaven and earth, respect life.)

Respect heaven and earth, respect life.

30. 积善之家必有余庆,积恶之家必有余殃。 (A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings, a family that accumulates evil deeds will surely have misfortune.)

A family that accumulates good deeds will surely have blessings, a family that accumulates evil deeds will surely have misfortune.

**Part 4:**

31. 善恶有报,因果循环。 (Good and evil are rewarded, cause and effect cycle.)

Good and evil are rewarded, cause and effect cycle.

32. 心存善念,方能得道。 (Only with a heart full of kindness can one achieve the Tao.)

Only with a heart full of kindness can one achieve the Tao.

33. 人心难测,鬼神难辨。 (The human heart is hard to fathom, spirits are hard to distinguish.)

The human heart is hard to fathom, spirits are hard to distinguish.

34. 正邪不两立,势不两容。 (The righteous and the evil cannot coexist, they cannot tolerate each other.)

The righteous and the evil cannot coexist, they cannot tolerate each other.

35. 邪祟作祟,必遭天谴。 (Evil spirits that harm others will surely be punished by heaven.)

Evil spirits that harm others will surely be punished by heaven.

36. 妖魔鬼怪,不可轻视。 (Demons and monsters should not be underestimated.)

Demons and monsters should not be underestimated.

37. 勿信邪说,勿迷信。 (Do not believe in superstitions, do not be superstitious.)

Do not believe in superstitions, do not be superstitious.

38. 茅山道法,以正压邪。 (茅山 Taoist practices use righteousness to suppress evil.)

茅山 Taoist practices use righteousness to suppress evil.

39. 斩妖除魔,维护人间太平。 (To slay demons and eliminate monsters, to maintain peace in the world.)

To slay demons and eliminate monsters, to maintain peace in the world.

40. 人间正道,不可动摇。 (The righteous path of the world must not be shaken.)

The righteous path of the world must not be shaken.

**Part 5:**

41. 道法自然,天人合一。 (Taoist practices are in accordance with nature, heaven and man are one.)

Taoist practices are in accordance with nature, heaven and man are one.

42. 心境平和,方能修道。 (Only with a peaceful mind can one cultivate the Tao.)

Only with a peaceful mind can one cultivate the Tao.

43. 修行之路,漫长而艰辛。 (The path of cultivation is long and arduous.)

The path of cultivation is long and arduous.

44. 功德圆满,方能成仙。 (Only when merit is complete can one become an immortal.)

Only when merit is complete can one become an immortal.

45. 功法精妙,不可轻易传授。 (Exquisite cultivation techniques cannot be easily passed on.)

Exquisite cultivation techniques cannot be easily passed on.

46. 天机不可泄露,不可妄言。 (Heaven's secrets cannot be revealed, do not speak recklessly.)

Heaven's secrets cannot be revealed, do not speak recklessly.

47. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 (Do not do evil even if it is small, do not neglect good even if it is small.)

Do not do evil even if it is small, do not neglect good even if it is small.

48. 修行问道,心存正念。 (Cultivating the Tao and seeking the Way, with a heart full of righteous thoughts.)

Cultivating the Tao and seeking the Way, with a heart full of righteous thoughts.

49. 功德无量,福报无边。 (Infinite merit, boundless blessings.)

Infinite merit, boundless blessings.

50. 斩妖除魔,维护人间正道。 (To slay demons and eliminate monsters, to uphold the righteous path of the world.)

To slay demons and eliminate monsters, to uphold the righteous path of the world.

**Part 6:**

51. 天道无常,顺其自然。 (The way of heaven is unpredictable, let nature take its course.)

The way of heaven is unpredictable, let nature take its course.

52. 心存善念,方能超脱。 (Only with a heart full of kindness can one transcend.)

Only with a heart full of kindness can one transcend.

53. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之。 (Do not neglect good even if it is small, do not do evil even if it is small.)

Do not neglect good even if it is small, do not do evil even if it is small.

54. 积德行善,福报无边。 (Accumulating good deeds and practicing benevolence, the blessings are boundless.)

Accumulating good deeds and practicing benevolence, the blessings are boundless.

55. 修行问道,心存善念。 (Cultivating the Tao and seeking the Way, with a heart full of kindness.)

Cultivating the Tao and seeking the Way, with a heart full of kindness.

56. 功法精进,道心坚定。 (Improving one's cultivation practices, strengthening one's Taoist heart.)

Improving one's cultivation practices, strengthening one's Taoist heart.

57. 勤修苦练,方能成道。 (Only through diligent practice and hard work can one achieve the Tao.)

Only through diligent practice and hard work can one achieve the Tao.

58. 天机不可泄露,不可妄言。 (Heaven's secrets cannot be revealed, do not speak recklessly.)

Heaven's secrets cannot be revealed, do not speak recklessly.

59. 命运掌握在自己手中,莫怨天尤人。 (Fate is in your own hands, do not blame heaven or others.)

Fate is in your own hands, do not blame heaven or others.

60. 戒贪戒嗔戒痴,方能超脱。 (To give up greed, anger, and ignorance, only then can one transcend.)

To give up greed, anger, and ignorance, only then can one transcend.

**Part 7:**

61. 知己知彼,百战不殆。 (Knowing oneself and the enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without defeat.)

Knowing oneself and the enemy, one can fight a hundred battles without defeat.

62. 化解恩怨,以德报怨。 (Resolve grudges, repay evil with virtue.)

Resolve grudges, repay evil with virtue.

63. 勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 (Do not do evil even if it is small, do not neglect good even if it is small.)

Do not do evil even if it is small, do not neglect good even if it is small.

64. 茅山道法,护佑苍生。 (茅山 Taoist practices protect all living beings.)

茅山 Taoist practices protect all living beings.

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