
## 茉莉公主句子 (56句)

**1. 我渴望更多,远超这个宫墙.**

I long for more, far beyond these palace walls.

**2. 梦想不一定要关在笼子里,对吧?**

Dreams don't have to be kept in cages, do they?

**3. 我要去探索世界,而不是被囚禁在这里.**

I want to explore the world, not be imprisoned here.

**4. 我想要选择自己的命运,而不是被安排.**

I want to choose my own destiny, not be arranged.

**5. 我不想成为被摆弄的棋子.**

I don't want to be a pawn in someone else's game.

**6. 我渴望自由,渴望冒险,渴望爱.**

I yearn for freedom, adventure, and love.

**7. 我想成为我自己的主人,而不是别人的附庸.**

I want to be my own master, not someone else's appendage.

**8. 我相信我可以改变我的命运.**

I believe I can change my destiny.

**9. 我不想只是被称作"苏丹的女儿".**

I don't want to just be known as"the Sultan's daughter".

**10. 我想要被看到,被听到,被尊重.**

I want to be seen, heard, and respected.

**11. 我不想屈服于命运的安排.**

I refuse to succumb to fate's arrangement.

**12. 我有自己的梦想,自己的目标.**

I have my own dreams, my own goals.

**13. 我会为了我的梦想而战.**

I will fight for my dreams.

**14. 我相信爱情,我相信幸福.**

I believe in love, I believe in happiness.

**15. 我不会让任何人阻止我追求我的幸福.**

I won't let anyone stop me from pursuing my happiness.

**16. 我不会被任何人束缚.**

I will not be bound by anyone.

**17. 我渴望体验生活,而不是被困在舒适区.**

I crave to experience life, not be trapped in a comfort zone.

**18. 我想成为一个独立的女性,而不是一个被操控的玩偶.**

I want to be an independent woman, not a manipulated doll.

**19. 我会用自己的方式找到我的幸福.**

I will find my happiness in my own way.

**20. 我相信我能改变世界.**

I believe I can change the world.

**21. 我不会让任何人低估我的能力.**

I won't let anyone underestimate my capabilities.

**22. 我会用我的智慧和勇气来面对任何挑战.**

I will face any challenge with my intelligence and courage.

**23. 我会为了我的目标而努力.**

I will strive for my goals.

**24. 我会成为一个坚强独立的女性.**

I will be a strong, independent woman.

**25. 我会用我的声音去发声.**

I will use my voice to speak out.

**26. 我会为我的梦想而奋斗.**

I will fight for my dreams.

**27. 我会勇敢地追寻我的爱情.**

I will bravely pursue my love.

**28. 我会创造我的幸福.**

I will create my happiness.

**29. 我会成为我想要成为的人.**

I will become the person I want to be.

**30. 我会让世界看到我的力量.**

I will show the world my strength.

**31. 我会让世界听到我的声音.**

I will make the world hear my voice.

**32. 我会用我的行动来证明我的价值.**

I will prove my worth with my actions.

**33. 我会用我的努力来实现我的梦想.**

I will achieve my dreams through my hard work.

**34. 我会用我的爱去改变世界.**

I will change the world with my love.

**35. 我会用我的生命去创造奇迹.**

I will create miracles with my life.

**36. 我会用我的智慧去解决问题.**

I will use my intelligence to solve problems.

**37. 我会用我的勇气去战胜困难.**

I will overcome difficulties with my courage.

**38. 我会用我的善良去温暖世界.**

I will warm the world with my kindness.

**39. 我会用我的真诚去赢得友谊.**

I will win friendships with my sincerity.

**40. 我会用我的热情去感染他人.**

I will inspire others with my passion.

**41. 我会用我的努力去创造未来.**

I will create the future with my hard work.

**42. 我会用我的生命去创造价值.**

I will create value with my life.

**43. 我会用我的爱去传递希望.**

I will spread hope with my love.

**44. 我会用我的智慧去引领方向.**

I will lead the way with my intelligence.

**45. 我会用我的勇气去开拓新天地.**

I will explore new frontiers with my courage.

**46. 我会用我的善良去温暖人心.**

I will warm hearts with my kindness.

**47. 我会用我的真诚去赢得信任.**

I will earn trust with my sincerity.

**48. 我会用我的热情去点燃梦想.**

I will ignite dreams with my passion.

**49. 我会用我的努力去创造奇迹.**

I will create miracles with my hard work.

**50. 我会用我的生命去书写传奇.**

I will write my own legend with my life.

**51. 我会用我的爱去改变世界.**

I will change the world with my love.

**52. 我会用我的智慧去创造未来.**

I will create the future with my intelligence.

**53. 我会用我的勇气去开拓新天地.**

I will explore new frontiers with my courage.

**54. 我会用我的善良去温暖人心.**

I will warm hearts with my kindness.

**55. 我会用我的真诚去赢得信任.**

I will earn trust with my sincerity.

**56. 我会用我的热情去点燃梦想.**

I will ignite dreams with my passion.

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