
## 英式风格句子,85句

**1. 真是个糟糕透顶的早晨!**

What a dreadful morning!

**2. 天气真是糟透了,让人提不起劲来。**

The weather is simply atrocious, it puts one off doing anything.

**3. 这简直是太棒了!**

This is simply splendid!

**4. 我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。**

I can't believe my eyes!

**5. 我感觉真是糟糕透顶。**

I feel absolutely dreadful.

**6. 我们得马上去做点什么。**

We must do something about it right away.

**7. 别担心,一切都会好起来的。**

Don't worry, it will all be alright.

**8. 真是个荒谬的念头!**

What a ridiculous notion!

**9. 我想,也许我们可以试着…**

I think, perhaps, we could try...

**10. 真是个令人愉快的惊喜!**

What a pleasant surprise!

**11. 这对我来说太难了!**

This is far too difficult for me!

**12. 别胡说,别开玩笑了!**

Nonsense! Don't be ridiculous!

**13. 我有点累,我想休息一下。**

I'm rather tired, I think I'll rest a bit.

**14. 我真希望我能早点睡。**

I wish I could go to bed early.

**15. 今天晚上我们要举办派对。**

We're having a party tonight.

**16. 我要去参加一场婚礼。**

I'm going to a wedding.

**17. 我真想念我的家人。**

I miss my family so much.

**18. 我要去看一场电影。**

I'm going to the cinema.

**19. 我很期待你的来信。**

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

**20. 我不能再忍受下去了!**

I can't take it anymore!

**21. 我真的很高兴你来了。**

I'm so glad you could come.

**22. 让我们一起喝一杯吧!**

Let's have a drink, shall we?

**23. 祝你好运!**

Good luck to you!

**24. 我很喜欢你的新帽子。**

I like your new hat very much.

**25. 你看起来真不错!**

You look absolutely smashing!

**26. 我喜欢喝下午茶。**

I love to have afternoon tea.

**27. 我喜欢古典音乐。**

I enjoy listening to classical music.

**28. 我要去旅行。**

I'm going on a trip.

**29. 我想去参观博物馆。**

I'd like to visit the museum.

**30. 我喜欢阅读。**

I enjoy reading.

**31. 我很喜欢你的新衣服。**

I love your new dress.

**32. 我很高兴你没事。**

I'm so pleased you're alright.

**33. 我有点饿了。**

I'm feeling a bit peckish.

**34. 我要去散步。**

I'm going for a walk.

**35. 我要出去买点东西。**

I'm going out to do some shopping.

**36. 我要洗个热水澡。**

I'm going to have a hot bath.

**37. 我要煮点东西吃。**

I'm going to cook something to eat.

**38. 我要整理一下我的房子。**

I'm going to tidy up my house.

**39. 我要出去见个朋友。**

I'm going out to meet a friend.

**40. 我要去参加一个聚会。**

I'm going to a party.

**41. 我要看电视。**

I'm going to watch some television.

**42. 我要听音乐。**

I'm going to listen to some music.

**43. 我要去睡觉。**

I'm going to bed.

**44. 我要写封信。**

I'm going to write a letter.

**45. 我要读本书。**

I'm going to read a book.

**46. 我要玩游戏。**

I'm going to play a game.

**47. 我要学习。**

I'm going to study.

**48. 我要工作。**

I'm going to work.

**49. 我要去看医生。**

I'm going to see the doctor.

**50. 我要去银行。**

I'm going to the bank.

**51. 我要买张票。**

I'm going to buy a ticket.

**52. 我要去邮局。**

I'm going to the post office.

**53. 我要去商店。**

I'm going to the shop.

**54. 我要洗衣服。**

I'm going to do the laundry.

**55. 我要打扫房子。**

I'm going to clean the house.

**56. 我要修理我的汽车。**

I'm going to fix my car.

**57. 我要打电话给我的朋友。**

I'm going to call my friend.

**58. 我要发个电子邮件。**

I'm going to send an email.

**59. 我要去参观一个城堡。**

I'm going to visit a castle.

**60. 我要去参加音乐会。**

I'm going to a concert.

**61. 我要去看戏。**

I'm going to the theatre.

**62. 我要去参加一个展览。**

I'm going to an exhibition.

**63. 我要去看一场足球比赛。**

I'm going to watch a football match.

**64. 我要去游泳。**

I'm going swimming.

**65. 我要去骑自行车。**

I'm going cycling.

**66. 我要去打网球。**

I'm going to play tennis.

**67. 我要去玩高尔夫球。**

I'm going to play golf.

**68. 我要去跑步。**

I'm going for a run.

**69. 我要去做饭。**

I'm going to cook a meal.

**70. 我要去做蛋糕。**

I'm going to bake a cake.

**71. 我要去做花园。**

I'm going to do some gardening.

**72. 我要去购物。**

I'm going shopping.

**73. 我要去看望我的家人。**

I'm going to visit my family.

**74. 我要去看望我的朋友。**

I'm going to visit my friends.

**75. 我要去看望我的邻居。**

I'm going to visit my neighbours.

**76. 我要去上班。**

I'm going to work.

**77. 我要去上学。**

I'm going to school.

**78. 我要去开会。**

I'm going to a meeting.

**79. 我要去演讲。**

I'm going to give a presentation.

**80. 我要去参加面试。**

I'm going for an interview.

**81. 我要去旅行。**

I'm going on a journey.

**82. 我要去冒险。**

I'm going on an adventure.

**83. 我要去探索。**

I'm going to explore.

**84. 我要去发现。**

I'm going to discover.

**85. 我要去创造。**

I'm going to create.

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