
## 快能见知己 句子 67句

**1. 知己知彼,百战不殆。**

Knowing yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles.

**2. 人生得一知己足矣。**

It is enough to have one true friend in life.

**3. 患难见真情,知己见真心。**

True feelings are revealed in times of adversity, and true hearts are revealed in true friends.

**4. 与知己谈心,胜过千言万语。**

A heart-to-heart conversation with a true friend is worth more than a thousand words.

**5. 知己如镜,照见本心。**

A true friend is like a mirror, reflecting your true self.

**6. 知己难求,珍惜眼前人。**

True friends are hard to find, cherish the ones you have.

**7. 与知己相识,如沐春风。**

Meeting a true friend is like a gentle spring breeze.

**8. 知己相知,心心相印。**

True friends understand each other without words.

**9. 知己相伴,人生无憾。**

With a true friend by your side, life is complete.

**10. 知己之交,胜过黄金。**

The friendship of a true friend is more valuable than gold.

**11. 知己相惜,风雨同舟。**

True friends cherish each other and face challenges together.

**12. 知己之乐,乐在其中。**

The joy of true friendship is a joy in itself.

**13. 知己之情,无价之宝。**

The love of a true friend is a priceless treasure.

**14. 知己之间,无需言语。**

True friends don't need words to communicate.

**15. 知己相守,天涯海角。**

True friends remain together, no matter how far apart they are.

**16. 知己之情,超越时间。**

The love of a true friend transcends time.

**17. 知己之谊,弥足珍贵。**

The friendship of a true friend is invaluable.

**18. 知己之爱,无私无求。**

The love of a true friend is selfless and unconditional.

**19. 知己之行,义不容辞。**

A true friend will always be there for you, no matter what.

**20. 知己之言,忠言逆耳。**

A true friend will tell you the truth, even if it hurts.

**21. 知己之笑,如沐春光。**

The laughter of a true friend is like sunshine.

**22. 知己之泪,感人肺腑。**

The tears of a true friend are touching and heartfelt.

**23. 知己之梦,共同追寻。**

True friends share their dreams and pursue them together.

**24. 知己之情,永不磨灭。**

The love of a true friend never fades.

**25. 知己之谊,天长地久。**

The friendship of a true friend lasts forever.

**26. 与知己谈笑风生,胜过千金。**

A lively conversation with a true friend is more valuable than gold.

**27. 知己之情,如酒般醇厚。**

The love of a true friend is as deep and rich as wine.

**28. 知己之爱,如水般清澈。**

The love of a true friend is as pure and clear as water.

**29. 知己之谊,如山般稳固。**

The friendship of a true friend is as solid as a mountain.

**30. 知己之情,如阳光般温暖。**

The love of a true friend is as warm as sunshine.

**31. 知己相惜,风雨无阻。**

True friends cherish each other and face any challenge together.

**32. 知己之交,如金子般珍贵。**

The friendship of a true friend is as precious as gold.

**33. 知己之言,如良药般苦口良药。**

The words of a true friend are like medicine, bitter but beneficial.

**34. 知己之行,如灯塔般指引方向。**

The actions of a true friend are like a lighthouse, guiding you on your path.

**35. 知己之爱,如海洋般深邃。**

The love of a true friend is as deep and boundless as the ocean.

**36. 知己之情,如星辰般闪耀。**

The love of a true friend shines brightly like the stars.

**37. 知己之谊,如花香般芬芳。**

The friendship of a true friend is as fragrant as flowers.

**38. 知己之爱,如蜂蜜般甜蜜。**

The love of a true friend is as sweet as honey.

**39. 知己相知,如鸟语花香。**

True friends understand each other, like the chirping of birds and the fragrance of flowers.

**40. 知己之情,如月光般温柔。**

The love of a true friend is as gentle as moonlight.

**41. 知己之行,如清泉般滋润心灵。**

The actions of a true friend are like a refreshing spring, nourishing the soul.

**42. 知己之言,如美酒般回味无穷。**

The words of a true friend are like fine wine, leaving a lasting impression.

**43. 知己之爱,如春风般拂面。**

The love of a true friend is like a gentle spring breeze, refreshing and comforting.

**44. 知己之谊,如阳光般温暖人心。**

The friendship of a true friend is as warm and comforting as sunshine.

**45. 知己之情,如彩虹般美丽。**

The love of a true friend is as beautiful and vibrant as a rainbow.

**46. 知己之行,如星辰般闪耀光芒。**

The actions of a true friend shine brightly like the stars.

**47. 知己之言,如珍珠般珍贵。**

The words of a true friend are as precious as pearls.

**48. 知己之爱,如火焰般燃烧。**

The love of a true friend burns brightly like a flame.

**49. 知己之谊,如大地般厚重。**

The friendship of a true friend is as strong and steadfast as the earth.

**50. 知己之情,如天空般广阔。**

The love of a true friend is as vast and boundless as the sky.

**51. 知己相知,如心心相印。**

True friends understand each other without words, as if their hearts are connected.

**52. 知己相惜,如花开并蒂。**

True friends cherish each other, like twin flowers blooming together.

**53. 知己之交,如高山流水。**

The friendship of a true friend is like the harmonious melody of a mountain stream.

**54. 知己之情,如日月星辰。**

The love of a true friend is as eternal as the sun, moon, and stars.

**55. 知己之行,如春雨般滋润万物。**

The actions of a true friend are like spring rain, nourishing everything they touch.

**56. 知己之言,如良药般治病救人。**

The words of a true friend are like medicine, healing and saving lives.

**57. 知己之爱,如阳光般照亮人生。**

The love of a true friend is like sunshine, illuminating life's path.

**58. 知己之谊,如清风般吹拂心灵。**

The friendship of a true friend is like a gentle breeze, calming and refreshing the soul.

**59. 知己之情,如大海般宽广。**

The love of a true friend is as vast and boundless as the sea.

**60. 知己之行,如星辰般指引方向。**

The actions of a true friend are like stars, guiding you towards your destination.

**61. 知己之言,如金玉良言。**

The words of a true friend are like precious gems, valuable and wise.

**62. 知己之爱,如火焰般温暖人心。**

The love of a true friend is as warm and comforting as a fire.

**63. 知己之谊,如大地般坚韧。**

The friendship of a true friend is as strong and resilient as the earth.

**64. 知己之情,如天空般自由。**

The love of a true friend is as free and boundless as the sky.

**65. 知己相知,如心灵相通。**

True friends understand each other intuitively, as if their minds are connected.

**66. 知己相惜,如花香四溢。**

True friends cherish each other, their love filling the air like a beautiful fragrance.

**67. 知己之交,如天作之合。**

The friendship of a true friend is like a perfect match, a natural and harmonious bond.

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