
## 英模灯箱句子 (77 句)

**1. 他们用生命铸就了忠诚,他们的名字永远铭刻在历史的长河中。**

They forged loyalty with their lives, their names forever etched in the river of history.

**2. 他们用鲜血和汗水浇灌了祖国的繁荣,他们的精神永远照耀着中华民族。**

They nurtured the prosperity of their motherland with blood and sweat, their spirit forever illuminating the Chinese nation.

**3. 他们用无私奉献点亮了希望的光芒,他们的事迹永远激励着我们前行。**

They illuminated the light of hope with their selfless dedication, their deeds forever inspiring us to move forward.

**4. 他们用坚定的信念克服了重重困难,他们的力量永远鼓舞着我们战胜挑战。**

They overcame countless difficulties with unwavering faith, their strength forever encouraging us to conquer challenges.

**5. 他们用高尚的品格树立了道德的标杆,他们的精神永远指引着我们走向光明。**

They established moral benchmarks with their noble character, their spirit forever guiding us towards the light.

**6. 他们的名字,是时代的精神丰碑。**

Their names are monuments to the spirit of the times.

**7. 他们的故事,是中华民族的精神瑰宝。**

Their stories are the spiritual treasures of the Chinese nation.

**8. 他们的精神,是中华民族的精神力量。**

Their spirit is the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation.

**9. 向英雄致敬,向榜样学习,向时代楷模致敬!**

Salute the heroes, learn from the role models, and pay tribute to the exemplars of the times!

**10. 他们的名字,将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上。**

Their names will forever be etched on the monuments of history.

**11. 他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路。**

Their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress.

**12. 他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗。**

Their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams.

**13. 他们,是中华民族的脊梁!**

They are the backbone of the Chinese nation!

**14. 他们,是时代的英雄!**

They are the heroes of the times!

**15. 他们,是中华民族的骄傲!**

They are the pride of the Chinese nation!

**16. 他们的奉献,照亮了无数人的生命。**

Their dedication illuminated the lives of countless people.

**17. 他们的勇敢,激励了无数人战胜困难。**

Their courage inspired countless people to overcome difficulties.

**18. 他们的智慧,指引了无数人走向成功。**

Their wisdom guided countless people towards success.

**19. 他们的精神,永远值得我们学习和传承。**

Their spirit is forever worthy of our learning and inheritance.

**20. 他们,是中华民族的希望!**

They are the hope of the Chinese nation!

**21. 他们用青春和热血谱写了壮丽的篇章。**

They wrote magnificent chapters with their youth and blood.

**22. 他们用平凡的行动成就了伟大的事业。**

They achieved great causes with ordinary actions.

**23. 他们用坚韧的意志克服了无数的挑战。**

They overcame countless challenges with their tenacious will.

**24. 他们的故事,激励着我们不断前行。**

Their stories inspire us to keep moving forward.

**25. 他们的精神,照耀着我们前进的道路。**

Their spirit illuminates our path forward.

**26. 他们用生命诠释了忠诚,用行动诠释了奉献。**

They interpreted loyalty with their lives, and dedication with their actions.

**27. 他们用鲜血和汗水浇灌了祖国的繁荣,用生命守护了人民的幸福。**

They nurtured the prosperity of their motherland with blood and sweat, and protected the happiness of the people with their lives.

**28. 他们用无私奉献点亮了希望的光芒,用坚定的信念战胜了重重困难。**

They illuminated the light of hope with their selfless dedication, and overcame countless difficulties with unwavering faith.

**29. 他们用高尚的品格树立了道德的标杆,用榜样的力量鼓舞了无数人。**

They established moral benchmarks with their noble character, and inspired countless people with the power of their example.

**30. 他们的名字,永远铭刻在历史的长河中。**

Their names will forever be etched in the river of history.

**31. 他们的故事,将永远流传后世。**

Their stories will forever be passed down through generations.

**32. 他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路。**

Their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress.

**33. 他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗。**

Their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams.

**34. 他们,是中华民族的脊梁!**

They are the backbone of the Chinese nation!

**35. 他们,是时代的英雄!**

They are the heroes of the times!

**36. 他们,是中华民族的骄傲!**

They are the pride of the Chinese nation!

**37. 他们,是中华民族的希望!**

They are the hope of the Chinese nation!

**38. 他们的奉献,照亮了无数人的生命。**

Their dedication illuminated the lives of countless people.

**39. 他们的勇敢,激励了无数人战胜困难。**

Their courage inspired countless people to overcome difficulties.

**40. 他们的智慧,指引了无数人走向成功。**

Their wisdom guided countless people towards success.

**41. 他们的精神,永远值得我们学习和传承。**

Their spirit is forever worthy of our learning and inheritance.

**42. 他们,是中华民族的精神丰碑!**

They are the spiritual monuments of the Chinese nation!

**43. 他们,是中华民族的精神瑰宝!**

They are the spiritual treasures of the Chinese nation!

**44. 他们,是中华民族的精神力量!**

They are the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation!

**45. 向英雄致敬,向榜样学习,向时代楷模致敬!**

Salute the heroes, learn from the role models, and pay tribute to the exemplars of the times!

**46. 他们的名字,将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上。**

Their names will forever be etched on the monuments of history.

**47. 他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路。**

Their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress.

**48. 他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗。**

Their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams.

**49. 他们,用青春和热血谱写了壮丽的篇章。**

They wrote magnificent chapters with their youth and blood.

**50. 他们,用平凡的行动成就了伟大的事业。**

They achieved great causes with ordinary actions.

**51. 他们,用坚韧的意志克服了无数的挑战。**

They overcame countless challenges with their tenacious will.

**52. 他们,用无私奉献照亮了无数人的生命。**

They illuminated the lives of countless people with their selfless dedication.

**53. 他们,用勇敢无畏的精神激励了无数人战胜困难。**

They inspired countless people to overcome difficulties with their courageous and fearless spirit.

**54. 他们,用智慧和才华指引了无数人走向成功。**

They guided countless people towards success with their wisdom and talent.

**55. 他们,用高尚的品格树立了道德的标杆,用无私奉献点亮了希望的光芒。**

They established moral benchmarks with their noble character, and illuminated the light of hope with their selfless dedication.

**56. 他们,用坚定的信念克服了重重困难,用榜样的力量鼓舞了无数人。**

They overcame countless difficulties with unwavering faith, and inspired countless people with the power of their example.

**57. 他们的故事,激励着我们不断前行,他们的精神,照耀着我们前进的道路。**

Their stories inspire us to keep moving forward, and their spirit illuminates our path forward.

**58. 他们的名字,是时代的精神丰碑,他们的故事,是中华民族的精神瑰宝。**

Their names are monuments to the spirit of the times, and their stories are the spiritual treasures of the Chinese nation.

**59. 他们的精神,是中华民族的精神力量,他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗。**

Their spirit is the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation, and their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams.

**60. 他们,用生命诠释了忠诚,用行动诠释了奉献,用鲜血和汗水浇灌了祖国的繁荣。**

They interpreted loyalty with their lives, dedication with their actions, and nurtured the prosperity of their motherland with blood and sweat.

**61. 他们,用生命守护了人民的幸福,用无私奉献点亮了希望的光芒,用坚定的信念战胜了重重困难。**

They protected the happiness of the people with their lives, illuminated the light of hope with their selfless dedication, and overcame countless difficulties with unwavering faith.

**62. 他们,用高尚的品格树立了道德的标杆,用榜样的力量鼓舞了无数人,他们的名字,永远铭刻在历史的长河中。**

They established moral benchmarks with their noble character, inspired countless people with the power of their example, and their names will forever be etched in the river of history.

**63. 他们,是中华民族的脊梁,是时代的英雄,是中华民族的骄傲,是中华民族的希望!**

They are the backbone of the Chinese nation, the heroes of the times, the pride of the Chinese nation, and the hope of the Chinese nation!

**64. 他们的奉献,照亮了无数人的生命,他们的勇敢,激励了无数人战胜困难,他们的智慧,指引了无数人走向成功。**

Their dedication illuminated the lives of countless people, their courage inspired countless people to overcome difficulties, and their wisdom guided countless people towards success.

**65. 他们的精神,永远值得我们学习和传承,他们的故事,将永远流传后世,他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路。**

Their spirit is forever worthy of our learning and inheritance, their stories will forever be passed down through generations, and their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress.

**66. 他们的名字,将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上,他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗,他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路。**

Their names will forever be etched on the monuments of history, their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams, and their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress.

**67. 他们,用青春和热血谱写了壮丽的篇章,用平凡的行动成就了伟大的事业,用坚韧的意志克服了无数的挑战。**

They wrote magnificent chapters with their youth and blood, achieved great causes with ordinary actions, and overcame countless challenges with their tenacious will.

**68. 他们,用无私奉献照亮了无数人的生命,用勇敢无畏的精神激励了无数人战胜困难,用智慧和才华指引了无数人走向成功。**

They illuminated the lives of countless people with their selfless dedication, inspired countless people to overcome difficulties with their courageous and fearless spirit, and guided countless people towards success with their wisdom and talent.

**69. 他们,用高尚的品格树立了道德的标杆,用无私奉献点亮了希望的光芒,用坚定的信念克服了重重困难,用榜样的力量鼓舞了无数人。**

They established moral benchmarks with their noble character, illuminated the light of hope with their selfless dedication, overcame countless difficulties with unwavering faith, and inspired countless people with the power of their example.

**70. 他们的故事,激励着我们不断前行,他们的精神,照耀着我们前进的道路,他们的名字,是时代的精神丰碑,他们的故事,是中华民族的精神瑰宝。**

Their stories inspire us to keep moving forward, their spirit illuminates our path forward, their names are monuments to the spirit of the times, and their stories are the spiritual treasures of the Chinese nation.

**71. 他们的精神,是中华民族的精神力量,他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗,他们的名字,将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上,他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路。**

Their spirit is the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation, their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams, their names will forever be etched on the monuments of history, and their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress.

**72. 他们,用生命诠释了忠诚,用行动诠释了奉献,用鲜血和汗水浇灌了祖国的繁荣,用生命守护了人民的幸福。**

They interpreted loyalty with their lives, dedication with their actions, nurtured the prosperity of their motherland with blood and sweat, and protected the happiness of the people with their lives.

**73. 他们,用无私奉献点亮了希望的光芒,用坚定的信念战胜了重重困难,用高尚的品格树立了道德的标杆,用榜样的力量鼓舞了无数人。**

They illuminated the light of hope with their selfless dedication, overcame countless difficulties with unwavering faith, established moral benchmarks with their noble character, and inspired countless people with the power of their example.

**74. 他们的名字,永远铭刻在历史的长河中,他们的故事,将永远流传后世,他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路,他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗。**

Their names will forever be etched in the river of history, their stories will forever be passed down through generations, their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress, and their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams.

**75. 他们,是中华民族的脊梁,是时代的英雄,是中华民族的骄傲,是中华民族的希望,他们的奉献,照亮了无数人的生命,他们的勇敢,激励了无数人战胜困难,他们的智慧,指引了无数人走向成功。**

They are the backbone of the Chinese nation, the heroes of the times, the pride of the Chinese nation, and the hope of the Chinese nation, their dedication illuminated the lives of countless people, their courage inspired countless people to overcome difficulties, and their wisdom guided countless people towards success.

**76. 他们的精神,永远值得我们学习和传承,他们的故事,将永远流传后世,他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路,他们的名字,是时代的精神丰碑,他们的故事,是中华民族的精神瑰宝。**

Their spirit is forever worthy of our learning and inheritance, their stories will forever be passed down through generations, their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress, their names are monuments to the spirit of the times, and their stories are the spiritual treasures of the Chinese nation.

**77. 他们的精神,是中华民族的精神力量,他们的事迹,将永远激励着我们为梦想奋斗,他们的名字,将永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上,他们的精神,将永远照耀着中华民族前进的道路,他们是中华民族的脊梁,是时代的英雄,是中华民族的骄傲,是中华民族的希望!**

Their spirit is the spiritual strength of the Chinese nation, their deeds will forever inspire us to strive for our dreams, their names will forever be etched on the monuments of history, and their spirit will forever illuminate the path of the Chinese nation's progress, they are the backbone of the Chinese nation, the heroes of the times, the pride of the Chinese nation, and the hope of the Chinese nation!

以上就是关于英模灯箱句子77句(英模灯箱句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
