
## 英烈忠魂句子 (73句)

1. **英烈千古,浩气长存。** (Heroes live forever, their righteousness endures.)

Heroes live forever, their righteousness endures.

2. **血沃中华,魂垂青史。** (Their blood nourishes China, their souls are etched in history.)

Their blood nourishes China, their souls are etched in history.

3. **忠魂不灭,英名永存。** (Their loyal souls are immortal, their heroic names will forever be remembered.)

Their loyal souls are immortal, their heroic names will forever be remembered.

4. **浩气凛然,忠肝义胆。** (Their righteousness is awe-inspiring, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.)

Their righteousness is awe-inspiring, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.

5. **前仆后继,舍生忘死。** (They marched forward one after another, sacrificing themselves without fear of death.)

They marched forward one after another, sacrificing themselves without fear of death.

6. **卫国戍边,鞠躬尽瘁。** (They guarded the country and defended its borders, devoting their lives to the cause.)

They guarded the country and defended its borders, devoting their lives to the cause.

7. **流血牺牲,无私奉献。** (They shed their blood and made sacrifices, offering their selfless devotion.)

They shed their blood and made sacrifices, offering their selfless devotion.

8. **气吞山河,壮志凌云。** (Their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers, their ambitions reach for the clouds.)

Their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers, their ambitions reach for the clouds.

9. **舍身取义,浩然正气。** (They sacrificed themselves for righteousness, embodying an unyielding sense of justice.)

They sacrificed themselves for righteousness, embodying an unyielding sense of justice.

10. **丹心赤胆,忠肝义胆。** (Their hearts are pure and loyal, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.)

Their hearts are pure and loyal, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.

11. **英魂长存,精神永驻。** (Their heroic souls live on, their spirit will forever remain.)

Their heroic souls live on, their spirit will forever remain.

12. **为国捐躯,壮烈牺牲。** (They died for their country, sacrificing themselves in a glorious manner.)

They died for their country, sacrificing themselves in a glorious manner.

13. **功勋卓著,流芳百世。** (Their achievements are remarkable, their names will be remembered for generations to come.)

Their achievements are remarkable, their names will be remembered for generations to come.

14. **万古流芳,名垂青史。** (Their names will be remembered throughout eternity, their deeds will be recorded in history.)

Their names will be remembered throughout eternity, their deeds will be recorded in history.

15. **身躯虽逝,精神永存。** (Though their bodies may have perished, their spirit lives on.)

Though their bodies may have perished, their spirit lives on.

16. **浩然正气,万古流芳。** (Their righteous spirit will endure forever, their names will be remembered for generations to come.)

Their righteous spirit will endure forever, their names will be remembered for generations to come.

17. **气贯长虹,光耀千秋。** (Their spirit shines like a rainbow, their glory will illuminate the ages.)

Their spirit shines like a rainbow, their glory will illuminate the ages.

18. **忠心报国,死而后已。** (They dedicated their lives to serving their country, they would die rather than betray their loyalty.)

They dedicated their lives to serving their country, they would die rather than betray their loyalty.

19. **精忠报国,碧血丹心。** (They served their country with utmost loyalty, their blood is as pure as jade.)

They served their country with utmost loyalty, their blood is as pure as jade.

20. **视死如归,舍身报国。** (They faced death with composure, sacrificing their lives for their country.)

They faced death with composure, sacrificing their lives for their country.

21. **民族英雄,巾帼不让须眉。** (National heroes, women are just as capable as men.)

National heroes, women are just as capable as men.

22. **血染疆场,英魂不灭。** (Their blood stained the battlefield, their heroic souls live on.)

Their blood stained the battlefield, their heroic souls live on.

23. **浩气长存,万世流芳。** (Their righteousness will endure forever, their names will be remembered for generations to come.)

Their righteousness will endure forever, their names will be remembered for generations to come.

24. **烈士英魂,永垂不朽。** (The heroic souls of martyrs will live forever.)

The heroic souls of martyrs will live forever.

25. **前赴后继,英勇无畏。** (They followed one after another, fearless and courageous.)

They followed one after another, fearless and courageous.

26. **为国捐躯,壮志未酬。** (They sacrificed themselves for their country, their ambitions remain unfulfilled.)

They sacrificed themselves for their country, their ambitions remain unfulfilled.

27. **气吞山河,壮怀激烈。** (Their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers, their hearts are filled with patriotic fervor.)

Their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers, their hearts are filled with patriotic fervor.

28. **碧血丹心,忠肝义胆。** (Their blood is as pure as jade, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.)

Their blood is as pure as jade, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.

29. **舍身救民,功勋卓著。** (They sacrificed themselves to save the people, their achievements are remarkable.)

They sacrificed themselves to save the people, their achievements are remarkable.

30. **气贯长虹,光耀千古。** (Their spirit shines like a rainbow, their glory will illuminate the ages.)

Their spirit shines like a rainbow, their glory will illuminate the ages.

31. **为国捐躯,英名永垂。** (They died for their country, their heroic names will forever be remembered.)

They died for their country, their heroic names will forever be remembered.

32. **浩气长存,英灵不朽。** (Their righteousness will endure forever, their heroic spirits will never die.)

Their righteousness will endure forever, their heroic spirits will never die.

33. **忠魂不灭,英烈长存。** (Their loyal souls are immortal, heroes live forever.)

Their loyal souls are immortal, heroes live forever.

34. **为国捐躯,壮志未酬。** (They sacrificed themselves for their country, their ambitions remain unfulfilled.)

They sacrificed themselves for their country, their ambitions remain unfulfilled.

35. **浩气凛然,壮志凌云。** (Their righteousness is awe-inspiring, their ambitions reach for the clouds.)

Their righteousness is awe-inspiring, their ambitions reach for the clouds.

36. **流血牺牲,万古流芳。** (They shed their blood and made sacrifices, their names will be remembered throughout eternity.)

They shed their blood and made sacrifices, their names will be remembered throughout eternity.

37. **前仆后继,舍身忘死。** (They marched forward one after another, sacrificing themselves without fear of death.)

They marched forward one after another, sacrificing themselves without fear of death.

38. **英魂不灭,精神永驻。** (Their heroic souls live on, their spirit will forever remain.)

Their heroic souls live on, their spirit will forever remain.

39. **卫国戍边,鞠躬尽瘁。** (They guarded the country and defended its borders, devoting their lives to the cause.)

They guarded the country and defended its borders, devoting their lives to the cause.

40. **忠心报国,死而后已。** (They dedicated their lives to serving their country, they would die rather than betray their loyalty.)

They dedicated their lives to serving their country, they would die rather than betray their loyalty.

41. **为民请命,舍生取义。** (They pleaded for the people, sacrificing themselves for righteousness.)

They pleaded for the people, sacrificing themselves for righteousness.

42. **英烈事迹,光耀千秋。** (The deeds of heroes will illuminate the ages.)

The deeds of heroes will illuminate the ages.

43. **忠魂不灭,精神永存。** (Their loyal souls are immortal, their spirit will forever remain.)

Their loyal souls are immortal, their spirit will forever remain.

44. **碧血丹心,精忠报国。** (Their blood is as pure as jade, they served their country with utmost loyalty.)

Their blood is as pure as jade, they served their country with utmost loyalty.

45. **舍身救民,功在千秋。** (They sacrificed themselves to save the people, their achievements will benefit generations to come.)

They sacrificed themselves to save the people, their achievements will benefit generations to come.

46. **视死如归,浩然正气。** (They faced death with composure, embodying an unyielding sense of justice.)

They faced death with composure, embodying an unyielding sense of justice.

47. **血沃中华,魂垂青史。** (Their blood nourishes China, their souls are etched in history.)

Their blood nourishes China, their souls are etched in history.

48. **英名永垂,精神永驻。** (Their heroic names will forever be remembered, their spirit will forever remain.)

Their heroic names will forever be remembered, their spirit will forever remain.

49. **浩气长存,英烈之魂。** (Their righteousness will endure forever, the souls of heroes.)

Their righteousness will endure forever, the souls of heroes.

50. **前赴后继,舍身报国。** (They followed one after another, sacrificing themselves for their country.)

They followed one after another, sacrificing themselves for their country.

51. **气贯长虹,壮志凌云。** (Their spirit shines like a rainbow, their ambitions reach for the clouds.)

Their spirit shines like a rainbow, their ambitions reach for the clouds.

52. **民族英雄,流芳百世。** (National heroes, their names will be remembered for generations to come.)

National heroes, their names will be remembered for generations to come.

53. **英勇无畏,气吞山河。** (They are fearless and courageous, their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers.)

They are fearless and courageous, their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers.

54. **丹心赤胆,舍身取义。** (Their hearts are pure and loyal, they sacrificed themselves for righteousness.)

Their hearts are pure and loyal, they sacrificed themselves for righteousness.

55. **忠魂不灭,英名长存。** (Their loyal souls are immortal, their heroic names will forever be remembered.)

Their loyal souls are immortal, their heroic names will forever be remembered.

56. **烈士英魂,永垂青史。** (The heroic souls of martyrs will forever be recorded in history.)

The heroic souls of martyrs will forever be recorded in history.

57. **舍身救民,功勋卓著。** (They sacrificed themselves to save the people, their achievements are remarkable.)

They sacrificed themselves to save the people, their achievements are remarkable.

58. **前仆后继,英勇无畏。** (They followed one after another, fearless and courageous.)

They followed one after another, fearless and courageous.

59. **为国捐躯,壮烈牺牲。** (They died for their country, sacrificing themselves in a glorious manner.)

They died for their country, sacrificing themselves in a glorious manner.

60. **浩气长存,万世流芳。** (Their righteousness will endure forever, their names will be remembered for generations to come.)

Their righteousness will endure forever, their names will be remembered for generations to come.

61. **英烈忠魂,精神永存。** (The loyal souls of heroes, their spirit will forever remain.)

The loyal souls of heroes, their spirit will forever remain.

62. **气吞山河,壮怀激烈。** (Their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers, their hearts are filled with patriotic fervor.)

Their spirit is as vast as mountains and rivers, their hearts are filled with patriotic fervor.

63. **碧血丹心,忠肝义胆。** (Their blood is as pure as jade, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.)

Their blood is as pure as jade, their loyalty and courage are unwavering.

64. **视死如归,舍身报国。** (They faced death with composure, sacrificing their lives for their country.)

They faced death with composure, sacrificing their lives for their country.

65. **英烈事迹,光耀千古。** (The deeds of heroes will illuminate the ages.)

The deeds of heroes will illuminate the ages.

66. **忠魂不灭,英烈长存。** (Their loyal souls are immortal, heroes live forever.)

Their loyal souls are immortal, heroes live forever.

67. **为国捐躯,壮志未酬。** (They sacrificed themselves for their country, their ambitions remain unfulfilled.)

They sacrificed themselves for their country, their ambitions remain unfulfilled.

68. **浩气凛然,壮志凌云。** (Their righteousness is awe-inspiring, their ambitions reach for the clouds.)

Their righteousness is awe-inspiring, their ambitions reach for the clouds.

69. **流血牺牲,万古流芳。** (They shed their blood and made sacrifices, their names will be remembered throughout eternity.)

They shed their blood and made sacrifices, their names will be remembered throughout eternity.

70. **前仆后继,舍身忘死。** (They marched forward one after another, sacrificing themselves without fear of death.)

They marched forward one after another, sacrificing themselves without fear of death.

71. **英魂不灭,精神永驻。** (Their heroic souls live on, their spirit will forever remain.)

Their heroic souls live on, their spirit will forever remain.

72. **卫国戍边,鞠躬尽瘁。** (They guarded the country and defended its borders, devoting their lives to the cause.)

They guarded the country and defended its borders, devoting their lives to the cause.

73. **忠心报国,死而后已。** (They dedicated their lives to serving their country, they would die rather than betray their loyalty.)

They dedicated their lives to serving their country, they would die rather than betray their loyalty.

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