
## 范玮琪道歉的句子 (51句)

1. 真的非常抱歉,我的言論傷害了很多人,我深刻反省自己的言行,並為此感到羞愧。

I am truly sorry that my words have hurt many people. I deeply reflect on my words and actions and am ashamed of them.

2. 這次的風波,讓我明白自己言行舉止的重要性,我以後會更加謹慎,不再犯同樣的錯誤。

This incident has made me realize the importance of my words and actions. I will be more careful in the future and avoid making the same mistakes.

3. 對所有因為我的言論而感到受傷的人,我再次誠摯地道歉。

I sincerely apologize again to everyone who was hurt by my words.

4. 我會努力學習,成為一個更成熟、更負責任的人。

I will work hard to learn and become a more mature and responsible person.

5. 希望大家能原諒我的過失,我會用實際行動來彌補。

I hope everyone can forgive my mistakes. I will make up for them with concrete actions.

6. 我對自己的言行感到非常後悔,並為此付出了代價。

I deeply regret my words and actions, and I have paid the price for them.

7. 我會更加珍惜與大家的情誼,並努力維護我們的關係。

I will cherish my friendship with everyone more and strive to maintain our relationships.

8. 我會從錯誤中汲取教訓,並不斷提升自己。

I will learn from my mistakes and continuously improve myself.

9. 我會更加關注自己的言行舉止,不再讓大家失望。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and avoid disappointing everyone.

10. 我對這次事件造成的影響感到十分抱歉,並願意承擔一切責任。

I am truly sorry for the impact of this incident and am willing to take full responsibility.

11. 我會虛心接受大家的批評,並努力改正自己的不足。

I will humbly accept everyone's criticism and strive to correct my shortcomings.

12. 我希望這次事件能成為我成長的契機,讓我變得更成熟、更理性。

I hope this incident will be a turning point for my growth, making me more mature and rational.

13. 我對自己的言行感到羞愧,並願意接受任何懲罰。

I am ashamed of my words and actions and am willing to accept any punishment.

14. 我會更加注重自己的言行舉止,並努力做一個負責任的公眾人物。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a responsible public figure.

15. 我對這次事件造成的傷害感到非常抱歉,並希望得到大家的諒解。

I am truly sorry for the harm caused by this incident and hope to gain everyone's understanding.

16. 我會努力反省自己,並用行動來證明我的悔過之心。

I will work hard to reflect on myself and prove my remorse with actions.

17. 我希望大家能給我一個改過自新的機會,我不會再犯同樣的錯誤。

I hope everyone can give me a chance to reform. I will not repeat the same mistake.

18. 我對自己的言論感到非常後悔,並為此付出了代價。

I deeply regret my words and have paid the price for them.

19. 我會更加謹慎地選擇我的言行舉止,避免再次傷害到任何人。

I will be more careful in choosing my words and actions to avoid hurting anyone again.

20. 我對這次事件造成的影響感到非常抱歉,並願意承擔一切責任。

I am truly sorry for the impact of this incident and am willing to take full responsibility.

21. 我會更加尊重每個人,並努力創造一個更加和諧的社會。

I will respect everyone more and strive to create a more harmonious society.

22. 我會更加關注自己的言行舉止,並努力做一個正能量的代表。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a representative of positive energy.

23. 我會更加珍惜與大家的情誼,並努力維護我們的關係。

I will cherish my friendship with everyone more and strive to maintain our relationships.

24. 我會更加嚴格要求自己,並努力成為一個更優秀的人。

I will be more demanding of myself and strive to become a better person.

25. 我會更加注重自己的言行舉止,並努力成為一個負責任的公眾人物。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a responsible public figure.

26. 我會更加關注自己的言行舉止,並努力做一個正能量的代表。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a representative of positive energy.

27. 我會更加尊重每個人,並努力創造一個更加和諧的社會。

I will respect everyone more and strive to create a more harmonious society.

28. 我會更加謹慎地選擇我的言行舉止,避免再次傷害到任何人。

I will be more careful in choosing my words and actions to avoid hurting anyone again.

29. 我會更加嚴格要求自己,並努力成為一個更優秀的人。

I will be more demanding of myself and strive to become a better person.

30. 我會努力學習,成為一個更成熟、更負責任的人。

I will work hard to learn and become a more mature and responsible person.

31. 我會更加珍惜與大家的情誼,並努力維護我們的關係。

I will cherish my friendship with everyone more and strive to maintain our relationships.

32. 我會更加關注自己的言行舉止,不再讓大家失望。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and avoid disappointing everyone.

33. 我會更加注重自己的言行舉止,並努力做一個負責任的公眾人物。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a responsible public figure.

34. 我會更加尊重每個人,並努力創造一個更加和諧的社會。

I will respect everyone more and strive to create a more harmonious society.

35. 我會更加謹慎地選擇我的言行舉止,避免再次傷害到任何人。

I will be more careful in choosing my words and actions to avoid hurting anyone again.

36. 我會更加嚴格要求自己,並努力成為一個更優秀的人。

I will be more demanding of myself and strive to become a better person.

37. 我會努力學習,成為一個更成熟、更負責任的人。

I will work hard to learn and become a more mature and responsible person.

38. 我會更加珍惜與大家的情誼,並努力維護我們的關係。

I will cherish my friendship with everyone more and strive to maintain our relationships.

39. 我會更加關注自己的言行舉止,不再讓大家失望。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and avoid disappointing everyone.

40. 我會更加注重自己的言行舉止,並努力做一個負責任的公眾人物。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a responsible public figure.

41. 我會更加尊重每個人,並努力創造一個更加和諧的社會。

I will respect everyone more and strive to create a more harmonious society.

42. 我會更加謹慎地選擇我的言行舉止,避免再次傷害到任何人。

I will be more careful in choosing my words and actions to avoid hurting anyone again.

43. 我會更加嚴格要求自己,並努力成為一個更優秀的人。

I will be more demanding of myself and strive to become a better person.

44. 我會努力學習,成為一個更成熟、更負責任的人。

I will work hard to learn and become a more mature and responsible person.

45. 我會更加珍惜與大家的情誼,並努力維護我們的關係。

I will cherish my friendship with everyone more and strive to maintain our relationships.

46. 我會更加關注自己的言行舉止,不再讓大家失望。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and avoid disappointing everyone.

47. 我會更加注重自己的言行舉止,並努力做一個負責任的公眾人物。

I will pay more attention to my words and actions and strive to be a responsible public figure.

48. 我會更加尊重每個人,並努力創造一個更加和諧的社會。

I will respect everyone more and strive to create a more harmonious society.

49. 我會更加謹慎地選擇我的言行舉止,避免再次傷害到任何人。

I will be more careful in choosing my words and actions to avoid hurting anyone again.

50. 我會更加嚴格要求自己,並努力成為一個更優秀的人。

I will be more demanding of myself and strive to become a better person.

51. 我會努力學習,成為一個更成熟、更負責任的人。

I will work hard to learn and become a more mature and responsible person.

以上就是关于范玮琪道歉的句子51句(范玮琪道歉的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
