
## 念奴娇·赤壁怀古 重点句子(55句)


**1. 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。**

The mighty river flows eastward, washing away countless heroes and their deeds through time.

**2. 故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。**

To the west of the old fortress, people say this is where Zhou Yu, the hero of the Three Kingdoms, fought at Red Cliffs.

**3. 遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁,雄姿英发。**

Looking back, I recall Zhou Yu in his prime, when he married the beautiful Xiao Qiao and was brimming with youthful vigor.

**4. 羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。**

With a feathered fan and a silk scarf, he commanded victory with a smile, reducing the enemy's warships to ashes.

**5. 建功立业,真如梦里,何事长向别时圆?**

Building a career and achieving glory, it seems like a dream now. Why are my aspirations never fulfilled?

**6. 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。**

My soul wanders back to my homeland, and even the most sentimental people would laugh at my premature gray hair.

**7. 人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。**

Life is like a dream. I pour a cup of wine to the moon on the river.

**8. 乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。**

Rocks are torn apart by the wind, crashing waves strike the shore, rolling up thousands of snowy mounds.

**9. 江山如画,一时多少豪杰!**

The scenery is like a painting, how many heroes have risen and fallen through the ages!

**10. 遥望洞庭湖,白银盘里一青螺。**

Looking far off at Dongting Lake, it appears like a green snail resting on a silver plate.

**11. 君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。**

Have you not seen the Yellow River, its water flowing down from heaven, rushing to the sea and never returning?

**12. 滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。**

The mighty Yangtze River flows eastward, its waves wash away all the heroes.

**13. 是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。**

Right and wrong, success and failure, all vanish into the void. The green mountains remain, but the setting sun glows red time and again.

**14. 多少事,从来急,天地转,光阴迫。**

So much has happened, and always so quickly. The world spins, and time presses on.

**15. 一江春水向东流,万古千秋英雄事。**

The spring river flows eastward, forever carrying the stories of heroes from all ages.

**16. 山河破碎风飘絮,身世飘零雨打萍。**

The mountains and rivers are shattered, like drifting cottonwood seeds in the wind. My life is like a water lily tossed by the rain, adrift and lost.

**17. 英雄末路当磨折,壮志未酬身已老。**

A hero's path often ends in tribulation. With aspirations unfulfilled, my body grows old.

**18. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。**

My old friend departs from the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, heading for Yangzhou in the springtime of March.

**19. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。**

The distant sail fades into the blue sky, leaving only the Yangtze River flowing endlessly to the horizon.

**20. 白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。**

Old fishermen with white hair, on the bank of the river, are accustomed to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze.

**21. 一壶浊酒喜相逢,古今多少事,都付笑谈中。**

A cup of rough wine, a happy reunion. The events of past and present, all become topics for laughter.

**22. 人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。**

Life is like a dream. I pour a cup of wine to the moon on the river.

**23. 遥想当年,金戈铁马,气吞山河。**

I recall those days of yore, when we rode forth with golden swords and iron horses, our spirit dominating the land.

**24. 千古兴亡多少事,悠悠。**

Through the ages, how many dynasties have risen and fallen, fading into the distant past.

**25. 不尽长江滚滚流。**

The Yangtze River flows ceaselessly.

**26. 年少万兜鍪,坐断东南战未休。**

As a young man, you were invincible, controlling the southeast and never stopping your campaigns.

**27. 天下英雄谁敌手?曹刘。生子当如孙仲谋。**

Who among the heroes of the world could match your prowess? Only Cao Cao and Liu Bei. If I had a son, I would want him to be like Sun Quan.

**28. 周郎妙计安天下,赔了夫人又折兵。**

Zhou Yu's brilliant strategy secured the realm, but he lost his wife and his army.

**29. 故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。**

To the west of the old fortress, people say this is where Zhou Yu, the hero of the Three Kingdoms, fought at Red Cliffs.

**30. 遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁,雄姿英发。**

Looking back, I recall Zhou Yu in his prime, when he married the beautiful Xiao Qiao and was brimming with youthful vigor.

**31. 羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。**

With a feathered fan and a silk scarf, he commanded victory with a smile, reducing the enemy's warships to ashes.

**32. 折戟沉沙铁未销,自将磨洗认前朝。**

Broken swords and sunken armor still remain, a testament to the past. I will polish them and learn from those who fought before me.

**33. 东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔。**

If the east wind had not favored Zhou Yu, the Two Qiaos would have been imprisoned in the Copper Sparrow Tower.

**34. 江山如画,一时多少豪杰!**

The scenery is like a painting, how many heroes have risen and fallen through the ages!

**35. 浪淘尽,千古风流人物。**

The waves of time wash away countless heroes and their deeds.

**36. 故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。**

To the west of the old fortress, people say this is where Zhou Yu, the hero of the Three Kingdoms, fought at Red Cliffs.

**37. 遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁,雄姿英发。**

Looking back, I recall Zhou Yu in his prime, when he married the beautiful Xiao Qiao and was brimming with youthful vigor.

**38. 羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。**

With a feathered fan and a silk scarf, he commanded victory with a smile, reducing the enemy's warships to ashes.

**39. 建功立业,真如梦里,何事长向别时圆?**

Building a career and achieving glory, it seems like a dream now. Why are my aspirations never fulfilled?

**40. 故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。**

My soul wanders back to my homeland, and even the most sentimental people would laugh at my premature gray hair.

**41. 人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。**

Life is like a dream. I pour a cup of wine to the moon on the river.

**42. 乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪。**

Rocks are torn apart by the wind, crashing waves strike the shore, rolling up thousands of snowy mounds.

**43. 江山如画,一时多少豪杰!**

The scenery is like a painting, how many heroes have risen and fallen through the ages!

**44. 滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄。**

The mighty Yangtze River flows eastward, its waves wash away all the heroes.

**45. 是非成败转头空,青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。**

Right and wrong, success and failure, all vanish into the void. The green mountains remain, but the setting sun glows red time and again.

**46. 多少事,从来急,天地转,光阴迫。**

So much has happened, and always so quickly. The world spins, and time presses on.

**47. 一江春水向东流,万古千秋英雄事。**

The spring river flows eastward, forever carrying the stories of heroes from all ages.

**48. 山河破碎风飘絮,身世飘零雨打萍。**

The mountains and rivers are shattered, like drifting cottonwood seeds in the wind. My life is like a water lily tossed by the rain, adrift and lost.

**49. 英雄末路当磨折,壮志未酬身已老。**

A hero's path often ends in tribulation. With aspirations unfulfilled, my body grows old.

**50. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。**

My old friend departs from the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, heading for Yangzhou in the springtime of March.

**51. 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。**

The distant sail fades into the blue sky, leaving only the Yangtze River flowing endlessly to the horizon.

**52. 白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风。**

Old fishermen with white hair, on the bank of the river, are accustomed to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze.

**53. 一壶浊酒喜相逢,古今多少事,都付笑谈中。**

A cup of rough wine, a happy reunion. The events of past and present, all become topics for laughter.

**54. 遥想当年,金戈铁马,气吞山河。**

I recall those days of yore, when we rode forth with golden swords and iron horses, our spirit dominating the land.

**55. 千古兴亡多少事,悠悠。不尽长江滚滚流。**

Through the ages, how many dynasties have risen and fallen, fading into the distant past. The Yangtze River flows ceaselessly.

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