
## 惹爸妈生气道歉的句子 (86句)


1. 爸爸妈妈,对不起,我错了,我真的不应该那样做。

Mom and Dad, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I really shouldn't have done that.

2. 我知道我让你们失望了,我真的很难过。

I know I let you down, and I'm truly sorry.

3. 我不应该那样跟你们说话,我应该更尊重你们。

I shouldn't have talked to you that way. I should have been more respectful.

4. 我错了,我以后会注意的。

I was wrong, and I'll be more careful in the future.

5. 爸爸妈妈,我真的很后悔,我以后会改。

Mom and Dad, I truly regret it, and I'll change my ways.

6. 我知道我让你们担心了,我以后会更加懂事。

I know I worried you, and I'll be more mature in the future.

7. 请原谅我的任性,我以后会更加成熟。

Please forgive my recklessness. I'll be more mature in the future.

8. 我真的很抱歉,希望你们能原谅我。

I am truly sorry, and I hope you can forgive me.

9. 我知道你们为我付出了很多,我以后会更加珍惜你们的付出。

I know you've given so much for me, and I'll cherish your sacrifices more in the future.

10. 我错了,我以后会更加努力,不会再让你们失望。

I was wrong, and I'll work harder from now on. I won't let you down again.


11. 我真的很后悔,我当时不该那样做。

I truly regret it. I shouldn't have done that.

12. 我现在真的很后悔,希望时间可以倒流。

I really regret it now. I wish I could turn back time.

13. 我真的不应该那样做,我让你们伤心了。

I really shouldn't have done that. I made you sad.

14. 我现在非常后悔,我以后会更加谨慎。

I'm very remorseful now. I'll be more cautious in the future.

15. 我真的错了,我以后会更加注意自己的行为。

I was truly wrong, and I'll pay more attention to my actions from now on.

16. 我现在非常自责,我以后会更加成熟。

I'm very self-blaming now, and I'll be more mature in the future.

17. 我错了,我以后会更加努力,不会再犯同样的错误。

I was wrong, and I'll work harder from now on. I won't repeat the same mistake.

18. 我真的很后悔,我以后会更加孝顺你们。

I truly regret it, and I'll be more filial to you in the future.

19. 我知道我错了,我以后会更加听话,不会再让你们生气。

I know I was wrong, and I'll be more obedient from now on. I won't make you angry again.

20. 我现在很害怕,我以后会更加珍惜你们。

I'm scared now, and I'll cherish you more in the future.


21. 我以后会更加努力,不会再让你们失望。

I'll work harder from now on. I won't let you down again.

22. 我会更加认真学习,不辜负你们的期望。

I'll study harder and live up to your expectations.

23. 我会更加努力,成为你们骄傲的孩子。

I'll work harder and become a child you are proud of.

24. 我会更加听话,不再让你们生气。

I'll be more obedient and won't make you angry anymore.

25. 我会更加懂事,不再让你们操心。

I'll be more sensible and won't worry you anymore.

26. 我会更加珍惜你们,不再让你们伤心。

I'll cherish you more and won't make you sad anymore.

27. 我会更加孝顺你们,回报你们的爱。

I'll be more filial to you and repay your love.

28. 我会更加努力,成为一个更好的人。

I'll work harder and become a better person.

29. 我会更加珍惜现在,不再让你们失望。

I'll cherish the present and won't let you down anymore.

30. 我会更加努力,实现我的梦想,让你们为我骄傲。

I'll work harder, achieve my dreams, and make you proud of me.


31. 谢谢你们一直以来对我的包容和爱。

Thank you for your tolerance and love all along.

32. 谢谢你们对我的教育和付出,我真的很感谢你们。

Thank you for your education and sacrifices. I am truly grateful.

33. 我很幸运有你们这样的父母,我会更加珍惜你们。

I'm lucky to have parents like you. I'll cherish you more.

34. 谢谢你们对我的理解和支持,我会更加努力。

Thank you for your understanding and support. I'll work harder.

35. 谢谢你们一直以来对我的鼓励,我会更加自信。

Thank you for your encouragement all along. I'll be more confident.

36. 谢谢你们对我的关心和爱,我会更加努力回报你们。

Thank you for your care and love. I'll work harder to repay you.

37. 谢谢你们一直以来对我的包容,我会更加珍惜你们。

Thank you for your tolerance all along. I'll cherish you more.

38. 谢谢你们一直以来对我的支持,我会更加努力。

Thank you for your support all along. I'll work harder.

39. 谢谢你们一直以来对我的鼓励,我会更加自信。

Thank you for your encouragement all along. I'll be more confident.

40. 谢谢你们一直以来对我的关心,我会更加努力回报你们。

Thank you for your care all along. I'll work harder to repay you.


41. 爸爸妈妈,我爱你们,请你们原谅我。

Mom and Dad, I love you, please forgive me.

42. 你们是我最爱的人,我以后会更加珍惜你们。

You are the people I love most, and I'll cherish you more in the future.

43. 你们是我的家人,我永远爱你们。

You are my family, and I will always love you.

44. 你们是我的依靠,我永远不会忘记你们的付出。

You are my support, and I will never forget your sacrifices.

45. 你们是我的榜样,我永远以你们为荣。

You are my role models, and I am always proud of you.

46. 我永远不会忘记你们对我的爱,我会用我的行动来回报你们。

I will never forget your love for me, and I will repay you with my actions.

47. 我知道你们永远爱着我,我会更加努力成为你们的骄傲。

I know you always love me, and I will work harder to be your pride.

48. 你们是我的家人,我永远不会离开你们。

You are my family, and I will never leave you.

49. 你们是我的支持,我永远不会忘记你们的付出。

You are my support, and I will never forget your sacrifices.

50. 你们是我的榜样,我永远以你们为荣。

You are my role models, and I am always proud of you.


51. 我真的让你们失望了,我感到非常愧疚。

I really let you down, and I feel very guilty.

52. 我不应该那样做,我感到非常抱歉。

I shouldn't have done that, and I feel very sorry.

53. 我让你们担心了,我感到非常愧疚。

I worried you, and I feel very guilty.

54. 我让你们生气了,我感到非常抱歉。

I made you angry, and I feel very sorry.

55. 我让你们失望了,我感到非常自责。

I let you down, and I feel very self-blaming.

56. 我让你们生气了,我感到非常愧疚。

I made you angry, and I feel very guilty.

57. 我让你们担心了,我感到非常抱歉。

I worried you, and I feel very sorry.

58. 我让你们失望了,我感到非常自责。

I let you down, and I feel very self-blaming.

59. 我不应该那样做,我感到非常抱歉。

I shouldn't have done that, and I feel very sorry.

60. 我让你们失望了,我感到非常愧疚。

I really let you down, and I feel very guilty.


61. 我理解你们的感受,我知道我错了。

I understand how you feel, and I know I was wrong.

62. 我知道你们是为了我好,我以后会更加听话。

I know you do this for my own good, and I'll be more obedient in the future.

63. 我知道你们很生气,但我希望你们能原谅我。

I know you're angry, but I hope you can forgive me.

64. 我知道你们很失望,但我希望你们能再给我一次机会。

I know you're disappointed, but I hope you can give me another chance.

65. 我知道你们很担心,但我保证我以后会更加谨慎。

I know you're worried, but I promise I'll be more cautious in the future.

66. 我知道我让你们生气了,但我希望你们能理解我的难处。

I know I made you angry, but I hope you can understand my difficulties.

67. 我知道我让你们失望了,但我希望你们能相信我会变得更好。

I know I let you down, but I hope you can believe that I will become better.

68. 我知道你们对我很严格,但我希望你们能相信我的努力。

I know you are strict with me, but I hope you can believe in my efforts.

69. 我知道我让你们操心了,但我希望你们能看到我的成长。

I know I worried you, but I hope you can see my growth.

70. 我知道我让你们生气了,但我希望你们能给我一个机会重新开始。

I know I made you angry, but I hope you can give me a chance to start over.


71. 我保证以后会更加努力,不再让你们失望。

I promise I'll work harder from now on and won't let you down again.

72. 我保证以后会更加听话,不再让你们生气。

I promise I'll be more obedient from now on and won't make you angry anymore.

73. 我保证以后会更加懂事,不再让你们操心。

I promise I'll be more sensible from now on and won't worry you anymore.

74. 我保证以后会更加珍惜你们,不再让你们伤心。

I promise I'll cherish you more from now on and won't make you sad anymore.

75. 我保证以后会更加孝顺你们,回报你们的爱。

I promise I'll be more filial to you from now on and repay your love.

76. 我保证以后会更加努力,成为你们骄傲的孩子。

I promise I'll work harder from now on and become a child you are proud of.

77. 我保证以后会更加珍惜现在,不再让你们失望。

I promise I'll cherish the present from now on and won't let you down anymore.

78. 我保证以后会更加努力,实现我的梦想,让你们为我骄傲。

I promise I'll work harder from now on, achieve my dreams, and make you proud of me.

79. 我保证以后会更加认真学习,不辜负你们的期望。

I promise I'll study harder from now on and live up to your expectations.

80. 我保证以后会更加努力,成为一个更好的人。

I promise I'll work harder from now on and become a better person.


81. 爸爸妈妈,请你们不要生气了,我以后会更加懂事。

Mom and Dad, please don't be angry anymore. I'll be more sensible in the future.

82. 爸爸妈妈,我知道我错了,请你们给我一次改过自新的机会。

Mom and Dad, I know I was wrong. Please give me a chance to reform myself.

83. 爸爸妈妈,我知道我错了,我以后会更加珍惜你们对我的爱。

Mom and Dad, I know I was wrong. I'll cherish your love for me more in the future.

84. 爸爸妈妈,我以后会更加努力,让你们为我感到自豪。

Mom and Dad, I'll work harder from now on and make you proud of me.

85. 爸爸妈妈,请你们原谅我,我以后会更加孝顺你们。

Mom and Dad, please forgive me. I'll be more filial to you in the future.

86. 爸爸妈妈,我真的很爱你们,请你们不要再生气了。

Mom and Dad, I really love you. Please don't be angry anymore.

以上就是关于惹爸妈生气道歉的句子86句(惹爸妈生气道歉的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
