
## 90句想象中严重句子及英文翻译

**1. 沉默的房间里,只有她不停咳嗽的声音,像是死亡的预兆在空气中弥漫。**

The only sound in the silent room was her persistent cough, like a harbinger of death pervading the air.

**2. 他的目光冰冷而空洞,仿佛世间万物都已失去意义。**

His gaze was cold and empty, as if everything in the world had lost its meaning.

**3. 黑暗中,一双血红色的眼睛在注视着她,她感到脊背发凉,恐惧如潮水般涌来。**

In the darkness, a pair of blood-red eyes stared at her, sending chills down her spine and fear washing over her like a tide.

**4. 他的笑容诡异而渗人,仿佛来自地狱的恶魔在嘲笑她的恐惧。**

His smile was eerie and unsettling, like a demon from hell mocking her fear.

**5. 她感到身体逐渐虚弱,意识也渐渐模糊,仿佛坠入了无底的深渊。**

She felt her body growing weaker and her consciousness fading, as if she were falling into an abyss.

**6. 鲜血染红了地面,空气中弥漫着浓重的血腥味,令人作呕。**

Blood stained the ground, and the air was thick with the nauseating scent of blood.

**7. 她的眼角划过一道泪痕,却无法止住心中涌起的绝望。**

A tear traced a path down her cheek, but it couldn't stop the despair welling up in her heart.

**8. 那座古老的城堡,在黑夜中像一只巨兽般沉默地注视着他们。**

The ancient castle, like a giant beast, watched them silently in the darkness.

**9. 夜风吹过,树枝发出令人毛骨悚然的摩擦声,仿佛在预示着即将到来的厄运。**

The night wind blew, and the branches made a bone-chilling sound of friction, as if foreshadowing impending doom.

**10. 他握紧拳头,指甲深深地嵌入肉里,却无法发泄心中的愤怒。**

He clenched his fist, his nails digging deep into his flesh, unable to vent his anger.

**11. 她的呼吸变得急促,心脏像要从胸腔里跳出来,恐惧将她吞噬。**

Her breathing became rapid, her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest, and fear consumed her.

**12. 房间里,只有一台古老的钟表发出沉重的滴答声,仿佛在倒计时着他们的末日。**

In the room, only an old clock ticked heavily, as if counting down to their end.

**13. 他站在悬崖边,看着脚下的深渊,眼神中充满了迷茫和绝望。**

He stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the abyss below, his eyes filled with confusion and despair.

**14. 她闭上眼睛,泪水无声地滑落,内心充满了悲伤和无助。**

She closed her eyes, tears silently streamed down her face, her heart filled with sadness and helplessness.

**15. 他紧紧地抓住她的手,仿佛想要抓住最后一线希望。**

He gripped her hand tightly, as if trying to grasp the last thread of hope.

**16. 他感到身体越来越沉重,仿佛被无形的枷锁束缚。**

He felt his body growing heavier, as if bound by invisible chains.

**17. 她看到镜子里自己的脸,苍白而憔悴,仿佛被抽走了所有的生气。**

She saw her own face in the mirror, pale and haggard, as if all her life had been drained from her.

**18. 他感到一股寒意从脚底涌上来,仿佛死亡正在逼近。**

He felt a chill crawl up from his feet, as if death were approaching.

**19. 她感到自己的灵魂在颤抖,仿佛被黑暗吞噬。**

She felt her soul tremble, as if being swallowed by darkness.

**20. 他听到一声凄厉的尖叫,仿佛来自地狱的声音,让他不寒而栗。**

He heard a piercing scream, like a sound from hell, sending chills down his spine.

**21. 她的心像一块冰,冰冷而麻木,再也没有任何感觉。**

Her heart was like a piece of ice, cold and numb, devoid of any feeling.

**22. 他感到自己像一个被遗忘的灵魂,在黑暗中漫无目的地游荡。**

He felt like a forgotten soul, wandering aimlessly in the darkness.

**23. 她的眼眸中充满了绝望,仿佛看到了世界的尽头。**

Her eyes were filled with despair, as if she had seen the end of the world.

**24. 他感到一阵强烈的眩晕,眼前的世界开始变得模糊。**

He felt a surge of dizziness, and the world around him began to blur.

**25. 她感到自己的身体像被撕裂般疼痛,仿佛被无尽的痛苦折磨。**

She felt her body tearing with pain, as if being tortured by endless agony.

**26. 他感到一种难以言喻的恐惧,仿佛被死亡的阴影笼罩。**

He felt an unspeakable fear, as if enveloped in the shadow of death.

**27. 她的泪水像断了线的珠子般滑落,却无法冲刷掉心中的绝望。**

Her tears fell like beads on a broken string, but they couldn't wash away the despair in her heart.

**28. 他感到自己的生命在流逝,仿佛被时间无情地吞噬。**

He felt his life slipping away, as if being consumed by time relentlessly.

**29. 她看到自己的影子在墙上扭曲变形,仿佛被黑暗吞噬。**

She saw her own shadow contorting and twisting on the wall, as if being swallowed by darkness.

**30. 他感到自己的呼吸变得越来越微弱,仿佛生命之火即将熄灭。**

He felt his breathing becoming weaker and weaker, as if the flame of life were about to be extinguished.

**31. 她的嘴唇微微颤抖,却无法发出任何声音,仿佛被恐惧禁锢。**

Her lips trembled slightly, but she couldn't make any sound, as if locked in fear.

**32. 他感到一股冰冷的空气从他的胸口涌上来,仿佛被死神冰冷的呼吸包围。**

He felt a cold draft rise from his chest, as if enveloped in the icy breath of death.

**33. 她的眼眸中充满了哀伤,仿佛看到了世界的虚无。**

Her eyes were filled with sorrow, as if she had seen the emptiness of the world.

**34. 他感到自己的灵魂被撕裂,仿佛被无形的利刃切割。**

He felt his soul being torn apart, as if being cut by an invisible blade.

**35. 她的身体像被抽走了所有的力量,无力地瘫倒在地。**

Her body, drained of all strength, collapsed helplessly on the ground.

**36. 他感到自己被无形的恐惧所吞噬,仿佛被困在噩梦中无法醒来。**

He felt himself being consumed by an intangible fear, as if trapped in a nightmare he couldn't wake from.

**37. 她的眼中充满了绝望,仿佛看到了自己的未来。**

Her eyes were filled with despair, as if she had seen her own future.

**38. 他感到一股强烈的孤独感,仿佛被世界遗忘。**

He felt an intense sense of loneliness, as if forgotten by the world.

**39. 她的身体在颤抖,仿佛被寒风吹过。**

Her body trembled, as if blown by a cold wind.

**40. 他感到自己的生命像烛火般摇曳,仿佛随时都会熄灭。**

He felt his life flickering like a candle flame, as if it could be extinguished at any moment.

**41. 她的心在剧烈地跳动,仿佛要从胸腔里跳出来。**

Her heart beat violently, as if it were going to leap out of her chest.

**42. 他感到自己的身体像被烈火焚烧,仿佛要被吞噬殆尽。**

He felt his body being consumed by fire, as if about to be devoured.

**43. 她的眼中充满了痛苦,仿佛承受着无尽的折磨。**

Her eyes were filled with pain, as if enduring endless torment.

**44. 他感到自己的灵魂在哭泣,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所淹没。**

He felt his soul weeping, as if drowned by endless sorrow.

**45. 她的嘴唇苍白而干裂,仿佛被烈日烤焦。**

Her lips were pale and cracked, as if scorched by the sun.

**46. 他感到自己的身体越来越虚弱,仿佛被疾病吞噬。**

He felt his body growing weaker, as if being consumed by illness.

**47. 她的眼中充满了泪水,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所折磨。**

Her eyes were filled with tears, as if tormented by endless sadness.

**48. 他感到自己的心在滴血,仿佛被无形的利刃刺穿。**

He felt his heart bleeding, as if pierced by an invisible blade.

**49. 她的身体在发抖,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

Her body trembled, as if controlled by fear.

**50. 他感到自己的灵魂被黑暗吞噬,仿佛被遗忘在无尽的深渊。**

He felt his soul being swallowed by darkness, as if forgotten in an endless abyss.

**51. 她的眼中充满了恐惧,仿佛看到了死亡的降临。**

Her eyes were filled with fear, as if she had seen death approaching.

**52. 他感到自己的生命在流逝,仿佛被时间无情地吞噬。**

He felt his life slipping away, as if being consumed by time relentlessly.

**53. 她的嘴唇微微颤抖,仿佛无法控制自己的情绪。**

Her lips trembled slightly, as if unable to control her emotions.

**54. 他感到自己的身体像被冰封般僵硬,仿佛失去了所有的感觉。**

He felt his body becoming rigid as if frozen, as if losing all sensation.

**55. 她的眼中充满了悲伤,仿佛看到了世界的虚无。**

Her eyes were filled with sorrow, as if she had seen the emptiness of the world.

**56. 他感到自己的心在沉没,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所吞噬。**

He felt his heart sinking, as if being swallowed by endless sorrow.

**57. 她的身体在发抖,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

Her body trembled, as if controlled by fear.

**58. 他感到自己的灵魂在漂泊,仿佛被无形的风吹散。**

He felt his soul drifting, as if being scattered by an invisible wind.

**59. 她的眼中充满了绝望,仿佛看到了自己的未来。**

Her eyes were filled with despair, as if she had seen her own future.

**60. 他感到自己的生命在流逝,仿佛被时间无情地吞噬。**

He felt his life slipping away, as if being consumed by time relentlessly.

**61. 她的嘴唇微微颤抖,仿佛无法控制自己的情绪。**

Her lips trembled slightly, as if unable to control her emotions.

**62. 他感到自己的身体像被冰封般僵硬,仿佛失去了所有的感觉。**

He felt his body becoming rigid as if frozen, as if losing all sensation.

**63. 她的眼中充满了悲伤,仿佛看到了世界的虚无。**

Her eyes were filled with sorrow, as if she had seen the emptiness of the world.

**64. 他感到自己的心在沉没,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所吞噬。**

He felt his heart sinking, as if being swallowed by endless sorrow.

**65. 她的身体在发抖,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

Her body trembled, as if controlled by fear.

**66. 他感到自己的灵魂在漂泊,仿佛被无形的风吹散。**

He felt his soul drifting, as if being scattered by an invisible wind.

**67. 她的眼中充满了绝望,仿佛看到了自己的未来。**

Her eyes were filled with despair, as if she had seen her own future.

**68. 他感到自己的生命在流逝,仿佛被时间无情地吞噬。**

He felt his life slipping away, as if being consumed by time relentlessly.

**69. 她的嘴唇微微颤抖,仿佛无法控制自己的情绪。**

Her lips trembled slightly, as if unable to control her emotions.

**70. 他感到自己的身体像被冰封般僵硬,仿佛失去了所有的感觉。**

He felt his body becoming rigid as if frozen, as if losing all sensation.

**71. 她的眼中充满了悲伤,仿佛看到了世界的虚无。**

Her eyes were filled with sorrow, as if she had seen the emptiness of the world.

**72. 他感到自己的心在沉没,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所吞噬。**

He felt his heart sinking, as if being swallowed by endless sorrow.

**73. 她的身体在发抖,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

Her body trembled, as if controlled by fear.

**74. 他感到自己的灵魂在漂泊,仿佛被无形的风吹散。**

He felt his soul drifting, as if being scattered by an invisible wind.

**75. 她的眼中充满了绝望,仿佛看到了自己的未来。**

Her eyes were filled with despair, as if she had seen her own future.

**76. 他感到自己的生命在流逝,仿佛被时间无情地吞噬。**

He felt his life slipping away, as if being consumed by time relentlessly.

**77. 她的嘴唇微微颤抖,仿佛无法控制自己的情绪。**

Her lips trembled slightly, as if unable to control her emotions.

**78. 他感到自己的身体像被冰封般僵硬,仿佛失去了所有的感觉。**

He felt his body becoming rigid as if frozen, as if losing all sensation.

**79. 她的眼中充满了悲伤,仿佛看到了世界的虚无。**

Her eyes were filled with sorrow, as if she had seen the emptiness of the world.

**80. 他感到自己的心在沉没,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所吞噬。**

He felt his heart sinking, as if being swallowed by endless sorrow.

**81. 她的身体在发抖,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

Her body trembled, as if controlled by fear.

**82. 他感到自己的灵魂在漂泊,仿佛被无形的风吹散。**

He felt his soul drifting, as if being scattered by an invisible wind.

**83. 她的眼中充满了绝望,仿佛看到了自己的未来。**

Her eyes were filled with despair, as if she had seen her own future.

**84. 他感到自己的生命在流逝,仿佛被时间无情地吞噬。**

He felt his life slipping away, as if being consumed by time relentlessly.

**85. 她的嘴唇微微颤抖,仿佛无法控制自己的情绪。**

Her lips trembled slightly, as if unable to control her emotions.

**86. 他感到自己的身体像被冰封般僵硬,仿佛失去了所有的感觉。**

He felt his body becoming rigid as if frozen, as if losing all sensation.

**87. 她的眼中充满了悲伤,仿佛看到了世界的虚无。**

Her eyes were filled with sorrow, as if she had seen the emptiness of the world.

**88. 他感到自己的心在沉没,仿佛被无尽的悲伤所吞噬。**

He felt his heart sinking, as if being swallowed by endless sorrow.

**89. 她的身体在发抖,仿佛被恐惧所控制。**

Her body trembled, as if controlled by fear.

**90. 他感到自己的灵魂在漂泊,仿佛被无形的风吹散。**

He felt his soul drifting, as if being scattered by an invisible wind.

以上就是关于想象中严重句子90句(想象中严重句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
