
## 71句皮肤黝黑的句子,中英双语对照

1. 他的皮肤黝黑,像被太阳晒了很久的麦田一样。

His skin was tanned, like a wheat field that had been exposed to the sun for a long time.

2. 黝黑的皮肤衬托出她明亮的眼睛,闪耀着动人的光芒。

Her dark skin highlighted her bright eyes, which sparkled with captivating light.

3. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛经历了岁月的洗礼,散发着沉稳的魅力。

The dark skin, as if tempered by the passage of time, exuded a steady charm.

4. 他黝黑的皮肤上布满了汗珠,像一颗颗晶莹的珍珠。

His dark skin was covered with beads of sweat, like glittering pearls.

5. 黝黑的皮肤,蕴藏着强劲的生命力,充满了阳光的气息。

The dark skin, brimming with vigorous vitality, exuded the aroma of sunshine.

6. 黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下闪耀着健康的光芒。

The dark skin shone with healthy radiance under the sun.

7. 他黝黑的皮肤上,留下了岁月刻画的痕迹,却更显成熟稳重。

His dark skin bore the marks of time, yet it made him appear more mature and steady.

8. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一幅饱经沧桑的油画,充满了故事。

The dark skin was like a weathered oil painting, brimming with stories.

9. 她黝黑的皮肤上,点缀着几颗晶莹剔透的痣,更添几分妩媚。

Her dark skin was adorned with a few crystal-clear moles, adding to her allure.

10. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是长期与土地亲近的见证,散发着朴实的魅力。

His dark skin, like a testament to his long-standing connection with the earth, exuded a simple charm.

11. 黝黑的皮肤,在月光下显得更加神秘,充满了吸引力。

The dark skin appeared even more mysterious under the moonlight, radiating an irresistible allure.

12. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛被岁月打磨得更加光滑,散发着沉静的光芒。

The dark skin, as if polished by time, exuded a tranquil glow.

13. 黝黑的皮肤,衬托出她那双深邃的眼睛,仿佛能洞悉一切。

Her dark skin highlighted her deep eyes, which seemed to see through everything.

14. 黝黑的皮肤,在夕阳下泛着金色的光芒,充满了温暖的感觉。

The dark skin glowed with a golden hue under the setting sun, exuding warmth.

15. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是历经风霜的磨练,散发着坚韧的力量。

His dark skin, like the result of enduring trials and tribulations, exuded unwavering strength.

16. 黝黑的皮肤,衬托出她那张精致的五官,更加显眼动人。

Her dark skin highlighted her delicate features, making them even more captivating.

17. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一件珍贵的古董,散发着岁月的沉淀。

The dark skin was like a precious antique, exuding the essence of time.

18. 他黝黑的皮肤上,留下了岁月的痕迹,却更显沧桑的魅力。

His dark skin bore the marks of time, yet it made him appear more weathered and charming.

19. 黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下仿佛被镀上了一层金色,充满了活力。

The dark skin, as if coated with gold under the sun, brimmed with energy.

20. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一片广阔的土地,充满了无限的可能性。

The dark skin was like a vast expanse of land, brimming with infinite possibilities.

21. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自非洲的烈日和沙滩,充满着野性的魅力。

Her dark skin, as if from the scorching sun and sandy beaches of Africa, exuded a wild charm.

22. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一颗饱满的麦粒,充满了生命的张力。

His dark skin was like a plump grain of wheat, brimming with the tension of life.

23. 黝黑的皮肤,在夜晚的灯光下显得更加深邃,充满了神秘感。

The dark skin appeared even more profound under the lights of night, radiating an air of mystery.

24. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一张古老的卷轴,记录着岁月的变迁。

The dark skin was like an ancient scroll, documenting the passage of time.

25. 他黝黑的皮肤上,留下了时间的痕迹,却更显成熟稳重。

His dark skin bore the marks of time, yet it made him appear more mature and steady.

26. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是经历了风吹雨打,依然坚韧不拔的象征。

The dark skin, as if enduring the battering of wind and rain, symbolized unwavering resilience.

27. 黝黑的皮肤,衬托出她那双明亮的眸子,更加炯炯有神。

Her dark skin highlighted her bright eyes, making them even more piercing.

28. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一块坚硬的岩石,充满了力量和安全感。

The dark skin was like a hard rock, brimming with strength and security.

29. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是被烈日炙烤过的土地,散发着温暖的气息。

His dark skin, as if scorched by the blazing sun, exuded warmth.

30. 黝黑的皮肤,在月光下泛着淡淡的光芒,充满了静谧的美。

The dark skin glowed with a soft light under the moonlight, radiating a serene beauty.

31. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一件厚重的外套,抵挡着外界的侵袭。

The dark skin was like a heavy coat, shielding against the assaults of the outside world.

32. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自远古的遗迹,充满了神秘的色彩。

Her dark skin was like an ancient relic, brimming with mysterious hues.

33. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是经过岁月的洗礼,变得更加深沉内敛。

His dark skin, as if tempered by time, became more profound and reserved.

34. 黝黑的皮肤,衬托出她那张精致的五官,更加立体有致。

Her dark skin highlighted her delicate features, making them more three-dimensional and attractive.

35. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是经历了无数次考验,依然坚韧不拔的象征。

The dark skin, as if enduring countless trials, symbolized unwavering resilience.

36. 黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下仿佛被镀上了一层金光,充满了活力。

The dark skin, as if coated with gold under the sun, brimmed with energy.

37. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一块肥沃的土地,孕育着生命的希望。

The dark skin was like fertile soil, nurturing the hope of life.

38. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自非洲的烈日和沙滩,充满着狂野的魅力。

Her dark skin, as if from the scorching sun and sandy beaches of Africa, exuded a wild charm.

39. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一颗坚硬的石头,充满了力量和坚韧。

His dark skin was like a hard stone, brimming with strength and toughness.

40. 黝黑的皮肤,在夜晚的灯光下显得更加深邃,充满了神秘感。

The dark skin appeared even more profound under the lights of night, radiating an air of mystery.

41. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一张古老的画卷,记录着岁月的沧桑。

The dark skin was like an ancient scroll, recording the passage of time.

42. 他黝黑的皮肤上,留下了岁月的痕迹,却更显沧桑的魅力。

His dark skin bore the marks of time, yet it made him appear more weathered and charming.

43. 黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下仿佛被镀上了一层金光,充满了活力。

The dark skin, as if coated with gold under the sun, brimmed with energy.

44. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一片广阔的土地,充满了无限的可能性。

The dark skin was like a vast expanse of land, brimming with infinite possibilities.

45. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自非洲的烈日和沙滩,充满着野性的魅力。

Her dark skin, as if from the scorching sun and sandy beaches of Africa, exuded a wild charm.

46. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一颗饱满的麦粒,充满了生命的张力。

His dark skin was like a plump grain of wheat, brimming with the tension of life.

47. 黝黑的皮肤,在夜晚的灯光下显得更加深邃,充满了神秘感。

The dark skin appeared even more profound under the lights of night, radiating an air of mystery.

48. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一张古老的卷轴,记录着岁月的变迁。

The dark skin was like an ancient scroll, documenting the passage of time.

49. 他黝黑的皮肤上,留下了时间的痕迹,却更显成熟稳重。

His dark skin bore the marks of time, yet it made him appear more mature and steady.

50. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是经历了风吹雨打,依然坚韧不拔的象征。

The dark skin, as if enduring the battering of wind and rain, symbolized unwavering resilience.

51. 黝黑的皮肤,衬托出她那双明亮的眸子,更加炯炯有神。

Her dark skin highlighted her bright eyes, making them even more piercing.

52. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一块坚硬的岩石,充满了力量和安全感。

The dark skin was like a hard rock, brimming with strength and security.

53. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是被烈日炙烤过的土地,散发着温暖的气息。

His dark skin, as if scorched by the blazing sun, exuded warmth.

54. 黝黑的皮肤,在月光下泛着淡淡的光芒,充满了静谧的美。

The dark skin glowed with a soft light under the moonlight, radiating a serene beauty.

55. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一件厚重的外套,抵挡着外界的侵袭。

The dark skin was like a heavy coat, shielding against the assaults of the outside world.

56. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自远古的遗迹,充满了神秘的色彩。

Her dark skin was like an ancient relic, brimming with mysterious hues.

57. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是经过岁月的洗礼,变得更加深沉内敛。

His dark skin, as if tempered by time, became more profound and reserved.

58. 黝黑的皮肤,衬托出她那张精致的五官,更加立体有致。

Her dark skin highlighted her delicate features, making them more three-dimensional and attractive.

59. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是经历了无数次考验,依然坚韧不拔的象征。

The dark skin, as if enduring countless trials, symbolized unwavering resilience.

60. 黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下仿佛被镀上了一层金光,充满了活力。

The dark skin, as if coated with gold under the sun, brimmed with energy.

61. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一块肥沃的土地,孕育着生命的希望。

The dark skin was like fertile soil, nurturing the hope of life.

62. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自非洲的烈日和沙滩,充满着狂野的魅力。

Her dark skin, as if from the scorching sun and sandy beaches of Africa, exuded a wild charm.

63. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一颗坚硬的石头,充满了力量和坚韧。

His dark skin was like a hard stone, brimming with strength and toughness.

64. 黝黑的皮肤,在夜晚的灯光下显得更加深邃,充满了神秘感。

The dark skin appeared even more profound under the lights of night, radiating an air of mystery.

65. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一张古老的画卷,记录着岁月的沧桑。

The dark skin was like an ancient scroll, recording the passage of time.

66. 他黝黑的皮肤上,留下了岁月的痕迹,却更显沧桑的魅力。

His dark skin bore the marks of time, yet it made him appear more weathered and charming.

67. 黝黑的皮肤,在阳光下仿佛被镀上了一层金光,充满了活力。

The dark skin, as if coated with gold under the sun, brimmed with energy.

68. 黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一片广阔的土地,充满了无限的可能性。

The dark skin was like a vast expanse of land, brimming with infinite possibilities.

69. 她黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是来自非洲的烈日和沙滩,充满着野性的魅力。

Her dark skin, as if from the scorching sun and sandy beaches of Africa, exuded a wild charm.

70. 他黝黑的皮肤,仿佛是一颗饱满的麦粒,充满了生命的张力。

His dark skin was like a plump grain of wheat, brimming with the tension of life.

71. 黝黑的皮肤,在夜晚的灯光下显得更加深邃,充满了神秘感。

The dark skin appeared even more profound under the lights of night, radiating an air of mystery.

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