
## 皇帝的新装 好句子 50句 + 英文翻译

1. 皇帝越来越老,也越来越爱穿新衣服。

The emperor grew older and older, and he grew fonder and fonder of new clothes.

2. 城里的人都知道,皇帝特别喜欢穿新衣服。

Everyone in the city knew that the emperor loved new clothes.

3. 骗子们来到城里,说他们会织出世界上最美的布。

Two swindlers came to the city, claiming that they could weave the finest cloth in the world.

4. 骗子们说,这种布非常特别,只有聪明人才能看到它。

The swindlers said that this cloth was very special, only smart people could see it.

5. 皇帝迫不及待地想要看到这件神奇的衣服。

The emperor was eager to see this magical garment.

6. 骗子们搭建了一个织布机,开始装模作样地织布。

The swindlers set up a loom and pretended to weave.

7. 皇帝派了一个大臣去看他们工作。

The emperor sent a minister to watch them work.

8. 大臣什么也看不见,但他不敢说出来,怕别人说他笨。

The minister saw nothing, but he was afraid to admit it, fearing he would be considered stupid.

9. 皇帝又派了一个大臣去看,结果也是一样。

The emperor sent another minister to watch, and the result was the same.

10. 骗子们越来越大胆,要求皇帝亲自去看。

The swindlers grew bolder and requested that the emperor himself come to see.

11. 皇帝带着他的大臣们去参观,他什么也看不见。

The emperor went to see with his ministers, but he saw nothing.

12. 皇帝却装作看到了最美丽的布,并夸奖了骗子们。

The emperor pretended to see the most beautiful cloth and praised the swindlers.

13. 骗子们编造了许多关于布料的奇妙故事。

The swindlers made up many fantastic stories about the cloth.

14. 皇帝越来越相信自己看到了神奇的布。

The emperor grew more and more convinced that he was seeing a magical cloth.

15. 骗子们告诉皇帝,要穿上这件衣服参加游行。

The swindlers told the emperor that he should wear this garment in a procession.

16. 皇帝决定穿上这件神奇的衣服,参加游行。

The emperor decided to wear this magical garment in the procession.

17. 骗子们假装帮皇帝穿衣服,其实是拿着一根空棍子在空中比划。

The swindlers pretended to dress the emperor, but they were actually just waving an empty stick in the air.

18. 皇帝以为自己穿上了新衣服,脸上洋溢着得意和自豪。

The emperor thought he was wearing new clothes, his face beaming with pride and vanity.

19. 皇帝在街上游行,大臣们拼命地赞美他的新衣服。

The emperor marched through the streets, his ministers showering him with praise for his new clothes.

20. 所有人都装作看到了神奇的衣服,他们不敢说出真相。

Everyone pretended to see the magical garment, they dared not reveal the truth.

21. 只有一个小孩子说出了真相,他说皇帝根本没有穿衣服。

Only a little child spoke the truth, saying that the emperor was naked.

22. 皇帝羞愧得脸都红了,他意识到自己被骗了。

The emperor blushed with shame, realizing he had been fooled.

23. 骗子们骗了皇帝,也骗了所有的人。

The swindlers fooled the emperor and everyone else.

24. 这个故事告诉我们,不要盲目相信别人,要勇于说出真相。

This story teaches us not to blindly trust others and to have the courage to speak the truth.

25. 皇帝的新装,其实是一件空空的衣服,象征着虚假和欺骗。

The emperor's new clothes, in reality, were empty, symbolizing falsehood and deceit.

26. 骗子们利用了皇帝的虚荣心和爱慕虚荣的心理。

The swindlers exploited the emperor's vanity and love for ostentation.

27. 皇帝的盲目相信,让他成为了骗子的牺牲品。

The emperor's blind belief made him a victim of the swindlers.

28. 小孩子的童真和勇敢,揭露了真相。

The child's innocence and bravery revealed the truth.

29. 这个故事讽刺了那些盲目追求虚荣的人。

This story satirizes those who blindly pursue vanity.

30. 我们不应该为了面子,而失去理智。

We should not lose our reason for the sake of face.

31. 只有真相才能让我们看到事物本质。

Only truth can allow us to see the essence of things.

32. 皇帝的新装是一个充满讽刺意味的故事。

The emperor's new clothes is a story full of irony.

33. 谎言就像一张美丽的织布,但最终都会被揭穿。

Lies are like a beautiful fabric, but they will eventually be exposed.

34. 我们应该像小孩子一样,保持童真,敢于说出真相。

We should, like children, maintain innocence and dare to speak the truth.

35. 皇帝的新装是一个经典童话故事,它教育了我们许多道理。

The emperor's new clothes is a classic fairy tale that teaches us many lessons.

36. 虚荣心和爱慕虚荣是人类的弱点,我们应该克服它。

Vanity and ostentation are human weaknesses that we should overcome.

37. 真相永远不会消失,它迟早会显露出来。

The truth will never disappear, it will eventually be revealed.

38. 皇帝的新装也提醒我们,不要被表面现象所迷惑。

The emperor's new clothes also reminds us not to be deceived by appearances.

39. 勇敢说出真相,是需要勇气的,但也是必要的。

Speaking the truth bravely takes courage, but it is also necessary.

40. 皇帝的新装的故事告诉我们,诚实和勇敢比虚荣更重要。

The story of the emperor's new clothes tells us that honesty and courage are more important than vanity.

41. 皇帝的新装是童话故事,也是人生的寓言。

The emperor's new clothes is a fairy tale, but it is also an allegory of life.

42. 皇帝的新装让我们明白,虚假的东西终究无法长久。

The emperor's new clothes makes us understand that false things cannot last forever.

43. 皇帝的新装教会我们,不要被表面现象所迷惑,要追求真正的价值。

The emperor's new clothes teaches us not to be deceived by appearances and to pursue true value.

44. 皇帝的新装告诉我们,不要害怕说出真相,即使面对权势也要坚持原则。

The emperor's new clothes tells us not to be afraid to speak the truth, even in the face of power, we must stick to our principles.

45. 皇帝的新装也体现了人们的从众心理,害怕与众不同。

The emperor's new clothes also reflects people's herd mentality, fear of being different.

46. 皇帝的新装是一个经典的童话故事,它告诉我们,不要被表象所迷惑,要追求真理。

The emperor's new clothes is a classic fairy tale that tells us not to be fooled by appearances, but to pursue truth.

47. 皇帝的新装是讽刺虚荣和欺骗的寓言故事,它提醒我们,要保持真诚和勇敢。

The emperor's new clothes is a satirical fable about vanity and deceit, reminding us to stay sincere and brave.

48. 皇帝的新装的故事,也体现了人性中善与恶的斗争。

The story of the emperor's new clothes also reflects the struggle between good and evil in human nature.

49. 皇帝的新装告诉我们,不要怕说真话,不要怕得罪人,要坚持自己的信念。

The emperor's new clothes tells us not to be afraid to tell the truth, not to be afraid to offend people, and to stick to our beliefs.

50. 皇帝的新装是童话故事,也是人生的智慧,它教会我们如何辨别真伪,如何坚持正义。

The emperor's new clothes is a fairy tale, but also the wisdom of life, it teaches us how to distinguish between truth and falsehood, how to uphold justice.

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