
## 结束一段感情的句子 (71句)


1. 我已经决定要离开你了。

I've decided to leave you.

2. 我们已经走到尽头了,该说再见了。

We've reached the end of the road, it's time to say goodbye.

3. 我已经不再爱你了。

I don't love you anymore.

4. 我想我们都需要一些空间。

I think we both need some space.

5. 我想结束这段关系。

I want to end this relationship.

6. 我们的关系已经走到了尽头。

Our relationship has come to an end.

7. 我们应该分开,这对我们来说都是最好的。

We should break up, it's the best for both of us.

8. 我无法再继续这段感情了。

I can't continue this relationship anymore.

9. 我已经决定要开始新的生活了。

I've decided to start a new life.

10. 我想你应该明白我的意思。

I think you understand what I mean.


11. 我觉得我们应该冷静一下,想想未来的方向。

I think we should cool things down and think about where we want to go in the future.

12. 我需要时间去思考我们的关系。

I need some time to think about our relationship.

13. 我想我们走到了不同的方向。

I think we're going in different directions.

14. 我需要找到属于自己的生活方式。

I need to find my own way in life.

15. 我想你应该明白我的感受。

I think you should understand how I feel.

16. 我现在需要专注于我自己。

I need to focus on myself right now.

17. 我们或许只是在错误的时间相遇了。

Maybe we just met at the wrong time.

18. 我们之间缺少了一些东西。

There's something missing between us.

19. 我认为我们并不合适。

I don't think we're right for each other.

20. 我认为我们应该互相尊重各自的选择。

I think we should respect each other's choices.


21. 我真的很抱歉,但我必须这么做。

I'm truly sorry, but I have to do this.

22. 我知道这会让你伤心,但我不得不结束这段感情。

I know this will hurt you, but I have to end this relationship.

23. 我对你没有感觉了,我很抱歉。

I don't have feelings for you anymore, I'm sorry.

24. 我不认为我们可以在一起了,我很抱歉。

I don't think we can be together anymore, I'm sorry.

25. 我真的很想让你幸福,但我不能给你想要的东西。

I truly want you to be happy, but I can't give you what you want.

26. 我真的很在乎你,但我必须做对我自己最好的选择。

I really care about you, but I have to make the best choice for myself.

27. 这不是你的错,是我自己的问题。

It's not your fault, it's my own issue.

28. 我希望你能理解我的决定。

I hope you can understand my decision.

29. 我永远不会忘记你,但我们不能再在一起了。

I'll never forget you, but we can't be together anymore.

30. 我希望你找到属于你的幸福。

I hope you find your own happiness.


31. 我希望你能幸福,即使没有我。

I wish you happiness, even without me.

32. 我希望我们能和平分手。

I hope we can break up peacefully.

33. 我希望我们能保持朋友关系。

I hope we can remain friends.

34. 我希望我们能互相尊重。

I hope we can respect each other.

35. 我希望你一切都好。

I hope everything is okay with you.

36. 我会永远记得你,但现在我们需要分开。

I will always remember you, but now we need to separate.

37. 我希望我们都能找到属于自己的幸福。

I hope we both find our own happiness.

38. 我希望我们的分开能让我们各自变得更好。

I hope our separation will make us both better people.

39. 我相信你会找到更好的。

I believe you'll find something better.

40. 我希望你能理解我的决定,并祝福我。

I hope you can understand my decision and bless me.


41. 我不想再讨论这个了。

I don't want to discuss this anymore.

42. 我已经决定了,没有商量的余地。

I've made up my mind, there's no room for discussion.

43. 我不会改变我的主意。

I won't change my mind.

44. 我不想再解释了。

I don't want to explain anymore.

45. 你应该明白我的意思。

You should understand what I mean.

46. 我不想再浪费时间了。

I don't want to waste any more time.

47. 请不要再纠缠了。

Please don't bother me anymore.

48. 这与你无关。

It's none of your business.

49. 我希望你能尊重我的决定。

I hope you respect my decision.

50. 这是一件很私人的事,我不想跟任何人谈论。

This is a very personal matter, I don't want to talk to anyone about it.


51. 我对你感到很失望。

I'm very disappointed in you.

52. 我很遗憾我们之间变成了这样。

I'm sorry things have come to this between us.

53. 我希望事情能不一样。

I wish things could be different.

54. 我们之间已经失去了爱与信任。

We've lost love and trust between us.

55. 我已经努力了,但我们无法挽回了。

I've tried, but we can't be saved.

56. 我很伤心,但我们必须面对现实。

I'm sad, but we have to face reality.

57. 我无法再忍受这种关系了。

I can't stand this relationship anymore.

58. 我们已经失去了共同的目标和梦想。

We've lost our common goals and dreams.

59. 我已经厌倦了这种争吵和矛盾。

I'm tired of all the arguments and conflicts.

60. 我已经失去了对这段关系的信心。

I've lost faith in this relationship.


61. 我们已经尽力了,但现在是时候放手了。

We've done our best, but now it's time to let go.

62. 我相信我们都能从这段经历中成长。

I believe we can both grow from this experience.

63. 我希望我们都能找到属于自己的幸福。

I hope we can both find our own happiness.

64. 我没有恶意,我只是做出了对我自己最好的选择。

I have no ill will, I'm just making the best choice for myself.

65. 这只是一段感情,并不是生命的终结。

This is just a relationship, not the end of life.

66. 我们应该理性地面对现实。

We should face reality rationally.

67. 我不会再怀念过往了,我会向前看。

I won't reminisce about the past, I'll move forward.

68. 我相信我们都能找到更好的人。

I believe we can both find better people.

69. 我们应该互相祝福,各自开启新的人生。

We should bless each other and start new lives.

70. 我希望我们能以友好的方式结束这段感情。

I hope we can end this relationship in a friendly way.

71. 我希望我们都能找到属于自己的幸福。

I hope we can both find our own happiness.

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