
## 皱纹爬上额头的句子 (97句)

1. 岁月的痕迹爬上额头,如同一道道浅浅的沟壑,记录着人生的风风雨雨。

2. 眉间细密的皱纹,像是一条条银色的河流,流淌着岁月的痕迹。

3. 额头上的皱纹,像是一张地图,记录着人生的旅途,充满着故事。

4. 岁月在额头留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

5. 额头上爬满了皱纹,诉说着岁月的沧桑,却也彰显着生活的阅历。

6. 皱纹如同一朵朵盛开的菊花,在额头上绽放,记录着人生的喜怒哀乐。

7. 岁月在额头上留下了一道道浅浅的沟壑,却也留下了宝贵的回忆。

8. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,诉说着人生的跌宕起伏。

9. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

10. 岁月在额头上留下了一道道痕迹,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

11. 眉宇间淡淡的皱纹,仿佛在诉说着人生的辛酸苦辣。

12. 额头上爬满了皱纹,如同一道道沧桑的年轮,见证着岁月的流逝。

13. 皱纹像是一幅幅精美的画卷,记录着人生的喜怒哀乐。

14. 岁月在额头上留下了痕迹,却也留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

15. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的过往。

16. 皱纹如同时间的雕刻,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

17. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

18. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的经历。

19. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

20. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

21. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

22. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

23. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

24. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

25. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

26. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

27. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的过往。

28. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,在额头上留下了人生的跌宕起伏。

29. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

30. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的经历。

31. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

32. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

33. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

34. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

35. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

36. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

37. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

38. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

39. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的过往。

40. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,在额头上留下了人生的跌宕起伏。

41. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

42. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的经历。

43. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

44. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

45. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

46. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

47. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

48. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

49. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

50. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

51. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的过往。

52. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,在额头上留下了人生的跌宕起伏。

53. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

54. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的经历。

55. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

56. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

57. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

58. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

59. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

60. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

61. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

62. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

63. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的过往。

64. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,在额头上留下了人生的跌宕起伏。

65. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

66. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的经历。

67. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

68. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

69. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

70. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

71. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

72. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

73. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

74. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

75. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的过往。

76. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,在额头上留下了人生的跌宕起伏。

77. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

78. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的经历。

79. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

80. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

81. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

82. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

83. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

84. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

85. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

86. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的厚度。

87. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的书,记录着人生的过往。

88. 皱纹如同时间刻下的印记,在额头上留下了人生的跌宕起伏。

89. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

90. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅历史的画卷,诉说着人生的经历。

91. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

92. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也刻画出人生的深度。

93. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一本厚厚的日记,记录着人生的点点滴滴。

94. 皱纹如同时间雕刻的痕迹,在额头上留下了人生的智慧和沉淀。

95. 岁月在额头上留下了淡淡的印记,却也赋予了人生独特的魅力。

96. 额头上爬满了皱纹,像是一幅幅岁月的画卷,记录着人生的辛酸苦辣。

97. 皱纹如同时间流逝的印记,在额头上留下了人生的痕迹。

## 翻译后的内容

1. The traces of time creep onto the forehead, like shallow ravines, recording the ups and downs of life.

2. The fine wrinkles between the eyebrows, like silver rivers, flow with the traces of time.

3. The wrinkles on the forehead, like a map, record the journey of life, full of stories.

4. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it also carved the thickness of life.

5. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, telling the vicissitudes of time, but also showing the experience of life.

6. Wrinkles are like blooming chrysanthemums, blooming on the forehead, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

7. Time has left shallow ravines on the forehead, but it has also left precious memories.

8. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

9. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the every detail of life.

10. Time has left traces on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

11. The faint wrinkles between the eyebrows seem to be telling the joys and sorrows of life.

12. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like the vicissitudes of the years, witnessing the passage of time.

13. Wrinkles are like exquisite scrolls, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

14. Time has left traces on the forehead, but it has also left the wisdom and sedimentation of life.

15. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the past of life.

16. Wrinkles are like time's carvings, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

17. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

18. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the experiences of life.

19. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

20. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

21. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

22. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

23. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

24. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

25. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

26. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the thickness of life.

27. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the past of life.

28. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

29. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

30. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the experiences of life.

31. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

32. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

33. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

34. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

35. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

36. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

37. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

38. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the thickness of life.

39. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the past of life.

40. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

41. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

42. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the experiences of life.

43. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

44. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

45. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

46. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

47. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

48. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

49. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

50. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the thickness of life.

51. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the past of life.

52. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

53. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

54. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the experiences of life.

55. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

56. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

57. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

58. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

59. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

60. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

61. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

62. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the thickness of life.

63. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the past of life.

64. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

65. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

66. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the experiences of life.

67. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

68. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

69. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

70. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

71. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

72. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

73. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

74. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the thickness of life.

75. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the past of life.

76. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

77. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

78. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the experiences of life.

79. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

80. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

81. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

82. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

83. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

84. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

85. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

86. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the thickness of life.

87. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick book, recording the past of life.

88. Wrinkles are like marks carved by time, telling the ups and downs of life.

89. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

90. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like historical scrolls, telling the experiences of life.

91. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

92. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also carved the depth of life.

93. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like a thick diary, recording the every detail of life.

94. Wrinkles are like the traces of time's carving, leaving the wisdom and sedimentation of life on the forehead.

95. Time has left faint marks on the forehead, but it has also given life a unique charm.

96. The forehead is covered with wrinkles, like scrolls of time, recording the joys and sorrows of life.

97. Wrinkles are like marks of the passage of time, leaving traces of life on the forehead.

以上就是关于皱纹爬上额头的句子97句(皱纹爬上额头的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
