
## 皮蛋广告语 (73句)


1. 皮蛋,百年传承的美味。 / Century-old tradition, the taste of a thousand years.
2. 一颗皮蛋,承载着家的味道。 / One century egg, a taste of home.
3. 老少皆宜的经典美味,皮蛋。 / Century eggs, a classic delight for all ages.
4. 来自古老的智慧,皮蛋,美味延续。 / From ancient wisdom, the taste of century eggs continues.
5. 一种独特的味道,一种难忘的回忆,皮蛋。 / A unique taste, an unforgettable memory, century eggs.


6. 爽滑细腻,一口惊艳,皮蛋。 / Smooth and delicate, a taste that surprises, century eggs.
7. 独特的口感,征服你的味蕾,皮蛋。 / A unique texture, conquering your taste buds, century eggs.
8. 你从未体验过的奇妙口感,皮蛋。 / A taste experience you've never had before, century eggs.
9. 每一口都是惊喜,皮蛋。 / Every bite is a surprise, century eggs.
10. 口感独特,回味无穷,皮蛋。 / Unique texture, endless aftertaste, century eggs.


11. 皮蛋,营养丰富,美味健康。 / Century eggs, rich in nutrients, delicious and healthy.
12. 天然食材,健康美味,皮蛋。 / Natural ingredients, healthy and delicious, century eggs.
13. 补充能量,滋补养生,皮蛋。 / Replenish energy, nourish and promote health, century eggs.
14. 精选食材,健康美味,皮蛋。 / Carefully selected ingredients, healthy and delicious, century eggs.
15. 美味与健康,皮蛋,二者兼得。 / Deliciousness and health, century eggs, have it all.


16. 皮蛋瘦肉粥,经典美味,营养丰富。 / Century egg and lean meat porridge, a classic delight, rich in nutrients.
17. 皮蛋豆腐,爽口清凉,美味解暑。 / Century egg and tofu, refreshing and cool, delicious and heat-clearing.
18. 皮蛋拌饭,简单快捷,美味可口。 / Century eggs mixed with rice, simple and quick, delicious and tasty.
19. 皮蛋配啤酒,解馋开胃,别具风味。 / Century eggs with beer, satisfying and appetizing, a unique flavor.
20. 皮蛋,百搭食材,美味无限。 / Century eggs, a versatile ingredient, endless possibilities.


21. 皮蛋,中华美食的瑰宝。 / Century eggs, a treasure of Chinese cuisine.
22. 品味皮蛋,感受中国文化。 / Taste century eggs, experience Chinese culture.
23. 皮蛋,承载着中华美食的记忆。 / Century eggs, carrying the memory of Chinese cuisine.
24. 古老的智慧,现代的美味,皮蛋。 / Ancient wisdom, modern deliciousness, century eggs.
25. 传承经典,创新美味,皮蛋。 / Inheriting tradition, innovating taste, century eggs.


26. 皮蛋,征服世界的美味。 / Century eggs, a taste that conquers the world.
27. 让世界爱上皮蛋。 / Let the world fall in love with century eggs.
28. 来自中国的独特美味,皮蛋。 / A unique delicacy from China, century eggs.
29. 皮蛋,打开中国美食的奇妙大门。 / Century eggs, opening the door to the wonders of Chinese cuisine.
30. 皮蛋,世界美食的宝藏。 / Century eggs, a treasure of world cuisine.


31. 每一颗皮蛋,都充满着爱的味道。 / Every century egg is filled with the taste of love.
32. 皮蛋,家的味道,爱的味道。 / Century eggs, the taste of home, the taste of love.
33. 分享皮蛋,分享幸福。 / Share century eggs, share happiness.
34. 皮蛋,记忆中的美味,情感的纽带。 / Century eggs, a delicious memory, a bond of emotion.
35. 皮蛋,传递浓浓的爱。 / Century eggs, conveying deep love.


36. 精选优质食材,打造美味皮蛋。 / Selected high-quality ingredients, creating delicious century eggs.
37. 用心制作,品质保证,皮蛋。 / Carefully made, quality guaranteed, century eggs.
38. 每一颗皮蛋,都是匠心之作。 / Every century egg is a masterpiece of craftsmanship.
39. 皮蛋,美味与品质的完美结合。 / Century eggs, the perfect combination of deliciousness and quality.
40. 值得信赖的皮蛋品牌。 / A trustworthy century egg brand.


41. 早餐来一颗皮蛋,元气满满的一天。 / Start your day with a century egg for breakfast, full of energy.
42. 下班回家,来一碗皮蛋瘦肉粥,温暖你的胃。 / Come home from work and enjoy a bowl of century egg and lean meat porridge, warm your stomach.
43. 朋友聚会,来一份皮蛋豆腐,增进感情。 / Friends gathering, enjoy a plate of century egg and tofu, strengthen relationships.
44. 旅行途中,来一颗皮蛋,解乡愁。 / On a trip, enjoy a century egg, relieve homesickness.
45. 皮蛋,陪伴你度过每一个美好时刻。 / Century eggs, accompany you through every beautiful moment.


46. 皮蛋,你吃过吗?没吃过,你out了! / Have you tried century eggs? If not, you're out of the loop!
47. 皮蛋,好吃到让你怀疑人生! / Century eggs, so delicious they make you question life!
48. 皮蛋,不是黑暗料理,是人间美味! / Century eggs are not a dark dish, they are a delicacy!
49. 皮蛋,你值得拥有! / Century eggs, you deserve to have them!
50. 皮蛋,好吃到停不下来! / Century eggs, so delicious you can't stop!


51. 皮蛋,我的最爱! / Century eggs, my favorite!
52. 皮蛋,你值得尝试! / Century eggs, you should try them!
53. 爱上皮蛋,爱上生活! / Fall in love with century eggs, fall in love with life!
54. 皮蛋,我的味蕾的享受! / Century eggs, a treat for my taste buds!
55. 皮蛋,给我带来幸福的味道。 / Century eggs, bring me the taste of happiness.


56. 你吃过皮蛋吗? / Have you tried century eggs?
57. 你对皮蛋有什么印象? / What are your impressions of century eggs?
58. 皮蛋,你喜欢吗? / Do you like century eggs?
59. 你最喜欢皮蛋的什么地方? / What do you like most about century eggs?
60. 你想尝试皮蛋吗? / Would you like to try century eggs?


61. 快来品尝美味的皮蛋吧! / Come and taste the delicious century eggs!
62. 现在就购买皮蛋,享受美味! / Buy century eggs now and enjoy the deliciousness!
63. 不要犹豫,赶快来试试皮蛋吧! / Don't hesitate, come and try century eggs now!
64. 皮蛋,等你来品尝! / Century eggs, waiting for you to taste!
65. 加入皮蛋爱好者行列吧! / Join the ranks of century egg lovers!


66. 皮蛋,比你想象的更美味! / Century eggs, more delicious than you think!
67. 皮蛋,颠覆你的味蕾! / Century eggs, overturn your taste buds!
68. 皮蛋,不是你想的那样! / Century eggs are not what you think!
69. 皮蛋,让你爱上吃蛋! / Century eggs, make you fall in love with eating eggs!
70. 皮蛋,挑战你的味觉极限! / Century eggs, challenge your taste bud limits!


71. 皮蛋,健康美味,你值得拥有! / Century eggs, healthy and delicious, you deserve them!
72. 皮蛋,一种来自东方的奇妙体验。 / Century eggs, a wondrous experience from the East.
73. 皮蛋,开启你的味蕾之旅! / Century eggs, start your taste bud journey!

## 英文版

**Traditional Delights**

1. Century egg, the taste of a thousand years, passed down through generations.

2. One century egg, a taste of home.

3. Century eggs, a classic delight for all ages.

4. From ancient wisdom, the taste of century eggs continues.

5. A unique taste, an unforgettable memory, century eggs.

**Unique Texture**

6. Smooth and delicate, a taste that surprises, century eggs.

7. A unique texture, conquering your taste buds, century eggs.

8. A taste experience you've never had before, century eggs.

9. Every bite is a surprise, century eggs.

10. Unique texture, endless aftertaste, century eggs.

**Healthy Nutrition**

11. Century eggs, rich in nutrients, delicious and healthy.

12. Natural ingredients, healthy and delicious, century eggs.

13. Replenish energy, nourish and promote health, century eggs.

14. Carefully selected ingredients, healthy and delicious, century eggs.

15. Deliciousness and health, century eggs, have it all.

**Creative Combinations**

16. Century egg and lean meat porridge, a classic delight, rich in nutrients.

17. Century egg and tofu, refreshing and cool, delicious and heat-clearing.

18. Century eggs mixed with rice, simple and quick, delicious and tasty.

19. Century eggs with beer, satisfying and appetizing, a unique flavor.

20. Century eggs, a versatile ingredient, endless possibilities.

**Cultural Heritage**

21. Century eggs, a treasure of Chinese cuisine.

22. Taste century eggs, experience Chinese culture.

23. Century eggs, carrying the memory of Chinese cuisine.

24. Ancient wisdom, modern deliciousness, century eggs.

25. Inheriting tradition, innovating taste, century eggs.

**International Perspective**

26. Century eggs, a taste that conquers the world.

27. Let the world fall in love with century eggs.

28. A unique delicacy from China, century eggs.

29. Century eggs, opening the door to the wonders of Chinese cuisine.

30. Century eggs, a treasure of world cuisine.

**Emotional Appeal**

31. Every century egg is filled with the taste of love.

32. Century eggs, the taste of home, the taste of love.

33. Share century eggs, share happiness.

34. Century eggs, a delicious memory, a bond of emotion.

35. Century eggs, conveying deep love.

**Quality Assurance**

36. Selected high-quality ingredients, creating delicious century eggs.

37. Carefully made, quality guaranteed, century eggs.

38. Every century egg is a masterpiece of craftsmanship.

39. Century eggs, the perfect combination of deliciousness and quality.

40. A trustworthy century egg brand.

**Life Scenes**

41. Start your day with a century egg for breakfast, full of energy.

42. Come home from work and enjoy a bowl of century egg and lean meat porridge, warm your stomach.

43. Friends gathering, enjoy a plate of century egg and tofu, strengthen relationships.

44. On a trip, enjoy a century egg, relieve homesickness.

45. Century eggs, accompany you through every beautiful moment.

**Humorous and Witty**

46. Have you tried century eggs? If not, you're out of the loop!

47. Century eggs, so delicious they make you question life!

48. Century eggs are not a dark dish, they are a delicacy!

49. Century eggs, you deserve to have them!

50. Century eggs, so delicious you can't stop!


51. Century eggs, my favorite!

52. Century eggs, you should try them!

53. Fall in love with century eggs, fall in love with life!

54. Century eggs, a treat for my taste buds!

55. Century eggs, bring me the taste of happiness.

**Questioning and Guiding**

56. Have you tried century eggs?

57. What are your impressions of century eggs?

58. Do you like century eggs?

59. What do you like most about century eggs?

60. Would you like to try century eggs?

**Call to Action**

61. Come and taste the delicious century eggs!

62. Buy century eggs now and enjoy the deliciousness!

63. Don't hesitate, come and try century eggs now!

64. Century eggs, waiting for you to taste!

65. Join the ranks of century egg lovers!

**Reverse Creativity**

66. Century eggs, more delicious than you think!

67. Century eggs, overturn your taste buds!

68. Century eggs are not what you think!

69. Century eggs, make you fall in love with eating eggs!

70. Century eggs, challenge your taste bud limits!


71. Century eggs, healthy and delicious, you deserve them!

72. Century eggs, a wondrous experience from the East.

73. Century eggs, start your taste bud journey!

以上就是关于皮蛋广告句子73句(皮蛋广告句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
