
## 想阿婆了句子 (64句)


1. 好想阿婆,想念她温暖的怀抱。

I miss Grandma so much, her warm embrace.

2. 每次想起阿婆,心里就暖暖的。

Every time I think of Grandma, my heart feels warm.

3. 阿婆的笑容,永远是我最美好的回忆。

Grandma's smile is always my most beautiful memory.

4. 真的好想阿婆,好想再听她讲故事。

I really miss Grandma, I want to hear her stories again.

5. 阿婆,你在天堂还好吗?我们都很好,想你了。

Grandma, are you okay in heaven? We are all fine, we miss you.

6. 想念阿婆的味道,想念她做的菜。

I miss Grandma's cooking, I miss the taste of her dishes.

7. 阿婆,你是我永远的思念。

Grandma, you are my eternal longing.

8. 想阿婆了,好想她健健康康。

I miss Grandma, I wish she was healthy and well.

9. 虽然阿婆不在了,但她的爱一直陪伴着我。

Although Grandma is no longer with us, her love always accompanies me.

10. 阿婆,你是我生命中最重要的人。

Grandma, you are the most important person in my life.


11. 记得小时候,阿婆总是抱着我,给我讲故事。

I remember when I was a child, Grandma always held me and told me stories.

12. 阿婆做的菜,是我最喜欢的味道。

The dishes Grandma cooked are my favorite flavors.

13. 阿婆,你还记得我们一起种的那些花吗?

Grandma, do you remember the flowers we planted together?

14. 阿婆,我永远不会忘记你对我的爱和教诲。

Grandma, I will never forget your love and teachings.

15. 阿婆的智慧和善良,永远是我学习的榜样。

Grandma's wisdom and kindness are always a model for me to learn from.

16. 阿婆,我还记得你教我唱的第一首歌。

Grandma, I still remember the first song you taught me to sing.

17. 阿婆,你总是那么慈祥,那么温柔。

Grandma, you were always so kind and gentle.

18. 阿婆,我永远记得你的笑容。

Grandma, I will always remember your smile.

19. 阿婆,你总是那么坚强,那么乐观。

Grandma, you were always so strong and optimistic.

20. 阿婆,我永远不会忘记你的爱。

Grandma, I will never forget your love.


21. 阿婆,我好想你做的红烧肉。

Grandma, I miss your braised pork so much.

22. 阿婆,我好想你编的毛衣。

Grandma, I miss the sweaters you knitted for me.

23. 阿婆,我好想你讲的童话故事。

Grandma, I miss the fairy tales you told me.

24. 阿婆,我好想你做的香喷喷的饭菜。

Grandma, I miss the delicious food you cooked.

25. 阿婆,我好想你那双温暖的手。

Grandma, I miss your warm hands.

26. 阿婆,我好想你那慈祥的眼神。

Grandma, I miss your kind eyes.

27. 阿婆,我好想你那爽朗的笑声。

Grandma, I miss your hearty laughter.

28. 阿婆,我好想你那充满智慧的话语。

Grandma, I miss your wise words.

29. 阿婆,我好想你那坚韧不拔的精神。

Grandma, I miss your unyielding spirit.

30. 阿婆,我好想你,想念你的一切。

Grandma, I miss you, I miss everything about you.


31. 阿婆,我爱你。

Grandma, I love you.

32. 阿婆,你永远是我心中最温暖的角落。

Grandma, you are always the warmest corner in my heart.

33. 阿婆,你是我生命中最重要的礼物。

Grandma, you are the most important gift in my life.

34. 阿婆,我会永远记得你的爱。

Grandma, I will always remember your love.

35. 阿婆,你永远活在我的心中。

Grandma, you will always live in my heart.

36. 阿婆,你的爱是我永远的依靠。

Grandma, your love is my eternal support.

37. 阿婆,我会永远爱你,永远想念你。

Grandma, I will always love you, always miss you.

38. 阿婆,你的爱是照亮我人生的光芒。

Grandma, your love is the light that illuminates my life.

39. 阿婆,你的爱是支撑我前进的动力。

Grandma, your love is the driving force that propels me forward.

40. 阿婆,你是我永远的榜样,永远的思念。

Grandma, you are my eternal role model, my eternal longing.


41. 阿婆,希望你能感受到我的思念。

Grandma, I hope you can feel my longing.

42. 阿婆,希望你能在天堂安好。

Grandma, I hope you are well in heaven.

43. 阿婆,希望你在另一个世界能过得幸福。

Grandma, I hope you are happy in the other world.

44. 阿婆,希望你能知道我们都很爱你。

Grandma, I hope you know that we all love you.

45. 阿婆,希望你能够感受到我们的思念和祝福。

Grandma, I hope you can feel our longing and blessings.

46. 阿婆,希望你能够看到我们取得的成绩。

Grandma, I hope you can see our achievements.

47. 阿婆,希望你能够听到我们对你的呼唤。

Grandma, I hope you can hear our call to you.

48. 阿婆,希望你能够知道我们一直都在想念你。

Grandma, I hope you know that we are always thinking of you.

49. 阿婆,希望你能够感受到我们的爱和思念。

Grandma, I hope you can feel our love and longing.

50. 阿婆,希望你能够知道,我们永远不会忘记你。

Grandma, I hope you know that we will never forget you.


51. 阿婆,谢谢你对我的爱和关怀。

Grandma, thank you for your love and care.

52. 阿婆,谢谢你教会我做人的道理。

Grandma, thank you for teaching me the principles of life.

53. 阿婆,谢谢你为我付出的一切。

Grandma, thank you for everything you have done for me.

54. 阿婆,你是我生命中的恩人。

Grandma, you are a benefactor in my life.

55. 阿婆,我会永远记得你的恩情。

Grandma, I will always remember your kindness.

56. 阿婆,你是我永远的依靠,永远的思念。

Grandma, you are my eternal support, my eternal longing.

57. 阿婆,谢谢你让我拥有如此美好的童年。

Grandma, thank you for giving me such a wonderful childhood.

58. 阿婆,谢谢你教会我如何去爱,如何去生活。

Grandma, thank you for teaching me how to love, how to live.

59. 阿婆,谢谢你让我成为一个善良的人。

Grandma, thank you for making me a kind person.

60. 阿婆,你的爱和教诲将永远伴随我一生。

Grandma, your love and teachings will always accompany me throughout my life.


61. 阿婆,你是我永远的牵挂。

Grandma, you are my eternal worry.

62. 阿婆,我好想你,好想回到你的身边。

Grandma, I miss you so much, I want to go back to you.

63. 阿婆,我永远爱你,永远想念你。

Grandma, I will always love you, always miss you.

64. 阿婆,我永远不会忘记你,你永远活在我的心中。

Grandma, I will never forget you, you will always live in my heart.

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