
## 讷言敏行的句子,61句,并翻译成英文

**1. 讷言敏行,君子之风。**

Silence is golden, action is powerful. This is the way of a gentleman.

**2. 慎言慎行,方得始终。**

Be careful with your words and actions, and you will achieve lasting success.

**3. 言多必失,行多必过。**

Too much talking leads to mistakes, too much action leads to excesses.

**4. 讷于言而敏于行,方是真君子。**

To be slow to speak but quick to act, this is the true gentleman.

**5. 行胜于言,行动胜于雄辩。**

Actions speak louder than words. Deeds are more powerful than eloquence.

**6. 言行一致,方为真君子。**

Consistency between words and actions is the mark of a true gentleman.

**7. 讷言敏行,胜过千言万语。**

Quiet words and swift actions are worth more than a thousand words.

**8. 言必行,行必果,方为有德之人。**

To speak with intention and act with determination, this is the mark of a virtuous person.

**9. 讷言敏行,成就大事业。**

Quiet words and swift actions lead to great achievements.

**10. 言出必行,行必有果。**

Promises should be kept, actions should yield results.

**11. 言寡而行多,乃真君子之风。**

To speak little and act much, this is the true spirit of a gentleman.

**12. 讷言敏行,成就非凡。**

Quiet words and swift actions lead to extraordinary achievements.

**13. 言行一致,方为信义之本。**

Consistency between words and actions is the foundation of trust and integrity.

**14. 讷言敏行,方能成大事。**

Only by being quiet in speech and swift in action can one accomplish great things.

**15. 言出如山,行如流水,方为真君子。**

Words should be like mountains, solid and unwavering. Actions should be like flowing water, smooth and persistent. This is the true gentleman.

**16. 讷言敏行,乃立身之本。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the foundation of a strong character.

**17. 言行相符,方为君子之德。**

Harmony between words and actions is the virtue of a gentleman.

**18. 讷言敏行,方能赢得人心。**

Quiet words and swift actions can win the hearts of people.

**19. 言行一致,方能树立威信。**

Consistency between words and actions builds credibility and respect.

**20. 讷言敏行,方能取得成功。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the key to achieving success.

**21. 言简意赅,行之有效。**

Words should be concise and meaningful, actions should be effective.

**22. 言行如一,方为正道。**

Harmony between words and actions is the righteous path.

**23. 讷言敏行,成就人生价值。**

Quiet words and swift actions fulfill one's life's purpose.

**24. 言行相顾,方能立于不败之地。**

Balance between words and actions ensures lasting success.

**25. 讷言敏行,方能赢得信任。**

Quiet words and swift actions build trust and confidence.

**26. 言行一致,方能赢得尊重。**

Consistency between words and actions earns respect and admiration.

**27. 讷言敏行,方能赢得友谊。**

Quiet words and swift actions foster genuine friendships.

**28. 言行相辅,方能成就伟业。**

Words and actions work together to achieve great accomplishments.

**29. 讷言敏行,方能实现梦想。**

Quiet words and swift actions bring dreams to reality.

**30. 言行一致,方能成就人生。**

Consistency between words and actions shapes a fulfilling life.

**31. 讷言敏行,方能赢得未来。**

Quiet words and swift actions pave the way to a promising future.

**32. 言行一致,方能赢得成功。**

Harmony between words and actions leads to victory and triumph.

**33. 言行一致,方能成就辉煌。**

Consistency between words and actions creates a legacy of greatness.

**34. 讷言敏行,乃成功之道。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the path to success.

**35. 言行一致,乃人生真谛。**

Harmony between words and actions is the true meaning of life.

**36. 讷言敏行,乃立身之本。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the foundation of a virtuous life.

**37. 言行一致,乃做人之道。**

Harmony between words and actions is the way of a good person.

**38. 讷言敏行,乃处世之宝。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the treasure of a successful life.

**39. 言行一致,乃致富之道。**

Harmony between words and actions is the key to prosperity.

**40. 讷言敏行,乃幸福之源。**

Quiet words and swift actions bring happiness and contentment.

**41. 言行一致,乃成功之基。**

Harmony between words and actions is the foundation of success.

**42. 讷言敏行,乃人生智慧。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the wisdom of life.

**43. 言行一致,乃人生真谛。**

Harmony between words and actions is the ultimate truth of life.

**44. 讷言敏行,乃人生价值。**

Quiet words and swift actions create meaning and purpose in life.

**45. 言行一致,乃人生目标。**

Harmony between words and actions is the ultimate goal of life.

**46. 讷言敏行,乃人生理想。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the ideal way to live life.

**47. 言行一致,乃人生追求。**

Harmony between words and actions is the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

**48. 讷言敏行,乃人生之美。**

Quiet words and swift actions create beauty and grace in life.

**49. 言行一致,乃人生之光。**

Harmony between words and actions illuminates the path of life.

**50. 讷言敏行,乃人生之宝。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the treasure of a meaningful life.

**51. 言行一致,乃人生之乐。**

Harmony between words and actions brings joy and happiness to life.

**52. 讷言敏行,乃人生之福。**

Quiet words and swift actions bring blessings and good fortune to life.

**53. 言行一致,乃人生之典范。**

Harmony between words and actions is the model for a successful life.

**54. 讷言敏行,乃人生之真谛。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the ultimate truth of life.

**55. 言行一致,乃人生之追求。**

Harmony between words and actions is the pursuit of a meaningful life.

**56. 讷言敏行,乃人生之境界。**

Quiet words and swift actions are the ultimate state of being in life.

**57. 言行一致,乃人生之美。**

Harmony between words and actions creates beauty and grace in life.

**58. 讷言敏行,乃人生之光。**

Quiet words and swift actions illuminate the path of life.

**59. 言行一致,乃人生之宝。**

Harmony between words and actions is the treasure of a meaningful life.

**60. 讷言敏行,乃人生之乐。**

Quiet words and swift actions bring joy and happiness to life.

**61. 言行一致,乃人生之福。**

Harmony between words and actions brings blessings and good fortune to life.

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