
## 古龙名句 65句

**1. 喝酒要喝出酒的滋味,交朋友要交出朋友的真心。**

Drinking should bring out the taste of the liquor, and making friends should bring out the sincerity in your heart.

**2. 人生就像一场戏,重要的不是结局,而是过程。**

Life is like a play, what matters is not the ending, but the process.

**3. 世界上最远的距离,不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。**

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but standing right in front of you, yet you don't know I love you.

**4. 人,总是在失去之后,才懂得珍惜。**

People always learn to cherish something only after they lose it.

**5. 有些人,注定要错过。**

Some people are destined to miss each other.

**6. 我这一生,只求两件事,一件事是活得潇洒,另一件事是死得痛快。**

In my life, I only seek two things: to live with grace and to die with dignity.

**7. 我可以死,但不能输。**

I can die, but I can't lose.

**8. 爱情,本来就是件没有道理的事情。**

Love, in itself, is something without logic.

**9. 有时候,沉默比语言更能表达。**

Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words.

**10. 人生就像一杯酒,苦涩中带着一丝甜蜜。**

Life is like a glass of wine, with a hint of sweetness amidst the bitterness.

**11. 你若真心对我,我必肝脑涂地。**

If you treat me with sincerity, I will be eternally grateful.

**12. 我不怕死,但我要活得精彩。**

I am not afraid of death, but I want to live my life to the fullest.

**13. 世上最难的事,莫过于说服自己,放下你最爱的人。**

The hardest thing in the world is convincing yourself to let go of the person you love most.

**14. 如果你不曾勇敢地去追求,你永远不知道自己可以拥有多少。**

If you don't have the courage to pursue, you'll never know how much you could have had.

**15. 有些事,一旦错过了,就再也回不来了。**

Once you miss something, it's gone forever.

**16. 就算全世界都背叛我,我也会坚强地活下去。**

Even if the whole world betrays me, I will still live strong.

**17. 我宁愿笑着死,也不愿哭着活。**

I'd rather die laughing than live crying.

**18. 人世间最美好的东西,就是自由。**

The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom.

**19. 我最怕的就是,你突然有一天,不再需要我。**

My greatest fear is that one day, you will no longer need me.

**20. 我这一生,只为一人而活。**

I live my life for one person alone.

**21. 我相信,总有一天,我会找到属于我的幸福。**

I believe that one day, I will find my own happiness.

**22. 世间最痛苦的事情,莫过于你爱的人,不爱你。**

The most painful thing in the world is when the person you love doesn't love you back.

**23. 爱情,是人生中最美好的礼物,也是最痛苦的折磨。**

Love is the most beautiful gift in life, but also the most painful torment.

**24. 如果你能做到不爱我,那便是我最深的痛苦。**

If you can manage to not love me, then that would be my deepest pain.

**25. 人生在世,不可能事事顺心,总会有不如意的地方。**

In this life, it's impossible to have everything go your way, there will always be some things you can't control.

**26. 命运,掌握在自己手里。**

Fate is in your own hands.

**27. 人的一生,充满着希望与失望,快乐与悲伤。**

Life is full of hope and disappointment, joy and sorrow.

**28. 我相信,只要坚持,就能实现梦想。**

I believe that as long as you persist, you can achieve your dreams.

**29. 人,只有在逆境中才能真正地成长。**

People can only truly grow in adversity.

**30. 世界上没有永恒的爱情,只有永恒的利益。**

There is no eternal love in the world, only eternal interests.

**31. 我这一生,只求问心无愧。**

In my life, I only seek to live with a clear conscience.

**32. 我相信,总有一天,你会明白我的心。**

I believe that one day, you will understand my heart.

**33. 人,只有失去了才懂得珍惜。**

People only learn to cherish something after they lose it.

**34. 我不怕失败,只怕没有机会。**

I am not afraid of failure, only of having no chance.

**35. 我相信,总会有一个地方,是属于我的天堂。**

I believe that there is a place out there that is my own paradise.

**36. 我这一生,只为一人而活。**

I live my life for one person alone.

**37. 我最怕的,是你突然有一天,不再需要我。**

My greatest fear is that one day, you will no longer need me.

**38. 有些事,一旦错过了,就再也回不来了。**

Once you miss something, it's gone forever.

**39. 人,只有在逆境中才能真正地成长。**

People can only truly grow in adversity.

**40. 命运,掌握在自己手里。**

Fate is in your own hands.

**41. 人生在世,不可能事事顺心,总会有不如意的地方。**

In this life, it's impossible to have everything go your way, there will always be some things you can't control.

**42. 我宁愿笑着死,也不愿哭着活。**

I'd rather die laughing than live crying.

**43. 我不怕死,但我要活得精彩。**

I am not afraid of death, but I want to live my life to the fullest.

**44. 我可以死,但不能输。**

I can die, but I can't lose.

**45. 爱情,本来就是件没有道理的事情。**

Love, in itself, is something without logic.

**46. 我这一生,只求两件事,一件事是活得潇洒,另一件事是死得痛快。**

In my life, I only seek two things: to live with grace and to die with dignity.

**47. 有些人,注定要错过。**

Some people are destined to miss each other.

**48. 人,总是在失去之后,才懂得珍惜。**

People always learn to cherish something only after they lose it.

**49. 世界上最远的距离,不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。**

The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but standing right in front of you, yet you don't know I love you.

**50. 人生就像一场戏,重要的不是结局,而是过程。**

Life is like a play, what matters is not the ending, but the process.

**51. 喝酒要喝出酒的滋味,交朋友要交出朋友的真心。**

Drinking should bring out the taste of the liquor, and making friends should bring out the sincerity in your heart.

**52. 世界上最美好的东西,就是自由。**

The most beautiful thing in the world is freedom.

**53. 有时候,沉默比语言更能表达。**

Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words.

**54. 人生就像一杯酒,苦涩中带着一丝甜蜜。**

Life is like a glass of wine, with a hint of sweetness amidst the bitterness.

**55. 如果你能做到不爱我,那便是我最深的痛苦。**

If you can manage to not love me, then that would be my deepest pain.

**56. 爱情,是人生中最美好的礼物,也是最痛苦的折磨。**

Love is the most beautiful gift in life, but also the most painful torment.

**57. 世间最痛苦的事情,莫过于你爱的人,不爱你。**

The most painful thing in the world is when the person you love doesn't love you back.

**58. 我相信,总有一天,我会找到属于我的幸福。**

I believe that one day, I will find my own happiness.

**59. 我这一生,只为一人而活。**

I live my life for one person alone.

**60. 我最怕的就是,你突然有一天,不再需要我。**

My greatest fear is that one day, you will no longer need me.

**61. 世上最难的事,莫过于说服自己,放下你最爱的人。**

The hardest thing in the world is convincing yourself to let go of the person you love most.

**62. 如果你不曾勇敢地去追求,你永远不知道自己可以拥有多少。**

If you don't have the courage to pursue, you'll never know how much you could have had.

**63. 有些事,一旦错过了,就再也回不来了。**

Once you miss something, it's gone forever.

**64. 就算全世界都背叛我,我也会坚强地活下去。**

Even if the whole world betrays me, I will still live strong.

**65. 你若真心对我,我必肝脑涂地。**

If you treat me with sincerity, I will be eternally grateful.

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