
## 古龙描写寂寞的句子,99句,中英文对照

1. 寂寞,像一朵黑色的花,开在我的心田。 - Loneliness, like a black flower, blooms in my heart.

2. 我独自一人,走在无边的沙漠里,只有风声作伴。 - I am alone, walking in the endless desert, only the wind as my companion.

3. 夜深了,月光如水,倾泻在我的窗前,却照不进我的心房。 - It's late at night, the moonlight is like water, pouring down on my window, but it can't illuminate my heart.

4. 我像一只迷途的羔羊,在茫茫人海中寻找着归宿。 - I am like a lost lamb, searching for a home in the vast sea of humanity.

5. 这世上,有多少人,在人潮拥挤的街道上,却依然感到孤独? - In this world, how many people, in the crowded streets, still feel lonely?

6. 寂寞,是一种无形的锁链,将我囚禁在自己的世界里。 - Loneliness is an invisible chain that imprisons me in my own world.

7. 我看着窗外的雨,一滴一滴地落在窗台上,就像我的眼泪一样。 - I watch the rain outside the window, falling drop by drop on the windowsill, just like my tears.

8. 我是一个孤独的行者,没有目的地,没有归宿,只是漫无目的地走着。 - I am a lonely traveler, without a destination, without a home, just walking aimlessly.

9. 我想念故乡,想念亲人,想念那些曾经温暖我的人。 - I miss my hometown, I miss my family, I miss those who once warmed me.

10. 寂寞,是心灵的空旷,是灵魂的荒凉。 - Loneliness is the emptiness of the heart, the desolation of the soul.

11. 我站在山顶,俯瞰着眼前的山河,却感到无比的孤独。 - I stand on the mountaintop, overlooking the mountains and rivers before me, yet feel incredibly lonely.

12. 这世界很大,却容不下我的寂寞。 - This world is vast, but it cannot contain my loneliness.

13. 我在梦里见到你,梦醒后却发现,你依然不在我的身边。 - I see you in my dreams, but when I wake up, I find you are still not by my side.

14. 我像一片落叶,在秋风中飘零,不知飘向何方。 - I am like a fallen leaf, drifting in the autumn wind, not knowing where I will land.

15. 我爱上了夜,因为它可以容纳我的寂寞。 - I fell in love with the night, because it can hold my loneliness.

16. 我曾以为,只要有人陪伴,就不会再寂寞,但我错了。 - I used to think that as long as someone was with me, I wouldn't be lonely anymore, but I was wrong.

17. 我像一只被困在笼子里的鸟,渴望自由,却无法飞翔。 - I am like a bird trapped in a cage, longing for freedom, but unable to fly.

18. 我在人群中行走,却像一个隐形人,没有人注意到我的存在。 - I walk among the crowd, yet I am like an invisible man, no one notices my existence.

19. 我就像一颗流星,划过夜空,留下短暂的光芒,然后消失不见。 - I am like a shooting star, streaking across the night sky, leaving behind a brief glow, then vanishing.

20. 我是一个没有根的树,在风中摇曳,随时都有可能被吹倒。 - I am a tree without roots, swaying in the wind, in danger of being blown down at any moment.

21. 我看着镜子里的自己,陌生而孤独。 - I look at myself in the mirror, a stranger and lonely.

22. 我像一个影子,总是躲在角落里,默默地观察着这个世界。 - I am like a shadow, always hiding in the corners, silently observing the world.

23. 我曾以为,爱情可以驱散寂寞,但当我失去它的时候,我发现,寂寞依然如影随形。 - I once thought that love could dispel loneliness, but when I lost it, I found that loneliness still follows me like a shadow.

24. 我是一个没有名字的人,在这个世界上,我就像不存在一样。 - I am a nameless person, in this world, I am as if I don't exist.

25. 我就像一座孤岛,被海水包围,无法与外界沟通。 - I am like an island, surrounded by sea, unable to communicate with the outside world.

26. 我独自一人,在雨中漫步,雨水打湿了我的衣裳,也打湿了我的心。 - I walk alone in the rain, the rain soaks my clothes, and soaks my heart.

27. 我坐在窗边,看着夜色,心中充满了悲伤和孤独。 - I sit by the window, watching the night, my heart filled with sadness and loneliness.

28. 我渴望有人能够理解我,但我又害怕被人理解,因为我怕暴露我的脆弱。 - I crave someone to understand me, but I'm also afraid of being understood, because I fear exposing my vulnerability.

29. 我就像一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

30. 我是一个无家可归的人,在世界上漂泊,寻找着属于我的那一片天空。 - I am a homeless person, wandering the world, searching for my own piece of sky.

31. 我的寂寞,如同一张无形的网,将我困住,无法逃脱。 - My loneliness, like an invisible net, traps me, unable to escape.

32. 我像一只受伤的鸟,无力飞翔,只能默默地忍受着伤痛。 - I am like an injured bird, unable to fly, I can only silently endure the pain.

33. 我就像一个幽灵,在人群中穿梭,却无法与任何人产生交集。 - I am like a ghost, moving through the crowd, yet unable to connect with anyone.

34. 我是一个沉默的人,我的寂寞,只能够藏在心里。 - I am a silent person, my loneliness can only be hidden in my heart.

35. 我就像一座空城,没有生气,没有喧嚣,只有无尽的寂寞。 - I am like an empty city, without life, without noise, only endless loneliness.

36. 我渴望得到一份温暖,但这份温暖,却离我遥不可及。 - I yearn for warmth, but that warmth is beyond my reach.

37. 我是一个孤独的灵魂,在茫茫宇宙中飘零。 - I am a lonely soul, drifting in the vast universe.

38. 我像一朵凋谢的花,失去了色彩,失去了生机。 - I am like a wilted flower, losing its color, losing its life.

39. 我是一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

40. 我是一个没有名字的人,在这个世界上,我就像不存在一样。 - I am a nameless person, in this world, I am as if I don't exist.

41. 我就像一座孤岛,被海水包围,无法与外界沟通。 - I am like an island, surrounded by sea, unable to communicate with the outside world.

42. 我独自一人,在雨中漫步,雨水打湿了我的衣裳,也打湿了我的心。 - I walk alone in the rain, the rain soaks my clothes, and soaks my heart.

43. 我坐在窗边,看着夜色,心中充满了悲伤和孤独。 - I sit by the window, watching the night, my heart filled with sadness and loneliness.

44. 我渴望有人能够理解我,但我又害怕被人理解,因为我怕暴露我的脆弱。 - I crave someone to understand me, but I'm also afraid of being understood, because I fear exposing my vulnerability.

45. 我就像一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

46. 我是一个无家可归的人,在世界上漂泊,寻找着属于我的那一片天空。 - I am a homeless person, wandering the world, searching for my own piece of sky.

47. 我的寂寞,如同一张无形的网,将我困住,无法逃脱。 - My loneliness, like an invisible net, traps me, unable to escape.

48. 我像一只受伤的鸟,无力飞翔,只能默默地忍受着伤痛。 - I am like an injured bird, unable to fly, I can only silently endure the pain.

49. 我就像一个幽灵,在人群中穿梭,却无法与任何人产生交集。 - I am like a ghost, moving through the crowd, yet unable to connect with anyone.

50. 我是一个沉默的人,我的寂寞,只能够藏在心里。 - I am a silent person, my loneliness can only be hidden in my heart.

51. 我就像一座空城,没有生气,没有喧嚣,只有无尽的寂寞。 - I am like an empty city, without life, without noise, only endless loneliness.

52. 我渴望得到一份温暖,但这份温暖,却离我遥不可及。 - I yearn for warmth, but that warmth is beyond my reach.

53. 我是一个孤独的灵魂,在茫茫宇宙中飘零。 - I am a lonely soul, drifting in the vast universe.

54. 我像一朵凋谢的花,失去了色彩,失去了生机。 - I am like a wilted flower, losing its color, losing its life.

55. 我是一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

56. 我是一个没有名字的人,在这个世界上,我就像不存在一样。 - I am a nameless person, in this world, I am as if I don't exist.

57. 我就像一座孤岛,被海水包围,无法与外界沟通。 - I am like an island, surrounded by sea, unable to communicate with the outside world.

58. 我独自一人,在雨中漫步,雨水打湿了我的衣裳,也打湿了我的心。 - I walk alone in the rain, the rain soaks my clothes, and soaks my heart.

59. 我坐在窗边,看着夜色,心中充满了悲伤和孤独。 - I sit by the window, watching the night, my heart filled with sadness and loneliness.

60. 我渴望有人能够理解我,但我又害怕被人理解,因为我怕暴露我的脆弱。 - I crave someone to understand me, but I'm also afraid of being understood, because I fear exposing my vulnerability.

61. 我就像一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

62. 我是一个无家可归的人,在世界上漂泊,寻找着属于我的那一片天空。 - I am a homeless person, wandering the world, searching for my own piece of sky.

63. 我的寂寞,如同一张无形的网,将我困住,无法逃脱。 - My loneliness, like an invisible net, traps me, unable to escape.

64. 我像一只受伤的鸟,无力飞翔,只能默默地忍受着伤痛。 - I am like an injured bird, unable to fly, I can only silently endure the pain.

65. 我就像一个幽灵,在人群中穿梭,却无法与任何人产生交集。 - I am like a ghost, moving through the crowd, yet unable to connect with anyone.

66. 我是一个沉默的人,我的寂寞,只能够藏在心里。 - I am a silent person, my loneliness can only be hidden in my heart.

67. 我就像一座空城,没有生气,没有喧嚣,只有无尽的寂寞。 - I am like an empty city, without life, without noise, only endless loneliness.

68. 我渴望得到一份温暖,但这份温暖,却离我遥不可及。 - I yearn for warmth, but that warmth is beyond my reach.

69. 我是一个孤独的灵魂,在茫茫宇宙中飘零。 - I am a lonely soul, drifting in the vast universe.

70. 我像一朵凋谢的花,失去了色彩,失去了生机。 - I am like a wilted flower, losing its color, losing its life.

71. 我是一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

72. 我是一个没有名字的人,在这个世界上,我就像不存在一样。 - I am a nameless person, in this world, I am as if I don't exist.

73. 我就像一座孤岛,被海水包围,无法与外界沟通。 - I am like an island, surrounded by sea, unable to communicate with the outside world.

74. 我独自一人,在雨中漫步,雨水打湿了我的衣裳,也打湿了我的心。 - I walk alone in the rain, the rain soaks my clothes, and soaks my heart.

75. 我坐在窗边,看着夜色,心中充满了悲伤和孤独。 - I sit by the window, watching the night, my heart filled with sadness and loneliness.

76. 我渴望有人能够理解我,但我又害怕被人理解,因为我怕暴露我的脆弱。 - I crave someone to understand me, but I'm also afraid of being understood, because I fear exposing my vulnerability.

77. 我就像一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

78. 我是一个无家可归的人,在世界上漂泊,寻找着属于我的那一片天空。 - I am a homeless person, wandering the world, searching for my own piece of sky.

79. 我的寂寞,如同一张无形的网,将我困住,无法逃脱。 - My loneliness, like an invisible net, traps me, unable to escape.

80. 我像一只受伤的鸟,无力飞翔,只能默默地忍受着伤痛。 - I am like an injured bird, unable to fly, I can only silently endure the pain.

81. 我就像一个幽灵,在人群中穿梭,却无法与任何人产生交集。 - I am like a ghost, moving through the crowd, yet unable to connect with anyone.

82. 我是一个沉默的人,我的寂寞,只能够藏在心里。 - I am a silent person, my loneliness can only be hidden in my heart.

83. 我就像一座空城,没有生气,没有喧嚣,只有无尽的寂寞。 - I am like an empty city, without life, without noise, only endless loneliness.

84. 我渴望得到一份温暖,但这份温暖,却离我遥不可及。 - I yearn for warmth, but that warmth is beyond my reach.

85. 我是一个孤独的灵魂,在茫茫宇宙中飘零。 - I am a lonely soul, drifting in the vast universe.

86. 我像一朵凋谢的花,失去了色彩,失去了生机。 - I am like a wilted flower, losing its color, losing its life.

87. 我是一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

88. 我是一个没有名字的人,在这个世界上,我就像不存在一样。 - I am a nameless person, in this world, I am as if I don't exist.

89. 我就像一座孤岛,被海水包围,无法与外界沟通。 - I am like an island, surrounded by sea, unable to communicate with the outside world.

90. 我独自一人,在雨中漫步,雨水打湿了我的衣裳,也打湿了我的心。 - I walk alone in the rain, the rain soaks my clothes, and soaks my heart.

91. 我坐在窗边,看着夜色,心中充满了悲伤和孤独。 - I sit by the window, watching the night, my heart filled with sadness and loneliness.

92. 我渴望有人能够理解我,但我又害怕被人理解,因为我怕暴露我的脆弱。 - I crave someone to understand me, but I'm also afraid of being understood, because I fear exposing my vulnerability.

93. 我就像一个被遗忘的角落,没有人会想起我,也没有人会来这里。 - I am like a forgotten corner, no one will remember me, and no one will come here.

94. 我是一个无家可归的人,在世界上漂泊,寻找着属于我的那一片天空。 - I am a homeless person, wandering the world, searching for my own piece of sky.

95. 我的寂寞,如同一张无形的网,将我困住,无法逃脱。 - My loneliness, like an invisible net, traps me, unable to escape.

96. 我像一只受伤的鸟,无力飞翔,只能默默地忍受着伤痛。 - I am like an injured bird, unable to fly, I can only silently endure the pain.

97. 我就像一个幽灵,在人群中穿梭,却无法与任何人产生交集。 - I am like a ghost, moving through the crowd, yet unable to connect with anyone.

98. 我是一个沉默的人,我的寂寞,只能够藏在心里。 - I am a silent person, my loneliness can only be hidden in my heart.

99. 我就像一座空城,没有生气,没有喧嚣,只有无尽的寂寞。 - I am like an empty city, without life, without noise, only endless loneliness.

以上就是关于古龙描写寂寞的句子99句(古龙描写寂寞的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
