
## 夸张句子1. 他的鼾声震耳欲聋,简直可以把房顶掀翻。

His snores were so loud they could shake the roof off the house.

2. 这场雨下得倾盆大雨,简直要把整个城市淹没。

The rain poured down in buckets, threatening to drown the entire city.

## 夸张句子(65句)1. 他的鼾声震耳欲聋,简直可以把房顶掀翻。

His snores were so loud they could shake the roof off the house.

2. 这场雨下得倾盆大雨,简直要把整个城市淹没。

The rain poured down in buckets, threatening to drown the entire city.

3. 他的肚子饿得咕咕叫,简直可以把整个厨房都吞下去。

His stomach growled so loudly it could swallow the whole kitchen.

4. 她的笑声像银铃一样清脆,简直可以把整个森林都唤醒。

Her laughter was as clear as a silver bell, capable of waking up the entire forest.

5. 这条鱼太大太重,简直可以把渔网都扯破。

The fish was so big and heavy, it could tear the fishing net apart.

6. 这朵花开得如此鲜艳,简直可以把整个花园都点亮。

The flower bloomed so brightly, it could light up the entire garden.

7. 这块蛋糕太甜了,简直可以把我的牙齿都融化掉。

This cake was so sweet, it could melt my teeth.

8. 这辆车跑得飞快,简直可以把风都追上。

The car sped so fast, it could catch the wind.

9. 这件衣服太华丽了,简直可以把整个舞池都照亮。

The dress was so magnificent, it could illuminate the entire dance floor.

10. 这本书太厚了,简直可以当枕头用。

This book is so thick, it could be used as a pillow.

11. 这场考试太难了,简直可以把我的脑袋都考炸了。

This exam was so difficult, it could blow my mind.

12. 他跑得飞快,简直可以把猎豹都比下去。

He ran so fast, he could outrun a cheetah.

13. 她的眼睛闪着光芒,简直可以把整个世界都照亮。

Her eyes sparkled with such brilliance, they could illuminate the entire world.

14. 这座山太高了,简直可以把天都捅破。

The mountain was so high, it could pierce the heavens.

15. 这块石头太重了,简直可以把地球都压垮。

The stone was so heavy, it could crush the Earth.

16. 这首歌太动听了,简直可以把我的灵魂都洗涤干净。

The song was so beautiful, it could cleanse my soul.

17. 他说话的声音太低沉了,简直可以把整个房间都笼罩在黑暗之中。

His voice was so low and deep, it could shroud the entire room in darkness.

18. 这条路太长了,简直可以走到天涯海角。

The road was so long, it could stretch to the ends of the Earth.

19. 他的力气太大了,简直可以把一座房子都搬起来。

He was so strong, he could lift a house.

20. 他的知识太渊博了,简直可以把整个图书馆都装满。

His knowledge was so vast, it could fill the entire library.

21. 这场战争太残酷了,简直可以把整个国家都毁灭掉。

The war was so brutal, it could destroy the entire country.

22. 他的热情太高涨了,简直可以把整个世界都点燃。

His enthusiasm was so high, it could set the world on fire.

23. 她的美丽太迷人了,简直可以把整个世界都吸引住。

Her beauty was so captivating, it could draw the entire world's attention.

24. 这颗钻石太璀璨了,简直可以把整个夜空都照亮。

The diamond was so brilliant, it could illuminate the entire night sky.

25. 这场音乐会太精彩了,简直可以把我的耳朵都震聋了。

The concert was so amazing, it could deafen my ears.

26. 他的梦想太伟大了,简直可以改变整个世界。

His dreams were so grand, they could change the world.

27. 他的演讲太精彩了,简直可以把所有人都说服。

His speech was so eloquent, it could convince anyone.

28. 这件艺术品太珍贵了,简直可以把博物馆都填满。

This artwork was so precious, it could fill the entire museum.

29. 她的善良太感动了,简直可以把整个世界都温暖起来。

Her kindness was so touching, it could warm the entire world.

30. 这片森林太茂密了,简直可以把整个城市都掩盖起来。

The forest was so dense, it could hide the entire city.

31. 这条河流太宽阔了,简直可以把整个地球都环绕起来。

The river was so wide, it could circle the entire Earth.

32. 这座桥太高了,简直可以把云彩都触碰得到。

The bridge was so high, it could reach the clouds.

33. 这场雪太大了,简直可以把整个城市都覆盖起来。

The snow was so heavy, it could blanket the entire city.

34. 他的思想太超前了,简直可以把整个时代都超越。

His ideas were so advanced, they could transcend the entire era.

35. 他的速度太快了,简直可以把时间都停止。

He was so fast, he could stop time.

36. 这幅画太逼真了,简直可以把人带到另一个世界。

The painting was so realistic, it could transport you to another world.

37. 这本书太有吸引力了,简直可以让人废寝忘食。

The book was so compelling, it could make you forget to eat or sleep.

38. 这台机器太先进

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