
## 76 句再说字的句子及其英文翻译**1. 字如其人,字如其心。**

Words reflect the person, words reflect the heart.

**2. 字迹工整,令人赏心悦目。**

Neat handwriting is pleasing to the eye.

**3. 字里行间,流露出真情实感。**

Genuine emotions are revealed between the lines.

**4. 字字珠玑,句句精妙。**

Every word is a gem, every sentence is exquisite.

**5. 字迹潦草,难以辨认。**

Scrawled handwriting is difficult to read.

**6. 字如其意,意如其人。**

Words reflect the meaning, meaning reflects the person.

**7. 字迹端正,显示出良好的教养。**

Upright handwriting reflects good upbringing.

**8. 字字千钧,不容忽视。**

Every word carries immense weight and should not be overlooked.

**9. 字迹飘逸,富有艺术感。**

Flowing handwriting is artistic.

**10. 字迹苍劲有力,彰显自信。**

Strong and powerful handwriting shows confidence.

**11. 字迹秀丽,如同行云流水。**

Elegant handwriting flows like clouds and water.

**12. 字字如金,句句箴言。**

Every word is as precious as gold, every sentence is a maxim.

**13. 字迹沉稳,透露出沉静的气质。**

Steady handwriting reveals a calm temperament.

**14. 字迹灵动,充满活力。**

Lively handwriting is full of energy.

**15. 字迹古朴,散发着古典韵味。**

Ancient-style handwriting exudes classic charm.

**16. 字迹清秀,让人心生好感。**

Clear and beautiful handwriting creates a favorable impression.

**17. 字迹凌厉,展现出果断的性格。**

Sharp handwriting reflects a decisive character.

**18. 字迹圆润,给人一种亲切的感觉。**

Rounded handwriting gives a friendly feeling.

**19. 字迹刚劲有力,充满力量感。**

Strong and forceful handwriting is full of power.

**20. 字迹细致入微,体现出细心。**

Meticulous handwriting reflects carefulness.

**21. 字迹简洁明了,表达清晰。**

Clear and concise handwriting delivers clear communication.

**22. 字迹优美,令人赏心悦目。**

Beautiful handwriting is pleasing to the eye.

**23. 字迹流畅,一气呵成。**

Smooth handwriting flows effortlessly.

**24. 字迹娟秀,展现出女性的柔美。**

Delicate handwriting reveals feminine beauty.

**25. 字迹稳重,透露出沉稳的性格。**

Stable handwriting reflects a steady character.

**26. 字迹张扬,展现出自信和个性。**

Bold handwriting showcases confidence and individuality.

**27. 字迹淡雅,如同清风拂面。**

Subtle handwriting is like a gentle breeze.

**28. 字迹雄浑,透露出豪迈的气概。**

Grand handwriting reveals a bold spirit.

**29. 字迹朴实,如同田野般淳朴。**

Simple handwriting is like the rustic charm of a field.

**30. 字迹精巧,如同工匠的杰作。**

Exquisite handwriting is like a craftsman's masterpiece.

**31. 字迹洒脱,如同自由的鸟儿。**

Unrestrained handwriting is like a free bird.

**32. 字迹沉静,如同深邃的湖泊。**

Calm handwriting is like a deep lake.

**33. 字迹雄健,如同巍峨的山峰。**

Strong and robust handwriting is like towering mountains.

**34. 字迹温婉,如同春风拂柳。**

Gentle handwriting is like a spring breeze swaying willows.

**35. 字迹飘逸,如同轻盈的云朵。**

Flowing handwriting is like light and airy clouds.

**36. 字迹古拙,如同历史的遗迹。**

Archaic handwriting is like historical relics.

**37. 字迹刚毅,如同钢铁般坚强。**

Strong and firm handwriting is like steel.

**38. 字迹清雅,如同幽谷兰花。**

Elegant and refined handwriting is like orchids in a secluded valley.

**39. 字迹粗犷,如同野性的呼唤。**

Rough handwriting is like a call from the wild.

**40. 字迹秀美,如同锦绣文章。**

Elegant handwriting is like beautiful prose.

**41. 字迹灵动,如同跳跃的音符。**

Lively handwriting is like dancing notes.

**42. 字迹苍劲,如同古树的枝干。**

Strong and powerful handwriting is like the branches of an ancient tree.

**43. 字迹沉稳,如同磐石般坚定。**

Steady handwriting is like a firm rock.

**44. 字迹飘渺,如同梦幻般虚无。**

Ethereal handwriting is like a dream.

**45. 字迹雄伟,如同天高云阔。**

Grand handwriting is like a vast expanse of sky and clouds.

**46. 字迹清秀,如同山间清泉。**

Clear and beautiful handwriting is like a mountain spring.

**47. 字迹潇洒,如同狂风般肆意。**

Unbridled handwriting is like a raging storm.

**48. 字迹典雅,如同古香古色。**

Elegant handwriting is like ancient artifacts.

**49. 字迹精湛,如同技艺精雕细琢。**

Masterful handwriting is like expertly crafted art.

**50. 字迹刚正,如同正义的化身。**

Upright handwriting is like the embodiment of justice.

**51. 字迹飘逸,如同仙风道骨。**

Flowing handwriting is like a celestial being.

**52. 字迹娟秀,如同花香弥漫。**

Delicate handwriting is like the fragrance of flowers.

**53. 字迹稳健,如同泰山般巍峨。**

Stable handwriting is like the majestic Mount Tai.

**54. 字迹张扬,如同火焰般炙热。**

Bold handwriting is like blazing flames.

**55. 字迹淡雅,如同月光般柔和。**

Subtle handwriting is like the gentle glow of moonlight.

**56. 字迹雄浑,如同江河般奔腾。**

Grand handwriting is like the rushing of a river.

**57. 字迹朴实,如同泥土般厚重。**

Simple handwriting is like the earthy weight of soil.

**58. 字迹精巧,如同珠玉般珍贵。**

Exquisite handwriting is like precious gems.

**59. 字迹洒脱,如同行云流水。**

Unrestrained handwriting flows like clouds and water.

**60. 字迹沉静,如同深邃的星空。**

Calm handwriting is like the deep expanse of the night sky.

**61. 字迹雄健,如同钢铁般坚不可摧。**

Strong and robust handwriting is like unbreakable steel.

**62. 字迹温婉,如同春雨般滋润。**

Gentle handwriting is like nourishing spring rain.

**63. 字迹飘逸,如同轻风拂柳。**

Flowing handwriting is like a gentle breeze swaying willows.

**64. 字迹古拙,如同历史的见证。**

Archaic handwriting is a testament to history.

**65. 字迹刚毅,如同山石般坚韧。**

Strong and firm handwriting is like the unyielding strength of rocks.

**66. 字迹清雅,如同竹林幽静。**

Elegant and refined handwriting is like the serenity of a bamboo forest.

**67. 字迹粗犷,如同狂野的草原。**

Rough handwriting is like the untamed wilderness of a grassland.

**68. 字迹秀美,如同锦绣华章。**

Elegant handwriting is like a magnificent tapestry of words.

**69. 字迹灵动,如同跳动的生命。**

Lively handwriting is like a pulsating life force.

**70. 字迹苍劲,如同松柏傲然。**

Strong and powerful handwriting is like the proud stance of a pine tree.

**71. 字迹沉稳,如同大地般厚重。**

Steady handwriting is like the earthy weight of the earth.

**72. 字迹飘渺,如同虚无缥缈。**

Ethereal handwriting is like something intangible and fleeting.

**73. 字迹雄伟,如同宇宙般浩瀚。**

Grand handwriting is like the vastness of the universe.

**74. 字迹清秀,如同山涧溪流。**

Clear and beautiful handwriting is like a mountain stream.

**75. 字迹潇洒,如同天马行空。**

Unbridled handwriting is like a free-ranging horse.

**76. 字迹典雅,如同宫殿般辉煌。**

Elegant handwriting is like the splendor of a palace.

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