
## 51 对偶句及其英文翻译**1.** 碧水清波映落霞,夕阳余晖染山河。

Azure waters reflect the setting sun, while golden rays paint the mountains and rivers.

**2.** 春风拂柳绿如烟,夏雨滋花香满园。

Spring breezes caress willows, turning them green as smoke, while summer rain nourishes flowers, filling the garden with fragrance.

**3.** 秋月朗照银辉洒,冬雪飘飞玉树寒。

The autumn moon shines brightly, casting a silvery glow, while winter snow falls, transforming trees into icy sculptures.

**4.** 晨曦破晓云开处,夜幕降临星斗现。

As dawn breaks, clouds part revealing the morning light, while at night, the starry sky appears under a velvet curtain.

**5.** 鸿雁南飞辞故土,倦鸟归巢沐夕阳。

Wild geese fly south, leaving their old home behind, while weary birds return to their nests, basking in the evening sun.

**6.** 孤帆远影碧波间,长河落日孤鹜飞。

A lone sail disappears into the blue waves, while the sun sets over the vast river, accompanied by solitary wild geese.

**7.** 细雨蒙蒙山色迷,轻风徐徐柳枝摇。

A fine mist shrouds the mountains in mystery, while a gentle breeze sets the willow branches swaying.

**8.** 远山含黛映夕阳,近水流光照月色。

Distant mountains appear misty blue against the setting sun, while nearby waters reflect the moon's gentle light.

**9.** 古树参天蔽日影,清泉潺潺润心田。

Ancient trees reach for the sky, casting their shadow over the land, while a clear stream murmurs softly, nourishing the heart.

**10.** 峰峦叠嶂云雾绕,江河奔流势如虹。

Mountain peaks rise in succession, enveloped in swirling clouds, while rivers surge forward, resembling a mighty rainbow.

**11.** 竹影婆娑风轻拂,荷花盛放月色浓。

Bamboo shadows dance gracefully in the gentle breeze, while lotus blossoms bloom luxuriantly under the full moon.

**12.** 诗情画意醉心间,琴声悠扬绕耳畔。

Poetry and painting enchant the heart, while the melodious sound of the lute lingers in the ears.

**13.** 书香满室墨香浓,茶味清香沁心脾。

The scent of books and ink fills the room, while the fragrant aroma of tea soothes the soul.

**14.** 琴棋书画皆雅致,诗酒茶歌乐逍遥。

The arts of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting are all refined, while poetry, wine, tea, and song bring joy and leisure.

**15.** 细雨如丝润万物,春风送暖入心田。

A fine drizzle nourishes all things, while the spring breeze carries warmth into the heart.

**16.** 高山巍峨耸云霄,沧海茫茫映蓝天。

Majestic mountains pierce the clouds, while the vast ocean reflects the blue sky.

**17.** 落花飘零香满园,流水潺潺映月色。

Fallen blossoms scatter their fragrance throughout the garden, while the murmuring stream reflects the moonlight.

**18.** 花开满枝香溢远,月色如银照夜空。

Flowers bloom in abundance, their fragrance carried far and wide, while the moon shines like silver in the night sky.

**19.** 明月高悬银辉洒,清风徐徐夜色凉。

The bright moon hangs high, casting its silvery glow, while a gentle breeze brings a cool night air.

**20.** 白云飘飘天际远,绿树葱葱映山河。

White clouds drift effortlessly across the vast sky, while verdant trees adorn the mountains and rivers.

**21.** 鸟语花香春意浓,山清水秀景色佳。

The sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers signal the arrival of spring, while the mountains and rivers offer a beautiful view.

**22.** 红叶飘零秋意浓,落花满地春光逝。

Red leaves fall, marking the arrival of autumn, while fallen blossoms on the ground signify the passing of spring.

**23.** 夕阳西下染山河,寒风凛冽冬日来。

The setting sun paints the mountains and rivers with fiery hues, while the cold wind announces the arrival of winter.

**24.** 梅香清幽迎春风,竹影婆娑送晚霞。

The fragrant plum blossoms greet the spring breeze, while bamboo shadows dance gracefully as the evening sun sets.

**25.** 松柏傲雪寒冬立,柳枝迎风春意浓。

Pine and cypress stand tall and proud amidst the winter snow, while willow branches sway in the spring breeze.

**26.** 月色如银照古城,灯火阑珊夜未央。

The moon casts a silvery glow over the ancient city, while scattered lights illuminate the night.

**27.** 秋风瑟瑟落叶舞,冬雪飘飘覆大地。

Autumn winds rustle the leaves, setting them in a whirling dance, while winter snow falls softly, covering the earth.

**28.** 江山如画美如诗,日月星辰耀苍穹。

Mountains and rivers, like a painting, are beautiful and poetic, while the sun, moon, and stars shine brightly in the vast sky.

**29.** 海阔天空任鸟飞,山高水深藏鱼跃。

The vast sky and boundless ocean allow birds to soar freely, while the deep waters of mountains conceal the leaping fish.

**30.** 云淡风轻心自闲,月明如水夜深沉。

The clouds are thin and the wind gentle, bringing a sense of peace, while the moonlight shines like water on a silent night.

**31.** 山河壮丽景色秀,诗情画意醉心间。

The magnificent mountains and rivers offer breathtaking beauty, while poetry and painting enchant the heart.

**32.** 高山流水琴瑟和,明月清风诗酒佳。

The sound of cascading water from a mountain stream harmonizes with the music of the lute, while the bright moon and gentle breeze enhance the enjoyment of poetry and wine.

**33.** 春风拂柳嫩芽发,秋雨滋润落叶飘。

Spring breezes caress willows, prompting new buds to emerge, while autumn rain nourishes the leaves before they fall.

**34.** 细雨蒙蒙润万物,清风徐徐送香气。

A fine mist nourishes all things, while a gentle breeze carries fragrant aromas.

**35.** 江河奔流势如虹,山川雄伟景色佳。

Rivers flow with the force of a rainbow, while majestic mountains offer stunning views.

**36.** 古树参天蔽日影,清泉潺潺润心田。

Ancient trees reach for the sky, casting their shadow over the land, while a clear stream murmurs softly, nourishing the heart.

**37.** 落霞孤鹜秋水长,白云悠悠天际远。

The setting sun, solitary wild geese, and vast autumn waters stretch into the distance, while white clouds drift leisurely across the sky.

**38.** 夜幕降临星斗现,晨曦破晓云开处。

The night sky unfolds, revealing stars, while dawn breaks, parting the clouds to reveal the morning light.

**39.** 花开满枝香溢远,鸟语花香春意浓。

Flowers bloom in abundance, their fragrance carried far and wide, while the sound of birds and the fragrance of flowers signal the arrival of spring.

**40.** 松柏傲雪寒冬立,柳枝迎风春意浓。

Pine and cypress stand tall and proud amidst the winter snow, while willow branches sway in the spring breeze.

**41.** 高山巍峨耸云霄,沧海茫茫映蓝天。

Majestic mountains pierce the clouds, while the vast ocean reflects the blue sky.

**42.** 竹影婆娑风轻拂,荷花盛放月色浓。

Bamboo shadows dance gracefully in the gentle breeze, while lotus blossoms bloom luxuriantly under the full moon.

**43.** 红叶飘零秋意浓,落花满地春光逝。

Red leaves fall, marking the arrival of autumn, while fallen blossoms on the ground signify the passing of spring.

**44.** 细雨如丝润万物,春风送暖入心田。

A fine drizzle nourishes all things, while the spring breeze carries warmth into the heart.

**45.** 诗情画意醉心间,琴声悠扬绕耳畔。

Poetry and painting enchant the heart, while the melodious sound of the lute lingers in the ears.

**46.** 书香满室墨香浓,茶味清香沁心脾。

The scent of books and ink fills the room, while the fragrant aroma of tea soothes the soul.

**47.** 琴棋书画皆雅致,诗酒茶歌乐逍遥。

The arts of music, chess, calligraphy, and painting are all refined, while poetry, wine, tea, and song bring joy and leisure.

**48.** 孤帆远影碧波间,长河落日孤鹜飞。

A lone sail disappears into the blue waves, while the sun sets over the vast river, accompanied by solitary wild geese.

**49.** 鸿雁南飞辞故土,倦鸟归巢沐夕阳。

Wild geese fly south, leaving their old home behind, while weary birds return to their nests, basking in the evening sun.

**50.** 晨曦破晓云开处,夜幕降临星斗现。

As dawn breaks, clouds part revealing the morning light, while at night, the starry sky appears under a velvet curtain.

**51.** 秋月朗照银辉洒,冬雪飘飞玉树寒。

The autumn moon shines brightly, casting a silvery glow, while winter snow falls, transforming trees into icy sculptures.

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