
## 方格本好句子,74句

1. **人生如棋,落子无悔。**
Life is like chess, once you make a move, there is no regret.

Life is like chess, once you make a move, there is no regret.

2. **时间是最好的老师,但它总是把学生杀死。**
Time is the best teacher, but it always kills the students.

Time is the best teacher, but it always kills the students.

3. **成功不是终点,失败并非终结,重要的是继续前进的勇气。**
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

4. **真正的勇敢,是在知道自己会输的情况下,依然选择去做。**
True bravery is choosing to do what you know you might lose.

True bravery is choosing to do what you know you might lose.

5. **人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。**
Life is not a dress rehearsal, every day is a live performance.

Life is not a dress rehearsal, every day is a live performance.

6. **人生的意义不在于拥有,而在于创造。**
The meaning of life is not to possess, but to create.

The meaning of life is not to possess, but to create.

7. **人生最大的快乐,莫过于为理想而奋斗。**
The greatest happiness in life is to struggle for an ideal.

The greatest happiness in life is to struggle for an ideal.

8. **不要害怕失败,因为失败是成功之母。**
Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is the mother of success.

Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is the mother of success.

9. **生命短暂,不要浪费时间去憎恨。**
Life is short, don't waste time hating.

Life is short, don't waste time hating.

10. **不要害怕改变,因为改变是成长的开始。**
Don't be afraid of change, because change is the beginning of growth.

Don't be afraid of change, because change is the beginning of growth.

11. **不要害怕失去,因为失去也是一种收获。**
Don't be afraid to lose, because losing is also a gain.

Don't be afraid to lose, because losing is also a gain.

12. **人生就像一场旅行,重要的是沿途的风景。**
Life is like a journey, what matters is the scenery along the way.

Life is like a journey, what matters is the scenery along the way.

13. **人生就像一本书,你翻过一页就再也回不去了。**
Life is like a book, once you turn a page you can never go back.

Life is like a book, once you turn a page you can never go back.

14. **人生就像一场戏,每个人都扮演着不同的角色。**
Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role.

Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role.

15. **人生就像一场梦,醒来之后什么都没有了。**
Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

16. **人生就像一杯茶,苦涩过后是回味。**
Life is like a cup of tea, after the bitterness comes the aftertaste.

Life is like a cup of tea, after the bitterness comes the aftertaste.

17. **人生就像一首歌,有高潮也有低谷。**
Life is like a song, there are peaks and valleys.

Life is like a song, there are peaks and valleys.

18. **人生就像一幅画,每一笔都留下了痕迹。**
Life is like a painting, every stroke leaves a mark.

Life is like a painting, every stroke leaves a mark.

19. **人生就像一场冒险,充满着未知和挑战。**
Life is like an adventure, full of unknowns and challenges.

Life is like an adventure, full of unknowns and challenges.

20. **人生就像一场游戏,只有不断地挑战自己才能获得胜利。**
Life is like a game, only by constantly challenging yourself can you achieve victory.

Life is like a game, only by constantly challenging yourself can you achieve victory.

21. **人生就像一场舞会,每个人都跳着自己的舞步。**
Life is like a dance, everyone dances to their own rhythm.

Life is like a dance, everyone dances to their own rhythm.

22. **人生就像一场旅行,重要的是享受过程。**
Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

23. **人生就像一个圆圈,最终会回到起点。**
Life is like a circle, eventually you will return to the starting point.

Life is like a circle, eventually you will return to the starting point.

24. **人生就像一张白纸,你可以画出你想要的任何图案。**
Life is like a blank piece of paper, you can draw any pattern you want.

Life is like a blank piece of paper, you can draw any pattern you want.

25. **人生就像一本书,充满了故事和经验。**
Life is like a book, full of stories and experiences.

Life is like a book, full of stories and experiences.

26. **人生就像一条河流,不断地向前流淌。**
Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

27. **人生就像一座山,只有不断地攀登才能看到更美的风景。**
Life is like a mountain, only by constantly climbing can you see more beautiful scenery.

Life is like a mountain, only by constantly climbing can you see more beautiful scenery.

28. **人生就像一场电影,充满了戏剧性。**
Life is like a movie, full of drama.

Life is like a movie, full of drama.

29. **人生就像一场比赛,只有不断地努力才能赢得胜利。**
Life is like a race, only by constantly striving can you win.

Life is like a race, only by constantly striving can you win.

30. **人生就像一场盛宴,充满了各种美食。**
Life is like a feast, full of all kinds of delicacies.

Life is like a feast, full of all kinds of delicacies.

31. **人生就像一幅画,每个人都有自己的风格。**
Life is like a painting, everyone has their own style.

Life is like a painting, everyone has their own style.

32. **人生就像一首歌,每个人都有自己的旋律。**
Life is like a song, everyone has their own melody.

Life is like a song, everyone has their own melody.

33. **人生就像一部小说,充满了悬念和曲折。**
Life is like a novel, full of suspense and twists.

Life is like a novel, full of suspense and twists.

34. **人生就像一场游戏,只有不断地学习才能获得胜利。**
Life is like a game, only by constantly learning can you achieve victory.

Life is like a game, only by constantly learning can you achieve victory.

35. **人生就像一场旅行,重要的是享受过程。**
Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

36. **人生就像一个舞台,每个人都扮演着不同的角色。**
Life is like a stage, everyone plays a different role.

Life is like a stage, everyone plays a different role.

37. **人生就像一朵花,盛开过后也会凋谢。**
Life is like a flower, after it blooms, it will also wither.

Life is like a flower, after it blooms, it will also wither.

38. **人生就像一本书,充满了故事和经验。**
Life is like a book, full of stories and experiences.

Life is like a book, full of stories and experiences.

39. **人生就像一条河流,不断地向前流淌。**
Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

40. **人生就像一场梦,醒来之后什么都没有了。**
Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

41. **人生就像一杯茶,苦涩过后是回味。**
Life is like a cup of tea, after the bitterness comes the aftertaste.

Life is like a cup of tea, after the bitterness comes the aftertaste.

42. **人生就像一场戏,每个人都扮演着不同的角色。**
Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role.

Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role.

43. **人生就像一幅画,每一笔都留下了痕迹。**
Life is like a painting, every stroke leaves a mark.

Life is like a painting, every stroke leaves a mark.

44. **人生就像一场冒险,充满了未知和挑战。**
Life is like an adventure, full of unknowns and challenges.

Life is like an adventure, full of unknowns and challenges.

45. **人生就像一场游戏,只有不断地挑战自己才能获得胜利。**
Life is like a game, only by constantly challenging yourself can you achieve victory.

Life is like a game, only by constantly challenging yourself can you achieve victory.

46. **人生就像一场舞会,每个人都跳着自己的舞步。**
Life is like a dance, everyone dances to their own rhythm.

Life is like a dance, everyone dances to their own rhythm.

47. **人生就像一场旅行,重要的是享受过程。**
Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

48. **人生就像一个圆圈,最终会回到起点。**
Life is like a circle, eventually you will return to the starting point.

Life is like a circle, eventually you will return to the starting point.

49. **人生就像一张白纸,你可以画出你想要的任何图案。**
Life is like a blank piece of paper, you can draw any pattern you want.

Life is like a blank piece of paper, you can draw any pattern you want.

50. **人生就像一条河流,不断地向前流淌。**
Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

51. **人生就像一座山,只有不断地攀登才能看到更美的风景。**
Life is like a mountain, only by constantly climbing can you see more beautiful scenery.

Life is like a mountain, only by constantly climbing can you see more beautiful scenery.

52. **人生就像一场电影,充满了戏剧性。**
Life is like a movie, full of drama.

Life is like a movie, full of drama.

53. **人生就像一场比赛,只有不断地努力才能赢得胜利。**
Life is like a race, only by constantly striving can you win.

Life is like a race, only by constantly striving can you win.

54. **人生就像一场盛宴,充满了各种美食。**
Life is like a feast, full of all kinds of delicacies.

Life is like a feast, full of all kinds of delicacies.

55. **人生就像一幅画,每个人都有自己的风格。**
Life is like a painting, everyone has their own style.

Life is like a painting, everyone has their own style.

56. **人生就像一首歌,每个人都有自己的旋律。**
Life is like a song, everyone has their own melody.

Life is like a song, everyone has their own melody.

57. **人生就像一部小说,充满了悬念和曲折。**
Life is like a novel, full of suspense and twists.

Life is like a novel, full of suspense and twists.

58. **人生就像一场游戏,只有不断地学习才能获得胜利。**
Life is like a game, only by constantly learning can you achieve victory.

Life is like a game, only by constantly learning can you achieve victory.

59. **人生就像一场旅行,重要的是享受过程。**
Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

60. **人生就像一个舞台,每个人都扮演着不同的角色。**
Life is like a stage, everyone plays a different role.

Life is like a stage, everyone plays a different role.

61. **人生就像一朵花,盛开过后也会凋谢。**
Life is like a flower, after it blooms, it will also wither.

Life is like a flower, after it blooms, it will also wither.

62. **人生就像一本书,充满了故事和经验。**
Life is like a book, full of stories and experiences.

Life is like a book, full of stories and experiences.

63. **人生就像一条河流,不断地向前流淌。**
Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

64. **人生就像一场梦,醒来之后什么都没有了。**
Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

Life is like a dream, when you wake up, there is nothing left.

65. **人生就像一杯茶,苦涩过后是回味。**
Life is like a cup of tea, after the bitterness comes the aftertaste.

Life is like a cup of tea, after the bitterness comes the aftertaste.

66. **人生就像一场戏,每个人都扮演着不同的角色。**
Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role.

Life is like a play, everyone plays a different role.

67. **人生就像一幅画,每一笔都留下了痕迹。**
Life is like a painting, every stroke leaves a mark.

Life is like a painting, every stroke leaves a mark.

68. **人生就像一场冒险,充满了未知和挑战。**
Life is like an adventure, full of unknowns and challenges.

Life is like an adventure, full of unknowns and challenges.

69. **人生就像一场游戏,只有不断地挑战自己才能获得胜利。**
Life is like a game, only by constantly challenging yourself can you achieve victory.

Life is like a game, only by constantly challenging yourself can you achieve victory.

70. **人生就像一场舞会,每个人都跳着自己的舞步。**
Life is like a dance, everyone dances to their own rhythm.

Life is like a dance, everyone dances to their own rhythm.

71. **人生就像一场旅行,重要的是享受过程。**
Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

Life is like a journey, the important thing is to enjoy the process.

72. **人生就像一个圆圈,最终会回到起点。**
Life is like a circle, eventually you will return to the starting point.

Life is like a circle, eventually you will return to the starting point.

73. **人生就像一张白纸,你可以画出你想要的任何图案。**
Life is like a blank piece of paper, you can draw any pattern you want.

Life is like a blank piece of paper, you can draw any pattern you want.

74. **人生就像一条河流,不断地向前流淌。**
Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

Life is like a river, constantly flowing forward.

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