
## 方言话句子与英文翻译

**请注意:** 由于你没有指定具体方言,以下句子以**普通话**为基础,并加入一些常见的口语表达,以呈现不同地区方言可能出现的表达方式。

**1. 哎哟喂,你咋个这么慢呢?**

Oh my goodness, why are you so slow?

**2. 哎,你吃了吗?**

Hey, have you eaten?

**3. 侬好,吃了吗?**

Hello, have you eaten?

**4. 你个死人,快来帮忙!**

You rascal, come and help me!

**5. 这事忒麻烦了!**

This matter is too troublesome!

**6. 这孩子真皮实!**

This child is really strong and healthy!

**7. 你别闹了,快去睡觉!**

Stop messing around, go to bed!

**8. 哎哟,这瓜真甜!**

Oh my, this melon is so sweet!

**9. 我今儿个可高兴了!**

I am so happy today!

**10. 你说啥呢,我听不懂!**

What are you saying? I don't understand!

**11. 我肚子饿得咕噜咕噜叫!**

My stomach is growling with hunger!

**12. 快点儿,别磨蹭了!**

Hurry up, don't dawdle!

**13. 你这娃儿真调皮!**

You little rascal, you're so naughty!

**14. 这事你管不着!**

You have no business meddling in this!

**15. 我今天心情不好,你别惹我!**

I'm in a bad mood today, don't bother me!

**16. 这衣服真漂亮!**

This dress is so beautiful!

**17. 你这是在开玩笑吧?**

You're kidding me, right?

**18. 今天天气真热!**

The weather is so hot today!

**19. 快来吃饭了!**

Come and eat!

**20. 咱们一起去玩吧!**

Let's go play together!

**21. 你去哪儿了?**

Where did you go?

**22. 我给你带了礼物!**

I brought you a gift!

**23. 你说的是真的吗?**

Is that true?

**24. 我想吃冰淇淋!**

I want to eat ice cream!

**25. 今天晚上我们去看电影吧!**

Let's go to the movies tonight!

**26. 你这孩子真是个小机灵鬼!**

You're such a clever little one!

**27. 你别着急,慢慢来!**

Don't worry, take your time!

**28. 我有点儿感冒了!**

I have a bit of a cold!

**29. 你这真是个好主意!**

That's a great idea!

**30. 我已经等了你好久了!**

I've been waiting for you for a long time!

**31. 你怎么这么笨呢?**

How can you be so clumsy?

**32. 你别瞎说,这不可能!**

Don't talk nonsense, that's impossible!

**33. 我今天要加班!**

I have to work overtime today!

**34. 这事情太难了!**

This matter is too difficult!

**35. 你真会说话!**

You're such a smooth talker!

**36. 这房子真漂亮!**

This house is beautiful!

**37. 你这是在骗我吧?**

You're trying to trick me, aren't you?

**38. 我今天心情不好,不想说话!**

I'm in a bad mood today and don't want to talk!

**39. 你这孩子真是个小淘气!**

You little rascal, you're so mischievous!

**40. 咱们一起去逛街吧!**

Let's go shopping together!

**41. 我今天要出去玩!**

I'm going out to play today!

**42. 你真是个大好人!**

You're a really good person!

**43. 这件事你必须告诉我!**

You must tell me about this!

**44. 我没钱了!**

I'm out of money!

**45. 我今天很累!**

I'm very tired today!

**46. 你真是个小馋猫!**

You're such a little gourmand!

**47. 这件衣服真合身!**

This dress fits you perfectly!

**48. 你真会开玩笑!**

You're so funny!

**49. 我今天要早点儿睡觉!**

I'm going to bed early tonight!

**50. 你这是在故意找茬吗?**

Are you deliberately picking a fight?

**51. 你这孩子真聪明!**

You're such a smart child!

**52. 我要买点儿水果!**

I need to buy some fruit!

**53. 你去哪儿玩?**

Where are you going to play?

**54. 我今天要去看医生!**

I'm going to see the doctor today!

**55. 你这孩子真懂事!**

You're such a well-behaved child!

**56. 这件事情你必须帮我!**

You must help me with this!

**57. 你这孩子真爱学习!**

You're such a studious child!

**58. 我今天要早点儿起床!**

I'm going to wake up early today!

**59. 你这孩子真会惹麻烦!**

You're such a troublemaker!

**60. 我今天要出去散步!**

I'm going for a walk today!

**61. 你这孩子真会做饭!**

You're such a good cook!

**62. 我今天要写作业!**

I have homework to do today!

**63. 你这孩子真会唱歌!**

You're such a good singer!

**64. 我今天要回家吃饭!**

I'm going home to eat dinner today!

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