
## 长辈诚恳道歉的句子(83句)**通用道歉**1. 真的很抱歉,让您担心了。/ I'm so sorry for causing you worry.2. 我的行为让您失望了,对此我感到非常抱歉。/ I'm truly sorry for disappointing you with my actions.3. 我向您真诚地道歉,希望您能原谅我。/ I sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive me.4. 我意识到自己的错误,并对此深感后悔。/ I realize my mistake and deeply regret it.5. 我以后会更加注意自己的言行,不会再犯同样的错误。/ I will be more mindful of my words and actions in the future and won't repeat the same mistake.6. 您的教诲我铭记于心,我会努力改正自己的错误。/ I will keep your teachings in mind and work hard to correct my mistakes.7. 我知道我错了,希望您能理解我的歉意。/ I know I was wrong, and I hope you understand my apology.8. 我向您保证,以后会更加谨慎,避免类似的事情发生。/ I assure you that I will be more cautious in the future to avoid similar incidents.9. 您的批评我虚心接受,我会努力改进自己。/ I humbly accept your criticism and will work hard to improve myself.10. 您的教导让我受益匪浅,我会牢记在心。/ Your teachings have benefited me greatly, and I will keep them in mind.**针对具体情况道歉**11. 我之前说的话的确有些过分,我向您道歉。/ I apologize for the harsh words I said earlier.12. 我应该事先跟您商量,没有征得您的同意就自作主张,真的很抱歉。/ I should have consulted with you first and I apologize for acting without your consent.13. 我当时太冲动了,没有考虑您的感受,我错了。/ I was too impulsive and didn't consider your feelings. I was wrong.14. 我的行为给您带来了麻烦,我感到非常抱歉。/ I'm truly sorry for the trouble I caused you.15. 我之前没有做好,让您失望了,我以后会更加努力。/ I didn't do well before and disappointed you. I will work harder in the future.16. 我辜负了您的期望,我深感愧疚。/ I feel guilty for not meeting your expectations.17. 我给您添麻烦了,我真的很过意不去。/ I apologize for the trouble I've caused you. I really feel bad about it.18. 我之前没有及时回复您的消息,真的很抱歉。/ I apologize for not replying to your message in a timely manner.19. 我之前没有及时完成任务,给您带来了困扰,我向您道歉。/ I apologize for not completing the task on time and causing you trouble.20. 我之前的态度不好,让您感到不舒服,我真的很抱歉。/ I apologize for my bad attitude and making you feel uncomfortable.**表达悔恨和决心**21. 我为自己的行为感到羞愧,我会吸取教训,不再犯同样的错误。/ I am ashamed of my actions and will learn from this experience to avoid making the same mistake again.22. 我深知自己的错误,并对此感到无比悔恨。/ I am deeply aware of my mistakes and feel extremely remorseful.23. 我发誓,以后会更加认真负责,不让您失望。/ I swear that I will be more responsible and diligent in the future and will not disappoint you.24. 我将用行动来弥补我的过失,希望您能给我一次机会。/ I will use my actions to make up for my mistakes. I hope you can give me another chance.25. 请您相信,我一定会努力改正,成为一个更好的人。/ Please believe that I will work hard to correct myself and become a better person.26. 我以后会更加谨慎,避免再次犯错。/ I will be more cautious in the future to avoid making mistakes again.27. 您的教诲我会铭记在心,我会努力成为一个让您感到骄傲的人。/ I will keep your teachings in mind and strive to become someone you are proud of.28. 我深知您的苦心,我会加倍努力,不辜负您的期望。/ I deeply appreciate your efforts and will work harder to meet your expectations.29. 我犯下的错误让我深感痛心,我会用实际行动来弥补。/ I am deeply saddened by my mistakes and will make up for them with practical actions.30. 请您相信,我以后一定会更加成熟稳重,让您安心。/ Please believe that I will be more mature and stable in the future, and I will put your mind at ease.**感谢和理解**31. 感谢您的宽容和理解,我一定会更加珍惜这份亲情。/ Thank you for your tolerance and understanding. I will cherish this family bond even more.32. 我知道您一直都很关心我,您的教诲我都会牢记在心。/ I know you have always cared about me, and I will keep your teachings in mind.33. 您的爱和支持是我前进的动力,我会更加努力,不辜负您的期望。/ Your love and support are my motivation. I will work harder and not let you down.34. 您的理解和包容让我感到温暖,我会更加珍惜这份亲情。/ Your understanding and tolerance warm my heart, and I will cherish this family bond even more.35. 感谢您一直以来对我的爱和包容,我会更加努力,成为一个让您骄傲的人。/ Thank you for your love and tolerance all these years. I will work harder to become someone you are proud of.36. 您的宽容和理解是我继续前进的勇气,我会更加珍惜这份亲情。/ Your tolerance and understanding are the courage that allows me to move forward. I will cherish this family bond even more.37. 感谢您对我的关心和爱护,我会努力成为一个让您感到欣慰的人。/ Thank you for your care and love. I will work hard to become someone you can be proud of.38. 您的爱和教导是我一生中最宝贵的财富,我会永远铭记。/ Your love and teachings are the most precious treasures in my life, and I will always remember them.39. 感谢您对我的信任和支持,我会更加努力,不辜负您的期望。/ Thank you for your trust and support. I will work harder and not let you down.40. 您的包容和理解是我最大的安慰,我会更加珍惜这份亲情。/ Your tolerance and understanding are my greatest comfort, and I will cherish this family bond even more.**表达希望和承诺**41. 我真心希望您能原谅我的错误,我以后会更加努力,不会再犯同样的错误。/ I sincerely hope you can forgive my mistake. I will work harder in the future and won't repeat the same mistake again.42. 我真诚地希望您能给我一次机会,让我用实际行动来弥补我的过失。/ I sincerely hope you can give me another chance to make up for my mistakes with practical actions.43. 我保证,以后会更加成熟稳重,让您安心。/ I promise that I will be more mature and stable in the future, and I will put your mind at ease.44. 我一定会用实际行动来证明我的悔过之心,希望您能重新信任我。/ I will definitely use practical actions to prove my remorse, and I hope you can trust me again.45. 请您相信,我一定会更加努力,成为一个让您感到骄傲的人。/ Please believe that I will work harder to become someone you are proud of.46. 我会用行动来证明,我是一个值得您信任的人。/ I will use my actions to prove that I am someone you can trust.47. 我会用实际行动来弥补我的过失,希望您能再次认可我。/ I will make up for my mistakes with practical actions, and I hope you can acknowledge me again.48. 我相信我会更加成熟稳重,不会再让您担心。/ I believe I will be more mature and stable, and I won't cause you worry anymore.49. 我一定会更加努力,让您看到我的改变。/ I will work harder so that you can see my changes.50. 我一定会更加谨慎,避免类似的事情再次发生。/ I will be more cautious to avoid similar incidents from happening again.**语气更加强烈**51. 我错了,我真的很后悔,请您原谅我。/ I was wrong, and I deeply regret it. Please forgive me.52. 我向您保证,我以后再也不会犯同样的错误了。/ I assure you that I will never make the same mistake again.53. 我真心地希望您能给我一次机会,让我证明自己。/ I sincerely hope you can give me another chance to prove myself.54. 我恳请您的原谅,我一定会用实际行动来弥补我的过失。/ I beg for your forgiveness. I will use practical actions to make up for my mistakes.55. 请您相信,我以后一定会更加努力,不会再让您失望。/ Please believe that I will work harder in the future and will not disappoint you again.56. 我真的很愧疚,我以后一定会更加注意自己的言行。/ I am truly guilty, and I will be more mindful of my words and actions in the future.57. 我深知自己的错误,并对此感到无比悔恨。/ I am deeply aware of my mistakes and feel extremely remorseful.58. 我一定会改正错误,成为一个更优秀的人。/ I will definitely correct my mistakes and become a better person.59. 我错了,请您批评我,我会认真接受。/ I was wrong, please criticize me, and I will take it seriously.60. 请您原谅我的无知和冲动,我以后会更加成熟稳重。/ Please forgive my ignorance and impulsiveness. I will be more mature and stable in the future.**针对长辈身体状况道歉**61. 让您操心了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for causing you worry.62. 让您受累了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for troubling you.63. 让您担心了,我会好好照顾自己。/ I'm sorry for worrying you, I will take good care of myself.64. 让您费心了,我会更加懂事。/ I'm sorry for bothering you, I will be more sensible.65. 让您生气了,我很抱歉,我会更加注意。/ I'm sorry for making you angry, I will be more careful in the future.66. 让您失望了,我很抱歉,我会更加努力。/ I'm sorry for disappointing you, I will work harder in the future.67. 让您生气了,请您原谅我。/ I'm sorry for making you angry, please forgive me.68. 让您操心了,我一定会更加孝顺。/ I'm sorry for causing you worry, I will be more filial in the future.69. 让您伤心了,我很抱歉,我以后会更加懂事。/ I'm sorry for upsetting you, I will be more sensible in the future.70. 让您失望了,我以后会更加努力,不辜负您的期望。/ I'm sorry for disappointing you, I will work harder in the future and live up to your expectations.**针对长辈情绪道歉**71. 我之前说话太冲,让您生气了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for being so impulsive with my words and making you angry.72. 我之前没有理解您的心情,让您伤心了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not understanding your feelings and making you upset.73. 我之前没有考虑您的感受,让您生气了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not considering your feelings and making you angry.74. 我之前没有注意到您的情绪,让您伤心了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not noticing your emotions and making you upset.75. 我之前的话语伤害了您,我很抱歉,请您原谅我。/ I'm sorry for my words hurting you, please forgive me.76. 我之前没有站在您的角度思考问题,让您生气了,我很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not thinking from your perspective and making you angry.77. 我之前的行为让您伤心了,我真的很抱歉,请您原谅我。/ I'm sorry for my actions making you upset. Please forgive me.78. 我之前没有注意到您的感受,让您感到伤心,我真的很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not noticing your feelings and making you upset.79. 我之前没有好好沟通,让您生气了,我真的很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not communicating properly and making you angry.80. 我之前没有理解您的意思,让您生气了,我真的很抱歉。/ I'm sorry for not understanding your meaning and making you angry.**结束语**81. 请您相信,我一定会更加努力,成为一个让您感到骄傲的人。/ Please believe that I will work harder to become someone you are proud of.82. 我一定会更加孝顺,让您安心。/ I will be more filial and put your mind at ease.83. 请您原谅我的错误,我会用实际行动来弥补。/ Please forgive my mistakes. I will make up for them with practical actions.## 英语翻译**General Apologies**

1. I'm so sorry for causing you worry.

2. I'm truly sorry for disappointing you with my actions.

3. I sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive me.

4. I realize my mistake and deeply regret it.

5. I will be more mindful of my words and actions in the future and won't repeat the same mistake.

6. I will keep your teachings in mind and work hard to correct my mistakes.

7. I know I was wrong, and I hope you understand my apology.

8. I assure you that I will be more cautious in the future to avoid similar incidents.

9. I humbly accept your criticism and will work hard to improve myself.

10. Your teachings have benefited me greatly, and I will keep them in mind.

**Apologies for Specific Situations**

11. I apologize for the harsh words I said earlier.

12. I should have consulted with you first and I apologize for acting without your consent.

13. I was too impulsive and didn't consider your feelings. I was wrong.

14. I'm truly sorry for the trouble I caused you.

15. I didn't do well before and disappointed you. I will work harder in the future.

16. I feel guilty for not meeting your expectations.

17. I apologize for the trouble I've caused you. I really feel bad about it.

18. I apologize for not replying to your message in a timely manner.

19. I apologize for not completing the task on time and causing you trouble.

20. I apologize for my bad attitude and making you feel uncomfortable.

**Expressing Remorse and Determination**

21. I am ashamed of my actions and will learn from this experience to avoid making the same mistake again.

22. I am deeply aware of my mistakes and feel extremely remorseful.

23. I swear that I will be more responsible and diligent in the future and will not disappoint you.

24. I will use my actions to make up for my mistakes. I hope you can give me another chance.

25. Please believe that I will work hard to correct myself and become a better person.

26. I will be more cautious in the future to avoid making mistakes again.

27. I will keep your teachings in mind and strive to become someone you are proud of.

28. I deeply appreciate your efforts and will work harder to meet your expectations.

29. I am deeply saddened by my mistakes and will make up for them with practical actions.

30. Please believe that I will be more mature and stable in the future, and I will put your mind at ease.

**Gratitude and Understanding**

31. Thank you for your tolerance and understanding. I will cherish this family bond even more.

32. I know you have always cared about me, and I will keep your teachings in mind.

33. Your love and support are my motivation. I will work harder and not let you down.

34. Your understanding and tolerance warm my heart, and I will cherish this family bond even more.

35. Thank you for your love and tolerance all these years. I will work harder to become someone you are proud of.

36. Your tolerance and understanding are the courage that allows me to move forward. I will cherish this family bond even more.

37. Thank you for your care and love. I will work hard to become someone you can be proud of.

38. Your love and teachings are the most precious treasures in my life, and I will always remember them.

39. Thank you for your trust and support. I will work harder and not let you down.

40. Your tolerance and understanding are my greatest comfort, and I will cherish this family bond even more.

**Expressing Hope and Promise**

41. I sincerely hope you can forgive my mistake. I will work harder in the future and won't repeat the same mistake again.

42. I sincerely hope you can give me another chance to make up for my mistakes with practical actions.

43. I promise that I will be more mature and stable in the future, and I will put your mind at ease.

44. I will definitely use practical actions to prove my remorse, and I hope you can trust me again.

45. Please believe that I will work harder to become someone you are proud of.

46. I will use my actions to prove that I am someone you can trust.

47. I will make up for my mistakes with practical actions, and I hope you can acknowledge me again.

48. I believe I will be more mature and stable, and I won't cause you worry anymore.

49. I will work harder so that you can see my changes.

50. I will be more cautious to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

**Stronger Tone**

51. I was wrong, and I deeply regret it. Please forgive me.

52. I assure you that I will never make the same mistake again.

53. I sincerely hope you can give me another chance to prove myself.

54. I beg for your forgiveness. I will use practical actions to make up for my mistakes.

55. Please believe that I will work harder in the future and will not disappoint you again.

56. I am truly guilty, and I will be more mindful of my words and actions in the future.

57. I am deeply aware of my mistakes and feel extremely remorseful.

58. I will definitely correct my mistakes and become a better person.

59. I was wrong, please criticize me, and I will take it seriously.

60. Please forgive my ignorance and impulsiveness. I will be more mature and stable in the future.

**Apologies for Elderly's Health**

61. I'm sorry for causing you worry.

62. I'm sorry for troubling you.

63. I'm sorry for worrying you, I will take good care of myself.

64. I'm sorry for bothering you, I will be more sensible.

65. I'm sorry for making you angry, I will be more careful in the future.

66. I'm sorry for disappointing you, I will work harder in the future.

67. I'm sorry for making you angry, please forgive me.

68. I'm sorry for causing you worry, I will be more filial in the future.

69. I'm sorry for upsetting you, I will be more sensible in the future.

70. I'm sorry for disappointing you, I will work harder in the future and live up to your expectations.

**Apologies for Elderly's Emotions**

71. I'm sorry for being so impulsive with my words and making you angry.

72. I'm sorry for not understanding your feelings and making you upset.

73. I'm sorry for not considering your feelings and making you angry.

74. I'm sorry for not noticing your emotions and making you upset.

75. I'm sorry for my words hurting you, please forgive me.

76. I'm sorry for not thinking from your perspective and making you angry.

77. I'm sorry for my actions making you upset. Please forgive me.

78. I'm sorry for not noticing your feelings and making you upset.

79. I'm sorry for not communicating properly and making you angry.

80. I'm sorry for not understanding your meaning and making you angry.

**Closing Remarks**

81. Please believe that I will work harder to become someone you are proud of.

82. I will be more filial and put your mind at ease.

83. Please forgive my mistakes. I will make up for them with practical actions.

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