
## 99句带“像”字的句子:**1.** 他像一匹脱缰的野马,冲出家门,奔向自由。**2.** 那孩子像一只快乐的小鸟,在阳光下欢快地跳跃。**3.** 她的眼睛像两颗闪亮的星星,充满了灵动和智慧。**4.** 秋天的树叶像金色的蝴蝶,在空中翩翩起舞。**5.** 夜空像一块巨大的幕布,点缀着无数颗闪亮的星星。**6.** 他的笑容像阳光一样温暖,让人感到舒适和安心。**7.** 她的声音像美妙的音乐,令人陶醉。**8.** 那座山像一位沉默的巨人,屹立在天地之间。**9.** 他的话像一把利剑,直刺人心。**10.** 他的眼神像一把火,燃烧着希望和梦想。**11.** 她像一只受伤的小鹿,无助地躲在角落里。**12.** 那条河流像一条银色的绸带,蜿蜒流淌在山间。**13.** 他的脚步像一阵风,轻盈而快速。**14.** 她像一朵娇艳的玫瑰,美丽而芬芳。**15.** 他的背影像一座大山,沉稳而可靠。**16.** 她的眼泪像断了线的珍珠,一颗一颗地落下。**17.** 他像一头猛虎,勇猛地冲向敌人。**18.** 她像一只温柔的绵羊,温顺而善良。**19.** 他的力量像一座火山,势不可挡。**20.** 她像一株顽强的野草,在逆境中依然坚强生长。**21.** 他的智慧像一汪深潭,让人难以捉摸。**22.** 她像一朵洁白的百合,纯净而高雅。**23.** 他的思想像一片广阔的海洋,充满了无限的可能性。**24.** 她像一只自由的飞鸟,在蓝天白云中自由翱翔。**25.** 他像一朵盛开的牡丹,富丽堂皇。**26.** 她像一滴晶莹的露珠,清澈而透明。**27.** 他的心像一块坚硬的石头,冷酷无情。**28.** 她像一只迷途的羔羊,渴望得到帮助和关爱。**29.** 他像一株枯萎的树,失去了生机。**30.** 她像一颗璀璨的钻石,闪耀着光芒。**31.** 他的话语像一颗颗珍珠,珍贵而稀有。**32.** 她像一只狡猾的狐狸,善于伪装。**33.** 他的性格像一阵狂风,难以捉摸。**34.** 她像一只柔弱的柳枝,随风摇摆。**35.** 他像一只孤独的狼,在旷野中漫无目的地游荡。**36.** 她像一朵盛开的荷花,出淤泥而不染。**37.** 他的梦想像一颗种子,在心中慢慢发芽。**38.** 她像一座灯塔,照亮着人们前行的道路。**39.** 他的心像一面镜子,反映着他的内心世界。**40.** 她像一只美丽的孔雀,展开华丽的羽毛。**41.** 他的思想像一个巨大的谜团,让人难以理解。**42.** 她像一朵奇异的花,散发着迷人的香气。**43.** 他像一只凶猛的狮子,充满了威慑力。**44.** 她像一只温顺的小猫,可爱而惹人喜爱。**45.** 他的步伐像一阵雷鸣,震耳欲聋。**46.** 她像一缕阳光,温暖着人们的心房。**47.** 他像一本书,充满了智慧和知识。**48.** 她像一只小兔子,天真无邪。**49.** 他的话语像一颗颗子弹,击中人心。**50.** 她像一幅美丽的画卷,让人赏心悦目。**51.** 他像一位伟大的导师,指引着人们前进的方向。**52.** 她像一位温柔的母亲,充满着爱和关怀。**53.** 他的生命像一颗流星,短暂而辉煌。**54.** 她像一株盛开的百合,象征着纯洁和高尚。**55.** 他的眼睛像一汪清泉,充满了智慧和洞察力。**56.** 她像一只美丽的蝴蝶,在花丛中飞舞。**57.** 他像一座巍峨的高山,坚不可摧。**58.** 她像一只美丽的凤凰,涅槃重生。**59.** 他的声音像洪钟一样,响彻云霄。**60.** 她像一朵清香的茉莉,散发着迷人的香味。**61.** 他像一只狡猾的黄鼠狼,善于偷窃。**62.** 她像一只美丽的孔雀,展开华丽的羽毛。**63.** 他的性格像一阵狂风,难以捉摸。**64.** 她像一只温柔的绵羊,温顺而善良。**65.** 他的力量像一座火山,势不可挡。**66.** 她像一株顽强的野草,在逆境中依然坚强生长。**67.** 他的智慧像一汪深潭,让人难以捉摸。**68.** 她像一朵洁白的百合,纯净而高雅。**69.** 他的思想像一片广阔的海洋,充满了无限的可能性。**70.** 她像一只自由的飞鸟,在蓝天白云中自由翱翔。**71.** 他像一朵盛开的牡丹,富丽堂皇。**72.** 她像一滴晶莹的露珠,清澈而透明。**73.** 他的心像一块坚硬的石头,冷酷无情。**74.** 她像一只迷途的羔羊,渴望得到帮助和关爱。**75.** 他像一株枯萎的树,失去了生机。**76.** 她像一颗璀璨的钻石,闪耀着光芒。**77.** 他的话语像一颗颗珍珠,珍贵而稀有。**78.** 她像一只狡猾的狐狸,善于伪装。**79.** 他的性格像一阵狂风,难以捉摸。**80.** 她像一只柔弱的柳枝,随风摇摆。**81.** 他像一只孤独的狼,在旷野中漫无目的地游荡。**82.** 她像一朵盛开的荷花,出淤泥而不染。**83.** 他的梦想像一颗种子,在心中慢慢发芽。**84.** 她像一座灯塔,照亮着人们前行的道路。**85.** 他的心像一面镜子,反映着他的内心世界。**86.** 她像一只美丽的孔雀,展开华丽的羽毛。**87.** 他的思想像一个巨大的谜团,让人难以理解。**88.** 她像一朵奇异的花,散发着迷人的香气。**89.** 他像一只凶猛的狮子,充满了威慑力。**90.** 她像一只温顺的小猫,可爱而惹人喜爱。**91.** 他的步伐像一阵雷鸣,震耳欲聋。**92.** 她像一缕阳光,温暖着人们的心房。**93.** 他像一本书,充满了智慧和知识。**94.** 她像一只小兔子,天真无邪。**95.** 他的话语像一颗颗子弹,击中人心。**96.** 她像一幅美丽的画卷,让人赏心悦目。**97.** 他像一位伟大的导师,指引着人们前进的方向。**98.** 她像一位温柔的母亲,充满着爱和关怀。**99.** 他的生命像一颗流星,短暂而辉煌。## 英文翻译:

1. He rushed out of the house like a runaway horse, running towards freedom.

2. The child hopped happily in the sun like a cheerful little bird.

3. Her eyes were like two sparkling stars, full of vitality and wisdom.

4. Autumn leaves danced gracefully in the air like golden butterflies.

5. The night sky was like a huge curtain, dotted with countless twinkling stars.

6. His smile was as warm as sunshine, making people feel comfortable and at ease.

7. Her voice was like beautiful music, intoxicating.

8. The mountain stood silently between heaven and earth, like a silent giant.

9. His words were like a sharp sword, piercing the heart.

10. His eyes were like a fire, burning with hope and dreams.

11. She hid helplessly in the corner like an injured fawn.

12. The river flowed like a silver ribbon, winding through the mountains.

13. His steps were as light and fast as the wind.

14. She was like a beautiful and fragrant rose.

15. His back was like a mountain, steady and reliable.

16. Her tears fell like broken pearls, one by one.

17. He charged towards the enemy like a ferocious tiger.

18. She was like a gentle sheep, meek and kind.

19. His strength was like a volcano, unstoppable.

20. She was like a tenacious wild grass, still growing strong in adversity.

21. His wisdom was like a deep pool, unfathomable.

22. She was like a pure and elegant white lily.

23. His thoughts were like a vast ocean, filled with infinite possibilities.

24. She soared freely in the blue sky and white clouds like a free bird.

25. He was like a blooming peony, magnificent and luxurious.

26. She was like a crystal-clear dewdrop, clear and transparent.

27. His heart was like a hard stone, cold and ruthless.

28. She was like a lost lamb, longing for help and care.

29. He was like a withered tree, devoid of life.

30. She was like a dazzling diamond, shining brightly.

31. His words were like pearls, precious and rare.

32. She was like a cunning fox, good at disguise.

33. His personality was like a whirlwind, unpredictable.

34. She was like a fragile willow branch, swaying in the wind.

35. He roamed aimlessly in the wilderness like a lonely wolf.

36. She was like a blooming lotus, rising from the mud but untouched by it.

37. His dream was like a seed, slowly taking root in his heart.

38. She was like a lighthouse, illuminating people's path forward.

39. His heart was like a mirror, reflecting his inner world.

40. She was like a beautiful peacock, spreading its magnificent feathers.

41. His thoughts were like a giant puzzle, difficult to understand.

42. She was like a strange flower, exuding a charming fragrance.

43. He was like a ferocious lion, full of intimidation.

44. She was like a gentle kitten, cute and lovable.

45. His steps were like thunder, deafening.

46. She was like a ray of sunshine, warming people's hearts.

47. He was like a book, full of wisdom and knowledge.

48. She was like a little rabbit, innocent and naive.

49. His words were like bullets, hitting people's hearts.

50. She was like a beautiful painting, pleasing to the eye.

51. He was like a great mentor, guiding people in the right direction.

52. She was like a gentle mother, full of love and care.

53. His life was like a shooting star, short and brilliant.

54. She was like a blooming lily, symbolizing purity and nobility.

55. His eyes were like a spring, full of wisdom and insight.

56. She was like a beautiful butterfly, fluttering among the flowers.

57. He was like a majestic mountain, unbreakable.

58. She was like a beautiful phoenix, reborn from ashes.

59. His voice resonated through the sky like a bell.

60. She was like a fragrant jasmine, exuding a charming scent.

61. He was like a cunning weasel, good at stealing.

62. She was like a beautiful peacock, spreading its magnificent feathers.

63. His personality was like a whirlwind, unpredictable.

64. She was like a gentle sheep, meek and kind.

65. His strength was like a volcano, unstoppable.

66. She was like a tenacious wild grass, still growing strong in adversity.

67. His wisdom was like a deep pool, unfathomable.

68. She was like a pure and elegant white lily.

69. His thoughts were like a vast ocean, filled with infinite possibilities.

70. She soared freely in the blue sky and white clouds like a free bird.

71. He was like a blooming peony, magnificent and luxurious.

72. She was like a crystal-clear dewdrop, clear and transparent.

73. His heart was like a hard stone, cold and ruthless.

74. She was like a lost lamb, longing for help and care.

75. He was like a withered tree, devoid of life.

76. She was like a dazzling diamond, shining brightly.

77. His words were like pearls, precious and rare.

78. She was like a cunning fox, good at disguise.

79. His personality was like a whirlwind, unpredictable.

80. She was like a fragile willow branch, swaying in the wind.

81. He roamed aimlessly in the wilderness like a lonely wolf.

82. She was like a blooming lotus, rising from the mud but untouched by it.

83. His dream was like a seed, slowly taking root in his heart.

84. She was like a lighthouse, illuminating people's path forward.

85. His heart was like a mirror, reflecting his inner world.

86. She was like a beautiful peacock, spreading its magnificent feathers.

87. His thoughts were like a giant puzzle, difficult to understand.

88. She was like a strange flower, exuding a charming fragrance.

89. He was like a ferocious lion, full of intimidation.

90. She was like a gentle kitten, cute and lovable.

91. His steps were like thunder, deafening.

92. She was like a ray of sunshine, warming people's hearts.

93. He was like a book, full of wisdom and knowledge.

94. She was like a little rabbit, innocent and naive.

95. His words were like bullets, hitting people's hearts.

96. She was like a beautiful painting, pleasing to the eye.

97. He was like a great mentor, guiding people in the right direction.

98. She was like a gentle mother, full of love and care.

99. His life was like a shooting star, short and brilliant.

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