
## 傻大黑粗糙句子 (93句)1. 他像个铁塔一样,站在那儿,一动不动。

He stood there like an iron tower, unmoving.

2. 他那粗壮的手臂,就像两根粗壮的树干。

His strong arms were like two thick tree trunks.

3. 他说话的声音,就像闷雷一样,震耳欲聋。

His voice boomed like thunder, deafening.

4. 他那张脸,黑黝黝的,像是被太阳晒黑了。

His face was dark, as if tanned by the sun.

5. 他那双眼睛,黑洞洞的,就像两口深不见底的井。

His eyes were black and deep, like two bottomless wells.

6. 他那张嘴,大大的,一张开就能吃下一头牛。

His mouth was huge, capable of swallowing a whole cow when open.

7. 他那颗心,粗犷而热烈,充满了激情。

His heart was rough and passionate, filled with enthusiasm.

8. 他那双大手,粗糙而有力,能轻松地举起一辆汽车。

His big hands were rough and powerful, capable of easily lifting a car.

9. 他那身肌肉,发达而紧实,像一块块坚硬的石头。

His muscles were developed and firm, like hard rocks.

10. 他那条腿,粗壮而有力,一步就能跨越一条河流。

His legs were thick and strong, capable of crossing a river in one step.

11. 他那头黑发,浓密而蓬松,像一头乌云。

His black hair was thick and fluffy, like a dark cloud.

12. 他那张脸,充满了自信和力量,令人敬畏。

His face was full of confidence and strength, inspiring awe.

13. 他那双眼睛,闪烁着智慧的光芒,仿佛洞悉一切。

His eyes sparkled with wisdom, as if seeing everything.

14. 他那张嘴,总是挂着微笑,温暖而亲切。

His mouth always wore a smile, warm and friendly.

15. 他那颗心,充满了善良和仁慈,乐于助人。

His heart was full of kindness and compassion, eager to help others.

16. 他那双大手,总是伸向需要帮助的人,给予温暖和力量。

His big hands always reached out to those in need, offering warmth and strength.

17. 他那身肌肉,虽然粗壮,却充满了柔情,对待朋友和家人温柔体贴。

Although his muscles were strong, they were filled with tenderness, treating his friends and family with gentleness and care.

18. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却步履轻盈,像一阵风一样。

Although his legs were thick, he walked lightly, like a gust of wind.

19. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却梳理得整整齐齐,显得干净利落。

Although his black hair was thick, it was neatly combed, appearing clean and tidy.

20. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却透着一股阳光般的温暖和亲切。

Although his face was dark, it radiated a warmth and friendliness like sunshine.

21. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却充满着真诚和善良。

Although his eyes were black, they were filled with sincerity and kindness.

22. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说些温柔的话语,让人感到舒适。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke softly, making people feel comfortable.

23. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却充满了细腻和温柔。

Although his heart was rough, it was filled with subtlety and gentleness.

24. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是轻轻地抚摸着孩子们的头,充满着慈爱。

Although his big hands were rough, they always gently stroked children's heads, filled with love.

25. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是默默地奉献着自己的力量,让人感动。

Although his muscles were developed, he always silently offered his strength, touching people's hearts.

26. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是坚定地迈向梦想的方向,永不放弃。

Although his legs were thick, he always stepped firmly towards his dreams, never giving up.

27. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那闪闪发光的智慧和才华。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his shining wisdom and talent.

28. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是洋溢着自信和乐观的笑容。

Although his face was dark, it always beamed with confident and optimistic smiles.

29. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是注视着希望和未来,充满了期待。

Although his eyes were black, they always looked towards hope and the future, full of anticipation.

30. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说些充满哲理和智慧的话语,让人深思。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with philosophy and wisdom, making people think deeply.

31. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满着爱和温暖,让人感到安全和舒适。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with love and warmth, making people feel safe and comfortable.

32. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是用力的握住朋友的手,给予支持和鼓励。

Although his big hands were rough, they always grasped the hands of friends with strength, offering support and encouragement.

33. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护家人和朋友,充满了责任感。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect his family and friends, full of responsibility.

34. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他奔向梦想,充满着无限的希望。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards his dreams, filled with endless hope.

35. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满活力和激情的人生。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his vibrant and passionate life.

36. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着阳光般的笑容,温暖着周围的人。

Although his face was dark, it always radiated sunshine smiles, warming those around him.

37. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是闪耀着光芒,充满了智慧和力量。

Although his eyes were black, they always shone with brilliance, filled with wisdom and strength.

38. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说出真诚的话语,让人感到信任和可靠。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke sincerely, making people feel trust and reliability.

39. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了温柔和细腻,让人感到温暖和安全。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with gentleness and subtlety, making people feel warm and safe.

40. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是用力的拥抱朋友和家人,给予温暖和爱。

Although his big hands were rough, they always embraced friends and family with strength, offering warmth and love.

41. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护弱小和无助,充满了善良和仁慈。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect the weak and helpless, filled with kindness and compassion.

42. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他走向正义和光明,充满了勇气和决心。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards justice and light, filled with courage and determination.

43. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满正义感和责任感的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his soul filled with a sense of justice and responsibility.

44. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着坚定和自信的表情,让人感到安全和可靠。

Although his face was dark, it always had a firm and confident expression, making people feel safe and reliable.

45. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是充满了希望和力量,让人感到乐观和积极。

Although his eyes were black, they were always full of hope and strength, making people feel optimistic and positive.

46. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说些充满智慧和哲理的话语,让人感到启发和深思。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with wisdom and philosophy, inspiring and making people think deeply.

47. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了善良和仁慈,让人感到温暖和感动。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with kindness and compassion, making people feel warm and touched.

48. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是轻轻地抚摸着需要帮助的人,给予温暖和力量。

Although his big hands were rough, they always gently stroked those in need, offering warmth and strength.

49. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护家人和朋友,充满了责任感和爱。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect his family and friends, full of responsibility and love.

50. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他奔向梦想,充满着希望和勇气。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards his dreams, filled with hope and courage.

51. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满活力和热情的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his vibrant and passionate soul.

52. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着阳光般的笑容,温暖着周围的人。

Although his face was dark, it always radiated sunshine smiles, warming those around him.

53. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是闪耀着智慧的光芒,让人感到敬畏和崇拜。

Although his eyes were black, they always shone with wisdom, inspiring awe and admiration.

54. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说出充满智慧和哲理的话语,让人感到启发和思考。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with wisdom and philosophy, inspiring and making people think.

55. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了善良和仁慈,让人感到温暖和安全。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with kindness and compassion, making people feel warm and safe.

56. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是用力的握住朋友的手,给予支持和鼓励。

Although his big hands were rough, they always grasped the hands of friends with strength, offering support and encouragement.

57. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护弱小和无助,充满了善良和仁慈。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect the weak and helpless, filled with kindness and compassion.

58. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他走向正义和光明,充满了勇气和决心。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards justice and light, filled with courage and determination.

59. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满正义感和责任感的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his soul filled with a sense of justice and responsibility.

60. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着坚定和自信的表情,让人感到安全和可靠。

Although his face was dark, it always had a firm and confident expression, making people feel safe and reliable.

61. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是充满了希望和力量,让人感到乐观和积极。

Although his eyes were black, they were always full of hope and strength, making people feel optimistic and positive.

62. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说些充满智慧和哲理的话语,让人感到启发和深思。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with wisdom and philosophy, inspiring and making people think deeply.

63. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了善良和仁慈,让人感到温暖和感动。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with kindness and compassion, making people feel warm and touched.

64. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是轻轻地抚摸着需要帮助的人,给予温暖和力量。

Although his big hands were rough, they always gently stroked those in need, offering warmth and strength.

65. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护家人和朋友,充满了责任感和爱。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect his family and friends, full of responsibility and love.

66. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他奔向梦想,充满着希望和勇气。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards his dreams, filled with hope and courage.

67. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满活力和热情的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his vibrant and passionate soul.

68. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着阳光般的笑容,温暖着周围的人。

Although his face was dark, it always radiated sunshine smiles, warming those around him.

69. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是闪耀着智慧的光芒,让人感到敬畏和崇拜。

Although his eyes were black, they always shone with wisdom, inspiring awe and admiration.

70. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说出充满智慧和哲理的话语,让人感到启发和思考。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with wisdom and philosophy, inspiring and making people think.

71. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了善良和仁慈,让人感到温暖和安全。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with kindness and compassion, making people feel warm and safe.

72. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是用力的握住朋友的手,给予支持和鼓励。

Although his big hands were rough, they always grasped the hands of friends with strength, offering support and encouragement.

73. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护弱小和无助,充满了善良和仁慈。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect the weak and helpless, filled with kindness and compassion.

74. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他走向正义和光明,充满了勇气和决心。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards justice and light, filled with courage and determination.

75. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满正义感和责任感的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his soul filled with a sense of justice and responsibility.

76. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着坚定和自信的表情,让人感到安全和可靠。

Although his face was dark, it always had a firm and confident expression, making people feel safe and reliable.

77. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是充满了希望和力量,让人感到乐观和积极。

Although his eyes were black, they were always full of hope and strength, making people feel optimistic and positive.

78. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说些充满智慧和哲理的话语,让人感到启发和深思。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with wisdom and philosophy, inspiring and making people think deeply.

79. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了善良和仁慈,让人感到温暖和感动。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with kindness and compassion, making people feel warm and touched.

80. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是轻轻地抚摸着需要帮助的人,给予温暖和力量。

Although his big hands were rough, they always gently stroked those in need, offering warmth and strength.

81. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护家人和朋友,充满了责任感和爱。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect his family and friends, full of responsibility and love.

82. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他奔向梦想,充满着希望和勇气。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards his dreams, filled with hope and courage.

83. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满活力和热情的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his vibrant and passionate soul.

84. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着阳光般的笑容,温暖着周围的人。

Although his face was dark, it always radiated sunshine smiles, warming those around him.

85. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是闪耀着智慧的光芒,让人感到敬畏和崇拜。

Although his eyes were black, they always shone with wisdom, inspiring awe and admiration.

86. 他那张嘴,虽然大大的,却总是说出充满智慧和哲理的话语,让人感到启发和思考。

Although his mouth was huge, he always spoke words filled with wisdom and philosophy, inspiring and making people think.

87. 他那颗心,虽然粗犷,却总是充满了善良和仁慈,让人感到温暖和安全。

Although his heart was rough, it was always filled with kindness and compassion, making people feel warm and safe.

88. 他那双大手,虽然粗糙,却总是用力的握住朋友的手,给予支持和鼓励。

Although his big hands were rough, they always grasped the hands of friends with strength, offering support and encouragement.

89. 他那身肌肉,虽然发达,却总是用来保护弱小和无助,充满了善良和仁慈。

Although his muscles were developed, he always used them to protect the weak and helpless, filled with kindness and compassion.

90. 他那条腿,虽然粗壮,却总是带着他走向正义和光明,充满了勇气和决心。

Although his legs were thick, they always carried him towards justice and light, filled with courage and determination.

91. 他那头黑发,虽然浓密,却总是掩盖不住他那充满正义感和责任感的灵魂。

Although his black hair was thick, it could not hide his soul filled with a sense of justice and responsibility.

92. 他那张脸,虽然黑黝黝的,却总是充满着坚定和自信的表情,让人感到安全和可靠。

Although his face was dark, it always had a firm and confident expression, making people feel safe and reliable.

93. 他那双眼睛,虽然黑洞洞的,却总是充满了希望和力量,让人感到乐观和积极。

Although his eyes were black, they were always full of hope and strength, making people feel optimistic and positive.

以上就是关于傻大黑粗糙句子93句(傻大黑粗糙句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
