
## 伸伸腿类似句子 (82句)

1. 伸伸腿,活动活动筋骨。

2. 起身走走,舒展一下。

3. 站起来,活动一下身体。

4. 扭扭腰,伸伸腿,放松一下。

5. 做个深呼吸,放松身心。

6. 起来走动走动,别久坐不动。

7. 偶尔站起来,活动一下筋骨。

8. 休息一下,起来走动走动。

9. 舒展一下身体,放松一下心情。

10. 别一直坐着,起来活动一下。

11. 做点简单的运动,缓解疲劳。

12. 多起来走动,对身体有益。

13. 走动走动,促进血液循环。

14. 伸展身体,保持活力。

15. 活动一下,让身体更轻松。

16. 别窝在椅子上,起来动一动。

17. 起来走动走动,放松身心。

18. 运动一下,保持健康。

19. 站起来活动活动,有助于消化。

20. 做做伸展运动,舒缓压力。

21. 别一直盯着屏幕,起来走走。

22. 活动一下身体,提高工作效率。

23. 起身活动,保持良好的体态。

24. 起来走动走动,增强抵抗力。

25. 不要久坐不动,站起来活动一下。

26. 舒展筋骨,保持身体健康。

27. 活动活动,让身体更灵活。

28. 起来走走,告别疲劳。

29. 运动一下,保持年轻态。

30. 做做运动,增强体质。

31. 起来活动活动,让思维更活跃。

32. 伸伸胳膊,活动活动肩膀。

33. 活动一下脖子,缓解疲劳。

34. 做个深呼吸,放松一下身体。

35. 活动一下手腕,放松一下双手。

36. 站起来走走,放松一下眼睛。

37. 起来走动走动,促进消化。

38. 活动一下身体,增强免疫力。

39. 别一直坐着,起来走走,有助于健康。

40. 伸伸懒腰,放松身心。

41. 做做运动,保持良好的心情。

42. 起来活动活动,让身体更健康。

43. 伸伸腿,活动活动,让身体更舒适。

44. 别久坐不动,起来走动走动,有利于健康。

45. 伸展身体,让身体更灵活更强壮。

46. 起来走动走动,提高工作效率。

47. 活动一下身体,保持良好的精神状态。

48. 伸伸腿,活动活动,保持健康活力。

49. 起来走动走动,告别久坐带来的烦恼。

50. 活动一下身体,放松一下心情,缓解压力。

51. 站起来走走,呼吸一下新鲜空气。

52. 伸伸腿,活动活动,让身体更轻松自如。

53. 别一直盯着手机,起来走动走动,放松一下眼睛。

54. 起来走动走动,促进血液循环,提高新陈代谢。

55. 伸展身体,保持良好的体态,展现自信风采。

56. 起来活动活动,缓解久坐带来的腰酸背痛。

57. 伸伸腿,活动活动,让身体更充满活力。

58. 别一直坐着,起来走动走动,保持健康体魄。

59. 伸展一下身体,让身体更柔软,更有弹性。

60. 起来走动走动,放松一下身心,迎接新的一天。

61. 活动一下身体,保持良好的精神状态,提升工作效率。

62. 伸伸腿,活动活动,让身体更轻松,心情更愉悦。

63. 别一直坐着,起来走动走动,保持健康和活力。

64. 伸展身体,保持良好的体态,展现自信魅力。

65. 起来走动走动,缓解久坐带来的腰酸背痛,保持健康。

66. 活动一下身体,让身体更灵活,更协调。

67. 伸伸腿,活动活动,保持良好的睡眠质量。

68. 别一直坐着,起来走动走动,保持良好的心情。

69. 伸展身体,保持良好的体态,增强自信心。

70. 起来走动走动,缓解压力,保持健康状态。

71. 活动一下身体,让身体更健康,更强壮。

72. 伸伸腿,活动活动,保持身体活力,迎接新挑战。

73. 别一直坐着,起来走动走动,保持良好的身体状态。

74. 伸展身体,保持良好的体态,展现自信风采。

75. 起来走动走动,缓解久坐带来的腰酸背痛,保持健康体魄。

76. 活动一下身体,让身体更灵活,更协调,更有活力。

77. 伸伸腿,活动活动,保持良好的睡眠质量,迎接新的一天。

78. 别一直坐着,起来走动走动,保持良好的心情,保持健康状态。

79. 伸展身体,保持良好的体态,增强自信心,展现风采。

80. 起来走动走动,缓解压力,保持健康体魄,迎接挑战。

81. 活动一下身体,让身体更健康,更强壮,更有活力。

82. 伸伸腿,活动活动,保持身体活力,迎接新的人生旅程。

## 英文翻译

1. Stretch your legs and move your bones.

2. Get up and walk around, stretch it out.

3. Stand up and move your body.

4. Twist your waist, stretch your legs, and relax.

5. Take a deep breath and relax your mind and body.

6. Get up and move around, don't sit still for too long.

7. Stand up occasionally and move your bones.

8. Take a break and get up and move around.

9. Stretch your body and relax your mind.

10. Don't sit all the time, get up and move around.

11. Do some simple exercises to relieve fatigue.

12. Get up and move around more, it's good for your body.

13. Walk around and promote blood circulation.

14. Stretch your body, stay energetic.

15. Move around, make your body more comfortable.

16. Don't stay stuck in a chair, get up and move.

17. Get up and walk around, relax your mind and body.

18. Exercise, stay healthy.

19. Standing up and moving around helps digestion.

20. Do stretching exercises to relieve stress.

21. Don't stare at the screen all the time, get up and walk around.

22. Move your body, improve work efficiency.

23. Get up and move, maintain good posture.

24. Get up and walk around, strengthen your resistance.

25. Don't sit still for too long, stand up and move around.

26. Stretch your muscles, maintain good health.

27. Move around, make your body more flexible.

28. Get up and walk around, say goodbye to fatigue.

29. Exercise, stay young.

30. Exercise, build up your physique.

31. Get up and move around, make your mind more active.

32. Stretch your arms and move your shoulders.

33. Move your neck, relieve fatigue.

34. Take a deep breath and relax your body.

35. Move your wrists, relax your hands.

36. Stand up and walk around, relax your eyes.

37. Get up and walk around, promote digestion.

38. Move your body, enhance immunity.

39. Don't sit all the time, get up and walk around, it's good for health.

40. Stretch your back, relax your mind and body.

41. Exercise, maintain a good mood.

42. Get up and move around, make your body healthier.

43. Stretch your legs, move around, make your body more comfortable.

44. Don't sit still for too long, get up and walk around, it's good for health.

45. Stretch your body, make your body more flexible and stronger.

46. Get up and walk around, improve work efficiency.

47. Move your body, maintain a good mental state.

48. Stretch your legs, move around, stay healthy and energetic.

49. Get up and walk around, say goodbye to the troubles of sitting for long periods.

50. Move your body, relax your mind, relieve stress.

51. Stand up and walk around, breathe in some fresh air.

52. Stretch your legs, move around, make your body more relaxed and comfortable.

53. Don't stare at your phone all the time, get up and walk around, relax your eyes.

54. Get up and walk around, promote blood circulation, improve metabolism.

55. Stretch your body, maintain good posture, show your confidence.

56. Get up and move around, relieve back pain from sitting for long periods.

57. Stretch your legs, move around, make your body more energetic.

58. Don't sit all the time, get up and walk around, maintain a healthy physique.

59. Stretch your body, make your body more flexible and elastic.

60. Get up and walk around, relax your mind and body, greet a new day.

61. Move your body, maintain a good mental state, improve work efficiency.

62. Stretch your legs, move around, make your body more relaxed, your mood more pleasant.

63. Don't sit all the time, get up and walk around, stay healthy and energetic.

64. Stretch your body, maintain good posture, show your confidence and charm.

65. Get up and walk around, relieve back pain from sitting for long periods, stay healthy.

66. Move your body, make your body more flexible, more coordinated.

67. Stretch your legs, move around, maintain good sleep quality.

68. Don't sit all the time, get up and walk around, maintain a good mood.

69. Stretch your body, maintain good posture, enhance self-confidence.

70. Get up and walk around, relieve stress, maintain a healthy state.

71. Move your body, make your body healthier, stronger.

72. Stretch your legs, move around, maintain your body's vitality, embrace new challenges.

73. Don't sit all the time, get up and walk around, maintain a good physical condition.

74. Stretch your body, maintain good posture, show your confidence and charm.

75. Get up and walk around, relieve back pain from sitting for long periods, maintain a healthy physique.

76. Move your body, make your body more flexible, more coordinated, more energetic.

77. Stretch your legs, move around, maintain good sleep quality, greet a new day.

78. Don't sit all the time, get up and walk around, maintain a good mood, maintain a healthy state.

79. Stretch your body, maintain good posture, enhance self-confidence, show your charm.

80. Get up and walk around, relieve stress, maintain a healthy physique, embrace challenges.

81. Move your body, make your body healthier, stronger, more energetic.

82. Stretch your legs, move around, maintain your body's vitality, embrace a new journey in life.

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