
## 物品场景分类句子 (84句)


1. 厨师用锋利的刀切着新鲜的蔬菜。
2. 炉子上放着一壶正在沸腾的水。
3. 她从冰箱里拿出了一瓶冷牛奶。
4. 橱柜里摆满了各种各样的调味料。
5. 洗碗槽里堆满了脏盘子。
6. 她用搅拌机把水果打成汁。
7. 他在烤箱里烤着香喷喷的蛋糕。
8. 他们围坐在餐桌旁享用晚餐。
9. 她在洗碗机里清洗餐具。
10. 他用咖啡机煮了一杯香浓的咖啡。


11. 他躺在床上熟睡。
12. 她打开衣柜,寻找合适的衣服。
13. 床头柜上放着闹钟和一本书。
14. 她用梳子梳理头发。
15. 他把衣服放在衣架上。
16. 她坐在梳妆台前化妆。
17. 床上铺着柔软的毛毯。
18. 他在房间里四处走动。
19. 她打开窗帘,让阳光照进来。
20. 他把脏衣服扔进了洗衣篮。


21. 他们坐在沙发上看电视。
22. 他在咖啡桌上放了一杯茶。
23. 她打开音响,播放音乐。
24. 他们围坐在壁炉旁聊天。
25. 他用遥控器换频道。
26. 她把地毯铺在客厅中央。
27. 他们打开窗户,让新鲜空气进来。
28. 他在书架上翻阅书籍。
29. 她用吸尘器清理地板。
30. 他们摆放了一些装饰品来点缀客厅。


31. 他在淋浴间里洗澡。
32. 她用洗发水洗头。
33. 他在洗手台上刷牙。
34. 她用毛巾擦干身体。
35. 他在马桶上方便。
36. 她用肥皂洗手。
37. 他用镜子检查自己的仪容。
38. 她把脏毛巾扔进了洗衣篮。
39. 他用浴缸泡澡。
40. 她用吹风机吹干头发。


41. 他坐在办公桌前工作。
42. 她用电脑处理文件。
43. 他打电话给客户。
44. 她用打印机打印文件。
45. 他在文件柜里查找资料。
46. 她用扫描仪扫描文件。
47. 他在会议室开会。
48. 她用传真机发送文件。
49. 他用笔记本电脑工作。
50. 她用投影仪展示文件。


51. 他们坐在餐桌旁用餐。
52. 厨师在厨房里准备食物。
53. 服务员端着盘子走来走去。
54. 餐桌上摆满了各种各样的菜肴。
55. 他们用刀叉享用美食。
56. 他点了一杯酒。
57. 她付了账单。
58. 他们离开餐厅。
59. 餐厅里播放着舒缓的音乐。
60. 他们坐在吧台前喝饮料。


61. 学生们坐在教室里上课。
62. 老师在黑板上写字。
63. 学生们在操场上玩耍。
64. 图书馆里摆满了各种各样的书籍。
65. 学生们在实验室里做实验。
66. 校长在办公室里办公。
67. 学生们参加了运动会。
68. 学生们在食堂里用餐。
69. 学生们在宿舍里休息。
70. 学生们在礼堂里参加典礼。


71. 医生在病房里看病。
72. 护士给病人打针。
73. 病人躺在病床上休息。
74. 他们在手术室里做手术。
75. 救护车把病人送往医院。
76. 他们用仪器检查病人。
77. 药剂师配药。
78. 病人出院。
79. 医院里有各种各样的医疗设备。
80. 他们在急诊室处理紧急情况。


81. 顾客在商店里购物。
82. 店员帮助顾客挑选商品。
83. 收银员收款。
84. 商店里摆满了各种各样的商品。

## 英文翻译


1. The chef cuts fresh vegetables with a sharp knife.

2. There is a pot of boiling water on the stove.

3. She takes a bottle of cold milk from the refrigerator.

4. The cabinets are filled with various seasonings.

5. The sink is full of dirty dishes.

6. She uses a blender to make fruit juice.

7. He bakes a delicious cake in the oven.

8. They sit around the dining table enjoying dinner.

9. She washes dishes in the dishwasher.

10. He makes a cup of fragrant coffee with a coffee maker.


11. He sleeps soundly in bed.

12. She opens the closet to find the right clothes.

13. The bedside table has an alarm clock and a book.

14. She brushes her hair with a comb.

15. He puts his clothes on a hanger.

16. She sits at the dressing table to put on makeup.

17. The bed is covered with a soft blanket.

18. He walks around the room.

19. She opens the curtains, letting sunlight in.

20. He throws his dirty clothes in the laundry basket.


21. They sit on the sofa watching TV.

22. He puts a cup of tea on the coffee table.

23. She turns on the stereo and plays music.

24. They sit around the fireplace chatting.

25. He changes channels with the remote control.

26. She puts the rug in the center of the living room.

27. They open the window to let fresh air in.

28. He browses the books on the bookshelf.

29. She cleans the floor with a vacuum cleaner.

30. They put some decorations to embellish the living room.


31. He takes a shower in the shower room.

32. She washes her hair with shampoo.

33. He brushes his teeth at the sink.

34. She dries her body with a towel.

35. He goes to the toilet.

36. She washes her hands with soap.

37. He checks his appearance in the mirror.

38. She throws her dirty towels in the laundry basket.

39. He takes a bath in the bathtub.

40. She dries her hair with a hairdryer.


41. He sits at his desk working.

42. She uses the computer to process documents.

43. He makes a phone call to a client.

44. She uses the printer to print documents.

45. He looks for information in the file cabinet.

46. She uses the scanner to scan documents.

47. He attends a meeting in the conference room.

48. She sends documents by fax.

49. He works with a laptop.

50. She uses the projector to display documents.


51. They sit at the dining table to eat.

52. The chef prepares food in the kitchen.

53. Waiters walk around with plates.

54. The dining table is filled with various dishes.

55. They use knives and forks to enjoy the delicious food.

56. He orders a glass of wine.

57. She pays the bill.

58. They leave the restaurant.

59. Soothing music plays in the restaurant.

60. They sit at the bar to drink.


61. Students sit in the classroom to attend classes.

62. The teacher writes on the blackboard.

63. Students play on the playground.

64. The library is filled with various books.

65. Students do experiments in the laboratory.

66. The principal works in his office.

67. Students participate in the sports meeting.

68. Students eat in the dining hall.

69. Students rest in the dormitory.

70. Students attend ceremonies in the auditorium.


71. Doctors see patients in the ward.

72. Nurses give injections to patients.

73. Patients lie in bed and rest.

74. They perform surgery in the operating room.

75. Ambulances take patients to the hospital.

76. They use instruments to examine patients.

77. Pharmacists dispense medicine.

78. Patients are discharged from the hospital.

79. The hospital has various medical equipment.

80. They handle emergencies in the emergency room.


81. Customers shop in the store.

82. Shop assistants help customers choose goods.

83. Cashiers collect money.

84. The store is filled with various goods.

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