
## 60句关于物种灭绝的句子及其英文翻译

1. 物种灭绝是一个令人痛心的现象,它威胁着地球的生物多样性。

1. Species extinction is a heartbreaking phenomenon that threatens the biodiversity of our planet.

2. 人类活动是导致物种灭绝的主要原因之一。

2. Human activities are one of the main drivers of species extinction.

3. 栖息地丧失、气候变化和污染是物种灭绝的关键因素。

3. Habitat loss, climate change, and pollution are key drivers of species extinction.

4. 物种灭绝会导致生态系统失衡,影响整个生物链。

4. Species extinction can lead to ecosystem imbalance, affecting the entire food chain.

5. 失去一个物种就意味着失去一个独特的基因库和宝贵的资源。

5. Losing a species means losing a unique gene pool and a valuable resource.

6. 我们必须采取行动来保护生物多样性,阻止物种灭绝的步伐。

6. We must take action to protect biodiversity and stop the pace of species extinction.

7. 每个物种都有其独特的价值和意义,它们的存在对地球的生态系统至关重要。

7. Every species has its unique value and significance, and their existence is essential to Earth's ecosystems.

8. 拯救物种意味着拯救地球,拯救人类自己。

8. Saving species means saving the planet, saving humanity itself.

9. 我们不能仅仅袖手旁观,看着物种灭绝,我们必须积极行动起来。

9. We cannot stand by and watch species go extinct, we must actively take action.

10. 每个人的行动都能改变地球的未来,保护生物多样性。

10. Every individual's actions can change the future of our planet and protect biodiversity.

11. 物种灭绝是一个全球性问题,需要国际合作来解决。

11. Species extinction is a global problem that requires international cooperation to address.

12. 保护物种不仅是保护自然,更是保护人类自身。

12. Protecting species is not only about protecting nature but also protecting humanity itself.

13. 我们要记住,我们只是地球上的一个物种,与其他物种共同生活在地球上。

13. We must remember that we are just one species on Earth, living alongside other species.

14. 每个物种都值得尊重和保护,它们都有权在这个星球上生存。

14. Every species deserves respect and protection, and they all have the right to live on this planet.

15. 我们必须改变我们的生活方式,减少对自然环境的破坏,保护生物多样性。

15. We must change our lifestyles, reduce our impact on the natural environment, and protect biodiversity.

16. 物种灭绝是一个警钟,提醒我们人类必须与自然和谐相处。

16. Species extinction is a wake-up call, reminding us that humans must live in harmony with nature.

17. 每一个物种的消失都是对地球的损失,对人类的损失。

17. The disappearance of each species is a loss for the Earth, a loss for humanity.

18. 我们不能等到物种灭绝了才开始后悔,我们现在就应该行动起来。

18. We cannot wait until species are extinct to start regretting, we should take action now.

19. 保护生物多样性,从我做起,从现在做起。

19. Protecting biodiversity starts with me, starts now.

20. 我们应该为子孙后代留下一个充满活力的地球,而不是一个物种灭绝的荒凉世界。

20. We should leave a vibrant Earth for our future generations, not a desolate world of species extinction.

21. 地球上的生物多样性是人类赖以生存的基石,我们必须珍惜和保护它。

21. Earth's biodiversity is the foundation upon which humanity thrives, and we must cherish and protect it.

22. 每个物种都有其独特的基因密码,它们的消失将是无法弥补的损失。

22. Every species has its unique genetic code, and their disappearance will be an irreplaceable loss.

23. 物种灭绝是一个缓慢而无声的灾难,它正在悄悄地改变着地球的面貌。

23. Species extinction is a slow and silent disaster, quietly changing the face of our planet.

24. 保护生物多样性是我们的责任,也是我们的义务,我们不能置身事外。

24. Protecting biodiversity is our responsibility and our duty, we cannot stand aside.

25. 让我们共同努力,保护地球上的每一个生命,让我们的星球更加美好。

25. Let's work together to protect every life on Earth and make our planet a better place.

26. 我们要记住,地球上的每一个物种都是我们大家庭的一份子,我们应该相互尊重和保护。

26. Let's remember that every species on Earth is a part of our extended family, and we should respect and protect each other.

27. 每个物种都有其存在的价值,我们不能因为它们不为我们所用而忽视它们。

27. Every species has its value in existence, we cannot ignore them because they are not useful to us.

28. 地球上的每一个物种都拥有独特的生存智慧,它们是宝贵的自然遗产。

28. Every species on Earth possesses unique survival wisdom, they are valuable natural heritage.

29. 我们必须意识到,我们人类的行为正在威胁着地球上其他物种的生存。

29. We must realize that our human actions are threatening the survival of other species on Earth.

30. 保护生物多样性,从节约资源、减少污染开始。

30. Protecting biodiversity starts with saving resources and reducing pollution.

31. 我们不能仅仅依靠政府和科学家来保护生物多样性,每个人都应该行动起来。

31. We cannot rely solely on governments and scientists to protect biodiversity, everyone should take action.

32. 让我们从身边的小事做起,为保护生物多样性贡献力量。

32. Let's start with small things around us and contribute to the protection of biodiversity.

33. 物种灭绝是一个警示,提醒我们人类对自然界有着不可推卸的责任。

33. Species extinction is a warning, reminding us that humans have an inescapable responsibility to the natural world.

34. 保护生物多样性,就是保护人类自己。

34. Protecting biodiversity is protecting humanity itself.

35. 每一个物种都有其独特的美,它们是地球宝贵的财富。

35. Every species has its unique beauty, and they are Earth's precious treasure.

36. 我们必须让下一代知道,保护地球上的每一个生命,就是保护我们的未来。

36. We must let the next generation know that protecting every life on Earth is protecting our future.

37. 物种灭绝是一个深刻的警钟,提醒我们人类要反思自己的行为,与自然和谐相处。

37. Species extinction is a profound wake-up call, reminding us that humans must reflect on their actions and live in harmony with nature.

38. 我们应该为保护生物多样性而自豪,这是一种人类的责任和义务。

38. We should be proud of protecting biodiversity, it is a human responsibility and obligation.

39. 保护生物多样性,就是保护人类的未来。

39. Protecting biodiversity is protecting the future of humanity.

40. 我们应该为地球上的每一个生命感到敬畏,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

40. We should feel awe for every life on Earth, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

41. 物种灭绝是一个提醒,让我们意识到人类对自然界有着深刻的影响。

41. Species extinction is a reminder that makes us aware of the profound impact humans have on the natural world.

42. 我们应该珍惜地球上每一个物种的存在,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

42. We should cherish the existence of every species on Earth, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

43. 保护生物多样性,让我们共同努力,为子孙后代留下一个充满生机的地球。

43. Let's work together to protect biodiversity and leave a vibrant Earth for future generations.

44. 物种灭绝是一个沉重的代价,提醒我们人类要珍惜每一个生命。

44. Species extinction is a heavy price to pay, reminding us that humans must cherish every life.

45. 我们应该为保护地球上每一个物种而感到自豪,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

45. We should be proud of protecting every species on Earth, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

46. 每一个物种的消失都是对人类的损失,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

46. The disappearance of every species is a loss to humanity, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

47. 保护生物多样性,让我们共同努力,让地球上的每一个生命都能自由地生存和繁衍。

47. Let's work together to protect biodiversity and allow every life on Earth to live and thrive freely.

48. 物种灭绝是一个警示,提醒我们人类要反思自己的行为,与自然和谐相处。

48. Species extinction is a warning, reminding us that humans must reflect on their actions and live in harmony with nature.

49. 我们应该为保护地球上每一个物种而感到自豪,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

49. We should be proud of protecting every species on Earth, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

50. 每一个物种的消失都是对人类的损失,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

50. The disappearance of every species is a loss to humanity, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

51. 保护生物多样性,让我们共同努力,让地球上的每一个生命都能自由地生存和繁衍。

51. Let's work together to protect biodiversity and allow every life on Earth to live and thrive freely.

52. 物种灭绝是一个警示,提醒我们人类要反思自己的行为,与自然和谐相处。

52. Species extinction is a warning, reminding us that humans must reflect on their actions and live in harmony with nature.

53. 我们应该为保护地球上每一个物种而感到自豪,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

53. We should be proud of protecting every species on Earth, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

54. 每一个物种的消失都是对人类的损失,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

54. The disappearance of every species is a loss to humanity, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

55. 保护生物多样性,让我们共同努力,让地球上的每一个生命都能自由地生存和繁衍。

55. Let's work together to protect biodiversity and allow every life on Earth to live and thrive freely.

56. 物种灭绝是一个警示,提醒我们人类要反思自己的行为,与自然和谐相处。

56. Species extinction is a warning, reminding us that humans must reflect on their actions and live in harmony with nature.

57. 我们应该为保护地球上每一个物种而感到自豪,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

57. We should be proud of protecting every species on Earth, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

58. 每一个物种的消失都是对人类的损失,因为它们都是地球生态系统中不可或缺的一部分。

58. The disappearance of every species is a loss to humanity, as they are all integral parts of Earth's ecosystems.

59. 保护生物多样性,让我们共同努力,让地球上的每一个生命都能自由地生存和繁衍。

59. Let's work together to protect biodiversity and allow every life on Earth to live and thrive freely.

60. 物种灭绝是一个警示,提醒我们人类要反思自己的行为,与自然和谐相处。

60. Species extinction is a warning, reminding us that humans must reflect on their actions and live in harmony with nature.

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