
## 物欲横流的时代的句子 (86句)

**1. 物欲横流,人心浮躁,真情难觅。**

The society is flooded with material desires, people are restless and true feelings are hard to find.

**2. 欲望如洪水猛兽,吞噬着人们的灵魂。**

Desire is like a raging beast, devouring people's souls.

**3. 虚荣心作祟,攀比之风盛行,人们迷失在物质的迷宫中。**

Driven by vanity and fueled by the prevailing trend of comparison, people lose themselves in the maze of materialism.

**4. 物质至上,精神空虚,人们追逐着虚幻的繁荣。**

Materialism reigns supreme, leading to spiritual emptiness as people chase after illusory prosperity.

**5. 消费主义的浪潮席卷全球,人们被裹挟在无休止的购物狂欢中。**

The wave of consumerism has swept across the globe, trapping people in an endless shopping spree.

**6. 广告无孔不入,诱惑着人们的欲望,将他们变成购物的奴隶。**

Advertisements are omnipresent, tempting people's desires and turning them into slaves to shopping.

**7. 人们在追求物质享受的同时,也失去了内心真正的快乐。**

While pursuing material comforts, people lose the true joy within.

**8. 物质的诱惑,让人们迷失了方向,忘记了生命的真谛。**

Material temptations lead people astray, causing them to forget the true meaning of life.

**9. 金钱至上,道德沦丧,社会失去了应有的和谐与秩序。**

With money as the ultimate goal, morality declines, and society loses its harmony and order.

**10. 人们为了金钱,不择手段,甚至牺牲了良心和底线。**

In pursuit of money, people resort to any means necessary, even sacrificing their conscience and principles.

**11. 物欲横流的时代,让人们变得冷漠、自私,缺少人情味。**

In this materialistic age, people become cold, selfish, and lack empathy.

**12. 人与人之间的关系,变得越来越功利化,充满了利益交换。**

Relationships between people become increasingly utilitarian, driven by mutual benefits and exchange.

**13. 人们被物质所困,失去了精神的追求和内心的自由。**

Trapped by material desires, people lose their spiritual aspirations and inner freedom.

**14. 欲望无止境,人们总是想要更多,永远无法满足。**

Desire knows no bounds, people always crave more, never reaching satisfaction.

**15. 物质的追求,让人们失去了对美的感知,对自然的敬畏,对生命的热爱。**

The pursuit of material possessions blinds people to beauty, awe of nature, and love for life.

**16. 人们迷失在物欲的海洋中,忘记了生命的意义和价值。**

Lost in the ocean of materialism, people forget the meaning and value of life.

**17. 物欲横流,让人们失去了善良,变得自私、冷酷,缺乏同情心。**

The abundance of materialism robs people of their kindness, making them selfish, cold, and lacking compassion.

**18. 金钱成为衡量一切的标准,人们失去了对精神世界的追求。**

Money becomes the yardstick for everything, leading people to abandon their pursuit of the spiritual world.

**19. 物质的欲望,让人们失去了对真爱的追求,对家庭的珍惜,对友谊的呵护。**

Material desires cause people to neglect the pursuit of true love, the appreciation of family, and the nurturing of friendship.

**20. 人们为了追求财富,不惜牺牲健康、家庭、甚至尊严。**

In the pursuit of wealth, people are willing to sacrifice their health, family, and even dignity.

**21. 物欲横流,让人们失去了内心的平静,变得焦虑不安,患得患失。**

Material desires lead people to lose their inner peace, making them anxious, restless, and afraid of losing what they have.

**22. 物质的诱惑,让人们失去了对自然的敬畏,对生命的尊重,对文化的传承。**

Material temptations blind people to the awe of nature, respect for life, and preservation of culture.

**23. 人们被物欲所支配,失去了独立思考的能力,变得盲目跟风。**

Driven by material desires, people lose their ability to think independently and become blindly influenced by trends.

**24. 物质的丰富,掩盖不了内心的空虚和孤独。**

Material abundance cannot hide the inner emptiness and loneliness.

**25. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜透支未来,背负沉重的债务。**

In pursuit of material gratification, people are willing to overspend for the future, accumulating heavy debts.

**26. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对幸福的定义,变得迷茫、困惑。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their definition of happiness, becoming confused and lost.

**27. 人们被物质所束缚,失去了对生命的热爱,对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬。**

Bound by material desires, people lose their love for life, pursuit of dreams, and aspirations for the future.

**28. 物质的积累,无法填补精神的空缺,无法带来真正的幸福。**

The accumulation of material possessions cannot fill the spiritual void nor bring true happiness.

**29. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice time, energy, and even their health.

**30. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会底层的贫困和弱势群体的困境。**

Material prosperity cannot mask the poverty of the underclass and the plight of vulnerable groups.

**31. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对道德的底线,变得贪婪、自私、缺乏公德心。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their moral compass, becoming greedy, selfish, and lacking in public morality.

**32. 人们为了追求财富,不惜损害环境,破坏生态平衡,透支未来。**

In pursuit of wealth, people are willing to damage the environment, disrupt the ecological balance, and squander the future.

**33. 物质的追求,让人们失去了对艺术的欣赏,对文化的传承,对历史的记忆。**

Materialistic pursuits cause people to lose appreciation for art, preservation of culture, and remembrance of history.

**34. 人们被物欲所迷惑,失去了对真理的追求,对知识的渴求,对智慧的渴望。**

Dazzled by material desires, people lose their pursuit of truth, thirst for knowledge, and desire for wisdom.

**35. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会中存在的矛盾和问题。**

Material prosperity cannot hide the contradictions and problems that exist in society.

**36. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对爱的追求,对家庭的温暖,对朋友的信任。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their pursuit of love, the warmth of family, and the trust of friends.

**37. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜牺牲亲情、友情、爱情。**

In pursuit of material satisfaction, people are willing to sacrifice family, friendship, and love.

**38. 物质的诱惑,让人们失去了对精神世界的追求,对灵魂的升华,对生命的意义。**

Material temptations lead people away from the pursuit of the spiritual world, the elevation of the soul, and the meaning of life.

**39. 人们被物欲所困,失去了对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬,对生命的意义。**

Trapped by material desires, people lose their pursuit of dreams, aspirations for the future, and the meaning of life.

**40. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对自然的敬畏,对生命的尊重,对文化的传承。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their awe of nature, respect for life, and preservation of culture.

**41. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲自己的时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and even their health.

**42. 物质的丰富,无法填补内心的空虚和孤独。**

Material abundance cannot hide the inner emptiness and loneliness.

**43. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜透支未来,背负沉重的债务。**

In pursuit of material gratification, people are willing to overspend for the future, accumulating heavy debts.

**44. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对幸福的定义,变得迷茫、困惑。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their definition of happiness, becoming confused and lost.

**45. 人们被物质所束缚,失去了对生命的热爱,对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬。**

Bound by material desires, people lose their love for life, pursuit of dreams, and aspirations for the future.

**46. 物质的积累,无法填补精神的空缺,无法带来真正的幸福。**

The accumulation of material possessions cannot fill the spiritual void nor bring true happiness.

**47. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and even their health.

**48. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会底层的贫困和弱势群体的困境。**

Material prosperity cannot mask the poverty of the underclass and the plight of vulnerable groups.

**49. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对道德的底线,变得贪婪、自私、缺乏公德心。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their moral compass, becoming greedy, selfish, and lacking in public morality.

**50. 人们为了追求财富,不惜损害环境,破坏生态平衡,透支未来。**

In pursuit of wealth, people are willing to damage the environment, disrupt the ecological balance, and squander the future.

**51. 物质的追求,让人们失去了对艺术的欣赏,对文化的传承,对历史的记忆。**

Materialistic pursuits cause people to lose appreciation for art, preservation of culture, and remembrance of history.

**52. 人们被物欲所迷惑,失去了对真理的追求,对知识的渴求,对智慧的渴望。**

Dazzled by material desires, people lose their pursuit of truth, thirst for knowledge, and desire for wisdom.

**53. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会中存在的矛盾和问题。**

Material prosperity cannot hide the contradictions and problems that exist in society.

**54. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对爱的追求,对家庭的温暖,对朋友的信任。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their pursuit of love, the warmth of family, and the trust of friends.

**55. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜牺牲亲情、友情、爱情。**

In pursuit of material satisfaction, people are willing to sacrifice family, friendship, and love.

**56. 物质的诱惑,让人们失去了对精神世界的追求,对灵魂的升华,对生命的意义。**

Material temptations lead people away from the pursuit of the spiritual world, the elevation of the soul, and the meaning of life.

**57. 人们被物欲所困,失去了对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬,对生命的意义。**

Trapped by material desires, people lose their pursuit of dreams, aspirations for the future, and the meaning of life.

**58. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对自然的敬畏,对生命的尊重,对文化的传承。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their awe of nature, respect for life, and preservation of culture.

**59. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲自己的时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and even their health.

**60. 物质的丰富,无法填补内心的空虚和孤独。**

Material abundance cannot hide the inner emptiness and loneliness.

**61. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜透支未来,背负沉重的债务。**

In pursuit of material gratification, people are willing to overspend for the future, accumulating heavy debts.

**62. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对幸福的定义,变得迷茫、困惑。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their definition of happiness, becoming confused and lost.

**63. 人们被物质所束缚,失去了对生命的热爱,对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬。**

Bound by material desires, people lose their love for life, pursuit of dreams, and aspirations for the future.

**64. 物质的积累,无法填补精神的空缺,无法带来真正的幸福。**

The accumulation of material possessions cannot fill the spiritual void nor bring true happiness.

**65. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and even their health.

**66. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会底层的贫困和弱势群体的困境。**

Material prosperity cannot mask the poverty of the underclass and the plight of vulnerable groups.

**67. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对道德的底线,变得贪婪、自私、缺乏公德心。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their moral compass, becoming greedy, selfish, and lacking in public morality.

**68. 人们为了追求财富,不惜损害环境,破坏生态平衡,透支未来。**

In pursuit of wealth, people are willing to damage the environment, disrupt the ecological balance, and squander the future.

**69. 物质的追求,让人们失去了对艺术的欣赏,对文化的传承,对历史的记忆。**

Materialistic pursuits cause people to lose appreciation for art, preservation of culture, and remembrance of history.

**70. 人们被物欲所迷惑,失去了对真理的追求,对知识的渴求,对智慧的渴望。**

Dazzled by material desires, people lose their pursuit of truth, thirst for knowledge, and desire for wisdom.

**71. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会中存在的矛盾和问题。**

Material prosperity cannot hide the contradictions and problems that exist in society.

**72. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对爱的追求,对家庭的温暖,对朋友的信任。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their pursuit of love, the warmth of family, and the trust of friends.

**73. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜牺牲亲情、友情、爱情。**

In pursuit of material satisfaction, people are willing to sacrifice family, friendship, and love.

**74. 物质的诱惑,让人们失去了对精神世界的追求,对灵魂的升华,对生命的意义。**

Material temptations lead people away from the pursuit of the spiritual world, the elevation of the soul, and the meaning of life.

**75. 人们被物欲所困,失去了对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬,对生命的意义。**

Trapped by material desires, people lose their pursuit of dreams, aspirations for the future, and the meaning of life.

**76. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对自然的敬畏,对生命的尊重,对文化的传承。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their awe of nature, respect for life, and preservation of culture.

**77. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲自己的时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and even their health.

**78. 物质的丰富,无法填补内心的空虚和孤独。**

Material abundance cannot hide the inner emptiness and loneliness.

**79. 人们为了追求物质的满足,不惜透支未来,背负沉重的债务。**

In pursuit of material gratification, people are willing to overspend for the future, accumulating heavy debts.

**80. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对幸福的定义,变得迷茫、困惑。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their definition of happiness, becoming confused and lost.

**81. 人们被物质所束缚,失去了对生命的热爱,对梦想的追求,对未来的憧憬。**

Bound by material desires, people lose their love for life, pursuit of dreams, and aspirations for the future.

**82. 物质的积累,无法填补精神的空缺,无法带来真正的幸福。**

The accumulation of material possessions cannot fill the spiritual void nor bring true happiness.

**83. 人们为了追求物质的享受,不惜牺牲时间、精力、甚至健康。**

In pursuit of material comforts, people are willing to sacrifice their time, energy, and even their health.

**84. 物质的繁荣,掩盖不了社会底层的贫困和弱势群体的困境。**

Material prosperity cannot mask the poverty of the underclass and the plight of vulnerable groups.

**85. 物欲横流的时代,让人们失去了对道德的底线,变得贪婪、自私、缺乏公德心。**

In this materialistic age, people lose their moral compass, becoming greedy, selfish, and lacking in public morality.

**86. 人们为了追求财富,不惜损害环境,破坏生态平衡,透支未来。**

In pursuit of wealth, people are willing to damage the environment, disrupt the ecological balance, and squander the future.

以上就是关于物欲横流的时代的句子86句(物欲横流的时代的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
