
## 玄奘精神句子 (76句)

**1. 锲而不舍,精益求精。**

Persistent and tireless, striving for excellence.

**2. 勇于探索,追求真理。**

Boldly explore, pursue the truth.

**3. 舍己为人,大爱无疆。**

Sacrifice oneself for others, boundless love.

**4. 博学多识,精通佛法。**

Erudite and knowledgeable, proficient in Buddhism.

**5. 不畏艰险,勇攀高峰。**

Fearless of hardship, courageously scaling new heights.

**6. 坚定信念,不屈不挠。**

Firm belief, unwavering spirit.

**7. 心怀天下,普度众生。**

With a heart for the world, to save all beings.

**8. 慈悲为怀,济世救人。**

Compassionate and benevolent, to benefit and save the world.

**9. 勤奋好学,精进不懈。**

Diligent and studious, continuous progress.

**10. 勇于实践,知行合一。**

Courageous in practice, theory and practice combined.

**11. 追求卓越,永攀高峰。**

Pursuing excellence, continuously striving for higher heights.

**12. 坚持真理,不畏强权。**

Upholding truth, fearless of authority.

**13. 勇于担当,肩负使命。**

Courageous in taking responsibility, carrying out one's mission.

**14. 舍小家为大家,为国为民。**

Sacrificing personal interests for the greater good, for the country and the people.

**15. 不计得失,无私奉献。**

Not counting gains and losses, selfless dedication.

**16. 厚德载物,仁爱天下。**

With profound virtue, carrying the world, loving all beings.

**17. 追求智慧,启迪人生。**

Pursuing wisdom, enlightening life.

**18. 弘扬正气,荡涤污垢。**

Promoting righteousness, purifying the world.

**19. 坚韧不拔,百折不挠。**

Unyielding, unyielding in the face of setbacks.

**20. 勇于创新,开拓进取。**

Boldly innovate, pioneering and enterprising.

**21. 严于律己,宽以待人。**

Strict with oneself, lenient with others.

**22. 戒骄戒躁,淡泊名利。**

Guard against arrogance and impatience, indifferent to fame and fortune.

**23. 厚积薄发,水滴石穿。**

Accumulate steadily and then release, water dripping through stone.

**24. 脚踏实地,仰望星空。**

Down-to-earth, looking up at the stars.

**25. 勤劳勇敢,开拓进取。**

Diligent and brave, pioneering and enterprising.

**26. 自强不息,奋发图强。**

Unceasingly striving for self-improvement, making every effort to become stronger.

**27. 追求真理,永无止境。**

Pursuing truth, without end.

**28. 不畏困难,勇往直前。**

Fearless of difficulties, pressing forward bravely.

**29. 坚忍不拔,百折不回。**

Tenacious and unwavering, never giving up.

**30. 追求完美,精益求精。**

Pursuing perfection, striving for excellence.

**31. 坚持理想,不负韶华。**

Holding onto your ideals, not wasting your youth.

**32. 勇于创新,开拓未来。**

Boldly innovate, opening up the future.

**33. 追求卓越,永攀高峰。**

Pursuing excellence, continuously striving for higher heights.

**34. 勤奋学习,精进不止。**

Diligent study, continuous improvement.

**35. 坚持正义,不畏强权。**

Upholding justice, fearless of authority.

**36. 勇于担当,肩负使命。**

Courageous in taking responsibility, carrying out one's mission.

**37. 为国为民,无私奉献。**

For country and people, selfless dedication.

**38. 心系天下,大爱无疆。**

With a heart for the world, boundless love.

**39. 慈悲为怀,济世救人。**

Compassionate and benevolent, to benefit and save the world.

**40. 追求智慧,启迪人生。**

Pursuing wisdom, enlightening life.

**41. 弘扬正气,荡涤污垢。**

Promoting righteousness, purifying the world.

**42. 坚韧不拔,百折不挠。**

Unyielding, unyielding in the face of setbacks.

**43. 勇于创新,开拓进取。**

Boldly innovate, pioneering and enterprising.

**44. 严于律己,宽以待人。**

Strict with oneself, lenient with others.

**45. 戒骄戒躁,淡泊名利。**

Guard against arrogance and impatience, indifferent to fame and fortune.

**46. 厚积薄发,水滴石穿。**

Accumulate steadily and then release, water dripping through stone.

**47. 脚踏实地,仰望星空。**

Down-to-earth, looking up at the stars.

**48. 勤劳勇敢,开拓进取。**

Diligent and brave, pioneering and enterprising.

**49. 自强不息,奋发图强。**

Unceasingly striving for self-improvement, making every effort to become stronger.

**50. 追求真理,永无止境。**

Pursuing truth, without end.

**51. 不畏困难,勇往直前。**

Fearless of difficulties, pressing forward bravely.

**52. 坚忍不拔,百折不回。**

Tenacious and unwavering, never giving up.

**53. 追求完美,精益求精。**

Pursuing perfection, striving for excellence.

**54. 坚持理想,不负韶华。**

Holding onto your ideals, not wasting your youth.

**55. 勇于创新,开拓未来。**

Boldly innovate, opening up the future.

**56. 追求卓越,永攀高峰。**

Pursuing excellence, continuously striving for higher heights.

**57. 勤奋学习,精进不止。**

Diligent study, continuous improvement.

**58. 坚持正义,不畏强权。**

Upholding justice, fearless of authority.

**59. 勇于担当,肩负使命。**

Courageous in taking responsibility, carrying out one's mission.

**60. 为国为民,无私奉献。**

For country and people, selfless dedication.

**61. 心系天下,大爱无疆。**

With a heart for the world, boundless love.

**62. 慈悲为怀,济世救人。**

Compassionate and benevolent, to benefit and save the world.

**63. 追求智慧,启迪人生。**

Pursuing wisdom, enlightening life.

**64. 弘扬正气,荡涤污垢。**

Promoting righteousness, purifying the world.

**65. 坚韧不拔,百折不挠。**

Unyielding, unyielding in the face of setbacks.

**66. 勇于创新,开拓进取。**

Boldly innovate, pioneering and enterprising.

**67. 严于律己,宽以待人。**

Strict with oneself, lenient with others.

**68. 戒骄戒躁,淡泊名利。**

Guard against arrogance and impatience, indifferent to fame and fortune.

**69. 厚积薄发,水滴石穿。**

Accumulate steadily and then release, water dripping through stone.

**70. 脚踏实地,仰望星空。**

Down-to-earth, looking up at the stars.

**71. 勤劳勇敢,开拓进取。**

Diligent and brave, pioneering and enterprising.

**72. 自强不息,奋发图强。**

Unceasingly striving for self-improvement, making every effort to become stronger.

**73. 追求真理,永无止境。**

Pursuing truth, without end.

**74. 不畏困难,勇往直前。**

Fearless of difficulties, pressing forward bravely.

**75. 坚忍不拔,百折不回。**

Tenacious and unwavering, never giving up.

**76. 追求完美,精益求精。**

Pursuing perfection, striving for excellence.

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