
## 狐疑的句子 (93句)

1. 他眼中的狐疑,像一道无形的墙,隔开了彼此的距离。

The suspicion in his eyes, like an invisible wall, separated the distance between them.

2. 她对他投去狐疑的目光,仿佛怀疑他藏着什么秘密。

She gave him a suspicious look, as if she suspected he was hiding something.

3. 他的眼神中带着狐疑,像是要看穿她的内心。

His eyes were filled with suspicion, as if he wanted to see through her heart.

4. 她的沉默和回避,让他的狐疑越来越重。

Her silence and avoidance made his suspicion grow heavier.

5. 他脸上狐疑的表情,让他看起来像一只警戒的猎豹。

The suspicious expression on his face made him look like a wary cheetah.

6. 狐疑的眼神,就像一把利刃,刺痛了他的内心。

The suspicious look, like a sharp blade, pierced his heart.

7. 他用狐疑的目光审视着周围的人,仿佛在寻找着什么。

He scrutinized the people around him with suspicious eyes, as if searching for something.

8. 他的狐疑,像一块阴云,笼罩着他们之间的关系。

His suspicion, like a dark cloud, hung over their relationship.

9. 他的一举一动都带着狐疑,让人忍不住想要远离他。

His every move was filled with suspicion, making people want to stay away from him.

10. 狐疑的种子一旦种下,就会在心中不断滋长。

Once the seed of suspicion is planted, it will grow in the heart continuously.

11. 他努力掩饰自己的狐疑,但眼神却出卖了他的内心。

He tried to hide his suspicion, but his eyes betrayed his heart.

12. 她对他充满了狐疑,仿佛他是一个危险的人。

She was filled with suspicion towards him, as if he were a dangerous person.

13. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着明显的怀疑。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with doubt.

14. 他狐疑地盯着她,仿佛要将她看透。

He stared at her suspiciously, as if to see through her.

15. 她狐疑地皱着眉头,似乎不太相信他的解释。

She frowned suspiciously, seemingly unconvinced by his explanation.

16. 他狐疑地打量着这个陌生的环境,心里充满了不安。

He looked around the unfamiliar surroundings suspiciously, filled with unease.

17. 他的狐疑,就像一把无形的锁,锁住了他们之间的信任。

His suspicion, like an invisible lock, locked their trust.

18. 狐疑的念头,就像一只不安的幽灵,在脑海中徘徊。

Suspicions, like restless ghosts, lingered in his mind.

19. 他试图用言语打消她的狐疑,但收效甚微。

He tried to allay her suspicion with words, but to little avail.

20. 他狐疑地审视着她的表情,试图找到她内心的真实想法。

He suspiciously scrutinized her expression, trying to find her true thoughts.

21. 他的狐疑,让他们的对话变得格外凝重。

His suspicion made their conversation unusually heavy.

22. 她的狐疑,让他感到无比沮丧。

Her suspicion made him feel incredibly depressed.

23. 他努力克制自己的狐疑,但内心却无法平静。

He tried to control his suspicion, but his heart could not calm down.

24. 他狐疑地翻看着她的信件,试图找到蛛丝马迹。

He suspiciously flipped through her letters, trying to find clues.

25. 他的狐疑,让她感到无比的困扰。

His suspicion made her feel extremely troubled.

26. 狐疑的种子一旦种下,就很难再拔除。

Once the seed of suspicion is planted, it is difficult to remove.

27. 他狐疑地盯着她,眼神中充满了怀疑和不安。

He stared at her suspiciously, his eyes filled with doubt and unease.

28. 她狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝紧张。

She asked suspiciously, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness.

29. 他的狐疑,就像一道无形的屏障,将他们隔绝在彼此的世界之外。

His suspicion, like an invisible barrier, separated them into different worlds.

30. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间慢慢萌芽。

The seed of suspicion sprouted slowly between them.

31. 他狐疑地观察着她的每一个细微动作,试图找到破绽。

He suspiciously observed her every subtle movement, trying to find flaws.

32. 她的沉默,让他的狐疑更深了一层。

Her silence deepened his suspicion.

33. 他狐疑地打量着她,仿佛她是一个危险的陌生人。

He suspiciously surveyed her, as if she were a dangerous stranger.

34. 她的狐疑,让他感到无比的委屈。

Her suspicion made him feel incredibly wronged.

35. 他狐疑地审视着他的话语,试图寻找隐藏的含义。

He suspiciously scrutinized his words, trying to find hidden meanings.

36. 狐疑的阴影笼罩着他们的关系,让他们之间的距离越来越远。

The shadow of suspicion hung over their relationship, driving them further apart.

37. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝不信任。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of distrust.

38. 狐疑的眼神,像一把利剑,刺穿了他的内心。

The suspicious look, like a sharp sword, pierced his heart.

39. 狐疑的种子,一旦种下,就会在心中不断蔓延。

Once the seed of suspicion is planted, it will spread continuously in the heart.

40. 他狐疑地皱着眉头,似乎不太相信她的解释。

He frowned suspiciously, seemingly unconvinced by her explanation.

41. 她狐疑地盯着他,仿佛在等待着他的解释。

She stared at him suspiciously, as if waiting for his explanation.

42. 狐疑的念头,像一只不安的幽灵,在他心中不断盘旋。

Suspicions, like restless ghosts, constantly circled in his mind.

43. 他狐疑地打量着这个陌生人,仿佛在寻找着什么秘密。

He suspiciously surveyed this stranger, as if searching for a secret.

44. 他狐疑地翻看着她的日记,试图找到她内心的秘密。

He suspiciously flipped through her diary, trying to find the secrets of her heart.

45. 她狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝质疑。

She asked suspiciously, her voice tinged with a hint of questioning.

46. 他的狐疑,就像一座无形的山,阻挡了他们之间的沟通。

His suspicion, like an invisible mountain, blocked their communication.

47. 她狐疑地盯着他的眼睛,试图看穿他的内心。

She stared suspiciously into his eyes, trying to see through his heart.

48. 他狐疑地审视着周围的环境,仿佛在寻找着危险。

He suspiciously scrutinized the surrounding environment, as if looking for danger.

49. 狐疑的阴影,笼罩着他们之间的关系,让他们之间的信任变得脆弱。

The shadow of suspicion hung over their relationship, making their trust fragile.

50. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝怀疑和焦虑。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of doubt and anxiety.

51. 狐疑的眼神,像一把冷箭,射穿了他的内心。

The suspicious look, like a cold arrow, pierced his heart.

52. 狐疑的种子,一旦种下,就很难再消除。

Once the seed of suspicion is planted, it is difficult to eliminate.

53. 他狐疑地观察着她的表情,试图捕捉到她内心的真实想法。

He suspiciously observed her expression, trying to catch her true thoughts.

54. 她狐疑地皱着眉头,似乎在思考着什么。

She frowned suspiciously, seemingly pondering something.

55. 狐疑的念头,像一只不安的野兽,在他脑海中肆虐。

Suspicions, like restless beasts, raged in his mind.

56. 他狐疑地打量着她,仿佛在寻找着她的弱点。

He suspiciously surveyed her, as if looking for her weaknesses.

57. 他的狐疑,让他们的对话变得格外紧张。

His suspicion made their conversation unusually tense.

58. 他狐疑地审视着她的言行,试图找到破绽。

He suspiciously scrutinized her words and actions, trying to find flaws.

59. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间慢慢滋长,最终将他们的关系吞噬。

The seed of suspicion sprouted slowly between them, eventually consuming their relationship.

60. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝冷冰冰的质疑。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of cold questioning.

61. 狐疑的眼神,像一把利刃,刺痛了她的内心。

The suspicious look, like a sharp blade, pierced her heart.

62. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间蔓延,最终将他们的友谊摧毁。

The seed of suspicion spread between them, eventually destroying their friendship.

63. 他狐疑地盯着她,仿佛在寻找着什么秘密。

He stared at her suspiciously, as if searching for a secret.

64. 他狐疑地皱着眉头,似乎在思考着什么。

He frowned suspiciously, seemingly pondering something.

65. 狐疑的念头,像一只不安的幽灵,在他脑海中徘徊。

Suspicions, like restless ghosts, lingered in his mind.

66. 他的狐疑,让他们的关系变得更加复杂。

His suspicion made their relationship more complex.

67. 他狐疑地翻看着她的日记,试图找到她内心的秘密。

He suspiciously flipped through her diary, trying to find the secrets of her heart.

68. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间慢慢萌芽,最终将他们的爱意吞噬。

The seed of suspicion sprouted slowly between them, eventually consuming their love.

69. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝不信任和不安。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of distrust and unease.

70. 他狐疑地观察着她的每一个细微动作,试图找到她内心的真实想法。

He suspiciously observed her every subtle movement, trying to find her true thoughts.

71. 他狐疑地打量着周围的环境,仿佛在寻找着什么危险。

He suspiciously surveyed the surrounding environment, as if looking for danger.

72. 狐疑的阴影,笼罩着他们的关系,让他们之间的信任变得脆弱。

The shadow of suspicion hung over their relationship, making their trust fragile.

73. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝怀疑和焦虑。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of doubt and anxiety.

74. 狐疑的眼神,像一把冷箭,射穿了他的内心。

The suspicious look, like a cold arrow, pierced his heart.

75. 狐疑的种子,一旦种下,就很难再消除。

Once the seed of suspicion is planted, it is difficult to eliminate.

76. 他狐疑地观察着她的表情,试图捕捉到她内心的真实想法。

He suspiciously observed her expression, trying to catch her true thoughts.

77. 她狐疑地皱着眉头,似乎在思考着什么。

She frowned suspiciously, seemingly pondering something.

78. 狐疑的念头,像一只不安的野兽,在他脑海中肆虐。

Suspicions, like restless beasts, raged in his mind.

79. 他狐疑地打量着她,仿佛在寻找着她的弱点。

He suspiciously surveyed her, as if looking for her weaknesses.

80. 他的狐疑,让他们的对话变得格外紧张。

His suspicion made their conversation unusually tense.

81. 他狐疑地审视着她的言行,试图找到破绽。

He suspiciously scrutinized her words and actions, trying to find flaws.

82. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间慢慢滋长,最终将他们的关系吞噬。

The seed of suspicion sprouted slowly between them, eventually consuming their relationship.

83. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝冷冰冰的质疑。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of cold questioning.

84. 狐疑的眼神,像一把利刃,刺痛了她的内心。

The suspicious look, like a sharp blade, pierced her heart.

85. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间蔓延,最终将他们的友谊摧毁。

The seed of suspicion spread between them, eventually destroying their friendship.

86. 他狐疑地盯着她,仿佛在寻找着什么秘密。

He stared at her suspiciously, as if searching for a secret.

87. 他狐疑地皱着眉头,似乎在思考着什么。

He frowned suspiciously, seemingly pondering something.

88. 狐疑的念头,像一只不安的幽灵,在他脑海中徘徊。

Suspicions, like restless ghosts, lingered in his mind.

89. 他的狐疑,让他们的关系变得更加复杂。

His suspicion made their relationship more complex.

90. 他狐疑地翻看着她的日记,试图找到她内心的秘密。

He suspiciously flipped through her diary, trying to find the secrets of her heart.

91. 狐疑的种子,在他们之间慢慢萌芽,最终将他们的爱意吞噬。

The seed of suspicion sprouted slowly between them, eventually consuming their love.

92. 他狐疑地问道,语气中带着一丝不信任和不安。

He asked suspiciously, his voice tinged with a hint of distrust and unease.

93. 他狐疑地观察着她的每一个细微动作,试图找到她内心的真实想法。

He suspiciously observed her every subtle movement, trying to find her true thoughts.

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