
## 爱屋及乌的反义词句子(84句)

**1. 恨屋及乌**

hèn wū jí wū

To hate the crow because of the house.

**2. 厌屋及乌**

yàn wū jí wū

To dislike the crow because of the house.

**3. 憎屋及乌**

zēng wū jí wū

To despise the crow because of the house.

**4. 弃屋及乌**

qì wū jí wū

To abandon the crow because of the house.

**5. 避屋及乌**

bì wū jí wū

To avoid the crow because of the house.

**6. 远屋及乌**

yuǎn wū jí wū

To distance oneself from the crow because of the house.

**7. 拒屋及乌**

jù wū jí wū

To reject the crow because of the house.

**8. 疏屋及乌**

shū wū jí wū

To alienate the crow because of the house.

**9. 嫌屋及乌**

xián wū jí wū

To dislike the crow because of the house.

**10. 憎恶屋及乌**

zēng wù wū jí wū

To loathe the crow because of the house.

**11. 厌恶屋及乌**

yàn wù wū jí wū

To detest the crow because of the house.

**12. 反感屋及乌**

fǎn gǎn wū jí wū

To be repulsed by the crow because of the house.

**13. 鄙视屋及乌**

bǐ shì wū jí wū

To look down upon the crow because of the house.

**14. 轻视屋及乌**

qīng shì wū jí wū

To disregard the crow because of the house.

**15. 看不起屋及乌**

kàn bù qǐ wū jí wū

To think poorly of the crow because of the house.

**16. 不齿屋及乌**

bù chǐ wū jí wū

To consider the crow unworthy because of the house.

**17. 不屑屋及乌**

bù xiè wū jí wū

To disdain the crow because of the house.

**18. 不齿屋及乌**

bù chǐ wū jí wū

To be ashamed to be associated with the crow because of the house.

**19. 唾弃屋及乌**

tuò qì wū jí wū

To spurn the crow because of the house.

**20. 嗤笑屋及乌**

chī xiào wū jí wū

To ridicule the crow because of the house.

**21. 嘲笑屋及乌**

cháo xiào wū jí wū

To mock the crow because of the house.

**22. 讥讽屋及乌**

jī fěng wū jí wū

To satirize the crow because of the house.

**23. 讽刺屋及乌**

fěng cì wū jí wū

To be sarcastic about the crow because of the house.

**24. 挖苦屋及乌**

wā kǔ wū jí wū

To make fun of the crow because of the house.

**25. 奚落屋及乌**

xī luò wū jí wū

To belittle the crow because of the house.

**26. 贬低屋及乌**

biǎn dī wū jí wū

To downplay the crow because of the house.

**27. 轻蔑屋及乌**

qīng miè wū jí wū

To scorn the crow because of the house.

**28. 蔑视屋及乌**

miè shì wū jí wū

To despise the crow because of the house.

**29. 厌烦屋及乌**

yàn fán wū jí wū

To be tired of the crow because of the house.

**30. 讨厌屋及乌**

tǎo yàn wū jí wū

To find the crow unpleasant because of the house.

**31. 反感屋及乌**

fǎn gǎn wū jí wū

To be averse to the crow because of the house.

**32. 排斥屋及乌**

pái chī wū jí wū

To exclude the crow because of the house.

**33. 疏远屋及乌**

shū yuǎn wū jí wū

To distance oneself from the crow because of the house.

**34. 冷落屋及乌**

lěng luò wū jí wū

To ignore the crow because of the house.

**35. 漠视屋及乌**

mò shì wū jí wū

To disregard the crow because of the house.

**36. 不理屋及乌**

bù lǐ wū jí wū

To pay no attention to the crow because of the house.

**37. 不闻不问屋及乌**

bù wén bù wèn wū jí wū

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**38. 置之不理屋及乌**

zhì zhī bù lǐ wū jí wū

To disregard the crow completely because of the house.

**39. 不予理会屋及乌**

bù yǔ lǐ huì wū jí wū

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**40. 不予理睬屋及乌**

bù yǔ lǐ cǎi wū jí wū

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**41. 不闻不问屋及乌**

bù wén bù wèn wū jí wū

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**42. 不闻不问屋及乌**

bù wén bù wèn wū jí wū

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**43. 不屑一顾屋及乌**

bù xiè yī gù wū jí wū

To consider the crow unworthy of attention because of the house.

**44. 视而不见屋及乌**

shì ér bù jiàn wū jí wū

To pretend not to see the crow because of the house.

**45. 充耳不闻屋及乌**

chōng ěr bù wén wū jí wū

To pretend not to hear the crow because of the house.

**46. 置之不理屋及乌**

zhì zhī bù lǐ wū jí wū

To simply ignore the crow because of the house.

**47. 不予理睬屋及乌**

bù yǔ lǐ cǎi wū jí wū

To completely ignore the crow because of the house.

**48. 不予理会屋及乌**

bù yǔ lǐ huì wū jí wū

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**49. 对屋及乌不闻不问**

duì wū jí wū bù wén bù wèn

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**50. 对屋及乌置之不理**

duì wū jí wū zhì zhī bù lǐ

To disregard the crow completely because of the house.

**51. 对屋及乌不予理睬**

duì wū jí wū bù yǔ lǐ cǎi

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**52. 对屋及乌不予理会**

duì wū jí wū bù yǔ lǐ huì

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**53. 对屋及乌不屑一顾**

duì wū jí wū bù xiè yī gù

To consider the crow unworthy of attention because of the house.

**54. 对屋及乌视而不见**

duì wū jí wū shì ér bù jiàn

To pretend not to see the crow because of the house.

**55. 对屋及乌充耳不闻**

duì wū jí wū chōng ěr bù wén

To pretend not to hear the crow because of the house.

**56. 对屋及乌置之不理**

duì wū jí wū zhì zhī bù lǐ

To simply ignore the crow because of the house.

**57. 对屋及乌不予理睬**

duì wū jí wū bù yǔ lǐ cǎi

To completely ignore the crow because of the house.

**58. 对屋及乌不予理会**

duì wū jí wū bù yǔ lǐ huì

To ignore the crow completely because of the house.

**59. 对屋及乌敬而远之**

duì wū jí wū jìng ér yuǎn zhī

To show respect but keep a distance from the crow because of the house.

**60. 对屋及乌避而远之**

duì wū jí wū bì ér yuǎn zhī

To avoid the crow completely because of the house.

**61. 对屋及乌唯恐避之不及**

duì wū jí wū wéi kǒng bì zhī bù jí

To try to avoid the crow as much as possible because of the house.

**62. 对屋及乌避之唯恐不及**

duì wū jí wū bì zhī wéi kǒng bù jí

To try to avoid the crow as much as possible because of the house.

**63. 对屋及乌退避三舍**

duì wū jí wū tuì bì sān shě

To stay far away from the crow because of the house.

**64. 对屋及乌避如蛇蝎**

duì wū jí wū bì rú shé xiē

To avoid the crow like the plague because of the house.

**65. 对屋及乌如避瘟神**

duì wū jí wū rú bì wēn shén

To avoid the crow like a plague because of the house.

**66. 对屋及乌恨之入骨**

duì wū jí wū hèn zhī rù gǔ

To hate the crow intensely because of the house.

**67. 对屋及乌深恶痛绝**

duì wū jí wū shēn wù tòng jué

To despise the crow completely because of the house.

**68. 对屋及乌痛恨不已**

duì wū jí wū tòng hèn bù yǐ

To hate the crow continuously because of the house.

**69. 对屋及乌咬牙切齿**

duì wū jí wū yǎo yá qiè chǐ

To be furious with the crow because of the house.

**70. 对屋及乌恨不得除之而后快**

duì wū jí wū hèn bù dé chú zhī ér hòu kuài

To wish the crow were gone because of the house.

**71. 对屋及乌不共戴天**

duì wū jí wū bù gòng dài tiān

To be sworn enemies with the crow because of the house.

**72. 对屋及乌势不两立**

duì wū jí wū shì bù liǎng lì

To be irreconcilable with the crow because of the house.

**73. 对屋及乌水火不容**

duì wū jí wū shuǐ huǒ bù róng

To be incompatible with the crow because of the house.

**74. 对屋及乌势同水火**

duì wū jí wū shì tóng shuǐ huǒ

To be at odds with the crow because of the house.

**75. 对屋及乌针锋相对**

duì wū jí wū zhēn fēng xiāng duì

To be in direct opposition to the crow because of the house.

**76. 对屋及乌寸步不让**

duì wū jí wū cùn bù bù ràng

To refuse to yield to the crow because of the house.

**77. 对屋及乌势不两立**

duì wū jí wū shì bù liǎng lì

To be irreconcilable with the crow because of the house.

**78. 对屋及乌势同水火**

duì wū jí wū shì tóng shuǐ huǒ

To be at odds with the crow because of the house.

**79. 对屋及乌针锋相对**

duì wū jí wū zhēn fēng xiāng duì

To be in direct opposition to the crow because of the house.

**80. 对屋及乌寸步不让**

duì wū jí wū cùn bù bù ràng

To refuse to yield to the crow because of the house.

**81. 对屋及乌势不两立**

duì wū jí wū shì bù liǎng lì

To be irreconcilable with the crow because of the house.

**82. 对屋及乌势同水火**

duì wū jí wū shì tóng shuǐ huǒ

To be at odds with the crow because of the house.

**83. 对屋及乌针锋相对**

duì wū jí wū zhēn fēng xiāng duì

To be in direct opposition to the crow because of the house.

**84. 对屋及乌寸步不让**

duì wū jí wū cùn bù bù ràng

To refuse to yield to the crow because of the house.

以上就是关于爱屋及乌相反的句子84句(爱屋及乌相反的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
